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001 /DM/ 11 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2011 SECOND CLASS LANGUAGE TEST — PART-A— WRITTEN EXAMINATION TRANSLATION AND COMPOSITION (Without Books) Time — Three hours (Maximum Marks: 100) (1) Answer all questions. (2) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting.) INB. 1. Translate the following into Tamil:- Once there lived two men in the village of Bhuthapandy. They were good friends and always’ spent their time together. Kandhan, the elder of the two, was cunning and always used to look out for some benefit to himself: Rangan, the younger one, was simple and always agreeable to Kandhan’s schemes. Though the two fiiends were not rich, they had a few possessions. The villagers of Bhuthapandy celebrated car festival in the Tamil month of Thai Thousands of men and women drew the temple car along the streets, The temple elephants, also joined them. Kandhan and Rangan had merry time in the festival. As they felt thirsty, they went to a pandhal where buttermilk was offered free. While sipping the buttermilk ‘Kandhan came up with a novel idea. “I have a suggestion. A good suggestion, Will you agree to it?” “Dear Anna,” said Rangan, “You know I have never said no to your suggestions,” “That's good,” remarked Kandhan. “I suggest we share all our possessions on a fifly-fifly basis.” Rangan was very much delighted with the idea. Hastily he emptied the glass and put it on the table. He embraced Kandhan and held him tight so hard that his friend’s bones began to rattle. “It’s a wonderful idea,” said Rangan, “How do we start?” Kandhan thought for a moment. “We have three things that ate very precious to us. I have a cow. You have a nice warm blanket and a mango tree behind your house. I suggest we share these three things fifty-fifty,” Rangan asked,”"How are we going to share them?” Kandhan told, “Rangan, I have it all worked out. You are a great friend of mine. You deserve'a better share than I do. So you can take the front of the cow and also the root nd trunk of the tree. L would like you to keep the blanket during the daytime, I'll take the rear of the cow, the leaves and branches of the tree and if you permit, I shall use the blanket at night.” Thus things being settled smoothly, both came out of the panthal with beaming Marks 50 smiles on their faces BL Write cos s-on the following three topics in not exceeding fifteen lines:- so (a) saad Cgnfed GLumensh (b) shares ungysniny (©) Cupt-apaniy preupéans Sere ie ett ae ae 002 / DM / 11 DEPARTMENTAL. EXA EXAMINATIONS “May 2014 DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR MEMBERS OF THE TAMIL NADU MINISTERIAL SERVICE IN THE NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE (Without Books) Time — Three hours, (Maximum Marks : 400) {N.B.—(1) Answer any ten questions only. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English orn Tami oreven fo answer the paper partly English and partly in Tami. (3) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (4) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the and of the answer book will not be valued. (6) All questions carry equal marks.) 1. Define the following :-— (@) Labour force (b) Fresher (c) Ex-servicemen {d) Contract Labour (@) Career Literature, I. Write short notes on the following :-— (a) ‘National Employment Service Manual (b) Recommended Occupation (c) Dead Order Register (d). Red ink entries (e) Monthly Narrative Report. Il. Briefly describe tha use of the following Forms :— (@) X43 (b) VG. 69 (c) X58 (@) ES. 15 _IV._(@)_ Briefly describe the.maintenancs-of the Record of Ragistration, (0) State the circumstance that permit restoration of old seniority in Registration. V. Explain the procedure of Renewal of registration. 318153—1 a (a)" What are thé’t Sie er iting? (b) List out the action wRighen oni circu! |. (@) Discuss how the objectives "of the VRE. for the physically “handicdped are achieved. (0) What are the objectives of ‘Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe 7 Pi: List out the intemal uses and extemal uses of Employment Market Information. (a) What are the types of Occupation Information ? (b) Briefly discuss about the display of Occupational Information. Discuss about the sources of Occupational Information, State Correct or Incorrect:-— (@) The Record of Registration should be submitted everyday to the Junior Employment Officer of the section for signature and not to the senior most officer available on that day. (b) Decision to circulate the vacancy or not is to be decided within 24 hours from the receipt of vacancy. {c) Monthly Narrative Report is serit to Director General of Employment and Training, New Delhi every month, (d) Under Employment Market. Information programme the employees in the Agricultural Sector are 3 (@) Occupational Information Room should be set-up ini all Employment Exchanges. 4 sill anpeutd : . Séraigaen Upp Gurgir sg6— (2) Gpmploonsri Ggneiny @® yaar usoresiri ©) giugss Osmflerent @) ampamas Gemfé gréaci. . Seragae ups agéed ehtry. cine — 2) Cséu Commemiiyts uenfpeoypeny pied (sy) ufiguarsaiuGis Cuma @ Asirang gence usta 7) Fawy eds |yfitryesir @) wigs Gumpiny syfldens. 3181532 Vio. vim. Brug upsuiseiér usted GIG — (9) sésiv. 43 (ai) Sig. 69 @ sasv. 58 #) QO. sv. 15 @) may. HL ©) uses ugssb umafigsd upf agéaurad |xfiiGe. (y) uous uBlay eyiy UY QE GPAomsmens Apfiailea. usa) ysispe peorgompsdr ups Aedes, |. Seragasr ui agéem |pfliny sore i— (9) Ueir@is vewhéBeo iy (ey) Geigy, qmaniusisier ung .uipd udaflrsin® ups snes. (e) SreiuiLiacr Zia PLonpdonauler epsrgs flenwacir wrenes ? CY) SHHSSSMLOUL srs sSPerig, CupGendroriuGd Braydsmascoerts ut pwdOes, 9) ameryporGésrer AsmMPiymy wpampa muusPer Cpndsiiecr acvunpy HeopCaxppouGAsearpar ? CY SIDA upg upiEeMeGserer Up ayflsncy sooutissfer Gprdderiemens ucyweAGes BOPSG aerGoryd gimpss, GawiGuuss Come Poms sealer vwsirseosni) uLyudlOs. . (3) GamPldoyenps sanier amaeccr wrens? Ly) Gampiyans gamdsmmd an AinOSop0 ui Satis. Asrflayons gsaudsexdanar sgnoiisér (Sources) ui Aerége. L dsragae «ff gmg gagy sar oSeoLusfées — () be Foam aopsrg TeypsinO Horfioo Cumoambiny spangeGe anise Cam. .gennon geUNGEGs owrlse Cacdnpugsiome. Gg) enduus af9S6 aMLOUL CusrGur Gdsour cerugs ups ene sppeiny Cupiuct 24 ws CansAdSsr Y~AaGss CudmO @) inprigrs Gunpiry sams ungitormd BiGu gas Camoambc wigs uipAgeimp Gurg Qusoprad (DGERT), ugGaseG oglu CasinO. 4B —o seen —srige Agnpidedia ere uefuretiedid: aauriedr " Cavanfloans saad BLUES. gi tie. ©) ComPoyans sauder gemsg Cumoaniiy sigiauoadaeigud gmdate Conr@i. : 3181533 003/DM/11 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS. May 2011 DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR OFFICERS OF THE NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE (Without Books) “Time — Three hours. (Maximum Marks :"100) -* IN.B.— (1) . Answer any ten questions only. . (2) Candidates aré allowed the option to answer the paper either {in English orn Tami or evento answer the paper partyin English and partly in Tamil, @) Marks willbe dedhicted for bed hendiving (4) Answers to whole quastions in excess of the prescribed —eN number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued. (©): All questions cary equal marks.) 1 Define the following :— (@) Aptitude () Applicant Exchange (c) Manpower (@) Speculative Submission (@) Entry Occupation. Ove I, What are the uses of the following :-— @ £8.24 () EM.2 () V.Ge4 () X45 @ ERD TIL Write short notes on the following — (a) Repeat Registration oe () Month's and Twelve month's section ofthe Dead Order Register . (c) Recommended Occupation % (d) Vocational Rehabilitation Centre ( YS (e) Released Bonded Labour. IV._ Explain about— (a) Weeding of Records pertaining to EMI Programme. (b) Briefly explain the purposes of inspection. ~~ » V. Discuss about the aims'and steps involved in JOB DEVELOPMENT. 3181644 VI. _ (a) What are the, uses of National Classification of occupation 7 (b) Define about working group of the National Employment Service. ‘VI. Discuss about various publicity measures undertaken by an Employment Officer. VIII, (a) What are the ways by which an Employment Officer shouldfulfihisresponsibiityin Dissemination of Employment Market Information 7 4 (b) Briefly define about the program of Street Survey in EMI. IX. Explain about Collection and filing of Occupational information. X. (a). Define the functions of Special Employment Office for the Physically Handicapped. (0). Vocational Rehabilitation Centre bridges the gap between Evaluation and Rehabilitation — How ? XI. _(@) Which types of registrants shouldbe identified for old cases review? (b) List out the concessions applicable for Released Bonded Labour. XII. Discuss the method of vacancy clearing, =, piss cupeus 1 Sérugaen uj sgéeures oSlaufésond — 7 (9), Spér 3 (3) vmsrnt Cassvaminueih 4 @ vali aims ! @) oGOpD UMfigrondph : @) gimp Coens. Il, Sareugemmayiieir uudresdit inom — : (9) Q. sree. 2.4 (ay @. ond. 2 @ #8. . 64 ) séetv, 45 © @ agi I. Tl. érugaenaps ogdes Gite) sors — (a) ir Bay” a ; (2p Opis uments pei ung. upg usaAAndin@ ung sila, @ ufiigmrésiuGs Qsmpo ©) Gamfliygenp wgeunpey somund &) AGsHsaiutL Ganspyson Bpmpenani. TV. Gove: upyil sflesfésage— : . (2) Camm Pons SLEPd Cpmamip qaeniiameés smerph j (2) aqitdér Cpnéasrisesr. 3181542 Oe. V. Camm Qusdaspiiarer Cpréaiesi, anfepropamsr aSasfsanys. Vi. (9) Gein Apmfd avenescusm’sgstr uwsirest stones? (2) Cpu Commamitr, Comatd umhooey ui Hasfsangd. ita ws Spr CajOenéerih sferiun puoydeasee vil @iSOs. VII. (9) Game amity sant Cums Smad seas ung uw Gumptysoner HepCayy CupOencreps axflypsomecn eresron ? (24) Gan Puan gaa H1 sSinsy ‘Asqeanfurs efumiggs pLaipdsosesir tbh aGdamed GSO K. Gempigeps gaadamers Config wigrs CamidOge vif) aflasssasb. X. (2) sim emmryiCorgésron Apiy Cammamiiy sgamapéér Aeupur@esir () AsrYoyap ugempa evuisd UGH vppd upaumpashesi — OappHipAeoCuurer Ger Gasicou GareordAenper — dian? xL G2) vsyu Gamiad ups lise miGehe erpituner upestad sin pun (2) A@efiuner Gangpipsoins Opmfonemidener apefiecoen uyuslGe, XD, srbuiiiissm Sin) Qoiigd poydseos ypmparmsrt ui) sSauhée, 181643 004/DM/ 11 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2014 SUBORDINATE ACCOUNTS SERVICE EXAMINATION PART I (a}—-LOCAL ACTS AND RULES FRAMED THEREUNDER (Practicat) (With Books.) Time — Three hours. (Maximum marks : 100) IN.B—(1) Answer all questions. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamit or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tarai (3) Answers should be brief and to the point and need not be a verbatim reproduction of printed pages. (4) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting.) Marks 1 Answer any five of the following in few lines Sx3=15 1, What are the rule provisions for claiming vacancy remission on property tax ina Municipality? 2. Mention the provision for collection of Advertisement Tax in a Urban Local Body and quote relevant section under Municipal Act. 3. What is the ratioof the quarry lease licence and quarriés lease amount to be apportioned between village Panchayat and Panchayat Union? 4. Mention the authority to sanction Estimate in the value exceeding Rs. 1 Crore but not exceeding Rs.5 crore under Madurai City Municipal Corporation Act 1971 and Thirunelveli City Municipal Corporation Act 1994. 5. Mention the duration of time to lease out the Cycle Stand, Weekly Market, Pay and use latrine and Lodge w.c.f. 2009-10 and how to fix the lease amount for subsequent years, ._ Mention the Rule provision of Special Taxation under Urban Municipality, Act, 1920, | 7. Define: “Penalty Provision” provided in Tamilnadu Compulsory Elementary Education Act— 1994, 11 Comment on the following __ Ee site 1. A Panchayat Union Commissioner has levied Value Added Tax for fishing rights called for through Tender. 2. The Coimbatore City Municipal Commissioner has levied Rs.5000/ as fine to a house owner for his failure to send notice to commissioner after completion of construction of building. Sls 316/554 7 Masks. 3. A Deputy B.D.O. of a Panchayat Union has refused to conduct the exhibition to promote the sale of S.H.G. (Self Help Groups) products. 4. ‘The Government has issued notice to Railway administration for the reason that they have not submitted the samples of drinking water for analysis. 5. A Panchayat Union Commissioner has admitted and paid an arrear bill on Pay and a Allowances after 2 years with the sanction of Panchayat Union Council. AIL Answer any five of the following in brief 5x5=25 1. What are the disalloviance power of an auditor under Municipal Act 1920 and quote relevant authority? 2. What is the provision laid down in Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation Act 1981 for the non repayment of Government Loan according to condition of loan? 3. Define the provision under Chennai City Municipal Corporation Act 1919 for the transportation of Timber brought to the city, 4. What are the objects of expenditure incidental to the administration under the Madurai City Municipal Corporation Act 197. 5. Define the rules for Licensing of Private Market in Madurai City Corporation Act 1971 6. Prepare a Journal Vouchers for the payment to be made to a contractor in a Municipal Corporation with the following particulars in accrual systems of accounts... First and Final bill on 30.09.2009 Value of worth done under 100% grant - Rs.1200000 Bitumen issued by Department (to be adjusted) Rs. 300000 Income Tax deduction 2% Surcharge on Income Tax 15% Education Tax on LT. 3% VAT Tax 4% Amount to be recovered 5% . <<) Additional Deposit 1.5% | | 4 4 i 7. Define “Transitory Provision” under Tamilnadu Municipal Act 1920 to discharge the function of the Municipality. : IV Write short noteson ; 3x5=15, 1, Tax on Companies in Chennai City Municipal Corporation Act 1919. 2, Exemption for he ey of Property Taina Munciaity 3. Pilgrim Tax in a Urban Local Body. V What are the general provision regarding penalties in a Municipality. 10 Marks VI__ Define the method of assessment on duty on “Transfer of Property” in Chennai Corporation 10 Marks VII Define the rules regarding the payment of compensation by the Municipality and to the Municipality under Tamilnadu Municipal Act 1920 10 Marks 319/155~2, 3 sabib weSieuainasct 5x3=15 1. pag BuIe) oy. hier arcu Qnbe sroriaenssen Qenég) oududsr God aul Audis Garqorsbetus ABlacir wren? 2. gary acronm A Syyverissohe Bord ou uBcNisrE Rhu Gont_“ponp tokr00? GHG Mus FITTA HGaaleir Eiprrox IMGeror FMI 3. aethn GS5005 2M nidgnd GAEOHS Qsrovs, esugr A jy aug A PO DUSBDS UGlipwMinGmy us LIIGAAG goreror GHAI. 4, NgOOT BET WITBSITLA stb 1971 nxdond HG@pAGaed par wrpsm FU Lith 1994651 Rp 1 Baring sg Bioed 5 Barrg. 4 Banesu rss Boroned stb. 5g5e 11 UBL ts Qe Buohagd qqyeveifler Bum @IIIGS. 5. 2009-10id -ysin® (psd WBevcing. KrLiseld, aumrsapongs ut vor web Lppid FIG» Aue GNZ5 GFSMSIGAHL FTO Qorey orsioveray? TDG AEG UGH YSVPSGHIG GFS5S AGrons crcvourgy Hricsrusid Astin BousinGd srs ssover Bond Gs. 6. partly parm Ashe “Apr wuMGBy” dD Aoulés.. adefus AD GBISDS. 7. SDipor® gpibu s6v09 oud 1994-cirug HUTTE ADLushsrow ofBsscir Luba) Bou T] dtapamayhid soosernpesch saps. wSiouaecr 5X3=15 1. Quupsiysroh epaud Berg. 2Mwid CorGasoG err H poorSus qenooruTontt WAIL HO out IDA gusironmi. 2. IG oi 19. pig he eyt_sir af. 2. Memcousrran, ysnesmusTonGae Ours esha SUBUODHG, Carorsu BHT SHTTA) poorsoerus Toni @5000/ goimcesu"_oxmd ABS gyciroinrrt. 