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Questionnaire results

Type of music video you prefer?




We sent our questionnaire to 18 people, one of our questions was what type of
music video you prefer? the majority answered performance.

Do you like watching music videos?




When we asked whether they like watching music video, many replied with
sometimes and some said yes and a small amount of people said no.

We also found out that, two out of six of our recipients said they looked for
pretty women in the music video, this can make reference to Laura Mulveys
theory of The Gaze where men and women look at and look out for attractive
people to entice and interest them, but although this is something effective and
something worth taking into consideration, the video idea we have for our music
piece doesnt fit with that theory and that is why we wont be using it.
And finally, we found that three out of the six recipients said they look for the
artists interpretation of the lyrics, and how they express themselves. We have
taking this into huge consideration, and we will use this in our own video,
because we believe our song choice can easily present and show the artists
performance and his expression when performing it.

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