49cfr234 233

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Federal Railroad Administration, DOT § 234.


circuit shall consist of at least two dis- auxiliary light units. The local wiring
crete conductors. Each conductor shall on a solid state crossing controller
be of sufficient conductivity and shall rack does not require tags if the wiring
be maintained in such condition to en- is an integral part of the solid state
sure proper operation of the train de- equipment.
tection apparatus when the train de-
tection circuit is shunted. Installation § 234.241 Protection of insulated wire;
of a single duplex wire with single plug splice in underground wire.
acting as fouling wires is prohibited. Insulated wire shall be protected
Existing installations having single du- from mechanical injury. The insulation
plex wires with a single plug for fouling shall not be punctured for test pur-
wires may be continued in use until poses. A splice in underground wire
they require repair or replacement. shall have insulation resistance at
least equal to that of the wire spliced.
§ 234.233 Rail joints.
§ 234.243 Wire on pole line and aerial
Each non-insulated rail joint located cable.
within the limits of a highway-rail
grade crossing train detection circuit Wire on a pole line shall be securely
shall be bonded by means other than attached to an insulator that is prop-
joint bars and the bonds shall be main- erly fastened to a cross arm or bracket
tained in such condition to ensure elec- supported by a pole or other support.
trical conductivity. Wire shall not interfere with, or be
interfered with by, other wires on the
§ 234.235 Insulated rail joints. pole line. Aerial cable shall be sup-
ported by messenger wire. An open-
Each insulated rail joint used to sep-
wire transmission line operating at
arate train detection circuits of a high-
voltage of 750 volts or more shall be
way-rail grade crossing shall be main-
placed not less than 4 feet above the
tained to prevent current from flowing
nearest cross arm carrying active
between rails separated by the insula-
warning system circuits.
tion in an amount sufficient to cause a
failure of the train detection circuit. § 234.245 Signs.
§ 234.237 Reverse switch cut-out cir- Each sign mounted on a highway-rail
cuit. grade crossing signal post shall be
A switch, when equipped with a maintained in good condition and be
visible to the highway user.
switch circuit controller connected to
the point and interconnected with INSPECTIONS AND TESTS
warning system circuitry, shall be
maintained so that the warning system § 234.247 Purpose of inspections and
can only be cut out when the switch tests; removal from service of relay
point is within one-half inch of full re- or device failing to meet test re-
verse position. quirements.
(a) The inspections and tests set
§ 234.239 Tagging of wires and inter- forth in §§ 234.249 through 234.271 are re-
ference of wires or tags with signal quired at highway-rail grade crossings
apparatus. located on in service railroad tracks
Each wire shall be tagged or other- and shall be made to determine if the
wise so marked that it can be identi- warning system and its component
fied at each terminal. Tags and other parts are maintained in a condition to
marks of identification shall be made perform their intended function.
of insulating material and so arranged (b) If a railroad elects not to comply
that tags and wires do not interfere with the requirements of §§ 234.249
with moving parts of the apparatus. through 234.271 because all tracks over
This requirement applies to each wire the grade crossing are out of service or
at each terminal in all housings includ- the railroad suspends operations during
ing switch circuit controllers and ter- a portion of the year, and the grade
minal or junction boxes. This require- crossing warning system is also tempo-
ment does not apply to flashing light rarily taken out of service, a full in-
units, gate arm light units and other spection and all required tests must be


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