3. TTA Qs MUSDY su25ds GUYSMerTTa 2 HUSH Osu Qungesoner Apueor Astiujtd QUTGLO QurgQcamA s_sgg0S VITA HeirDus Gienevr outing uertéF) gygpiouevit Logydgueironmn. 4. Tudou PriomasRoe Bip eae se oyprvsiiOrd Gu 64 sroremgysrror TUBE UNBerpenordars Gig.6t wri oOag yepiciirennss cuIerGor Diarss dS sien Qurgy sary 1+ SGor8yp.eréswb. Bar @27%. 5g. Sub ayn Iusiorgy. 5. sang _A perus GLP BUGIS Guha QorcinG ycirPnepsgG Coc Aw conus Peyenor ist uy ws aenTm_A por Bus govasrusTomt HepnBsgs Qsrrans upp @uyeironrrri. BIBs5~3 IIT visitonggorenousion5e sSoINIS usoeTsaand wéiiauatescr 5X5=25 1. 1920 siip5r@ wren. pag. A pam_qponmd #i_sHer Bp, oo BoBdmsuirent Qeociomd ayphiAujsovor opp iss Mus gS wrg Lb erer@owcires? (Disallowance Power) 2.fw Baer GUIDE 2. SLot aphigGid generaohe EDU Serer AAs 919 L60_uIe TK Get Debus Oagyds5reow4HG 1981 ce Coroner Bait wrrpsgT_A FLL EGO GDI Gator BAsoors GOIIGS. : 3. Gacroner Ha GaGor wpb, QancinG Asdausihsrren Qam_rtucrex out ALLY : GSH 1919 GL sBw Csorovor Far wTBSTTA UL. AHBuIein Bip 2hron Meer GNUIDS. 4. LoS IoOT BET woTBETT A sch 197 108 Byp Brtaurrest Qsm_siturrost sreit@esrstrost DoarisenagG Qsovaysenen (Objects) Gus@amrcirarevrrih. : 4 5. 1971 eG. wgieor BET WTBSTTLAT a1 SHU soPumt songs 2MAuord ALP GSaKdGPus HG yb) oséoroptd. ie 6. wIpSTT BUI QO PLILSZSTIGSS Aeros cuprnsaisse Fpsscio Baugissr 919 HEA YOW 5605S wnonDuIer GMnjs Assays OG Sumi Gariusoyto Journal) B aps bond apy.e) UL y.ued reir 30.09.09 100% roreinusa Baer Bip Carenor wii} 1200000 BD pau grit anpisA #@ Beis Govaiong wigs 300000 cugpuorromaull eg sg5ub 2% eucgioiesrouh Gunev ourft 15% axcguomenauh Berea av ou 3% we WB 1G oul 4% Agron 919,551 Garis Coveiorg ws) 5% AGSH warns Geren 15% 7. Bagm Bs si_oonseer PfopCapnasne, BAITLA sth 19206 Bp Qoo_sore gbum_greMu aig Lips ofeullés (Transitory Provision) TV Spresiiny avengres wétiousdresche 3x5=15 1. 1919 eugi_Gasirener Bar TEST TL Aude Bmycussrisa essen suf B14 (Com- pany Tax) gpenm HSS) Rorisroyed. 2. HEMLBWe Aer sgioul ADI GE) AovsssoNd 56 a 3. parity 2dronm_A DyaensHed wn 5Gihe ow? (Pilgrim Tax) 4 V 96 sar Aue gquorss som 19550 655 Gungeuror poo Lpanpscr Upp) aera Berssayid. wAiauanaen 10 VI @ssironcr torpor Rule Gensgi wb Bsr (Transfer of Property) ARAB eponmactr Gigs BouMssoyrd. wGtoudireseis VIL 1920 ag_s8w sOppr@ parm _Aé #1 1_sBer Sp Harm AGIs Deis upugasp@b wpyrd QyprnK Qupasoeyenur ED GBIGS: jdiouuairescit 10 ° BiB f Ya5~4 005/DM/ 14 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS. May 2011 SUBORDINATE ACCOUNTS SERVICE EXAMINATION PART I (b)—FUNDAMENTAL RULES, PENSION CODE AND THE TAMIL NADU TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE RULES (Practicat) (With Books) Time — Three hours (Maximum Marks: 100) [NB—(1) Answer all questions. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil a (3) Answers should be brief and to the point and need not be a verbatim reproduction of printed pages. (4) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. Marks 1. State the correctness of the following with quoting Authority — 8x2=10 (a) Payment of stitching charges of Rs. 200 to a Government Driver on 01-09-2009. (b) Incidental charges admissible to an Officer on tour for his journeys from Chennai and back is calculated with reference to daily rates admissible to Chennai. at (c) The Drawing Officer restricted the T.A. claim of a subordinate to Ye 20 % in May 2009 on the total claim. ‘i (@ Air journey fare was allowed on Tour from Chennai to Madurai for a Government Servant drawing a Grade Pay of Rs. 7,700, (e) A Grade-I Officer claimed Rs. 900 being the lumpsum grant in his transfer in August 2009. The distance between the places of transfer was less than 60 Kms. 1. Distinguish between the following :-— : 5x3=15 (a) Superannuation Pension and Retiring Pension () Controlling Officer and Disbursing Officer (c) Fee and Honorarium : (d) Personal Pay and Special Pay _ » ~~~ —(e). Contingency Fund.and Contingent Expenditure. 318/561 2 Marks IIL. Write short notes on the following — 8x4=20 (a) Extension of Joining time (b) Time limit for submission of T.A. claims. {c) Employees with Grades and revised rate of Daily allowances for the purpose of T.A. after 31-5-2009. (0) Conditions to hold additional charge (e) Permanent Advance. IV. From the following particulars Prepared the Eamed Leave Account :—~ 10. Leave at credit on 31-12-2005 —228 days. Eamed Leave availed for 25 days from 15-2-2007 to 11-3-2007. Eamed Leave Surrender on 15th May 2006 —15 days. Availed Unearned Leave on Private Affairs for 30 days from ‘1st September 2006. Earned Leave Surrender on 15th May 2007—15 days. wk Availed Unearned Leave on Medical Certificate for 30 days from ‘1st August 2007. Died on 28th June 2008. V. Regulate the grant of next and subsequent increments with the following 10 details — Normal date of increment — 1-4-2006 Stoppage of increment for six months without cumulative effect excluding the periods of leave. Stoppage of increment with cumulative effect for six months. Availed Extraordinary Leave without Medical Certificate for four months from 1-6-2006 to 30-9-2006. Availed Earned Leave for one month VI. Fix the Pay and Catculate the Pension, DCRG, Commutative and Family 2B Pension to a Government Servant on Superannuation whose Service particulars are given below — Date of birth 15-6-1951 Date of entry into Service and regularisation : 8-5-1977 EOL without M.C. 3 Months Overstay of leave 10 Days A) Placed under suspension for a period ‘of 5 months treated as a punishment. Normal date of retirement ‘Ast April Pay as on 1-4-2007 Rs, 22,500 31e/ts6—2 Revised Pay Band as on 1-1-2006 Grade Pay Marks Rs. 9,300 —34,800 Rs. 4,700 He was promoted and joined the new post carrying Pay Band Rs. 15,600 39,100 with Grade Pay Rs. 5,400 as on 10-1-2008. Fix the advantages pay to the individual and Calculate the Pensionery benefits. Note:— (1) D.A 22 % as on 30th June 2009 (2) Commutation Value— Calculate the Travelling Allowance admissible to a Government Servant Rs. 32,000 + Grade Pay Rs. 6,600 Left Chennai 19.30 hours by train to Salem — Travelled by Air Condition Ii Cisss. Arrived Salem at 04.35 hours. On the same day proceeded to Namakkal by Government Car, Left for Chennai at 21.15 hours by Train Jind Class.AJC and reached the next day at 7.30 hours. Left Chennai at 22.00 hours by Train I Class A/C Arrived at Erode at 5.05 hours on the next day On the same day proceed to Tirupur by Morning feft Tirupur to Erode by Government Vehicle - Age Value 58 8.446 59 8a71 60 8.287 a vn from the following details — Basic Pay> -? Head Quarters © Chennai 13.6-2008 146-2009 Ly a 196-2009 for Erode, 20-6-2009 Government Car. >, 216-2009 21-6-2009 »% Chennai - Salem Namakkal - Chennai Chennai - Erode Left for Chennai at 21-45 hours by Train in It Class AIC and reached by 05.30 hours on 23-6-2009. Distance Nt Class AVC. fare 345 Km, Rs. 725 372 Km. Rs. 816 280 Km. Rs. 624 10 318/156—3 4 pip spend al Mar SAMUILL Meads sGs Esmawrar Qrissshd years 5x2-10 ON GCI Sleo_wefésereyid -— cee ee (a) 27% @FLOBGSG 1-9-2009-0 sogupstcewors (Stitching s Charges) @. 200 ayprirsintrgs. (2) 295 gQWAGsES uwersPer Gung, (Tour) geflssiuGws Ber flaipas slLamd (Incidental Charges) GasrmsnéG ABAssiucQsrer Jorduy AAgmesildr syyiuc we Aaromdd Poss uNiULG vdp Pebu age ULeMiEAECUMd 0556 sidsaiucegs. @) vari Gudgs gw sgt (Drawing Officer) qq veefunenesr Qurgsu uWwerd uy Confléeauld (TA. claim) Co 2009 wIg§H 20 esdAsh Emndgs Aanms mypiieiucegy @) BCn. amgurd (Grade Pay) @, 7,700 Gund sme sigaGes AscrommMIANGss wget wees Geww Soret CuréGansss stiemd sudssiucrg). ©) ‘ax fe 276 sAMGsEG GLO Gurdps Apreoaure (Lumpsom grant) ¢@. 900 ges’ 2009-0 wmiss esnpeearones SMssiulig. unpsd veFiImeesse Gen Gu acre gab 60 BE, Gm Ed. | I. SHSGAUMLUULOsrorms5 5G GDorcw acror Counc yenor $x3=15 Mle 65585 -— (9) awg Ysia, giigyHws (Superannuation Pension) udgid ouieyGupis gigySus (Retiring Pension) (4) @C@tiurG sgysuwF (Controlling Officer) wigs uL@eumur aa sigiami (Disbursing Officer) : @ strombd (Fee) wip ughySw (Honorarium) ©) saf amBus wipes Apiy aaBuid @) «fiuncrg §G (Contingency Fund) wpm didwompe QasveSiens (Contingent Expenditure). “HL Ape diy acres — 5x4=20 (2) ww8n Gorsenoid spiny. (2) uur uy Consmes gifléad ane sjsssmet. @) 31-5-2009-s Gt Merert wwe upéanor AGsBu Sori urp usfuronisefer ACh ois ofeumriesr. : ©) aGsd Gunpiy adiusiener Puigmaresr. & } 2) simiBT (peiruseerid. 318/156—4 gum Getinueya — 31-12-2005-6) GGiweysiren meyw aly 228 mec 15-2-2007 (yas 1-3-2007 yy_u grids 25 prior aCyw aOoy 18-5-2006-@ 18 pros aye AGGY osein Geimiu’e gy. Genie sigiudsr Cufld giidselQubm aLLM 6MGLy 30 goad 1~9-2008 ssi 15-5-2007-) mLyw s@in sneir 15 pmtesr ugsgiea sndGerCufleors aun GLY 30 gre 1-8-2007 ys aGsaiGudngs. 28-6-2008-4) anogsacrnri. V. Cy GMUGILOUL Masgiisadr gyiuoud saorypery asus auia, G60 erent aymetu. Cosiryu smu 2uiiajssner yooniudseaub — : engipeseranesr emgu ousiey grer 1-4-2006, Soren wud A 6 wipes eHu ewig Poss Mmssiucig (AGIYS sro Fisers). 6 ungws ees egw cua, Shei. wugeer My sS smudoirurgs. 1-6-2008 qos 30-9-2008 (yyw pIENG UNBHEMHEG vGsBOs onsagy ong HOLY gaisdsecucrgy (EOL without M.C.). 1 urge 5 SOG PLyw AGLY guisatulrgs Vi. Sy GAAMLiCGsror Seumisér sytuod 06 y9AOGs cmSu Picrud Arig, gig Sub, Qoiy upgd gimenert LeMSoroor, AsTEiysud wpm GGOU gieySurd Prromuxd Goinunys -— Sips Cos 2 15-6-195t usnhild Coss upord ympiuBspiuce prér: 8-5-1977 Ugsgias snsnAsrCuRdians sAGiY 2 3 wngrivesr AGIY Pawns geidsoiGubog 210 gma (Overstayed of leave) Sianeli uafSobd sei overs 2S wngriuest YyooiuPssiulg ergmemare gic Qupia prér 2 abn epg pret _ 17422007 cmp. eg. 22,500 - HGsHu exw 1-1-2006-0 : @G. 9,300-34,800 An oes Suis : @ 4,700 318/156—5 10 25 10. 6 wPKQusisscr use outa Quip usu ugehid HesHu sedw weguld G. 15,600 ~ 39,100 + AGm’ amgGurd @. 5,400 serm slide Be -2008-4) Ceiggmi. CopuyUTET Ese germ gohsasgb— arsmsuile emshul flisemuc Cais) Gg Su urs seOTdSO Gaiwoyis— opty: () sy60Sleneol uy 22% 30-6-2009-4 2 Asreiygud wgiiny — aug wig 58 8.446, 59 8.371 60 8.287 Vi. Deragd Maghscher yiuEld g7% BADGE TQMASsdetgu went vywlener semsSQ ariwinyi — eerBluid @. 32,000 - AGr. ond wid em. 6,600 13~6-2009 14-6~2009 19-86-2009 20-6-2009 21-68-2009 21-6-2009 Gesr ener - Gesnd pmaéed— Gaerenssr Qasirener— Gon 318/156—6 sean Bib — Gacrense. 19.30 unerag Qnulld Gecrmenid Goi Asi Coobd Asigsd Qremmd agGiuy Geirenger weSusr egw suse vwvewmd arise. 425 ues Cond Cogs om prod oped CuGsAH pradsd ypinGwe 21.15 wowhlée, QGIAd Orsi ms v@isd |Eehiengen aeduier Gecrmenréigé Ama 9958 pre 7.30 vende, subge0.50. Aesrmould Hoss Asm 22.00 wewhée, Ord Orsi ugsiy Galltenger aeSucer Cm Garvguss. 5.05 ushae KGor@ HOSS sae syncs, 8p prefs Heb ge aunsenpseo Qacigyse, Ae aren gHd AGIMIG5 eCrn@, ermm Gadgyssd, 21.45 wawhée, Gecrmen Goudeé Binsin mo ugly Galliense asSuyror ymivl@ 23-6-2009 5.30 uemlie Cagsa. sim Brats aygtny Gahiongsen angi eam 345 Bal G. 725 972 Aas. G. 816 280 Auf. G. 624 0 Ms 06 / DM / 114 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2011 SUBORDINATE ACCOUNTS. SERVICE. EXAMINATION PART-II(a) — ACCOUNTS AND AUDIT OF LOCAL BODIES (Theorenica,) (Without Books) Time —Thres hours * (Maximum Marks: 100) IN.B.— (1). Answerall questions (2). Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English orin Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil (3) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting | Define the following :— 5x2= 10 (a) Field Audit : () Financial Audit (0) Audit Objective (d) Budget (0). Letter of Credit. . Distinguish between the following -— ‘ 5x35 15 (a) Receipts ‘and Charges Account: and Income and Expenditure ‘Account. (®) Section 194 ‘C’ and 194 J" of income Tax Act. (c) Revised Estimaté and Supplementary Estimate ee (d) Schedule of Rates and Standard Data (0) Cash Book and Receipts Book. . Write notes on the following :— Sx 5=25 (@) Sources of Revenve for Vilage Panchayats. ‘ (b) Various accounts maintained in Panchayat Union Councils. (c)_Depreciation and its various accounting procedures. @ “()_Audlt checks in respect of callectione trough fattation (Computer See ~~~ collection) 1) counters in Municipalities. (@) Career Advancement’ Schemes in Universities. 3181571 1. VL vu. vill. Explain the recording’of transactions ‘as per’ Accrual’ Based’, ‘Account System in-Urban Local Bodies through’a Flow Chart. What are the preliminary checks to be e: ‘commencement of audit in Urban Local Bodies ? List out the schedules to be enclosed with Annual Accounts in Accrual based Accounting System. Briefly explain the functions of Universities and audit of the accounting 10 of financial transactions in Universities...» List out the auelt checks to be exercised in ‘inviting afd ‘acceptance of 10 “Tenders”. . pou’ tatty cant ns Spsergps Deiisensr. aes Gs — 5x2=10 (9) ss serléos (2) 99% peiims @ sevisms @Patanir (9) swai-Gesonys Lt @) aid nay agyhS appl (Letter of Credit), |. Spang Paniiecoor CapuGsGAs sm.Os:— 2 5x3215 2) anaj-Gennds semrdg upgrd agami Qemailerds semg. (2) sugunetashs oLith 194 ‘6 unppi "194 ‘Og’. ‘ @ AGs8u wGH'48H pyr gimcer uhtinSG...ucigusd. A) srUGSsdULL: lee Sayd ucpwd- vp oe sleuminssfics @fKiyesdr. @) Gprésh upCa® wpe aneilens ugscud. Shdargpd Qeriaeag epfiy amps — 5x5 = 25 (9) ome sum Masher sugami gysmmisecir. (gy) carn. é garfunisctes urmiMsaiuGs Uday somdqacr. @) Cpinoremd— ugg gc semteEO epenpacr. ©) pamidisch GouduGi. senflel ups soumischér amsena ABASsIUOd apelleriiachér eAssdroumu, amigo reo? @) udemadayariaché GouinGi—iNGis ‘Ue Guim Gis Lib. 3181572 wi Y vi. vo. val. 3 semaAGag veieny . gato Ppasmisehd sepiuOspiuGd Quixgons annsgasier BL ANy oOESOT ‘yiUOLIAd HS) Qpn sure Teeueg Flow Chart amiars aierdes- gaiyp Poweivashér pefimarienes GupAendreupine Ouhdsrcrer Cay Yara peviéme ofiumiiysdt urea? ait ysOiipini xs amté ‘i Qaaig evrWidaiu. Cariryw usGagy gC. semenact uprit aflaufiéss. Ldsmnssys GeudurGad upg sie - HB Age turer Fraydmsamer soir ilu UimAssiuOd We yasduorer Bemseen Une KoA SGSSUTS sve. ‘giuipiuiiad’ Gpriuts Gup@ander Gasiryn pain eflumiinyscoe Sores. 3te167—3 10 10 007/ DM/ 11 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2011 SUBORDINATE ACCOUNTS SERVICE EXAMINATION PART-II(b)—ACCOUNTS AND AUDIT OF LOCAL BODIES (Practica) (With Books) Time — Three hours (Maximum Marks: 100) IN.8.—(1) Answerall questions. (2) Candidates are elfowed the option to answer the paper either in Engl es Tamil or even to answerthe paper 4 partly in Tamil @) B&H a fo the ont and need not im reproduction of printed pages. (4) “Marks will be dediictéd for bad handwniting} . Define the following -— 8X3=15 (a) Register of Revenue yielding properties in Municipality (0) Women and Children’s Welfare Grant (c) Contractors Ledger in Panchayat nian - (4) Suspense Accounts (0) -National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme. 1. What are the points to be looked into while auditing Execution of 10 Road works ? IIL. (a) State the steps to be followed to bring outa Quality Report, 4 (0), What are the receipts of Library Fund ? (c) Define: Samboorna Grama Rojgar Yojna Scheme and its main 3 features. IV. Whatare the audit checks to be exercised for the following while conducting 5 Audit in the Office of the Assistant Elementary Educational Office : — 1. (@) Check of Paybills Ye (0) Cash Recoveries (c)_ Personal Deposit Account (@) Teachers Provident Fund Account.” 