Muharrisa J.A Summary

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Human respiratory organs consist of the nose,trachea

(throat),and lungs
2. Respiratory process in humans occurs because the chest
cafity inflates and deflates.
3. Several illnsses that attack the human respiratory organs
are influenza asthema pneumonia ,and tuberculosis.
4. Maintaining our health is the best way to prevent
transmission of illnes .
5. Animal respiratory organs vary such as trachea
system,gills,skin,and lungs

1. Alat


manusia terdiri dari , hidung tenggorokan dan paru-paru .

2. Proses pernapasan manusia terjadi karena rongga dada
membesardan mengecil.
3. Penyakit yang menyerang alat pernapasan manusia antara lain
influenza,asma, pneumonia dan TBC
4. Menjaga kesehatan tubuh adalah cara terbaik mencegah

penularan penyakit.
Alat pernapasan dan proses pernapasan hewan berbedabeda,antara lain,sistem trakea,insang,kulit,dan paru-paru.

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