Public Policy Is A Series of Objectives or Policies Set Forth by A State or Government On Which Its Laws Have Been or Will Be Created

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Take Home Mid-Term

Take Home Mid Term

SW 3710
Esther Mason
13 October 2012

1. Public policy is a series of objectives or policies set forth by a state or government on

which its laws have been or will be created. Social welfare policy is a set of policies used
by a governing body that serves two major porpoises: social treatment, and social control.
Generally aimed toward its most vulnerable citizens. Social services and social welfare
are perceived as agencies and practices that reflect a societies desire to impose its values
and norms on those they consider to have less worth in said society. In actuality these
consist of many different services that cover and broad spectrum of services. These
services can range housing and food assistance.
2. The first of the two statewide ballot proposals is 12-3. It appears it would have a
beneficial impact in the long term as well as short term. That is to say investing in
renewable sources of energy is an emerging field and will require a new workforce. As
well as providing jobs it will help curb the effect of global warming. The effect it will
have in the social welfare system would be such that utilities will eventually become
more affordable therefore there would be less reliance on these types of services. The cost
to current consumers is still an issue of debate, but according to the proposal only 1
percent will be passed on to the consumer and this will be spread out over the next 12
years The second proposal I chose was proposal 2012-4 requiring in home care workers
weather in an agency or not, the benefits to collectively bargain. In addition there would
be training of home health care workers. The benefits of this would be the right of an
individual to remain in their own home and receive safe and reliable health care. In
addition a mandatory background check for all providers should help provide safe quality
care. In addition it would benefit the social welfare system by providing clearer
guidelines as to what benefits the state is responsible for. The over all benefit would be
more citizens remaining in their own homes and possibly less elder abuse.

3. Methods used to help those in need during the Dark & Middle Ages were a series of
punishments. It became a crime to be poor. Services provided to these consisted of
imprisionment and forced labor. More often than not these were women and children.
The poor and vulnerable were looked upon as less than deserving. Currently the poor is
no longer openly punished. But society has managed to isolate the poor and treat them as
less than deserving. Current society has broader range of services that are provided; these
include housing and medical assistance, and entitlement programs for senior citizens. Yet
in some was it still mirrors the Old Poor Laws with an overseer (modern day social
worker) to decide and dispense collected tax funds as they saw fit. In addition many city
have created their own laws which make it illegal to be homeless or to pander thus once
again making it a crime to be poor and in need.

4. Bibliography
5. 1.

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