318/158—1 Marks V. Quote with Authority whether Correet or incorrect :— 5X2=10 (a) Allallotments made in the Budget shail lapse at the end of the year. (0) One of the obligatory duties of Parichayat Union Council is the opening and maintenance of public markets which are classified as Panchayat Union Markets. i {o) The Collector of a District has accorded sanction for the creation of posts bome on consolidated pay.and daily wages in a Town Panchayat Office. (d) Port Trust should not be classified as company for levy of Profession Tax. (@) APanchayat can alter the rates of Licence fees without any statutory notification. VI. Specify the consistency of works expenditure audit, Registers and records 16 to be scrutinized and generat points considered while auditing work vouchers. ‘Vil. Mention the various appellate powers conferred upon a Municipal Council. 5 VIII. What are the functions and powers of District Sports Council ? Mention 10 the authorised items of expenditure on District Sports Council. IX. (2) Compare and contrast the audit checks to be exercised on the following -— 5 (1). Bill analysis Abstract Register (2) Construction Operation Accounts Ledger. (b) - What are the statements attached in Quantum of Loss Report 7 1. Sipéscain. Gamiscensr aflasfisaayi — 5X3=16 Co) penn dudler augemi RCiémyu used (2s) wsehit wid Gybeopede po ueterad @ rw A genfu gingséani Cuno © gimknGarw ssnaged @) UsGu says Cuma apSwefings GU, TL, ere Come Goains A Oassr penflams CeinsrCung, sevaflées 10 Gousimgus Gleriusér wrens ? IL. (9) grurer gefées opfdmaiimer sunfss GupGendroriin Cousingus exfleusoeedr unenas? (a) Gres MBS asgaertivasr umeneu? 3 @ siyier dome Cmygsri Curgenn Sigs ales ser 3 YSOU speiscmsrd GAAS aph, 318582 Vv. VL val. Wy age Agmdad ate ggams gevisms CopGandenaturgs SHG MUI Oaks GG ofunissinr Cosiryu gevioms @omisscosr aSleufieseayd:— (9) mega udigubesdr @ ser maiys score, () géfut Gung mats aomae. fur, gapr cers ess dt spay :— ) BD egsdlyd ggdsiuGae comb s5 scnG yysiGn ereoreus) 2pSeSiGid. (a) send geri ojemp cor vgdaine Gere. Gurgis: ebmgecaer Spig wang upp urmafiny CupGancirugs axmm_A geinsfu Sysasficr geooum sewounes.. - @® oe aeminee Geltpia Genie gain ee woreuce 94° Fusreri ypu vga Guusen she Syepuag) ofsgeromm. ) Apmfed aif aAGaADE Port Trust-g eG Pmuemmed segisd ang. Coron Aenaions sevismauler aso sai, genftses CuxpGandrar Coringy uptaGad upp gelmmiiame aafiuter® Caos GeleyoGungs EGO Gesnsror Coustngus Gurgaon eAlepuriscer Sauhlso, BemlLAS GY ayisculGsroranvCagy CordepenguG Gsm itunes qSamniesnord spay. ore. smerun OS Gysiir GoudurGecr upp gyBsmmisessoar sHafésstd upped unai. sSlsorun Gs Gqgeler oibeAesCucL QeevsSlertvescir wsreneu? (9) SPSS PII Geriamer PUIG sper Cagulr genie Gari F 7 east opal :— (1) utyud vei Oprety uéda (2) et Guorer gins somegi CulrO. (Y) OPAL sPemayss Qeerssiud ulyusdscr wuneoa? 3181583 wphiQumias 5 8X2=10 008 / DM/ 14 . DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2011 SUBORDINATE ACCOUNTS SERVICE EXAMINATION PART - II(¢}-ACCOUNTS AND AUDIT OF STATE TRADING SCHEMES (PRacticat) (With Books) Time — Three hours (Maximum Marks : 100) (N.B—(1) Answer all questions. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English orin Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. (3) Answers should be brief and to the point and need not aes be a verbatim reproduction of printed pages. (4) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting } 1. Write short notes on the following — {a) Allottees’ Personal Ledger (b) Measurement Book (c) Proforma Accounts in an Agricultural Depot (d) Scope of Audit in Khadi Rural Textile Centres (e) The Revenue (receipts) due to Private Engineering Colleges and Polytechnics. ve IL. Distinguish between the following -— (a) Open Tender and Limited Tender (b) Government Account and Public Account (c) Administrative Approval and Technical Sanction (d) imprest and Permanent Advance (e) Consolidated Fund and Contingency Fund. IIL. Comment on the following (Quoting Authority) :— (a) The Audit fee on the annual maintenance grant of an aided Private _. Polytechnic Institute for the year 2004-2005 was worked out at hy Rs. 25 per Rs. 1,000 each of annual maintenance grant. (b) tn a Nutritious Noon Meal Centre, the children from the age group ~~ —— — —-of.2-45- were. supplied with .eggs.weekly twice from 1: - - = (@) -A-Panchayat Union Commissioner transferred a sum of Rs. 5 lakhs from LF. Account V to LF Account I as advance to meet out the paucity of funds in L.F. Account | 31aso—1 2006. Marks 6 10 6 E Mark: (d) The interest on 60% of VI" Pay Commission arrears was refused patel to be allowed to a Provident Fund Subscriber for the period beyond 31-3-2008. (e) The Subscription under Pensioners’ Family Security Fund Scheme was collected at Rs. 50 p.m. from a pensioner till his death which occurred on 15-3-2002. His spouse was awarded a death benefit of Rs. 25,000 under that scheme. IV. Specify the several modes of defalcation in Agricultural Depots and the 18 methods of detecting them in Audit. V. What are the principal records to be scrutinised in auditing the 10 Proforma Accounts in a Khadi Kraft ? VI. What is the procedure to be adopted for issuing ration of food 5 commodities in a N.M. Centre when more than 500 students are fed ? VIL. Specify the rates at which audit fee if any have to be collected in Se respect of the following Institutions (Quoting Authority) — (2) Kalaivanar Arangam () Tamil Nadu Khadi and Village Industries Board (c) Chief Minister's Fund for Special Welfare Schemes () Sarva Shikshya Abhyan (SSA) (e) Tamil Nadu Housing Board (TNHB). VII Work out the interest due to a P.F. Subscriber whose account is ‘ maintained in a Municipality for the year 2005-2006 from the following ae. ficulars — ‘Subscription at Rs. 3,000 p.m. from March 2005 to February 2006. (6) A temporary advance of Rs. 24,000 was sanctioned on 24-4-2005 recoverable in 24 equal monthly instalments. (c) A missing credit of Rs. 3,000 for the month February 2005 was credited during February 2008. (2) Conversion of Outstanding loan into Part Final Withdrawal on 5-1-2008. (e) Closing balances as per account slip 2004-2005 — (1) Subscription Rs. 2,25,000 (2) V Pay Commission arrears Rs. 25,555 (3) ‘Vim Pay Commission arrears Rs. 37,000. Rate of interest 8% p.a. 3181592 IX, Work out the amount to be recovered if any for the shortages and ‘excesses noticed in a Khadi Kraft as detailed below during the annual physical verification of stocks conducted during April 2005 :-— Variety Category Excess value Short Value Rs. Rs. Silk Countable: 10,500, 11,000, Measurable 8,500 10,000 Cotton Countable 5,000 10,400 Measurable 6,500 7,800 * Ready-made 6,000 6,000 Polyester Countable: 14,000, 13,500 Measurable 3,200 8,400 Woollen Countable 500 14,800 Measurable 2,800 7,200 Honey: + 1,600 Total 57,000 90,700 ary 7 7 pili eupend 1. &p@ly avsnyes — (2) 99158@ Guyuniiachér gaflgui GuGr@ (Allottees Personal Ledger) 3) oyna usgenEsT @ Cnomneincoind Sider glum oyé somdgecr ©) ang) omnes gry mouse geafldsnaer prised ©) safumt Quipuiud siprA upp AsmPipr ui wWessHirefur eurayessir. ‘Ye TL, Spéacin opeieer Cayyum'iysnon sSerdgs, ) Gash goubscucre upd verupSstule giupsiudref (%) 298d semée, wip Gurge (Public) sense @) Binns giuge udm GgmPligyu sens ©) Ysrusmnd wipid rier (arom ©) AsnSiy HHS sends wimd afiumm@san HH somdg, Th. dhéssinospep uid pis quemagesr aGggios oxpiveny — ©) 96 safunt epSGuybd AgnPogrusd weasPer 2004-2005-ii gina G fu genfléscnad ott esr, sisi ost ummofitay urefius Sd @, 1,000-86 6. 25 af son SS Cue gy, (a) 9G shgienay moUsHH 2 Rd 15 ag) amo aro yy SysOsaqGsG 1-7-2006 Ysa arm Goymp Yor Be Cameras ---euptiesticegy. ——————— @ 9G eames gsnghu qunemuneri puPPéacening 1-4 2stor 7 UprsSmn arene sAPAssmMse S-OGis somes ey $56 Ysrvsmors @. 5 Gaxsdeog 6S unppd Covigrt. 318/150—-3 Iv. Vi. vi. VIL wpscasr #) 6-ag) amfudsgysier 60% Agmadoner ay 31-3-2008-S gies acre oTHSBEG 9G SoupapHs SherEMIGsG uopsswucg). ~ ©) eiaguit GGbu ungemn, HHS PLL EHendD wrefCompn G. 50 dish sssr 9G piigyGutsr @pay amaule (5-3-2002) agMasiurig,. gait Mmiysoo Weir grt umeniis OSA rssersip ©. 25,000 arptsiue g. Comneinonns Surixgadhd maundadr gL seb Udeere anfledr fxd aaron gexfésmausd sinOSyse safle Gg) flerdenyd. 8G Sn gismyWer GivOLind sem gamsr sensors Goius Cgmauter yssus perceives wena? prGanirpSe 500-6 Cue 2emay aeingmid wnsmeuiest 2.ster shgionn, cous oomad Gurgiedr eupies Cousingu (yoo ooo 7 Shs Ay amisAM NOs ms DAGEHd seoflscrad srcomd A@Asiud CasinGd corums ysmsgicr EMVIOs (9) senmassari ise ) SH}enO ssi ppd SmogsGpmgld ewnful @ ysamusetir Api pos SLL OS 0) gargs ado SLU 2) sitipan® 96.6) suey) eumfud, 8G Farnd smfufiér Coupe HHS somiGsG 2005-2006- HAGESAW a gvleosr Spsasin Seupisssfisr gypiiusorue Sr 580 -— (2) mid 2005 weed iqaif 2006 aso ungs afpn eG 3,000 afsid. (29) 24-04-2005-< Bast @5. 24,000 giranea ypsirucmd Guigusrarn. 24 ow prumemastds Des uesiloetu GassinGib. @ Gira 2005—<) oAGuLL ois cuyay ep. 3,000 wigashl 2008~A Gait samdde) Cotéaiuc@srergy. ©) Qari Quip shane apsrusgens 5-1-2008 gry usd Bohs Agrenesunes np Ganeir Geren. 2) 2004-2005-t sysiimged epyny Bgtusdr Mireugguongy — © eben em. 2,25,000 2) Sagi amBwaeqy Sigua em. 25,555. Q) Gag, ams wee Payee @. 37,000 BETO a'y oMlgd 8%. 318/159-~4 8 10 5 “ : 5 eee IX. 9G Spi spiempuled gigs 2005-c se Quip gerd Bow 10 sfumigsOécung sromiulL Spseremd @mpe) wip on Syed Gaim Casimyu Ogres ogi Hewler sensds -— Domb ams — top enna, wos uc@ erator eg te9 04 a fae sieT5dm.gue 8,500 10,000 emLér — sreineréenyuisoss 5,000 10,400 g[eré55Ge gies 6,500 7,800 Buss ayn, 6,000 6,000 uneSwehoL reimeerésentgwienss — 14,000 13,500 grdsdeywere 3,200 8,400 admit | sroimeerésenigusona 500 14,800 TSG Hrguoa 2,800 7,200 Geer - - 1,600 Qwong pi $7,000 90,700 3181595 009 / DM / 14 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS. May 2011 DEPUTY INSPECTOR’S TEST—FIRST PAPER (RELATING TO SECONDARY AND SPECIAL SCHOOLS) (Without Books) Time — Three hours (Maximum Marks : 100) IN.B—(1) Answer any ten questions only. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. (3) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (4) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed AL number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued. ] i larks 1. What are the obstacles to achieve universal enrolement in Secondary 10 Education ? Il. “PTA is a tool to improve a school in academic as well as administrative 10 side"— Discuss. III. () What are the Powers and Functions of Staff Council in a Higher 5 Secondary School 7 ye (6) What shall be the rules of discipline included to the pupil of 5 Secondary Schools ? IV, Write short notes on the following :— 5x2=10 (@) District Level Education Committee () Tamil Nadu Text Book Society (c) Red Ribbon Club (d) Continuing Education Programme (e) Village Education Register. V. Write the duties and responsibilities of the following Officer :— os ys (8) Regional. inspector of. Physical. Education 5 (b) Secretary of State PTA. VI. What are the procedures laid down in the rules for admission of 10 candidates in @ High and Higher Secondary School 7 318160—1. Marks VII. Who is competent authority to give orders — 8x2=10 (2) To sanction excess admissions in 6 to 10 classes in Higher Secondary School () To withdraw recognition to particular standard of a recognised Non minority School. (c) To sanction medical leave to the Higher Secondary School's Headmaster. (d) To sanction the Approval to a Nursery and Primary School. (e) To award selection grade to High School Headmaster. VIII. “SSA is a great opportunity to a teacher (Secondary Grade) to evaluate as 10 a many sided personality’— Discuss. IX. Give your opinion for the following :-— 5x2=10 (2) The Chief Educational Officer approved the promotions of 6 to 9th and a! ‘11th standard students of a Higher Secondary School. ° (6) The District Educational Officer to approve the appointment of a teacher in a religious minority school because of the institution not get Permission of the Chief Educational Officer. (c) The Headmaster of High School changed date of birth in the Marksheet of 10th standard as the request by parents. (d) The Headmaster refused to sanction maternity leave for a teacher because she had availed two times the same. (e) The Chief Educational Officer accorded continuance of recognition to a minority High School. X._Deseribe the functioning of CRC. XI. (a) Write about Special Casual Leaves. 5 (0) What are the Special arrangement made for a women Government 5 ‘servant. XII. Write a short notes on Young Talent Schemes and Rural Talent Test. 10 pithy anpeuid 1. Goo floned essdo8hie sjensrrausnmux usirotused Caisse sis geo aypecit 10 wirsneu 2 TL. “usiofiSdr Giieures wig sie ueflsmen amis Ewcoru ebessre 10 AupCpni—yAifur aysd 9G seein acrong)” serueg aSleufliss. TL (@) GG GweySenevi sree yAAust GageHlde aevor o)Slenmiscr 5 ppd Cowsdum@aonends gues. (29) wremrasisshis perom gonguld acromséu eGlecr wneoes? 5 3t860—2 Vi va. vull. x XL, Ape Py sssoges — ) ured siveils Gay ay salgen@ um_gred Pyprsusmd G) nt Misuein semis (8) suoriessvasl @) Anmod ase uscuG. Sjéscimasteoficr uswflssnot oSeuf: (9) weir 2c jis gyiiuemt (a) unfla GupCort a difuit ayes Qewarert. Awifian sg! Cosford usrefisld wnemeies Coins GSp ADxpeopscs ersrssr? Shssinaphigs gDemnd veo sgexi wit :— Coiflmad uirefledd 6 Ys Hyd agsiy amid sFle Lromanissr Coiémade soflicy snpinguni. Apursroo gderGgri usald gG EMAIL setuver ousarrdong Sepous Hebu Cups. GocxPoowi usta senor BAMUGrE wGso AGL seowpiug upset upg OsésiuteamnaS giysd anphierg.. awiford usta gmmmo ydihngee pia; Dom sapiens, 8G AAfwi scrme usryss Sod umcgsams eGaneasis AmMMAGsGo sds ALi (SSA) gG WsiGuAu amibinsener 16h g1 — gyri. ES§ EE . Sipdecin ays piisdr og pSlnerd ope — (8) 9G Cudfent uch 6 ws 9 aGiy amy npg 11 aGiy oremrartschar Cris ULyUIQSS YBKrEDA G0 got HUES eugSion. (@) UpKrOns sd safer gud) AupoTd gu AguNsrsond soe PyuMssrd Sumand Aeiig Guuorsog wrod sell signi oiuMés opsgemi. @ 96 wneenaahés usgmd aging wAHiueie oncnfspled actor Spy CeGlmer guoomeruafer AupCpmi Cai Gs Qanam sper sovm HEAui AGsHs CanOssmi. A oiGsmGa Brin yoo veidug AOL aOSgeiCumi arm erm SOTS Go Curir ATWGES KATO s—pmdlés genvow Be Rut opsgiesicemi. 2) 9 Amuro seas papal iceland Ggmit spudesmnn wssire Sas o\guarot eupisSenr usirolls Agngiy se@gsgmimy coud (CRC) upyhl eflast. ) Apiy giAeurd aAGLY Gg aSeuf, (2) OG Quoin ge senfugse snemiuGs Apiy qThurBsdr phe apie. aa78 Sperhls Coin ohpid uroruiagaones gelladipe PKL ePibes Agi@sPiny susmyes. 318160—3 5x2=10 5x2=10 5x2= 10 010 / DM / 11 VI vil vill 1K x, xl xiL xi DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2011 DEPUTY INSPECTOR’S TEST — SECOND. PAPER (RELATING TO ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS) (Without Books) Time — Three hours: (Maximum marks: 100) (NI (1) Answer all questions. from | to V, XVI to XVIII are compuisory and any eight questions from Vi to XV. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil (3) Marks wil be deducted for bad hendwriting. (4) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book wil not be valued.) ~~ - PART -A (Note: Answer all questions) (Marks : 5 X 6 = 30) ‘What are the duties of the Assistant Elementary Educational Officer in respect of panchayat and Municipal schools? What are the records tobe enclosed with pension proposal of a teacher? What is deployment? How are orders issued for deployment in an aided non-minority school? Explain the importance of “Register of Admission and withdrawal” in a primary school list at the items contained in the register? Describe ‘joyful learning’ in Elementary Schools? How for it is benefitted to the children? PART -8 (Note : Answer any eight questions only) (Marks : 8 X 5 = 40) In what ways the ‘Book Bank’ helps the school children? ‘What are the rules followed for sanctioning Maternity leave for a primary school teacher? 