Paiboc For A Negative Letter

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PAIBOC for a negative letter

Primary Purpose:
To tell Mr. Allred that the contract with his company will not be renewed.
Secondary Purpose:
To build a good image of the write
To build a good image of the writers organization
To reduce and eliminate future correspondence on the same subject
Mr. Jason Allred, owner of Sparkleen Services

Contract will not be renewed

Toxic cleaning chemicals were left in a public hallway
The lobby door was left unlocked
The other problems were discussed earlier


Reader will understand that the decision is fair and reasonable

Paycheque will be received promptly
A 5% discount will be given to the reader on his future purchases
The writer will provide a good reference

Reader might think that he did not do anything to get fired
Relationships between the reader and the writer might affect the readers
understanding of the situation. They have had a contract for 5 years, and there
should be good reasons to cancel the contract. The reader also knew about existing
problems, which were discussed on the meetings in the past. That makes the
decision made reasonable.

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