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Mathematical Methods

Homework due on Feb. 25, 2015.

1- (A) Verify Green's theorem in the plane for

( xy y

)dx x 2 dy

Where C is the closed curve of the region bounded by y x and y x 2 .

(B) Evaluate

( y sin x)dx cos xdy


Here C is the triangle of the adjoining figure:

(I) Directly,
(II) By using Green's theorem in the plane.
2- (A) Find all values of z for which z 5 32 , and (b) locate these values in the complex plane.

(B) Find each of the indicated roots and locate them graphically




(ii) 1 i


(iii) 2 3 2i


3- Show that the locus of all points z = x + iy in the complex plane that satisfy

| z - ia | = | z + ia |, > 0,

is a circle of radius 2a/ 1 - 2 centered on the point z ia[(1 2 )/(1 - 2 )] .

Sketch the circles for a few typical values of , including < 1, > 1 and = 1.

4- For each of the following functions, locate and name the singularities in the finite z plane and
determine whether they are isolated singularities or not.
(a) f ( z )

( z 4) 2

(b) f ( z) sec(1 / z)

(c) f ( z )

ln( z 2)
( z 2 z 2) 4

(d) f ( z )

sin z

5- Using rules of differentiation, find the derivatives of each of the following:

(a) cos 2 (2 z 3i)

(c) tan 1 (iz 2)

(b) z tan 1 (ln z )

(d) z 3i

4 z 2

6- (A) Find an analytic function of z = x + iy whose imaginary part is (y cos y + x sin y) expx.
(B) Show that

C z z

in which the contour C is a circle defined by z R 1

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