7 What are the records tobe maintained in primary and-Upper Primary schools? What is-meant-by Dropout? Explain-the reason for-Drop out-and-steps tobe-takne for .— avoiding Dropouts? Explain the constitution and term of an Aided School Committee. Explain ‘Minimum: Level of Learning’. Write in detail about voluntary Retirement. What are the condition to sanction the part final amount from the teachers profident fund? 318 fer-1 wm XIV. Explain Activity Based Learning method, Define its importance and Usuage? XV. What are the periodical reports tobe sent from Assistaft Elementary Education Office to District Elementary Education Office? | PART -¢ (Marks : 30) (Note : Answer all questions) (Marks :5X 3= 15) XVI Write Short notes on — (a) Service Register (b) Best School Award (c) Office Calender. (a) Open School Education. fh (e) Maintenance grand. (Marks : 5 X 2= 10)" XVI, Comment on the following:- (a) The AEEO sanctioned maternity leave for a married lady teacher for the fourth time on her pleathat she hadnly one living child. (b) The Assistant Elementary Educational Officer deplolyed a surplus secondary teacher in an : Aided Schoo! to another needy Aided School under his jurisdiction. (c) The Chief Educational Officer is granted permission to start a new Panchayat Union Primary School. (@) The Headmaster granted a teacher for one hour permission to attend the school. (e) The District Elementary Educational Officer taken action against Record Clerk in his office. (Marks: 5X 1 XVIlf- Explain the following. . ( (a) SCERT & i {b) DIS.E . () BPI : (d) FAO (e) CTC 318/161-2 ‘vt, = pully a (oS@usimessr: 5 X 6 = 30) 1 esl A gery wrod Bamm_A usrofesnert Guns cuss 2 Fes Gsm ded sovell Sipieueurfear uewflesct wrens? i. 9G yotuer pig Suss SG SEGAL 6H Blows ss) sysotusiun Courtmeu sp ovesivesst wirencu? UL Leech Grouch sree’ sretresr? AcuTsireo.ow) 2.g6HALiped usirefiesatcs ucefSireuch 93 sneer aden epieiuadngs? AV. gunn usirafluihes upmoMseiuGd Cortdens uyr Srsd uPGar’ipcr eps Ansys ess Honest eAlardi5? V. Gam dertiusinefested ‘ephpadir Associa ' smigggy eur? subs geroikie, DTA Gyiopaeset uUgEegTs gennMings? ugh 2 (GHliy: - ES on. oemréae5 se wo Ow eflenrwefl) (oSti@umieressir: 8 X 5 = 40) V1. Ug 50 artsAeseh Ushi GpiOZrOHS eis aeoedd wuss soNdche per? VIL. 9G SynbuiusteN sy SieounIer UECCUD ADL senioGldati MerujpsuGra asecr wasosu? VII. Ogsme d6 nd guh BO Weneatucroflestes ugmoAdecun Coucteripus uae soos? IX. Hen Hips ereirooned srctesr? Poo Hdogissren sqomivscr wpa Geo Hpeneos selliuasianree suflesir wipe) Sleuth? X. 96 HH 2. 56RAumsd usrofufldr ‘usirafles@sug’ (School Committee) str spomuniay unyped eunmusopassser 6Siaufl? XI. @mappuo sipped open ayscir erebypned ercinen? XII Bigot gussy Uspsh afitlastes sregge5? XIll, gyAuiNeir suggiisno mariy PIA Gig UGH oPsemae argegorsisre Be plssirunsosu? XIV. Gausdaxéaniyps siruongs Aiasl? syscir uusirur@ wis epechugiout uy eflares ys? XV. 2. 605 gm.soe asin spit. sgiemas SAGs gi 0700 21D dS 2ytUlnade Crssinpu ugar opesaentrumenes? — Qgmeserbo%si68— 318/te1-3 XVI. Api@ shay eusorss: — (9) usmiiugita® (oy) Finks usirafl GSI @) sigievms groom ©) SoBeGaeN see 5H (2) ummasfeing coninaa (apiQueinesin : 5 X 2=10) XVII, Adscime aun GHEE SD: - (2) Pguemarer Qusin aeileowds OG Gysmp ol OC 2ulerG Pesiuysnd preiromd Yenpursoyd wsiCup AOY 2 5osAgr Sadao ojyynenrd spd OU g _ (BABA Opn dsdasied sygpmeut Song) QYESeOGHG a CULL a peNCuyp ustofhsd aust aster 9G Dom Slonsy a, AifusoT CEsnanusctor CuO 2 gHGuupRd usitehng useAisraus epee DIEM Sah. Gaur A gar Agm_saiusiel gamEngie Ysdreoussia gat sen geMspmi. (96 2 Pifust ustehig NosAAiCgnh smogtoTs auGoNEET Leto ecowson a4AMust SIND eupiistarnt. Chora g Opn ssdscrel spyuni, surg signs s Pe usweyferd aysveon yobs ig) EYRE BLaspdems, oS. (oSsGusinadi: 5X 1 = 5) XVII, SipSacimsurjeap ofifiyuOsgs: — (S.CERT (a) DISE @ori FAO wcrc 3ia/tei-4 di 0414 /DM/ 11 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2014 DEPUTY INSPECTOR'S TEST— EDUCATIONAL STATISTICS (With Books) Time — One hour and a hatt (Maximum Marks : 100) IN.B.—(1) Answer all questions. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. (3) Answers should be brief and to the point and need not be a verbatim reproduction of printed pages. (4) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting.) 1. (a) Write short notes on State award for Teachers. (6) What do you know about Tamil Nadu Text Book Corporation 7 (c), How can we improve the basic amenities in High Schools and Higher Secondary Schools ? (A) Science exhibition — Discuss. Il. (@) Write short notes on the improvement of Libraries in High Schools and Higher Secondary Schools. (0) Write short notes on Open School Systems. i (c) Write short notes.on the Educational concession to students. (d) Write short notes on the Junior Red Cross Society. (@) Write short notes on Scout movement in Schools. III. (a) Mention the position of Higher Secondary‘School on 2002 - 2008. (0) Tabulate the enrolment of Most Backward Class students class wise. (o) Mention the enrolment in Anglo-indian Higher Secondary Schools in the following districts :-— (1) -Villupuram 5 Ya (2) Salem 8) Trichy 7 a ee (4) Ooty Pee eee re (8) Madurai (0) Write short notes on Vocational Ecucation in Higher Secondary Schools. 318621 Marks Marks IV, (@) List out Schedule Tribe Boys and Girls students enrolment in 5 1X to XII standards in State Board High and Higher Secondary Schools in 2002 - 2003. (0) Write down the enrolment of Boys and Girls of State Board High 5 Gchools in the following districts in 2002 - 2003 - (1) Chennai (2) Cuddalore (3) Vilupuram : (4) Perambalur i ©) Nigris, (c) Write short notes on the Govemment Exaininations held in Schools. 5 (d) Write short notes on Incentives for promotion of Girls Education. 5 V. Write short notes on the following :— i na (a) Stage-wise dropout rate in Tami! Nadu from 1998 - 1999 to 4 2002 - 2003. () Number of Matriculation schools from 1998-99 to 2002 - 2003. 4 (c) Free supply of Bi-cycles. 4 (@) Physical Education in Higher Secondary Schools 4 (e) District Primary Education Program 4 gly enpartd ; L @) QAfuis@s6 gefdeiUGd ufo Deg usd |My 5 YW aise. Cy) suipsr® umgrd eyssmgi ups Apis @iy suenser. 5 @ rwiPew wpprd CwsGeowt usieeahd acre gyphueo 5 ashsom chang (perCanind Oeiegy? ©) spietud senenlA - Sed 55. 5 T. @) cmifioe upg Cudfmat udreledid Gewduge ~ 4 BIosiiscd Up rug CgsfycoreoUs 9655. me (2) Sobp Ympd usrofad = Agesliy esos, @ wresuisGs6 gelesiu@s sds symad stiemh — iy aor. () Qed Gos geons otreid—|@phiy soy. ©) omemi Quded-epfiy sos. 318/162—2 epeiausicesir HL (9) 2002-2003.46 acral yeings silyssSlgiror Cosslem Usteflsafetr crairenféenscou TeySis. (ey) 2002-2003.40 sal qaryd aster Men Mpuossoucr Urea meelaomsmu UBLY srflums gC Lasneeis Loss. @ Shougd umexLievwafied osror gysCorn ~ BiSusr Cuosirflenert usrafleafd acre wtemraxt ersicrenféeomcou Gesfaésescyis: — eSugtumd Geond BGsA comp wgye0r. © ApesPiy sepa — Cundpleswi usrefisahd AsmpPlisdeh umcsvadr, BSESss Iv. g 2002-2003. sin gyeiryd 11 nipid 124 agiyssiid Usd UpREY Hersgarer cereiémacoy OshuLudsse. 2002-2003. sich yard awifimed usreflesfier woremeut / ance ereienfiéees Sipeeir wreutsiesfied & @ uirshaoher psetuGd spas Cpinssoord ups) |qhhiry eusorss, ©) Quer sdeleou aeriduppercer wdos Agnenssouis uss Grfliy arbres. V. Ag| iy evens — (@) 1998-1999 wee 2002-2003 memo usrefiacis 2 crm Berfipssd upd flew curfures acter oSleupia. (2%) 1998-1999 wsd 2002-2003 ams QuiMseGaner sirafiesafic erence sso ys @ Qnus WHausiny e #) Codfimat usted ot pacdei ~ pieap- pea: a ——— >) unfin” @gmiZs 318/162—3 5 012/DM/11 i: DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS ¢May.2011 ‘DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT TEST—.EIRST PAPER THE TAMIL NADU ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT MANUAL — VOLUME 1 AND II (With Books) ns Time — Three hours ci (Maximum Marks : 100) IN.B— (1) Answer all questions. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. (3) Answers should’ be brief and to the point and need not be a verbatim reproduction of printed pages. (4) _ Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting.] 1. (a) What are the charges to be collected for shifting of service /line as per the Tamil Nadu Electricity Supply Code? =~ (b) When Temporary Supply is effected and What are the items eligible for adjustment against the deposit collected for Temporary Supply ? I. When will licensee collect the registration charges as per the | Tamil Nadu Electricity Supply Code ? III Write short notes on the following :-— (a) Consumer Meter Card. (®) State Sub-Load despatch center. (c) Name Transfer. (@) Minimum Charges (e) Belated Payment surcharges. IV. What are the commercial conditions usually being produce in the Tender specification of TNEB ? V. Briefly discuss the Tariff structure of Low Tension and High Tension services in TNEB. VI. Distinguish between the following :-— (2) Connected load and Contracted load (b)” Power factor and Load factor. (ey ‘Administrative approval and Technical sanction, (d) Eamest Money Deposit and Development Charges. 318/163-4 Marks. 16 5x4=20 16 16 4x4=16 IL WV. VI. LS) pGEHO Br eyiind WHS Gproiriiruy Wéruterp in 8 31 Qenseminy caninh ceymiociugsiie eutleretin.Courtigi “aL OUR aaa eg tate. ana 3 ‘ep sidings! sparta Wer Geen, ler QeneeriIhe cuted Gi Ceiasdes seBune i! preteens ofl idler “sister 2 sigor® Llér argtiod 089% GoneinSirug sfeupani i Gimeges 16 uplands eiomd ates Aoimuypguyd? Shosrin maser cof percympusd eflesfiése :— 5x4=20 (2) psiGamt use sce. 2 (a) unfin 2pafl Weiroons Gwonsinios ersurd. oe @) Gut ansis ©) Gomis secre. ©) onnd mp6 Gopigud acrompgér sumpi SOPETO erent anfug Sd goussdusdraneah OpAesed eSumuns flusgearact erste? rip are toni (st Qurgans 16 Rérory anus euitér susp wind omnis init Sass 6 Qwanisher owincyud geeuimr ogden Ban,” neni} Ww medvt il 99 ubsl4 lieask 4 = 16 Ajoadmoidog Qo Gu Cus smene:— oe (9) Qoondsiul ues upg giugpt ues. (ay) vat GusLF wpod ue, CudLT @ Aiams qiysd opps CpmpPogicu sips. ©) Soom moriys Agron upg suemisA somtnjs” gneve. stant re 38/1632 ykarene j i 4 5 013 /DM/ 11 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2014 THE ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT — ACCOUNT TEST La SECOND PAPER THE TAMIL NADU FINANCIAL CODE VOLUMES | & I THE TAMIL NADU TREASURY CODE VOLUME | THE TAMIL NADU ACCOUNTS CODE VOLUME III AND THE TAMIL NADU PENSION CODE (With Books) Time—Two Hours (Maximum Marks : 100) IN.B.—(1) Answerto Question No. lis compulsory and any five questions from the rest. oe (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English orin Tamil or avento answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. (3) Answers should be brief and to the point and need not be a verbatim reproduction of printed pages. (4) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (8) Answers to whale questions in excess of the, number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued.) Marks I Write short notes on the following as per Madras Account Code? (5X4=20) (a)What are classified under the head “Public Works Dej (b)Treatment of Incorrect balance as per Cash Book with that actual cash In the Cash Chest? (c) Name 3 main direct expenditure that can be charged to Manufacture Operation Accounts? (d) Closure of accounts of manufacture operations with respect to seasonal nature or.continuous nature? II. Name two main diassification of expenditure in Public services, Explain what Is Capital Expenditure and how it is met? 16 HL. Name 8 incidence amounting to non qualifying service. 16 3tee4s—1 Mostks IV. Whether the following are termed as qualifying service? . 16 ‘a. Service rendered in PWD/Highways etc., b. Central Government service before Joining’state Government ¢. Service rendered: in State Government before joining Local Bodies Universities and Cooperative institutions |. £.0.L taken for higher studies . Military service Service rendered in Local body excluding break Service rendered in State Government before absorption in central undertaking . Service rendered prior to resignation to take up another appointment In the Government of Tamil Naau.. zy enoa ve Explain the methodology for rectification of errors In Cash book 16 ; V1. _ Explain the principles of classification In adjusting the charges connected with-the land and quarries? VII. Explain the terminology “Unadjusted Balances” 16 VIII. What are productive and unproductive works in the category of works having capital and revenue accounts? a WS/iey-2 pill eupeud 1, Spdacinaihie sGésurs user oygie— (9) Gurgss ua mou PA amasiuGseoulr emery Huser Siflayssir wrneneu ? (3) paugyseores fleow eeardAé) 2 craruy (Cash Book) 2 sieouuren samdBeon Gasnsin® ay GoudruGSgrd wyenpsou lerdgs. @® Spopurer eer Ysduons Geass 2 huss) (manufacture operation) Sinér somdg @HinlOs. @) 26u58 Yea samdgecr — Ggmsis (continuous) goog) |g SIG sis (Occasional) eeiBanersonise erie Goriaugs ? T. Gurggis uawfuie acror Gein wpeuuoner Geway aso revs? 16 yoga Gensfard (Capital Expenditure) ug aeréd sige Pagnsmmds GANG. 4x5=20 U1, g@8 Guprp umf snaiecr (Non qualifying service) 8-g @KIGs. 16 IV. &y GAiMiuimy gGH venfléarngHie GCoisg, Gancroromon 8x2= 16 (34h | @eveo09 ):— (2) Gurgit uenfl eumfugssa /Highway guenpusld uenfunjdfus esmerivesr. @) urflo gromie ugsid Coiasroysr acre usu gnemiesSu used enevives. @ csr dd Cetagie yer asrer (Local bodies), Ldsemadsyaid upd sO maurice womflo syremivs w upeSuSé) uenfuumSis erevrseser. awisdAae eGdaiut acy sSiOty pres srgpe: Caso. sgrarm’ AS uswfwumighus esevisessr. wsAu gweris ups Cotmppeyer acre unfleo onamivsd Shu usnflés esnevtied. 0) unflo spect usaf ggat use alnd) GuGni sillier 7s UI ComseuTys GYerod Gels Ueeésrod SIA HSE GarereriiQum ? SEES V. unig AiGulyd aster grigemer off Geinid ympoud GALIOS. ~ 15 Vi. fwd (Land) serdgsmer amaiuigus slum slrdee. 16 De Vit “attaining Pgyne"ou sierdgs. 16 Vill, aigamis wipid epnpenfsing, (Capital and Revenue Accounts) 2 Cut. 6 Silas 2pus8) (Productive) upgud «.jusPUusldeung, (Unproductive) usnflast acren? Aerie. 318/164—3 014/DM/11 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2014 DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR JUNIOR ASSISTANTS IN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT — POLICE STANDING ORDERS VOLUMES | TO IV (With Books) Time—Three hours. (Maximum Marks: 100) (N.B—(1) Answer any twenty questions only. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. : (3) Answers should be brief and to the point and need not be a 2 verbatim reproduction of printed pages. (4) Marks will be deducted for bad handwating. (5) Answers fo whole questions in excess of the prescribed ‘number of questions eppeering at the end of the answer book will not be valued. (6) All questions carry equal marks.) 1. Promotion from Sub-Inspector of Police to the posts of Inspector is single y ‘statewide "C” list or Range seniority? Explain. Tl. What is the difference between Meritorious Service Entries and Good Service Entries? IIL. Give a brief note on Fatigue duty and Kit Inspection? IV. What are the powers and duties of the following officers? i) DIG - P.E.W., ii) IGP — Civil Defence & Home Guards. 