49 CFR Ch. II (10-1-03 Edition) 234.6: 234.6 Penalties

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§ 234.6 49 CFR Ch.

II (10–1–03 Edition)

that it is safe to proceed across the Highway-rail grade crossing means a

railroad tracks when, in fact, it is not location where a public highway, road,
safe to do so.) A grade crossing signal street, or private roadway, including
system does not indicate the approach associated sidewalks and pathways,
of a train within the meaning of this crosses one or more railroad tracks at
paragraph if—more than 50% of the grade.
flashing lights (not gate arm lights) on Partial activation means activation of
any approach lane to the crossing are a highway-rail grade crossing warning
not functioning as intended, or in the system indicating the approach of a
case of an approach lane for which two train, however, the full intended warn-
or more pairs of flashing lights are pro- ing is not provided due to one of the
vided, there is not at least one flashing following conditions:
light pair operating as intended. Back (1) At non-gated crossings equipped
lights on the far side of the crossing with one pair of lights designed to flash
are not considered in making these de- alternately, one of the two lights does
terminations. not operate properly (and approaching
Appropriately equipped flagger means a motorists can not clearly see flashing
person other than a train crewmember back lights from the warning lights on
who is equipped with a vest, shirt, or the other side of the crossing);
jacket of a color appropriate for day- (2) At gated crossings, the gate arm
time flagging such as orange, yellow, is not in a horizontal position; or
strong yellow green or fluorescent (3) At gated crossings, any portion of
versions of these colors or other gen- a gate arm is missing if that portion
erally accepted high visibility colors. normally had a gate arm flashing light
For nighttime flagging, similar outside attached.
garments shall be retro reflective. Ac- Train means one or more loco-
ceptable hand signal devices for day- motives, with or without cars.
time flagging include ‘‘STOP/SLOW’’ Warning system malfunction means an
paddles or red flags. For nighttime activation failure, a partial activation,
flagging, a flashlight, lantern, or other or a false activation of a highway-rail
lighted signal shall be used. Inasmuch grade crossing warning system.
as Part VI of the Federal Highway Ad-
ministration’s Manual on Uniform § 234.6 Penalties.
Traffic Control Devices addresses (a) Civil penalty. Any person (an enti-
standards and guides for flaggers and ty of any type covered under 1 U.S.C. 1,
flagging equipment for highway traffic including but not limited to the fol-
control, FRA recommends that rail- lowing: a railroad; a manager, super-
roads be aware of the standards and visor, official, or other employee or
follow them to the greatest extent pos- agent of a railroad; any owner, manu-
sible. Copies of the latest MUTCD pro- facturer, lessor, or lessee of railroad
visions regarding flagging will be avail- equipment, track, or facilities; any
able from FRA, as well as FMCSA, as independent contractor providing
changes are made in this area. goods or services to a railroad; and any
Credible report of system malfunction employee of such owner, manufacturer,
means specific information regarding a lessor, lessee, or independent con-
malfunction at an identified highway- tractor) who violates any requirement
rail crossing, supplied by a railroad of this part or causes the violation of
employee, law enforcement officer, any such requirement is subject to a
highway traffic official, or other em- civil penalty of at least $500, but not
ployee of a public agency acting in an more than $11,000 per violation, except
official capacity. that: penalties may be assessed against
False activation means the activation individuals only for willful violations,
of a highway-rail grade crossing warn- and where a grossly negligent violation
ing system caused by a condition that or a pattern of repeated violations has
requires correction or repair of the created an imminent hazard of death or
grade crossing warning system. (This injury to persons, or has caused death
failure indicates to the motorist that it or injury, a penalty not to exceed
is not safe to cross the railroad tracks $22,000 per violation may be assessed.
when, in fact, it is safe to do so.) Each day a violation continues shall


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Federal Railroad Administration, DOT § 234.103

constitute a separate offense. Appendix (5) Circumstances of the accident, in-

A to this part contains a schedule of cluding operating details of the grade
civil penalty amounts used in connec- crossing warning device;
tion with this rule. The railroad is not (6) Number of persons killed or in-
responsible for compliance with respect jured, if any;
to any condition inconsistent with the (7) Maximum authorized train speed;
technical standards set forth in this and
part where such variance arises as a re- (8) Posted highway speed limit, if
sult of actions beyond the control of known.
the railroad and the railroad could not
have prevented the variance through § 234.9 Grade crossing signal system
failure reports.
the exercise of due diligence. The fore-
going sentence does not excuse any in- Each railroad shall report to FRA
stance of noncompliance resulting within 15 days each activation failure
from the actions of the railroad’s em- of a highway-rail grade crossing warn-
ployees, agents, or contractors. ing system. FRA Form No. 6180–83,
(b) Criminal penalty. Whoever know- ‘‘Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Warn-
ingly and willfully makes, causes to be ing System Failure Report,’’ shall be
made, or participates in the making of used for this purpose and completed in
a false entry in reports required to be accordance with instructions printed
filed by this part, or files a false report on the form.
or other document required to be filed
by this part is subject to a $5,000 fine Subpart C—Response to Reports
and 2 years imprisonment as prescribed of Warning System Malfunction
by 49 U.S.C. 522(a) and section 209(e) of
the Federal Railroad Safety Act of § 234.101 Employee notification rules.
1970, as amended (45 U.S.C. 438(e)). Each railroad shall issue rules requir-
ing its employees to report to persons
[61 FR 31806, June 20, 1996, as amended at 63
FR 11623, Mar. 10, 1998] designated by that railroad, by the
quickest means available, any warning
system malfunction.
Subpart B—Reports
§ 234.103 Timely response to report of
§ 234.7 Accidents involving grade malfunction.
crossing signal failure.
(a) Upon receipt of a credible report
(a) Each railroad shall report to FRA of a warning system malfunction, a
every impact between on-track rail- railroad having maintenance responsi-
road equipment and an automobile, bility for the warning system shall
bus, truck, motorcycle, bicycle, farm promptly investigate the report and de-
vehicle, or pedestrian at a highway-rail termine the nature of the malfunction.
grade crossing involving an activation The railroad shall take appropriate ac-
failure. Notification shall be provided tion as required by § 234.207.
to the National Response Center within (b) Until repair or correction of the
24 hours of occurrence at (800) 424–0201. warning system is completed, the rail-
Complete reports shall thereafter be road shall provide alternative means of
filed with FRA pursuant to § 234.9 of warning highway traffic and railroad
this part (activation failure report) and employees in accordance with §§ 234.105,
49 CFR 225.11 (accident/ incident re- 234.106 or 234.107 of this part.
port). (c) Nothing in this subpart requires
(b) Each telephone report must state repair of a warning system, if, acting
the: in accordance with applicable State
(1) Name of the railroad; law, the railroad proceeds to dis-
(2) Name, title, and telephone num- continue or dismantle the warning sys-
ber of the individual making the re- tem. However, until repair, correction,
port; discontinuance, or dismantling of the
(3) Time, date, and location of acci- warning system is completed, the rail-
dent; road shall comply with this subpart to
(4) U. S. DOT-AAR Grade Crossing ensure the safety of the traveling pub-
Identification Number; lic and railroad employees.


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