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Health Promotion Reflection

Title of Work sample: Warrior Dash Dubuque, IA

Date Completed: Spring 2015
I was given the opportunity to work with Brenda Maro, the Assistant Principle at Washington
Middle School in Dubuque, IA. Together we planned the annual Warrior Dash event. The event
is a challenging course for both students and teachers to participate in. The Warrior Dash is a
way to promote fitness and the overall health of the community. Prior to the event, I was in
charge of planning and implementing a pep rally, multiple boot camps, and the details of the
event. I researched obstacles to make the dash new and exciting for past participants. For the
event, I designed a course of obstacles. This allowed set up and the overall dash to run smoothly.
Health Promotion Standard Alignment

I believe that the Health Promotion Standard that my work sample showed was
collaboration. The Health Promotion standard collaboration is when the health promoter
fosters relationships with professional colleagues, clients, and agencies in the larger
community to support client learning and well-being. Throughout the process of planning
and implementing this event I worked closely with both Brenda and a professor from the
University of Wisconsin-Platteville. I was able to build on their experience and knowledge
of the event. I expanded on their ideas to make the event new and exciting. I added and
changed obstacles as well as the overall layout of the dash. Through brainstorming with
Brenda, we were also able to add blowup obstacles to this years dash. My goal with
planning this event was to get more people from the middle school community involved.
We successfully showed that fitness can be fun and enjoyable.
Health and Physical Educations Knowledge, Skill, Disposition Statement
This work sample best aligns with KS2.e: Organizes physical space. The KSD organizes
physical space is when the candidate has the ability to establish an environment that is
safe. Physical resources will be arranged to best serve the candidate and client in

providing productive learning for all involved. This KSD best aligns with my work sample,
Warrior Dash, because prior to the Warrior Dash event, I had to design the obstacle course.
I made sure that not only was the layout challenging, but safe as well. I also needed to
utilize the space I was given. That was challenging because some events needed water and
water was only located in certain areas of the course.

What I learned about teaching/training from this experience.
From my experience planning and implementing the Warrior Dash, I learned how important it is
to communicate with the professionals around me. They gave me a good baseline of what to do.
From there I was able to expand on their ideas. I often utilized the professionals to run my
thoughts past. This was important because I know they had more experience than I have had
when it came to the Warrior Dash. This allowed the success of the Warrior Dash to be greater
than years past.
What I learned about myself as a prospective health promotion specialist as
a result of this experience/work sample:
As a prospective health promotion specialist, I learned how challenging it was to work with
Middle School students. I have never worked with that age group before. It definitely opened my
eyes and challenged me to be more flexible. For the boot camps, I had to design more enjoyable
training plans. This allowed the students to not lose focus as fast and enjoy their time. I wanted
to make fitness and health seem fun because I had a large variety of skill levels attend the boot
camps. I didnt want to scare off those who were new to exercise.

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