3@ Vv. The retums of immovable property to the D.G.P. by a D.S.P. is necessary or not? VI. Explain briefly about the writing up of personal file, 318/tes—1 . "Police Station remains uninspected by Superintendent of police more than it,correct or not. Tf not what is the procedure? What are itéms comes under the contingent bills and when will the contingent bills are sent by Station House Officer? ‘What are the documents, attached with travelling allowance bills? Explain about the T.A. bills. X. What are the various kinds of Sports conducted in the Police Department? XI. Who are empowered to conduct searches under section 22 of the Arms Act 1959? and what is the procedure? Sita ‘s XII. What are the rules for standing Guards? XIII. Whether any fees.for services of the police at entertainments and private guards to be collected? If yes how? XUV. What are the precautions to be taken against Fires in festival pandal by SHO? XV. Whether the grievance day. and orderly room are same? If yes explain. XVI. What are the records to be maintained in the Armed Reserve? NN XVII. “What are the duties of ‘Sub-Inspectors of Police (Technical)? XVIII. What are all the reports comes hated the “Express Reports”? XIX. What should be done in the event of arrest of Central and State Government servant by. Police? . XX. During the Mob-operation what are the equipment and ammunition have to be taken? os He of Xd. Give a short notes on a) Periodical Registers b) Stock files Z18/tes~2 3 7 3 XXII. What are the points to be observed on checking service book / service rolls? YOCIIT, What are the documents to accompany orders sanctioning pension? XXIV. What is the definition for; “C" list. *B" list. “A” list. XV. Explain briefly about the Defaulter Sheet? sidlpaend Loge aware usu gpg stare ugel euiceg weflo greece “A” uLcqwon (gdmg) o7s sarcforer gpYy UL_Uan? aessayd. TL. gmasrd Qagug) usla (M.S.E.), phenciy Qagwg) ugla (G.S.E.) Qraksguaor Caygun@act arciten? TI. quiéluadl (Fatigue duty) opgrd 21e00 suse (Kit Inspection) ups. allnsgs? wr passin sgaoiadlé splenic opgd sLewsd urna? 1 sradgnp gmarssmaai - ugaladg spe Ula 2) sradginp gmoait - Gymod UNgisny Wigb exrésrad LL V. ginsur Gersgcupglu alayusma stad geen sakerefiunat gated sradgiags smoen QuagsgéG sgt CaaiPd cong gadluns s60g Qdmaur? Slaflésed. VI. user Ganiiy (Personal File) aged penpcupd) a@ésurs cage? VE. 9g staid Rlaoud seg yotGagsg Coors stad satsreAiunaytad 2.6, Aeiunod Qgssonor aeusy ous? sapr ladgs. avn, Adompiucyuara 2) agh Qarlect wna? Slaw sigiamprd (5.4.0) Adaapiucywed ecQunggg) gigyiucue Covers ? TX. wwerducgugier Qmerésiu Costu geared urna? WweNtiutyuene ups Sarégs? 218/165 -3 & X — sreudginqurard pi ssuuGid cleawn@ Cungascfles (Sports) simsact wnenar? uen_damed 1959 MMe; 22 Ap ayia) Qedu ungég ag lenmd ociengy? 5pster yenpadt urea? XL Hlemaurer aniiy (Standing Guard) ueflasror ag lparpadt wrenei? XII Cachémssgéarer seflurt andy uaéarsid, sad gnpund apdisiud sniy UaAEGb aLLemd Ggd agAesiuGdlysn? ab aafld aeiangi? XIV. uaigmsano upgdacid § afluggi ( Fires in festival pandal ) 50s actor Yet aaeféms praises Heaw ss lsmMund (S.H.O)TPsatur Gai Gid ? XV. gaimit gimp [Orderly Room) wamd Gap Sid@lb per (grievance day) QrakGub econ? yd caf NaMasaid. XVE gyusiuer sraidhé upmoMesduL Commu UsCalas cores? aeraga? XVIL. egal gyWarert (Osnyfld giCud) uated creer? XVI. gifs siplaons ( Express Report Wuld ataialls gilaemsacr sejiudurCaai GQ ? xix. psu oye | wife 76 uefunatis@s meg) Osun Gung) np QercteiuL Cousins (penpscr unenai? Xx, whee @LLgms Mob-operation ) aL Quudsgud gLaydmsig, Comauiter ausromtisdr log Cay Gungtasct (equipment and ammunition ) sre? OL AgeAiy aisngs. Ww 1) sr perp usiGaQ (Periodical Registers) 2 Qq@uy Canty Gtock files) XT. ueiugiGa@ | vewhéager ge (Checking) Qedys Gungg: sacvléstur Castqu eared wnena? WAM. giigglud giueiy gQeaniPaspars QoerdsiuCaayu gyaowied ona? xxv. “Q” (°C" list) “3” (B" list) “gy” CA” list) ULquie ones Saiflssayh? YOV. “sateen allaigls Uda ” (Defauter Sheed) @flég) sGésiore afaiflés, ot -000- 319 /t69-4% 015/DM/ 14 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2011 DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR AGRICULTURAL MARKETING | DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES (With Books) Time — Three hours (Maximum Marks : 100) IN.B.— (1) Answer any ten questions only. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the peper + either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. (3) Answers should be brief and to the point and need not be a verbatim reproduction of printed pages. * (4) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (6) Answers to whale questions in excess of the prescribed , number of questions appearing at the end of the ‘answer book will not be valued. (6) All questions camry equal marks. « . (Quote Section Number and Rule Number wherever necessary] : I. Explain the following :-— (@) Director (0) Trader (0) Processing Ww (d) Commission Agent (6) Law Officer. Il. Purpose for which Market Committee Fund may be expended. Il. ‘Who is Executive Authority of the Boa and Market Committee and explain the functions of the Executive Authorty of the Board and Market Committee, 1. Wite briefly about Market Development Fund. V. How does a Board is constituted ? |. Explain the procedure of Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Market Committee. VII. Explain Weighing of Agricultural Produce. Explain preparation of Budget. Explain the submission of periodical report by the Trader. X. Explain the procedure of Acquisition of land to Market Committee and Board. XI. Describe Officers and Servants to Market Committee. ‘XD. How does penalties proposed:and what-are reasons ? 3tates—t umover s sip auparta . Drager ui alleges — ©) Quégent (a) sussitest @ végaiudsgise fF) aiflqgar gGqgoin. @) aL sGamh. 1. ass smomisesars cijumerégy Paw AeacSoni. TH. amfud opp aipumersey PEans sen uni? sxsw GoudunGacr uf fia. IV. wrid@ac susmiéA (60 upyfl oflauRécngb. wth V. amfuggiir Compsiiy Eig andes. Vi. gytiampés @epaildr genwari, goes geout gu pio eeG Cash psgiag Gide andes. ’ ‘VIL. Gausrnaisr eSlenerQungyener creo. Gunga: uy) efleréiesayi. VIL. aura) = Gomays Siu upp alerdes. ee 50 safe F056 eS) dash. X gmour Gersgésd Ysduapen sausiidsss® ods Meréaaud, XL aBimrmersqeg sigivet wjgrd uenfuent uj Bash XIL getreer upp ae, oe 31et66—2 016 /DM/ 14 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2011 DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR OFFICERS OF THE PANCHAYAT DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT — PAPER-| MANUAL OF VILLAGE LEVEL WORKERS — COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 318167. MANUAL PART-I AND A GUIDE TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (With Books) Time — Two hours (Maximum Marks: 100) IN.B—(1) Answer any five questions only. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. (3) Answers should be brief and to the point and need not be a verbatim reproduction of printed pages. (4) Marks will be deducted for bad handwniting. (8) _ Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer ‘book will not be valued. (8) All questions cary equal marks.) Explain how the village level workers keep the Village people interest? ‘Summarize the importance of Block staff team work? ‘What steps are taken for increasing employment opportunities of Village people Explain about the people participation in Community Development? Narrate the salient future of Rural Housing? Write short notes on:- () Agriculture (2) Village Panchayat GB) Training for village leaders (@) work mM. ML VI 2 TAMIL Ognaivedtamsried, Sams wdasoer x psreypsreeuiome asveungy meus Pisispet aémusopis Ble oul Lay usefuumerisd Gorm G Qewomimeuper upéSuab EASE) Apress me9Bend at Wdag5S Came amisieou PLO SP AOSHI pL ary BeOoe COON? appr esnis Ais wisest Ug, Upp lerdgO Bs HALO MEA DLs fener upp classed Age itay amr (9) sfleusrus 2 Siymo ssryne. At O sam A pmongaara’ ups Casspoecr 319/is7-2 upp { 017/DM/ 11 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2011 DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR OFFICERS OF THE PANCHAYAT DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT — PAPER-II — VILLAGE SWARAJ 1 ML Ww VL. u I. NV. yw vi. 31868 (Without Books) Time — Two hours (Maximum Marks : 100) IN.B— (1) Answer any five questions only. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. (3) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (4) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued.) What is Village Swaraj ? Explain its basic principles. Food for Labour — Explain. What are the duties of the Village Panchayat as prescribed in Panchayat Raj? What is Organic Farming ? What are its merits ? Narrate few Village Industries. Explain the role of women Self Help Groups (SHGs) in such Village Industries. Explain about Rural Sanitation and the usage of toilets in Villages. silly eupeu Aya ounrggiad singed errr? opin ypu pbgunivasr Up aor. cemoyions 216) oomph) — aSlerege. udenusg mgUsBAeny, GG udenupPdr aLemuesdr umes? Dupe epmp eSevoruid agra ardren? sips ereowssir wstenas ? Simrad magAsmfldacr oni maps. gsGemferasthd weet surges Gydsctier ute uff cSeuflse, Boros giysy upp Symoiisshd sliuep uusirurG us Alors. Marks 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 018 /DM/ 11 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2011 (eee DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR OFFICERS OF THE PANCHAYAT DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT — PAPER III CONSTITUTION OF INDIA AND MISCELLANEOUS ACTS, ETC. (With Books) Time ~ Two hours (Maximum Marks : 100) IN.B.—(1) Answer any five questions only. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. : (3) Answers should be brief and to the point and need he not be.a verbatim reproduction of printed pages. (4) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (5) Answers to whole questions in excess of the proscribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued. (6) All questions carry equal marks.) 1. Explain briefly, the qualifications and duties of State High Court Judges. 11, What are the qualifications needed to become the President of India? 1 What are the qualifications not required to become the yw President of India ? IIL What are the qualitative defects of Member of Legislative Assembly in State? 1V. What are the times treated as Emergency Period ? and Explain tt actions taken in ‘Emergency Period’ V. Explain briefly the duties of Council of Minister, Attorny General and Prime Minister of India. VI. Explain the qualifications Discharge of functions of Governor of State 7 ed VII. Answer shortly for the below questions -— (a) _ Brief the loans of State and Central Government. (b) Explain the produce of Enactment of Law. —- — ~-(¢).—Explain.the Law.and Powers of President of.India, —- — — —-—.-——-—- + ~~ _(d)_— Brief about.Comptroller-and-Auditor-General-of-India-— ——— -— — —-— - 8691 [umover pip apaid + UNO «der aus Sirah’ SouBdE RU peBad, und up) ledeey. I. Bisws Gymnas gmauma Qess cerAendrar seSect Coes? BiAus Gyusas swans QGgse sixGercrar sesosr 96555 mings? I, 9G unfla ociudrp aguiiariasdr ges) .eepurGesr wena? 1V, G5G489 Cprissms s@gumN msiGarsra? sper BLaysmascr Sound @HiTayd. V. @i8u smuserma, Oisureier goomw aysaghet wppid Sirgotir sLenwsdr uff) alleufbennd. wth VL. unpag gle auensitr seGloc, fiarat umissr epg usd so%. Vil, Spdscireomssser’ upg) ogden aSeufdenys — 4 2) usBw unplo swélir oreressr Slama. (gy) LLd Gung yeopiups codes. @) Gyures smoaifier oli Qudprd slamrivesr. j ©) DiSus gemmv geohlsmasesr— seule. s 318/169—2 019/DM/ 11 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 201. DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR OFFICERS OF THE PANCHAYAT DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT— PAPER IV THE TAMIE:-NADU PANCHAYATS ACT, 1994 AND THE RULES AND ORDERS ISSUED THEREUNDER (With Books) Time — Two hours Celsnigit (Maximum Marks: 100) [N.B—(1) | Answer any five questions only. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil (3) Answers should be brief and to the point and need not be a verbatim reproduction of printed pages. (4) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (5) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer ‘book will not be valued. (©) Allquestions carry equal marks.] cae I. Write Detailed notes on Village Panchayat Fund, Il. Describe the Constitution and Functions of District Planning Committee. Il. Explain the powers of Inspector of Panchayats. IV. Explain the procedures of the Removal of Panchayat Union Council Chairman. V. Explain the general procedures for Licensing and Approvals. VI. Write short notes on the following not exceeding one page -— (a) Emergency powers of the Commissioner, Panchayat Union a) (b) Precautionary measures in the event of Dangerous Trees (@) Duties of Panchayats : _—— : ()_GramaSabha, — - — 31/1701 {Tum over vi. me pithy eupeus . She sem HS uy) alordsoumnen’ gyfitey awsnres. . onal SLAG AT soni wip CewiinGaoend GHisg Ness. . eum: Alesis “ayiimmeritsstics QPasmrivses sisrdgGo. ram Qmiis Gys SONuMT UsHWIAG iS Fai Aein sem TysaiuO sAPypsoppessns Sense. , aia wipes oepopiedr Opmiumer Gurgamrer cumeypeopemer sierées, Shescimoi HS 96 vdasHire Wem Apepiy axons — (a) ram A gsnfw gnamutir OpGdsy Sane oySesmmesir (ay) usenet wonbesildr Geis (yerGendeNieoe paydeoresir @ ram desfer sowed @) Am ooo, a 318/170—2 SSE gece eect SE 020/DM/ 11 i DEPARTMENTAL || EXAMINATIONS May 2011 DEPARTMENTAL TEST. FOR OFFICERS (OF THE PANCHAYAT DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT — PAPER-V — TAMIL NADU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITIES ACT, 1920 AND THE RULES AND_ORDERS. ISSUED THEREUNDER (Win Books), eects Time — Two hours "(Maximum Marks: 100) ~ IN.B.— (1) Answer any five questions only. - (2) Candidetes are alowed the option to answer the paper thor in Engish orn Tamil or even to answer the paper . partly in English and partly in Tamil <”-(@ “Ariswers should be brief and to the point and need ‘not be a verbatim reproduction of printed pages. (4) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (8) Answers to whole.questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appeéring at the end of the answer book will notbe valued. (6) All questions carry equal marks.) .- » . |. Explain the powers and fur 18 Of Municipal Council including the power _ of the Municipal Chairman and the Councillors under the Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920. es II. Explain the various type of taxes collected and its method of assessment in urban local bodies. tee WD Tl. Explain the obligation of urban local bodies to provide water supply and maintenance of drainage system and regulatory powers. IV. Write the procedures laid down in removal of garbage, rubbish and filth and contro! power in Municipalities. V. Which are the actives controled by way of issuing licence in urban local bodies 7 Vi. Write short notes on — (@) Definition of building site, construction and reconstruction of building. : (b) Constitution of State Finance Commission and its functions. .. () Powers of Tamil Nadu State’ Election Commission. St8N71—1 [Tum over ——— Srl ill 2 sf) enged © L gifipr® woneul. peqm’ Asst ects, 1920—srip parnadrp seneert, netusp spivleriséd wip . peters Ape fw ee : Qowsur@acmerujd . afierges. : : TL padiyy scram Adhd ‘aeAaaiuGh afer sSursesusd 2g) charpy AG AsinduGApgs sterumguss alond gee. UL pasty «cram Aadr seuiysd a.gamés obi orgies aiforsi UTTUAgEO, oipeer: sc OtudseBe 658 Qurgiysear Behan, a. NV. per usSdd earered gsimusem sisheps wig {GtarGamer bsg sinanafigss Ess sPemniadr ups V. parnidiad 2 fini ayaa el QiuGsgu Gewdur@adr the (Trade Activities) upié @fiIGe. Vi. Spéacir ovis Apepfiy .csore :— a @ ene eee flores. unfe pA po ‘Sysounty 1 sefleséir ae yp. pApsrA unfes Gpigd ymarusPer siGanniiamerd * e@miuiGs. = a vahaat singe Gonchar vids @GL80s. e& 318712 021/DM/ 11 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2011 FISHERIES DEPARTMENT TEST-II — PART-A (THEORY) (Without Books) Time ~ Three hours (Maximum Marks: 100) IN.B— (1) Answer any five questions only. