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§ 234.105 49 CFR Ch.

II (10–1–03 Edition)

§ 234.105 Activation failure. (d) A locomotive’s audible warning

device shall be activated in accordance
Upon receipt of a credible report of
with railroad rules regarding the ap-
warning system malfunction involving
proach to a grade crossing.
an activation failure, a railroad having
maintenance responsibility for the § 234.106 Partial activation.
warning system shall promptly initiate
efforts to warn highway users and rail- Upon receipt of a credible report of a
road employees at the subject crossing partial activation, a railroad having
by taking the following actions: maintenance responsibility for the
(a) Prior to any train’s arrival at the warning system shall promptly initiate
crossing, notify the train crew of the efforts to warn highway users and rail-
report of activation failure and notify road employees at the subject crossing
any other railroads operating over the in the same manner as required for
crossing; false activations (§ 234.107).
(b) Notify the law enforcement agen-
§ 234.107 False activation.
cy having jurisdiction over the cross-
ing, or railroad police capable of re- Upon receipt of a credible report of a
sponding and controlling vehicular false activation, a railroad having
traffic; and maintenance responsibility for the
(c) Provide for alternative means of highway-rail grade crossing warning
actively warning highway users of ap- system shall promptly initiate efforts
proaching trains, consistent with the to warn highway users and railroad
following requirements (see appendix B employees at the crossing by taking
for a summary chart of alternative the following actions:
means of warning): (a) Prior to a train’s arrival at the
(1)(i) If an appropriately equipped crossing, notify the train crew of the
flagger provides warning for each di- report of false activation and notify
rection of highway traffic, trains may any other railroads operating over the
proceed through the crossing at normal crossing;
speed. (b) Notify the law enforcement agen-
(ii) If at least one uniformed law en- cy having jurisdiction over the cross-
forcement officer (including a railroad ing, or railroad police capable of re-
police officer) provides warning to sponding and controlling vehicular
highway traffic at the crossing, trains traffic; and
may proceed through the crossing at (c) Provide for alternative means of
normal speed. actively warning highway users of ap-
(2) If an appropriately equipped proaching trains, consistent with the
flagger provides warning for highway following requirements (see Appendix
traffic, but there is not at least one B for a summary chart of alternative
flagger providing warning for each di- means of warning).
rection of highway traffic, trains may (1)(i) If an appropriately equipped
proceed with caution through the flagger is providing warning for each
crossing at a speed not exceeding 15 direction of highway traffic, trains
miles per hour. Normal speed may be may proceed through the crossing at
resumed after the locomotive has normal speed.
passed through the crossing. (ii) If at least one uniformed law en-
(3) If there is not an appropriately forcement officer (including a railroad
equipped flagger or uniformed law en- police officer) provides warning to
forcement officer providing warning to highway traffic at the crossing, trains
highway traffic at the crossing, each may proceed through the crossing at
train must stop before entering the normal speed.
crossing and permit a crewmember to (2) If there is not an appropriately
dismount to flag highway traffic to a equipped flagger providing warning for
stop. The locomotive may then proceed each direction of highway traffic, or if
through the crossing, and the flagging there is not at least one uniformed law
crewmember may reboard the loco- enforcement officer providing warning,
motive before the remainder of the trains with the locomotive or cab car
train proceeds through the crossing. leading, may proceed with caution


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Federal Railroad Administration, DOT § 234.209

through the crossing at a speed not ex- § 234.203 Control circuits.

ceeding 15 miles per hour. Normal
All control circuits that affect the
speed may be resumed after the loco-
motive has passed through the cross- safe operation of a highway-rail grade
ing. In the case of a shoving move, a crossing warning system shall operate
crewmember shall be on the ground to on the fail-safe principle.
flag the train through the crossing.
§ 234.205 Operating characteristics of
(3) In lieu of complying with para- warning system apparatus.
graphs (c) (1) or (2) of this section, a
railroad may temporarily take the Operating characteristics of electro-
warning system out of service if the magnetic, electronic, or electrical ap-
railroad complies with all require- paratus of each highway-rail crossing
ments of § 234.105, ‘‘Activation failure.’’ warning system shall be maintained in
(d) A locomotive’s audible warning accordance with the limits within
device shall be activated in accordance which the system is designed to oper-
with railroad rules regarding the ap- ate.
proach to a grade crossing.
§ 234.207 Adjustment, repair, or re-
§ 234.109 Recordkeeping. placement of component.
(a) Each railroad shall keep records (a) When any essential component of
pertaining to compliance with this sub- a highway-rail grade crossing warning
part. Records may be kept on forms system fails to perform its intended
provided by the railroad or by elec- function, the cause shall be determined
tronic means. Each railroad shall keep and the faulty component adjusted, re-
the following information for each paired, or replaced without undue
credible report of warning system mal- delay.
function: (b) Until repair of an essential com-
(1) Location of crossing (by highway ponent is completed, a railroad shall
name and DOT/AAR Crossing Inventory take appropriate action under § 234.105,
Activation failure, § 234.106, Partial ac-
(2) Time and date of receipt by rail- tivation, or § 234.107, False activation,
road of report of malfunction;
of this part.
(3) Actions taken by railroad prior to
repair and reactivation of repaired sys- § 234.209 Interference with normal
tem; and functioning of system.
(4) Time and date of repair.
(a) The normal functioning of any
(b) Each railroad shall retain for at
least one year (from the latest date of system shall not be interfered with in
railroad activity in response to a cred- testing or otherwise without first tak-
ible report of malfunction) all records ing measures to provide for safety of
referred to in paragraph (a) of this sec- highway traffic that depends on normal
tion. Records required to be kept shall functioning of such system.
be made available to FRA as provided (b) Interference includes, but is not
by 49 U.S.C. 20107 (formerly 208 of the limited to:
Federal Railroad Safety Act of 1970 (45 (1) Trains, locomotives or other rail-
U.S.C. 437)). road equipment standing within the
system’s approach circuit, other than
Subpart D—Maintenance, normal train movements or switching
Inspection, and Testing operations, where the warning system
is not designed to accommodate those
(2) Not providing alternative methods
§ 234.201 Location of plans. of maintaining safety for the highway
Plans required for proper mainte- user while testing or performing work
nance and testing shall be kept at each on the warning systems or on track
highway-rail grade crossing warning and other railroad systems or struc-
system location. Plans shall be legible tures which may affect the integrity of
and correct. the warning system.


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