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Your name Malinda Penkala

Students Description of Student
(Track 1 class)





She has social anxiety and

needs to leave the class
early or is allowed to give
presentations privately.
One on one she is strong
He has a writing
expression disability, so
assignments are given
verbally if possible.
Verbally he is strong in his
She has a 504 for a
concussion. For all
assignments she is given
more time for completion.
Her writing is strong and
she is vocal through
She detests writing and
will refuse to do any work.
Her mother supports her in
her refusal; however,
vocally she is strong.

How are you applying

your knowledge to meet
the individual and cultural
needs of the student?
(1st 4-5 weeks)
Understanding that her
culture promotes keeping
personal issues close and
that she will not ask if she
can leave.

How are you applying your

knowledge to meet
individual and cultural
needs of the student?
(2nd 4-5 weeks)
Any oral presentation is done
in a smaller setting; however,
a small group of peers is still

How are you applying

your knowledge to meet
individual and cultural
needs of the student?
(3rd 4-5 weeks)
Alyssa leaves class 5
minutes before the bell

Giving his quizzes to him

verbally and grading his
writing assignments on a
toned down grading scale.

Nate is given more time on

writing assignments so that he
can reach his desired potential
for the assignment.

Understanding that fonts

need to be in a bigger font
so all classroom handouts
have larger font. She is
given more time for quizzes
and projects.

Her frequent absences cause

her to miss multiple
assignment. She is excused
from some that can lead to

Picking writing topics that

not only she enjoys but also
her class. Establishing a
rapport with her as well.

Continue to establish a
rapport and engage her in
discussion. Ask her opinion
on topics that are related to
homework topic.

Nate has had private

instruction time in order to
help him complete
assignments and so that
some of his assignments
can be completed orally.
While she has been
excused from some
assignments she is still
responsible for turning in a
majority of them. She is
given time to do so and if
more time is needed then
it is discussed.
Emilee has begun to do
some journal entries and
has begun to work on
some assignments.


He has a hearing
impairment and needs to
be in the front row in
order to hear clearly.

His seat is in the front row

and I attempt to always
speak clearly and at a
comfortable vocal level.

Engage Shane in discussion

and repeat questions or
answers when needed in order
to provide clarification.

Engage Shane in
discussion and repeat
questions or answers when
needed in order to provide

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