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English orin Tamil or even to answer the paper party in English and partly in Tamil. (3) Marks will be deducted for bad handwrting. (4) Answers fo whole questions in ‘excess of the prescribed ‘umber of questions eppaering atthe end ofthe answer book will not be valued. (5) All questions cary equal marks.) 1. Fill in the blanks — (a) ) a © wy @ (9) 0 @ (hy) we a Ocean tides are caused by the gravitational attraction of the and__ acting on Ocean waters, A is a wide shallow estuarine system. are good nursery grounds for fishes and shrimps. The scientific name of the Indian Chank is On the basis of food eating habits fishes are classified as Migration of fishes from fresh water to sea water is.called is a seaweed recently being cultured in the Tamil Nadu Coast by self-help groups: is a banned net which should not be operated by mechanised or non-mechanised craft in Tamil Nadu. To measure the depth of the Ocean as well’as'to find fish shoals_____ is'used. is defined as the amount of total salt in grams dissolved in one kg of sea water.” . Write in detail about the indian Oil Sardine Fishery. III. Explain about the nutrients in the sea and the plankton production. Explain in detail about the different weifare schemes implemented by the Tamil Nadu ——" Fisheries Department tor the ‘socio economic upliftment of marine fisher folk— V. Write about the sampling techniques adopted for estimating marine fish landing. 31en72—1 [Tum over VI. Write short notes on any five:— 7 ae (@) Trenches - (0) Sea ranching ee (0) Planktons - (qd) Coral reefs * é a mR (e) TMFR Act, 1983 (9 Crab fattening. . Camp Oigens Prous — (a) aud fifo Lop opuoADg. (a) eL@er Qgmsiysitar apf 7 ‘remiuGid. @ Ker upp Spr Gaede amy oasis Bune. #) BiGu omer syfieuss Guust fe) Wafer eenray yonpmu oyplveoLumeds” Sansing syexieo —_, —__, cer (sD meee en) Uiradr perafheegs ame Cprédl @ imate Geingd yeop C) cep sigurdeu ghGurg giipen® #1 Gonmisesier ou 26s Gydienmd cumidsaiuoeng. (o) ‘eros Upgrd ome KenSipiSde gem Geil. eume — * gy@uasiyfidr win," c&HSemd gimme @ aA me aay who ar GEIB scnGyss a.gncb age, @ 96 Seen Bub fd smypguiror, acegi Gung Cachér gyaray (Bons) sroariiuGia, a f TL @§Gu Apiseneonier Lereuensengi ups eflfieune srageies. Meus actor asmrayi Gurgcesir (nutirents) wpe BringpnRisdr a pubs usps sSiReurer © aSleo_wefi. * IV. sigan eras gyopileés (por sioner udaefer ampaenss snoSencr CubuOS GewduGHssnd sdettceanial GH5g) iMainen sileorwerl. V. Lei “SpdeiuGio Seracfeir “syorey (weight) upg Durismen Craflsne sours Yopsdr Ui Mendds ops, Vi. qlegnd gigi Semiaeneg eGésurar Slew (9) over syyiiePlee’ (Trenches) (D.Oord wpgd Udredeamerd aioe amides Bi Gasp (Sea ranching) @ Gringpaiisdr (Planktons) (), vari ureopesir (Coral reefs) 2) sijerO ais indgty gegmiguOsgsd ei, 1983 (TMFR Act, 1983) 2) ay) pain@ Ganggés smasge (Crab fattening). seit72—2 ww «& 022/ DM / 14 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2011 FISHERIES DEPARTMENT TEST Il — PART-A IN.B— (1) (2) (3) (4) coed (PRACTICAL) (Without Books) Time — Three hours (Maximum Marks: 100) Answer any two questions in J and remaining are compulsory. Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. Draw diagrams wherever necessary] 1 Answer any two of the following :-— (a) Draw a neat sketch of a Pomfret and give distinctive characters, Classification and economical importance. (b) Explain in detail the estimation of dissolved oxygen by Winkler’s method and the importance of dissolved oxygen in aquaculture. (c) Give a detailed account and status report on the Pearl fishery and Chank fishery of Tamil Nadu. I. Write short notes on the following — : (a) Explain: Different types of fish tails with sketches. (b) What is anadromous and catadramous migration ? and give example for each (c). What is total alkalinity 7 {d) Mashseer fishery in Tamil Nadu. IIL. Define the following — (2) Biological oxygen demand (b) Spat ye (c) Tsunami {d) Secchi disc {e) Salinity 31817341 Marks, 2x20= 40 4x 10= 40 5x2=10 2 Marks IV, Fill in the blanks -— tox1= 10 (a) Total length of Tamil Nadu Coast is _______ (km) (0) Skeletonema is a (c) Total hardness of the water is the concentration of_____and (d) Indian Seabass is scientifically called as (0) Spring tides occur during’ _______ and (9 Tiger shrimp is scientifically called as (g) The expansion of CIBA is _______ and CMF] is (ht) _______ is used to measure atmospheric pressure. ee is used to preserve specimens in laboratory. @ North East monsoon months are gi) surge L. Spsssinayhd cCagnd Bra CairSagsiw uslvsiisay:— 2x20=40 (9) uTbv@rd (amuad) Befler ub veotas ssc Amdus SsreoussreTys, amaiuGsg sous opening Verasngsle AEMOL.w unless AgAelssnpd. (2) sido Eom FA seombguiror spesDegersn yeroIOeergusd Giam> sullen amit gdoigerg umemaush aSluéenyd. @ sOporysr ysor wbyd oe veruemd udu sgiéeacou Vv sfifiesnes expsisy’. U, SQdesinerisoy sSleuisernyd — 4x10=40 (2) iireafer Umamaustesr sud) eugeriussnen ULdeeLe aSordees, (2) o1emprmosy wip CoLLyomady QiGuuIeeou egmemsgy cr sSlordge, @) fier Curse smégsnenumw SasMésayis. ©) undi (gid Ker) Beran gilyagsa méemng 2 srenOgeer silage. Il, Epon Lesion eréessyid — 5x2=10 (2) BOD. (guy@d Gungasr gybwDeger Cys00i) (a) stu. @) seme ©) Gace ysivés @) acydsciron, 318/173-2 opines IV. Comper @iges sSininys — 4ox1=10 ) siiprmysr Gundy sipsenmier fond __ (616. {y) HAsLefion OG @ her cyenppsneos eénug ———__ wid Puente a1.155 Bor. 6) GonGar Baler Mgyenerd Aout AGD. ©) sagt sipd @pseb —____ wpb Perisshes gGlours Oessog. 2) sgamisG Byoreler oMésereni Cuust 2on. (©) CIBA méruser sfifiy —______ ig |CMFRI aérupsir ify © snpg usinLassier gysssm5 —___ Gana syordsaem. @ ——_——__ Garrein@ Gorgmmmsaciisafes @meg uslflartivesr ungandsiuGangs. @) mdyees uge vey —____unpiusatled Guiding. 318/173-3 "023/DM/ 11 : DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS ee May 2011 ~--FISHERIES DEPARTMENT TEST-II — PART-8, (Teor) Hi (Without Books) é Timé — Three hours ‘5 “(Maximum marks : ” 100) INB.— (1) Answer any five questions only. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either : in English or in Tamil ar even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. (3) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. : (4) Answers to whole questions in excess of the préscribed res ‘number of questions appeering at the end of the answer + book will not be valued. (8), All'questions cany equal marks.) ake 1) Write a brief note on “TN ~IAMWARM’ scheme: fee 2) Give a brief narration about Trout ‘fish. bréeding hatchery at Udhagamandalam 3) Give a brief summery about implementation “PRD As in 1 Tamil 7 Nadu. : ye 4) Leasing rules of various kinds of water bodies under the control of various Departments in ~-Tamil- Nadu to Inland Fishermen Cooperative Societies and their enforcement. 5) What are the various type of subsidy: offered under N.F.D.B. Scheme? . 6) Give short notes on the following: a) National Agriculture Development Programme b) Inland Fish Marketing Scheme under Centrally Sponsored Scheme ©) Difference between lease rental and royalty d) Conditioning of fish seeds for transport e) Feeding Schedule in pond culture. __ EEEEEE EERE Sree ea —---f)-Distinguish betweén Inland Fishermen Co: and.aselfhelp-group-- Peete Cash subsidy and back ended subsidy h) Ornamental fish breeding techniques and their prospects i) Cat fish 3) Fringe lipped carp B1Bfi7a— ' Gfurn over... ge eee 1) siblppn@ fier ~ Perse GLb Gi) Mame Siersxgss. 2) asain ap Seuss Lisi.’ bingdss Quifiuad eAie @7Sty emr, 3) supem gs disreuriiGuni Guibum.@ ysenusd CousdunG Gg oilfleuren @sfty S58. 4) siigemipd UdGig) gimpastierr. aL Giumged oeior isheomasteir de Woed Gspmasu 2.cpmO lores oI Opa momingGsE oefuss pbs Agasr: - A 8) "CyGu Baresi Cindi’ @ amfuns” epeot Ht DSnygoeslescr eros? 6) Seireugeuen Qgm furs ApeAiy siBs. a 2) Cg8w Ceustretrann SLL i 24) smu opr wabixathiaye cir oxapus 2-sinpsi Seis aSkpvensor hb, B) Ueno spss am.madioi- 2 fos Ogninndee 2sro Cupan@ A) erg gsaeeosr Goi) Biiowie aSgH Gado suniubseps. 2) Gariveathes PebroueniteDngs 2 somreNGvd peop. 22) a crm G erent SLO eHESSHSio aw 2.6 Gupd—eysew o.dror Gouguun@. ot) Qrrréses orsimunc vopr Str epy.ny wrsirwt. 5) gjsnisesmy cusioronr Bsr 2 usH psomU seShisnsy eumisty a5 2) Genrer siren. 9) sGSeomb Vere. 18 ft74-2 a | 024/DM/ 11 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2011 FISHERIES DEPARTMENT TEST Ii — PART B f (Practica) (Without Books) Time — Three hours (Maximum Marks: 100) IN.B— (1) Answerany five questions only... (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. (3) Marks wil be deducted for bad handwriting. —- (4) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed + + fumber of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued. ea (8) All questions cary equal marks.) 14) Give an account of the endangered inland fish species and the measures to replenesh them. ® 2) Write’ about the estimation of Primary. production and explain its importance in reservoir fisheries. Give an account of the fish brood stock maintenance and management practices adopted in fish seed farms. 4) Explain in detail about the different types of inland water bodies in Tamil Nadu. How they can be put into use for fish culture. 5) Write the scientific name, culture methods and importance of the following fishes: (Any 4) i Fresh water prawn ii, Rohu il, Rainbow trout Gold fish : Murrel” a : i ee ee - 3181751 ; (Tum over 6) _ Write short notes on the following (Any 4) i. Organic fish fa ji. Live feed arm. BiPanashes sifudengui Paowd ester era word eussfisr Peieu vgttiugs essa sopgis. TL. yedfew puso (Primary Production) seréAiOb amp upg Pisipdomachs spc ysduspages casfésayd. i M1. laser eres Lrmati ppd Ueraopi usirencer Gunsorcineon hea ciatflbaers he yepadr “eons abifleures erage. V. Spsacim. israoher oPeiiucds Gout, aomitay ump upprid epsAuggiund eis: syseb (tgp mie) —~ Vi. Agepiiy sss (Cggui prere):— (9) Quides Serauoritny (24) auth? 2c i @ Sly GO GaniGiugéas Coins syoodsemy Viredr & ©) péroti ysss cummins ©) Bord usirommrame gepiiguOsgr oLih. 318/175—2 025/DM/ 11 VI. Fill in the blanks. (any five onty)— DEPARTMENTAL ‘EXAMINATIONS May 2011 FISHERIES DEPARTMENT TEST-II — PART C (THEORY) (Withiout Books) eet ts. Time = Three hours pe (Maximum Sharks : 100) : >. (N.B—:(1) Answer any five questions only. - - ; (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English orin Tami or even to answer the paper partyin English and partly in Tamil. ~ # (3) Marks will be deducted for bad héndwnting. : (4) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed ‘number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued. (8) All questions cary equal marks.) 1. Explain the various fishing methods employed by marine honiveliealt 1 Wie in detail about Curing of Fishes, IIL. Explain post-mortem biochemical. changes-in fishes. TV. Write about the various types of fish spoilage. V. Write short notes (any four onlyj— a is (2) Agaragar : aE ae (0). Echo sounder “ F ats (C). Purse seine - (qd) Ising glass (0) Floats._ (a) Proteins are. made-up of ; () Fish fats contain highly fatty acids: (o) are basically proteinous substances which act as biological catalysts, (q) ___________ is considered to be one of the compounds responsible for the characteristic fishy odour and flavour of marine fishes. _ (©). Botulism is caused by the bacteria ___—- = > (7 2A se aeeeeaeeeenER rio acid one wihich cannot be synthesised by the animal. organism. 318176—1 {Tumover vi. 2 . hiram 07 mag useriLOSgd youd if amdgs. | eres Onis Gre sper arches qiuGia ausligeu Cafhsum (Biochemical changes) unppriedr isl ysis. eeress Gs GiCutauppane emremmivscr wibgid eusmeescir (Types of fish spoilage) upg -ausere, + steer praigt Sannbaryte Sipops ine (2) syemt yom, (Agar agar) (a) saGem., saysimsi (Echo sounder) — : ie @ Sedeiny cime (Purse seine) ) gfiis Barney (Ising glass) @) Wgsmadr (Floats). Cam utes ifiius (r6an8 aig | wi Gra) a : () ppsnds________ sreriuGuenaiinds Beinn: ator. | (ay) ar Ganeginsat ois io Seance angi isin (Fatty acid) asrengi. oan @ —_______ aru unpipnss yar o.uiifler smédumei. wv ) —_______ nad Gungit auiatinachis opBaryicngnss oLé sr SeflégerouuTer aromas snremunding. @) uM Geis ctominGegy ——____ —— spi nanan OSs. stderr suiiexisac (Amino acids) a uitertinafidr 21 ois prams gismt Goin Quamgeo. - . anen7e—2 026/ DM / 11 vo. sen DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS ~May 2011 FISHERIES DEPARTMENT TEST-II—PART-C . = (PRACTICAL) (Without Books) Z Time— Three hours |, (Maximum Marks 100) INB— (i) Answerany five questions only.” (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper ethor - : in English orn Tami or even fo answer the pape partyin English and partly in Tamil. 7 Marks wil be deducod for bad handing. vi Answers to whole qiiastioris in excess of the’ prescribed + number of.questions appesring at the.end of the, answer book will not be valued. All questions carry equal marks] ) 4 © . Write about different type of traditional erafs used in southern part of India. |. Classify the fishing gears used in Tamil Nadu. .. Explain about Navigational Chart and its use and kind. /. Describe a Trawi net with neat sketch. What are the different kinds of Traw! Nets ? Navigational symbols at the time of distress. |. What are the different types of fish preservation methods ? Write short notes on — (2) Chitin (b) Ambergris (c) Pearl essence (4) Beche-demer (2) Compass. {Tum over Mm. VL vo. : gill enpeoutd 4). UiirOSsiuGd umyenmuTer Birkle aadracfiér amass piyapBe uudiOppiuGd Lhiny, amnaeer amaciOion. 6.4 umiéagSe “iuéuGd sueoquLdedr, geuppeir amass wjigrd uudredr 65g Aeufl&ssnyd. grt ame Shsgi ammuisgisr cHawfdssapd. pps) sumenilesr usa aismeesir wrens ? : Qupms Qritun@echer Gung umsruOsginOd a.cdumiss |EPulGed |@Plsgi eiifiares sagen. ir up hsd mm ied apd ement 6h faa Sjiacinoons G55 Apel, axons :— (2) eigen (Chitin) (ay) syureiieds (Ambergris) @) Suits cess - (Pearl essence) ) 6 =u (Beche - demer) €) Gime ai @d seal (Compass). 318t77—2 my 027/ DM / 11 ~ DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2011 FISHERIES DEPARTMENT TEST - I TAMIL NADU FISHERIES MANUAL PART-I & I (With Books) Time — Three hours (Maximum Marks: 100) IN.B.