Task 2: Build Tower

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Task 2: Build Tower

During process to done this process, we are need implement a situational approach such as:
Participation and Involvement: Each members group must active participate to help build the
tower because a limited resources time. So, each ideas and efforts are very important to finish the
task to reach positives results.
Facilitation and Support: All team members support each others while brainstorming and
confident in sharing the opinions to all members group.
Negotiation and Agreement: A good negotiation driven to the positive environment without
any conflicts and all members very satisfy with the situations while progress in task 2. Each
agreement and objections are good handled by provide a good ideas and improvement.
The others what we learned from task 2 is actions to sustain change:
Act Consistently with Advocated Actions: All team members are involved to build the tower
not just with ideas but support by the actions. So, each ideas will present with the actions on the
tower such as tough based tower and the designs.
Encourage Voluntary Acts of Initiative: The leader treats the team members to be volunteer
with motivation and support each idea come from the followers. The result, all team members
confident and like to sharing ideas and opinions.
Celebrate En Route: After finish the task 2, we just do a little celebration to spirit our self to
be more competitive and to reach the objective together. The objective is to complete all the task
and act as team members not individual.
Fine-Tune: Do some improvement of the part lack process based on the task 2. So, in the next
task, we will eliminate the part lack process and do some improvement. Each ideas will support
without any critics but facilitate with a good actions by team members.

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