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Learning Experience Plan

Yr 2



60 mins

Arrays to show multiplication


Curriculum area(s)

ACARA: Recognise and represent multiplication as repeated addition, groups and arrays (ACMNA031)
Prior knowledge:
interests including diagnosis of previous learning experiences)

LMQ1 - What does the learner already know? (Links to prior knowledge &

Know that multiplication is repeated addition

Know that groups and arrays are related to addition
Can add repeated addition
Have used counters before
Know that an array shows multiplication

Learning outcomes/standards:
Knowledge & understanding:

LMQ2 - Where does the learner need/want to be?




D1 An array is multiplication displayed in rows

P1 manipulate counters to form groups and arrays for one digit multiplication

DoL1 Focus Classroom Climate: Respond positively to students incorrect responses or lack
of response

DoL5 Focus Create a culture in the classroom and the school that encourages the
development and use of the habits of mind: Perseverance

As arrays for multiplication is a new concept for students restate the question to
students as they might not have understood the way I asked the question. Ask the
question a second time and allow time for them to think before you expect a response.
This is so the learners become more confident in speaking in front of a class or within a
group. Give body language or descriptive praise for responding.

Integrate the habits of mind into the daily routines and activities of the classroom.
To assist learners to develop productive habits of mind does not require major
classroom changes but, reinforcement of particular habits using routine and
activities can be used to engage habits in critical thinking, Creative thinking and
self-regulated thinking. Focus on persevering on a task through to completion with
students and make sure they remain focused and look for ways to reach their goal
when they are stuck.


Learning experience

Links to Dimensions
of learning

Adjustments for



Ask students what they know about arrays from the introduction yesterday.
Ask a student to come and show others how to set out an array for 4 X 3 = 12

on the whiteboard using magnetic counters

While the student is manipulating the counters talk through the process with

the other students e.g. next you have to.

Write on the board and together with students go through the steps to make an

Model the correct setting out an array and use it to visualise a multiplication
Ask students to tell LM which multiplication the array shows
Ask students to say it in a multiplication sentence e.g. There are 4 rows with 5

objects in each row, together they make 20.

Repeat for more examples if needed

Small group rotations in mixed ability groups rotate every 10 minutes

Modify: Provide simple

allow students to have
extra assistance e.g. TA.

Dim 2: Store use the

link strategy with students
link the revision with the
rest of the lesson
Dim 3: Use teacherstructured and studentstructured tasks. E.g. the
intro is teacher structured
the group work is student

Adjust: Let these

students use counters

Observe students prior

they can

students come up with

Array work sheet individually students complete the array worksheet

the most combinations

them. If students place down the same array as the student before them they

Dim 2: Create

get the cards. The student who does not snap has the opportunity to figure out

opportunities for students

what the multiplication is that the array is showing as they will get half of the
other players cards.
Arrays with counters Students will make arrays with counters and explore different
ways to set out an array e.g. 6 rows of 2 etc. Students have the opportunity to make

25 worksheets printed

Extend: Give these

Challenge question

until a task is completed



sum. As a team, partners need to create this array as quickly and efficiently as

Array snap in pairs students have a deck of cards with different arrays on

Blank cards with


one digit arrays.

students to persevere

Connect-four games

when completing the

Use the connect-four colours to make an array that matches the multiplication

Dim 5: encourage

White board

multiplication arrays and

students more difficult

arrays shown.

Magnetic counters

Connect four students have cards with multiplication sums written on them.

(appendix 1). Students will write the multiplication calculations that go with the


Dim 1: Classroom
Climate: Respond
positively to students
responses or lack of
response to questions
asked about what was
learnt in the previous

with can think of her the

arrays for 12, 20 and 30.

Model more examples
of arrays if students
have trouble
Give verbal feedback
to students
Check for
Keep using

to discover or figure out

throughout lessons to

the new information for

assist students.

themselves. Allowing
students to use their
problem solving skills to

their own array multiplications individually.

work out different arrays

for a number will assist


Challenge question
Working individually challenge students by having them draw two different

them in figuring out new

Annotated notes
on the learners

information themselves.

arrays for each number e.g. 12, 20 and 30.

Allow students to use counters in they need to

(count out the number and then put it into rows)

LM to check students arrays.

LMQ9 Why has the learner (achieved/)not achieved the learning outcomes
(Feedback to the student & teacher about what is needed to inform future learning - what worked and what didnt. Were the knowledge & understanding & skills achieved?
Learning diagnosis including individual learning issues that need to be addressed.)

What did the learners enjoy?

What were some of the difficulties students experience when undertaking the activities?

What has been learned?

What aspects of the knowledge or skills might need revised?

What worked? What might need adjusting in the future?

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