—(1) Answer alll questions. {2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. (3) Answers should be brief and to the point and need not, bg a verbatim reproduction of printed pages. : (4) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting} PART -1 1, Answer the following to the points:- 7 Marks 10 a) If any member does not attend office punctually how it will be recorded in the attendance register? : Ye" b) Mention the period of compensation leave to be availed by a member? c) At what time the Senior Office Assistant to be attended office every day? d) How it will be recorded in the Personal Registrar at the time of sending reminders? ©) Name the register for receipts of tapals and disposal of currents? Who is to maintain this register? f) How all records are to be kept on the record racks? g) What are L. Dis and K. Dis? h) How the title is to be written on every draft 7 : : a i), What is-the- Machine Card? : j) Name any four registers being maintained in the Accounts section? & aB/ize-1 a nl. Write short notes on:- Marks 15 a) Absent due to infectious disease. b) Security Register c) Furniture Register d} Cash Security e) Internal audit Il. Describe briefly:- Marks 15 a) Opening the tapal b) Destruction of Periodicals. ©) Call book IV. Quote the paragraph No. of the following:- Marks 10 4, a) Fair copy Register b) Probationers Register - ©) Linking files 4) Replies to reminders ¢) Disposal Jackets f) Premature disposals g) Local delivery books h) Confidential records i) Incoming returns j} Credit Notes PART -II V. Answer the following Point: Marks S. a} Who will issue License to Divers? ) What is the duty of Beach Master? ¢} Who will submit daily report to whom in Form No. P.F.11 during aM the Pearl Fishery season? - d) Name any four registers that are maintained at the Office of the Superintendent of Pearl Fishery? e) Mention the three methods of disposal of Chank Fishery? 318/I78=2 3 Vi. Describe briefly the following: Marks 10 a) What are the powers of the Superintendent of the Pearl Fishery? b) How the Vallampuri Chank are purchased from the Licensed Divers? ¢} Describe Jadhi Chank? d) Describe “Vessels”? ¢) What aré the particulars are to be entered in the Register of Vessels? VIL, Write few lines on the following: Marks 15 a) Reason for prohibition of fishing during Pear! Fishery. ~~ ) Full sized chank and under sized Chank. ¢) Duties of the Chank Fisheries Oversear. d) How the divers are recruited at the time of full time operation of Chank Fisheries? e) What are the duties of Paramandadi? VIIL. Write Short Notes on:- Marks 10 a) How the Fisherman Co-operative Society is formed? b) How the joint loan is sanctioned under sub rule 35(4)? TX. Answer the follow! ing: Marks 10 a) Mention four actions to be taken by the Co-operative Society at the time of General body meeting? b) What are the powers of the Manager in the Fishermen Co-operative society? c) What are the items to be observed in the loan applications? se +. d)Mention how the funds are raised in the fishermen co-operative Federation? ~~ : - ¢) Who are responsible for the inspection and audit of the fishermen co-operative societies? 318/1re-3 sulth expend ue @—1 |, Gpssrepnd Hamésg,e@ |Gfiuurs uP soe:- nAiGusin ssi 3) Gest UPCar ped ienfurerisaNer smog axgmade seemgy usey Aeiwiu Gausior Gis? 8) SO ypep pmLsahe ueeyAppennsG +O Aeris ALY srg ge0ee Ung CHaEer guider. Cousin? 9) aigsg8 Ysoow syums a gehumeni Pane, pred PEse Causing Comb oreiron? 8) Dooney sygtismsr .yomy'nyd Qumiggs seiruGGar yeh ereveangy ussloy Goins Cousior Gis? 2) sumdsdr am Gupymmguyd, giubiBer eppaysoenyd mid usar’ peer Quist seiner? GisuPCuG wnored umofderciun. Cousins? an) 1p 2 L ead usiay st Oe eeeungy ummahés Cousin Gus? 8) 9. C9. epAy. erated sretrer 7 9) eunmaysofd pemaduyasr chau Glgés CatnGio? @ Quin oC... srenpaed ersiren? 9) Samds Mad uo Ge uPCaGaahe sreirAener jks. N &qy @piny cusayes:- toiGusinescir 15 DD OsmipCemi srycmanrs sipuunas Hive arene a) ungismy UsGUD ®) Cong srpSnoeofeir uCorg A) Odes Seoermun 2) 261 seme seoféonss UW agéeuare alasfisanyd:- 2) Sundamer Sig) UTIs gd 28) Usiay Gamiiyeseer ofp ® upsoshiys upCaw N/s78-% IV pi sin apier Ub ots GIGS. wsiGusine 10 2) 655 HEH UBCUD 2%) 5H onoin UGUsHiomi UBC @) Slonswordiyds Gormiuyesir f) Dmoray Ooeag usldooct @) (Yigeyd Emer 2 comersir egy edu eras Sine wpsrure GeiwinGs yraser a) wer eyt suTd USED 5) oii otie UBlaysr @) Sigma Hed eursQuay aSlaur oySlésonesessis 9) guises V. dps ssi apps ups Bilouysinese § DW YssGeRiLAG Ae mI aod arpireiuGo? 23) 85 wonsiu t srotrusufisir ust wirgy? ® 50% GoGo sneviveohd gerd srsin. cari. 1% yy Alora ophissoes wnt sleigy wre spp HUIUG Ih? 7) WSBe Goby ssireromAiument gyanssSd unmohssiuGd UPCaGashe pretrFlencer GHGS? 2) emg seer Sipuser Gai sumed epsray supupsnmeensr GHG? Vi dé asir_opfiig agéars ups peau. wo usiorese 10 2) YSBS Gsliy soimesnossAcuren Gigs 2-sirer gSlesmmriversr wns? : 28) afd Quip orig BafUGUMALd Degkgs ewmdyh eg srcvoumgy eumbscGs ? a @) orGi otugasr ~ Gsiu 860. 7) emvsireci ~ @flou se58." 2.) Banh sovsiresi Ubiw UgGan_pd ugie Qerimtur Barsimpus & Souris wanes? SiBsi78-s8 Lee ieee" —___- 6 ; Vi ps acir_apiis Ap Situ sGs- wAiCussisressir 15 2) YSSEMT Gung) KeSigiy soo. QrimiuOausbenss 4 smi ; BD YY gioroysiren sing widoud grey Gsmpaysiren ors. ) orig Goldy Gogpumieneaumontles uerflesin FY C55 CRG GOUMGS, oS GORIGUMI ereisuT Pus sbuGAsingeans? 2) UNISTS) srotrumleer usw? VIN. digy @ px suns. WWBLGutorsss 10 9) orert mC Opay oben seisurgy gmdodUBADE? 24) Soonaer 6G) 35 (4)sit Up HL GSoL cir gsr gig luis wed arprrsuGAng:? Lane 1X G96 asim. Sede end Seowafssond. wets esr 10 2) QuTQSGY TASS HL aydonasefer sreirAensrr Gs Mioslisennd? Qh) Careut cL Opay sruscaficy Gosomartfesr gySemmisessit cress? @) acer Sairoomiutiesir QupiaGurgy cteubeom eréeum URE Coustin ib? ) &LO Bonewrds spss Heir OD sruaungy 2 wid sluodngs? 2) ma Opn ehuasong gyi uiged ssoMsons erin OumgyinSed wm ordveom Gungyiusteraut 24 Somes? & 318/178-6 ith 028 / DM/ 11 so DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS | May 2011. DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR: 9) 7) 7 EVALUATION AND ‘APPLIED F RESEARCH DEPARTMENT «, itnout Books) + Time — Three hours nana met INB—(1) Answeral questions wet Sine ) Candido are allowed th option to answerthe paper . either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the - s+ + paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. (3). Marks wil be deducted for bad handwriting.) > 1. Define any five of the following:— - * $x2=10 (@) Primary Data (6) Random Sample Te (c) Baseline Survey + (@) Concurrent Evaluation ceca at (@) Per capita income Peres (0 Internal rate of retum. : we Il. Write short notes on any five of the following :— 5x32 15 (2) Methods of Collection of data a (b) Value Added Tax - Ee (o) SHES (} Poverty Line. (©) Benefit Cost Ratio () Human Development index. : : Ml. Bring out the difference in any five of the following: - : (a): Sampling ‘Method and Census Method. * ° a (6) Concurrent Evaluation and Ex-post Evaluation ~—, 0 - . (c) Whole sale Price Index and Consumer Price Index - > ut > 3 _(@ Cropping intensity and iirigation intensity. “(@) Rate of Discount and intemal Raté of Return. ( Revenue Expenditure and Capital Expenditure. s1e70—1 Marks 4x10=40 IV. Discuss any four of the following :— (a) Discuss various types of sampling techniques: (b) Discuss the. trend in the growth-of-State Income and the role of Service Sector in its contribution to State Income: (c) Discuss the various types of Index and salient features. (@) Dry land forming (@) States own Tax Revenue. ( Employment elasticity with reference to different sectors of Tamit Nadu Economy. V. (a) Discuss the importance: of Basic Amenities provided in Tamil Nadu. 5 (b) Draft Methodology to survey on status’ of Basic Amenities in 10 ‘Tamil Nadu. giblp. expand L 8Cp EPA Ocrorayphd qCegud gifmar smug :- - §x2=10 2) Ysaxfoner sire afeund. (2) piGeud nga @ oytuer_ sia : ae -%) : @ puny uss 7 i: @) safigui augurem’ a) asremiids espay digi. . Sy sriuOdrorap hs qtegid gideai up sgaesurs 53215 apse — (9) ustefi, camd Ceaihiny (yeopadr (ey) Gigs LG ou @ ow sgals Gygdacr GY augennd Cain® @) und Genny sfldgis cy 3181792 wf sina V. Spéarimoaigss aedassss5 siomh Agifaés — (2) usiais seo. Gam ugy (Protest petition) (2) QunpOuuiim Gamisos Goins, @ smeriis pn AGYemprafl guucmgenpi usin, squat uPaiss os. ) 96 gangs uso Aoimiumed LoriGup. @) Gupunend Picmiss wang syesemiiscr (not susceptible of money valuation). Vi. Apéacimexpsir glogns gaipég Mflaner ey svete — 10 (o) Gamiuing gyasmmiscst oifl5ai SOSH. (yy) ugly CoimiuGis syed GowpuGis aired. Vi. péssinayiorr ross snide sosfmear yg — (9) 5-1-2009-0 ays Gan QeatutL 2.uSed, 13-7-2009-8 uslyaed sréah Geiululeg). Gy wmauter Gump egoiucr oo Resmi, fe GABAA ora gSguirer gmixgGerh oniuanoni JyamapSer usases grésc Gaining. @® 96 Ancnsms syPs CarGjges opps Ganeimat spvamp RusmgA Coupes ays wpyssni. ) Qanmmgesi usa sigamiye gréeh Aaiget of uses : SLL OM gengs Gags wpspmi. ~*~ ©) e109 wren ay dut pidge sg Yopd ay Ha- Garda GS5ma anges Gupss. TYSs CanGsssra mMPpsAaniens uPoy sganssHide ages groin. anet7—4 sip supeud wpcusinad . Spdactr apps geognd gi Anger SBmdabd soe — 10 (2) usped (a) Qemcépnai (Tout). @ Gotigse (Addition) @) diyast (Minor) @) usagi usperiiedr (Register Books) en) symeuyh Gendgi. I. Sp6esiredper oogud prerdie Foesiy sore — 20 (a) aftiery, ays are Gin, ode serog seuss unpod ergynn omenrtinG Aly syausomb. (2 967 ganmd, Gaktag puisemd uitag sous nye dsnGaaiuGui se. eet @ uss) Qaingie gommismens grésh Oninsiemuniiad. () eufiiamerd anime cong. ©) Ba; Geiniuid seed Goupuiid omar. UL Spsocin. gjeurmmiscr upiey Cima sng oflgiuae ? 10 (9) 189) yeu (ay) een gyouommivadr east gyarem’ @ 9G PHucnsher Situna gdog slresr §) spp oid finy arénumG giuruemd TO @) sSipusoeré onetrgrenen. LV. Sidon ogni otegus pike CuwOmysgiied cusors — 15 (5) wBlay oH. 21(i)-drdig, giver Gugond (Messenger) 9G sjeusmd Buses gréa6 CenimiuGiCurgy. (ay) Qpeuemnis uslaiisirGungs usa siqienrt yer GagesiuGo uemrgeng’ Gumpyégs (Payment of consideration). @ sevens Bays onsiny, ©) SpUAGEA SH usly gipemiypsr guucsageng smygSs GanOssesres giysGandrenieurgs. AN @) 66 gam gape Cujulr gmiasmar GansinggagiCurg. x) 96 suemb @rie_uraGar, eysnpraGan (Duplicate or Triplicate) UPHEGS grdeh GoimcuGeCungs. 31872173 Marks: IV, Write down endorsement for any five :— 18 (a) When a document is presented by a messenger under Rule 24 (i. (b) Payment of consideration before the Registering Officer. (c) Certificate of Registration of Document. (d) When execution is admitted at a private residence ? (e) When a document occupies more than one sheet of paper? () In the case of a document presented for registration in duplicate or triplicate. V. State the Fee feviable— 16 (a) For each petition presented to a Registering Officer protesting against the Registration of Documents. (b) For filing a transiation. (c) Application to a Registering Officer to accept a Document for Registration at his office on a holiday on the ground of special urgency. (d) For withdrawing a document from Registration. (6) In the case of a document in which the transaction is not susceptible of money valuation. VI. Write a detailed note on any one of the following -— 10 (a) Destruction of unclaimed documents. (0) Time from which Registered Document operates. « ° yy VII. Comment on any four of the following :— 20 (2) A Will: executed. on 5-1-2009 was presented for registration on 13-7-2009. (b) A document written in Malayam language was presented before the ‘Sub-Registrar, Nanguneri in Tirunelveli District. (c) A person admitted the execution of a document before the Registering Officer but refused to endorse the same on the document. (d) The presentant of the document refused to pay the prescribed fees. (e) The Collector of Madurai District who in his official capacity executed a lease deed did not appear before the Sub-Registrar to admit execution . of the document. 3182172 es ccouctsTTnururessbTEsTandSUTiTETOUET SURE EEGEEELGaETTCsaE 066 / DM / 11 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2011, THE REGISTRATION DEPARTMENT TEST — GROUP-I — PAPER-1 THE REGISTRATION ACT, THE REGISTRATION RULES AND THE TABLE OF FEES Ae (With Books) Time — Three hours (Maximum Marks : 100) IN.B—(1) Answeralt questions. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. (3) Answers should be brief and to the point and need not be a verbatim reproduction of printed pages. (4) Marks will be deducted for bad handwnting. (5) Quote authority wherever necessary.) |. Define any five of the following -— (2) Book {b) Tout (¢) Addition (d) Minor (0) Register Books -(f) Movable Property. . Write short notes on any four of the following :— () Documents containing interlineations, Blanks, erasures or alterations {b) Documents executed by several persons at different times (o) Persons to present documents for registration (2) Deposit of Wills (0) Time from which registered document operates. ‘State whether the registration of following instruments are compulsory or optional -— (a) Receipt (b) Deposit of title deeds (c) Decree or Order of a Court (d) Composition deed (@) Certificate of sale. 318217—41 Marks XI, (a) Renewal of Stock Certificates. (b) Repayment of Stock Certificates.‘ XII, What,are Defence Deposit Certificates and Annuity Certificates and discuss the common features and differences. between them, pulp aupeud ive Gumi dwt Gurgé etib, 1963 1, gyre Guym’ Susi wipro gence jr Curr Sweoy ust BunBloSpmiesc 2 wm apm re Curm sit wpa gisoeer, gy Cum Fumes PudseuGdnmiesit ? LL, ga Cumm Bink, gare efioms qucmnsHe AeirseriDNieid son epsom usps, AGA MS Cais) aysispsder Airdeosraynsr upd srdGe. TM, Geet sHsp oLomd wp scromh usigsofiiys up Seung. IV. eAOgipd @ipPoonantied spe CumLPust onenfel seflsoamd ? pga aeorsinflpspier , SeraAsomayssr rer serug Hep. oe Qurgium duit oti V. gimeen on Gungiiumt Suhr Gurgy oiSlmmisadr erdrGensines 2 wri wm gysoesr on Gunpissn’ umes PuaibaiuGespriesée? —° Vie S08" Gurigiunéusss Gensgidsefdr Guegdumdurns Pusss, 96 AWIFPoapsHdOd gefumt GurpLuMduGsSs aéror oPersismer SanHs. VU. gine Gurgiundunér sendeadr wmord gexflams QeiwiuGderns wig BINGO gyBlenmivesir sé aeeiren 7 VIN. 376 Gurgium’ Aut eis, 1913-81 EMSCansrsmsr GewdypopuGspas, 0% Gurpium Fut gir Goossen FFG OUNGLO Caring pLaypdsocsenr AsSupsospis UPS, 27% UGSH MP \smat Senseo. ae sLAflO usPrdiacr upp mau IX. ge sre Oi usSiivessfesr susnescssir wresey 2 7X. apPOumPs sis usSriseenig, sogmbsdd acy aysouphoysry MinGencren Susgmenss: sotysaiucyGes CaminO caries Series, XE (yp 40 UdSmrbsemer ysIS5e. BY BO VEGmiame oie Aogriass. XIL, comings Ogres uséniiedr vipa sei Aprons upSimivadr dps siren ? SPADA An DEI gigmasmemnps Caxpgeuseenyd wursss. som 31872162 065 / DM / 14 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2011 DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR JUNIOR ASSISTANTS IN THE OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR-GENERAL AND OFFICIAL TRUSTEE — SECOND PAPER. (Without books) Time — Two hours (Maximum Marks : 100) INB.—(1) Answer any ten questions only. - i (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either t in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in i English and partly in Tamil (3) Marks wil be deducted for bad handwriting. (4) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued. (5) All questions carry equal marks.) at ADMINISTRATOR-GENERAL ACT, 1963 I. Who appoints and who are the persons appointed as Administrator-General and Deputy Administrator-General ? II. Explain the procedure by which the Administrator-General can apply for letters of administration and the effect of probate granted to him. J IIL. Discuss about the fees and the disposal of fees under this Act. IV. Discuss in what cases the Administrator-General may grant certificate and what is the effect of such certificate 7 THE OFFICIAL TRUSTEE ACT V. What are the general powers of the Deputy Official Trustee and who are the persons appointed as Deputy Official Trustee ? VI. Discuss the’ powers of the High Court as well as the Private Trustees to appoint Official Trustee to be trustee of property. VII. Who audit's the accounts of the Official Trustee and what are his powers ? 