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Inorganic Mercury Exposure:

Inorganic mercury occurs mainly through the oral tract.

The acute presentation:
Ashen-gray mucous membranes
secondary to precipitation of mercury salts
Severe abdominal pain
Hypovolemic shock
The effects include metallic taste, stomatitis, gingival
irritation, foul breath, loosening of teeth, and renal tubular
necrosis leading to oliguria or anuria. These usually begin
several hours after you ingest it.

Organic Mercury Exposure:

This usually happens when you ingest contaminated foods.
It targets the enzymes and cerebral cortex (especially visual
Symptoms include:
Visual disturbances like scotomata
Hearing loss
Mental deterioration
Muscle tremor
Movement disorders
Death (with severe exposure)

Mercury: Case Study

In this case study, the victim was a 7 year old boy. He was exposed to Mercury
through a long term contact with batteries. Over the course of 2.5 months, he
started to get pain in his legs, neck, and abdomen. He also had a reduced
appetite, fatigue, and pain in extremities. He had a history of the measles and
charcoal poisoning, and he had high mercury levels in blood samples. But,
even though he had all of that in his medical history, this case was an accident
because no one knew he could get poisoned through coming in contact with
batteries. In the end, he was eventually cured over a period of 8 months by
getting therapy with D-Penicillamine.

There is a certain amount of mercury you can

ingest through the fish you eat. It is suggested you
eat fish in moderation and not all of the time
because some fishes do have a good amount of
mercury in them and you really do not want much,
if any, in your system. The picture on the left just
shows the different fish under the two levels of
mercury (high and low).

"Mercury Toxicity Clinical Presentation." Mercury Toxicity Clinical
Presentation. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Apr. 2015.

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