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Preciso coast
Cognitive Framework of marine and coastal areas and public defense works.
Urban expansion creates increasing pressure on coastal
areas, along with land use change, growing tourism and
construction of large infrastructures.


To control this phenomenon it is absolutely imperative to

characterize and monitor the physical situation of the
coastal system, from the prospective of sustainable
growth at regional, provincial and local level.

Coastal defence

Territorial Planning

SEA (Strategic Environmental Assessment)

Tourism management

Monitoring of Posidonia

Preciso coast offers an update cognitive framework on

the state of the coast and public defence works.

Quality of water

It is designed to support Urban Planning in coastal areas,

planning and management of natural areas and parks,
monitoring of Posidonia and management of state
maritime property.

Key Benefits

Public administration (State Maritime Property Office,
Coastal Departments, Territorial Planning); Planners and

Support tools for territorial planning

Clarity in criteria for the management of coastal


Easy and careful analysis of coastal changes

Immediate identification of anthropic and natural


More info

EIC-Mainport Rotterdam

Technical characteristics
Preciso coast permits the classification of every
length of coast regarding its morphology and other
variations (expansion, retraction or stability).
Works on ports are identified and classified
according to type and use (industrial/commercial
port, quay, dock, military port, etc.), while public
defence works are surveyed and categorized by type
(submerged and raised rocks, armoured delta, etc.)

It is also possible to add DTM, where available,

which permits the 3D visualization of data.

Where there are historical data, informative levels

can be supplied for each era, giving the dynamic
trend of the coast.

Informative content

Case History

The product is made up of geometrically congruent

georeferenced layers(*):

Preciso coast was created for the local

administration of Comune di Follonica to support
urban planning.


Beach limit

Raised beaches

Port works

Defence works

Statistical indicators

Preciso Italia orthoimages

Through Preciso italia orthophoto, photointerpretation and classification of the coastline, the
beach limited and the raised beaches was possible,
as well as a census of maritime works.
Using comparative analysis with 2007 aerial
orthophotos, coastal trend were defined, represented
through geospatial indicators which were used to
support planning for new interventions and works.

Satellite orthoimages for the timely

monitoring of changes on the
Cognitive Framework for Urban
Planning & monitoring of Strategic
Environmental Assessment (SEA).
Urban monitoring and recognition
of illegal construction.
Cognitive Framework of marine and
coastal areas and public defense
Geospatial Indexes for Territorial
Planning & Strategic Environmental
Assessment. Monitoring of soil

Fast acquisition of satellite imagery

in emergency situations.
planning and management.
3D maps and study of land
changes for infrastructure planning
and management.
Identification and characterization
of optimal sites for wind power
plant settlements.
Geoportal for e-Participation and
dialogue between organizations
and citizens in the planning

Planetek management system is certified ISO 9001 and

compliant to the European Association of Remote Sensing
Companies (EARSC) guidelines defined for the provision of
remote sensing services.


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