4a Tax Structure

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Tax Structure and Debt Policy

Publicly Traded Company
Non-publicly Traded Company
Bank, Insurance & Financial Company (Except merchant bank)
Merchant bank
Cigarette manufacturing company
Publicly traded cigarette company
Mobile Phone Operator Company
Publicly traded mobile company
One of the major reason of taking debt is to get the tax benefit which significantly reduce the
interest expense due to its tax deductibility. It is logical to say a higher debt will induce higher
tax savings. Though it is contradictory to MMs proposition 2 which tells us that taking higher
debt shareholders will not be better off because of financial risk. However the tax shield makes
the difference. Such tax savings increase the firms value since the interest expense become
Table 1: Tax structure of different companies

Table 1 shows the marginal tax of different companies. According to trade off theory company
should use such a debt equity ratio which will provide the highest tax shield with the lowest
financial distress. It will be wise to think the company with higher tax bracket will use higher
debt to enjoy higher tax benefit but in real world despite of higher tax bracket so many
companies choose not to use higher debt e.g. BATBC which is not using any debt but the
company is performing better with higher EPS.

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