4M Vill. Explain the rules made by the Government to implement the objects of the Official Trustees Act, 1913, and for regulating the proceedings of the Official Trustee in the discharge of his duties GOVERNMENT SECURITIES MANUAL IX. What are the different forms to Government Securities ? X. What are the conditions to be fulfled before authorizing the payment of interest on Promissory ‘Notes ? 3182161 [Tum over 064/ DM / 11 At DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS MAY 2011 DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR JUNIOR ASSISTANTS IN THE OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR-GENERAL AND OFFICIAL TRUSTEE FIRST PAPER - (With Books) Time — Three hours. (Maximum Marks : 100) IN.B—(1) Answer any ten questions only. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. (3) Answers should be brief and to the point and need not be a verbatim reproduction of printed pages. . (4), Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing af the end of the answer book will not be valued. (5) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (6) All questions carry eqisal marks.| ADMINISTRATOR~ GENERAL ACT 1. What are the qualifications of | Administrator-General and Deputy Administrator- General ? = > Il, . What are the rights of Administrator-General to apply for Administration of Estate ? ill, What is the effect of probate or letters of Administration granted to the Administrator-General ? IV. When the Administrator-General can grant certificate to creditors and power to take charge of certain estate and what is the effect of such certificate 7 THE OFFICIAL TRUSTEES ACT V. What are the qualifications for the appointment of Official Trustees and Deputy Official Trustee ? VI. When Official Trustees can be appointed as Trustee by Private persons ? VII. What are the powers of the Auditor to examine Official Trustees Account ? VIL. When the accumulations in the Hands of Official Trustees is to be transferred to Government ? 31812151 [Tum over GOVERNMENT SECURITIES MANUAL How the transfer can be made of different forms of Securities 7 What is Renewal of Government Securities ? What are the conditions to be fulfilled before the interest can be paid at a Treasury ? What are the different types of endorsements on Government Securities ? By angerid Cup dwt etd See eee Gusme dust, gymeeris Gus duster Guard sesessir wenn? Cum sust Condon fiends ocr aflonns uff egg. ae Cuom dugag 2ufd aenenw oni (Probate) Gensgs finns 2 flow (Letters of Administration) Gan@seiucine gigs eSlomeroyessi wings? Cummdut Aung SL drprring ee onsigy apes ? sng smeuse Gunn diut Aarggidccosr newness 2 Meowuusd, eSemsrayeenid uss? sigh spieruet ell SIQIUS—SypHuENEUN, gener SBIUd-SuOUETEUET Gunes seSlesst wmsoes ? Vi pefiguiasr siting: sipind-sypiisramsr, oypiisnnens Sulibs gyn? — sr Vil. genfiéoauret miu sgnd-sypisrent semdenss senflzms Geimuemd? — VII gg1a0-opienami.d GAilis Consgdacr miCung snemiasdlig wmimd eiuwni ? ge maviSGadr ob IX. gp maiiGQemer céierg unig Gaiwem? X. 998 maKDome YEG yop wings? XL. SG QYOEHA aly AanGigqpsr acer Sugpmeress ungy? XI, 970 maDscRérted Ceiwingds umewmaiule “CinjesNuysi” wngy ? oe. 318/215—2 3 : BiQudiacer TL Sy sri Garsinipi oCpgud. giimar CagLOHPs am\Gs— 5x4=-20 Co) USA Yon wip yyssmrsQeGiy cyenp G2) sun BLL UNO Why Uyain Pi wBiSO @) Gongs aeow GCCLein wigs geicami cleo GyPus- Air © wApPAegla whges unser Cayflay @) sfla AAs wigs esromadw asa, adi fa) cigamis Goma; wpm qpapers Asn, LV. &y GPU Carrey spend prédipe erssrs Slams 4%10=40 805 — ‘i w& oe LUsTUOSALUG udGegy ungifi qpex—pscoar lar, (ey) unico Gumgamgnr Gunde a jus susribdlgs geirooneou afloréc Gemati flair (paSupsgiiseng,.eflas?. @ ita GPO meinachcr gérmoneemyd + Cumadiaconts laf : ©) unerramh siluemupsieér YsOuggiugens, flat. ) unflosSer HD gsmns§9s AenégaN agurarsder saubomipers ack a) guiggmiyd udCag geopsdiér Cummamitys gsrousear _ Blau, VB) migrcns oxpinin Or ysShy syyiue enBsmm vip arf. ey) siiiemiypsr padw oytue aeGasfier Gewdim® vip” syhu gimyenp genfleer assuyes, 318/178—-3 030 / DM / 11 : DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2011 DEPARTMENTAL TEST IN THE MANUAL OF FIREMANSHIP FOR OFFICERS OF THE TAMIL NADU FIRE SERVICE — SECOND PAPER (Without Books) Time — Three hours (Maximum marks : 100) IN.B.—(1) Answer all questions. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Temil, (3) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. ay (4) All questions carry equa! marks.| |. Explain the Equipments, Records and other requirements of a watch room ? 1 Explain the sequence of action to be taken in case of a serious fire ina shopping complex? ° lil, What are the 'Fire Protection and Emergency Planning’ recommended in an Oil Refinery? |W. {a} Write in detall about the fire fighting procedure adopted in case of afire Invoking dectel apparatus. ? {b) What are the precautionary measures you will take when fighting fire in a “cena ator tos FEV. Write short notes on :- ; {0) wireless, (b) Foaming of runways. {c) Rescue from sewage. {4) Flash point . y ‘VL Prepare an action planon “Fire fighting aid Rescue! ical oe of fire in nthe alr erat ? , Vil, Write short nates on : - : * (a) Static Electricity . Ve + (4) Foam making Branch Pipe. a i, Drawa neat gram of Smoke Oetector and ipa ts function, T= , 1%, Write in detail about ‘Oust Explosion’, ee x wnat Is meant by investigation of fire ? what are the points to be born in mi while investigating a re. {Turn Over... 3igfisi-) reenact 2 wifi angen | cateretiy smd ache euasemiect, upfatsch uid Bes Cpmnncr ete iaiite ? 1, ate memeg Be GAB CUB F Suphd aemLidghs Coaingu GausrunGasom sibmoudieus ? My, cattant apdahies amoutd uitges Grint Casinu $ uigema wid smear BCL tset q a 1V, (0) Bakery onpanedte $ Susg opuliid amines Goatgu apepses fast ? (2) Bd wpush Poow § dusPdtury apAgintaaiqu ~paGeboti—s Bepémaach umeny 7 Ve Fs @pfiay suse 2 (a) ance . (2 OBsMBHO peng UTZ (@) ungren sxfay Gr ancdounis - DOcnpnt (6) Gemna umudedn. Vi chunat $ cluster oiGb uLosAd Gumemtay wpb vigueaneara 96 GoundxSs gangs gashseoyb 7 Vil. Ay @Bilay cramps 7 (Bm = fubD darndegn “gr vill, Yes‘ catGiigiasc Lb aerhy ope OrusdiunGamm aiensee 7 % erdfompam eft0 chars aypor 7 K 8 Sup Pharr smebeng aan Sed adprd ater? ued $ BupPhsra ementos eumpitings sasrbBe> Qxratgasy Catigl oobotussh ume ? rl cade 31a)81- 2% 031 / DM / 14 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS : i . May 2014. - DEPARTMENTAL TEST-IN THE TAMIL. NADU: FIRE‘SERVIGE DEPARTMENT TAMIL NADU FIRE SERVICE MANUAL (Without Books) A “Time — ‘Three hours > (Maximum marks, : 100), IN.B— (1) Answer all questions. @) Candidates are allowed the option to answer thé paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer ~ A the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. eet (3) Relevant manual order numbers shouldbe ‘quoted - i wherever necessary.” + PR ewe cee (@), Marks will be deducted for bed handwriting. (6). All questions cary equal marks. |. Turn-out of appliances on ‘Bells Dowri* — Explain in detail. What are the Records to be maintained in Fire Station Control Room 2, Personnel Reporting ‘Sick Procedure — Explain in detail. " ~ Write in detail about “Orderly Room’: 7 ). Write if detail about’ “Special Reports on serous tres’ |. Write short notes on the following:— (a) General discipline > a ae (b) Fatigue duty wMeut se : - (c) Classification of Fires (d) Medical history sheets. VII. Explain in detail about “Dress — General Instructions”. VIII. Write in detail about “Compensation Leave". IX. Write short notes on the following :-— _ (a) Biennial Medical examinations of fire subordinate z (b) Night watch crews-Roll-Call and Permission to Sleep. ae (©) Availabilty Charts and Boards (A) Inspection. of water sources. X. What are the Service-Rolls 7 Explain. ved in checking service books and 31818241 {Tum over . pulp enpeuh 1 ventas giingrs ‘Ooupagales Gael agma’ - eifans easRicoib. H. Sumenriny Parcouré;,<1°Guium-O soiled enue Cassimpu upended wena: ? IL. Ggmuyppgnes sins eure BeLyoon uixfl ofifiars ofeséaasd, NV. gsm gop setimam ui afifuns segsatb. V. Gugi $ susssad Ubu pal opidwssdr up ofits aeggasd. Vi. Ape py ear (9) Ging sGiieyen (q) smorded Goring Coss @ $ Huggsamms grb usppd ae PF) uGgsgia cupsompyys gsieirescir. iui VIL. 2@iyedr ui Gung syleored @Plsgs cies Seufdsond. VI. FOQed oAGiy upA aiifurs sfeMssnnd. XX. Age piiy susote— (2) Summ; enifmnd uevuront woein® ugsgind Congener 2) Bras sia Gyseer - QuuriuPayd - gmis sigqasuy @ veoh gurrmysror vewfuront sealer Aerdssturgnh umcosseoh. : ) BiGmmsemer gin) eirgd. + X. varhiugGauPeenera, ens puioacerub efumiémadé aan Covsirgus Shi J688 cumivscr upp aeuflssard. precuietit carpal cs. 3191822 032/ DM / 14 wed a VI > VIL Vin. x x. DEPARTWENTAL EXAMINATIONS Mey 2011 DEPARTMENTAL TEST IN THE TAMIL NADU MEDICAL CODE (With Books) Time — Three hours {Maximum marks: 100) IN.B—(1) Answerall questions. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamilor even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. (3) Answers should be brief and to the point and need not be a verbatim reproduction of printed pages. (4) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (8) All questions carry equel marks.) Write about the sanctioned staff of Govt. Hospitals. Write about the Local purchase of drugs and its procedures in hospitals. Write about the recovery of Hospital Stoppages, Write about the following posts: 2) Pharmacists (b) Theatre Assistants 8) Write about the removal! or change of Tali string of a married Hindu women patient in case of necessary. b) Discuss about the authority competent to condemn, write off the value of condemned articles. ‘What are instructions given to medical officers regarding the dieting management of the sick? a) Write about the form of salutation of Demi official correspondence and conversation. ©) What are the procedures for the purchase of books and periodicals to a hospital. |. Write about the instructions for filling up of Post Mortem certificates. Write about the duties of Drag Inspectors. Write about the rales relating to the training of Nursing Assistants. ‘urn over: 319/t83-1 2 wiih angand Lae wes gancenesdle goSesine vet siesst ub mugs. 2, HGS Hamasadie UG SGEC Laie) Ceraiyssd Ariags opps syste apyopass GPsey Baril 3. WES gienoMer sSnig, sLrend sBOSS upbH owgic. z 4, &h Seem vsti nese upH Hei 7 1, WE SSU@SISe 2. siQers song, esehunonsTct d 5. SI8 WELZ AMMGEMd Obgi Quadade re) xe/pptaa Cam WIP HumUdaCan shud opps Hapajssiico CopbAensiar Caresigu aafyanpasi umena 7. & BHssrgAd Wig Sieun Drdsertarer oxen ambien ese mss. 6. Comune ane IGS gienmen sre; maprised yom fumes ines giev SaWApELS sri Vso Ponsa unssas ? 7. CEipsdaysriss wppd ecomumodsdied ofumensupsi sempinigy SNss afyopas EPSsi mgs. SB uusgemmasry Hidas wpbgrh srapsop sGhaase amigas SPSS aaPlyoopssi umenas 7 1, 8, sotto smatercigy Sri Oclag GOSS aufpopsct unena ? 9. rsp emianehadet ueilss Gide cla, 10, Qeciiu epiuraisst uApAcaner Asst esa af 318 fisa- 2 See eee ee ee 033/ DM / 11 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 201 2014 + - ‘DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR OFFICERS.OF THE CO-OPERATIVE DEPARTMENT— CO-OPERATION — Lilacs PAPER (Without Books) Time ~ Three hours (Maximum marks :- 100) [N.B—(1) : Answer any fivequestionsonly =< (2) Candidates are allowed the option to ansiver the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil, (3) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. ©. (4) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed ‘number of questians appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued. (5) All questions cary-equal- marks.) Explain principles of Co-operation. |. What are the important aspects of Co-operation ? Compare Co-operation with Captatism. |. Discuss the growth of Co-operative Movement during Pre-independence period of India TV. What are the chief objectives of Co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Bank? Explain operation. of Primary Co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Bank. V. What are the main objectives of Co-operative Union? Mention their activities in the development of Co-operative Movement. . . Write short notes on the following:— (a) Objectives of International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) (b) Activities of National Co-operative Development Corporation (NCDC) (c) Functions of National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development Bank (NABARD) ~ (@) ‘Ariana! pattem of Milk Co-operatives. 3tetes—t : [Tum over | CF 2 pp suipentd tae: 1. ei Opa Gsnitmsamer sleds.” Th. mii @paier dtu gusetiad eran? mc Gpmu Yysoneflagasgirsr gulGe. Tl. @38u AGgmnéG Yswsu sresPd aLOpay DudssSar esonisAoow afl 6Os. ieee TV. st Gp9) Cosmeiren uppid omy weniéA axiMashér wypdrsoin Cpnéssiiedr ceiver? Agméed oui Ope) Comrade upd amy msriéd esivdeeieir QoudunGacr eg serage. oa V. wt One gerfusSar Yssu GPeCanirsdi tou? aL Goy QusasHer musts hades Doppler Qewsr um ipcosores @fiIOs. bee V1. Séragusrugs Apeshiy cusmye — Ge) sro OS mLOpe) aisrumymemusger @feCaniradr (ICA) 2) S58u mL Op) amiss syaséer Gousvun@adr (NCDC) @ CyGu Course wpged eames eemiéh euisdudler uenfest (NABARD) PH ‘aes’ undfwrer und aL Gpayecr. “U, # 3184-2 4 034/DM/ 11 DEPARTMENTAL. EXAMINATIONS. May 204. DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR OFFICERS OF THE’ CO-OPERATIVE DEPARTMENT —.CO-OPERATION — SECOND PAPER + _(Without Books) Time — Three hours eee (Maximum Marks : 100) [NB—(1) | Answer any five questions only (2) Candidates are allowed ihe option to answer the paper” : . either in English or in Tamil ar even to answer the paper eeeeesteeeeey partly in English and partly in Tamil (3) Marks will be deducted for bad handwnting, st (4) Answers fo whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the ‘answer book will not be Valued. : : * (©) All questions céiry 6qual marks] ~*~ I. Co-operative Law reflects.the character and objective of the Co-operative Movement — Substantiate. e i IL. Explain the origin and development of Co-operative Legislation in Tamil Nadu. If. Narrate the procedures of the Amendment of By-laws of a Co-operative Society. seat IV. What are the powers of Inquiry Officer undér Section 81 of Tamil Nadu . Ber Co-operative Societies Act, 1983?-. . . + » V. What are the duties and privileges of a Registered Co-operative Society ? VI. Detail the procedure for Superseding the Elected Board.. VIL. Explain the essentials of a valid contract,under Indian Contract Act. ‘VIII. Short notes on any five of the following -— (a) _ Representative General Body (b) Execution (c) Society with limited liability” ~ (d) Deemed Registration (e) ‘Seton’ and ‘Set-off under Payment of Bonus Act (9 Dividend (g) Disputes under Tamil Nadu Co-operative Societies Act. 3tete5—1 Tum over 2 ppuBiy ened |. LOnas sib, mL Opa Qwdssher serenwcouns por GfsCaneerny nGudsApg: — »gPuGsgis. T gitgpniyd Opes cr gPer Ceo pgrd sveriséeout ui aflend es. m. 9G ALOnns shasPer geardifamsr Ages Aeiimpparer Ba yonscm Ognesgs gi8. IV. pifiper® oc Opes otienusafdr eC.ib, 1983, Vifle, 81-drdip oensonom eigimefiés sSemmivscis umenes ? uf) Caimi KLOpas ebiesSen ssowscr wpgrd Apinyfemaacir wrona? Hiansd Gyond sass yiuGsiald Serypp Comin aPpepsdr is eileufié, : Vi. @isu giuiss aL bis SEACUDD QiubseAisrar siptueé sages allege. VI. épéscrep hd otged gisie Amey ssors:— 2) SS PHS gie Cupmas (a) BeopBarniae @ aepupssiuc. sted < Vi. @) use; Ceimiutigrad sesinuGags : : we ? @) GCunerey aise ‘ggdA magsed’ upp ‘KGa Ose" es) Gams raj © ‘srar’ upf sulpprO mCOpae chamecier oti. she SAAN ererong, steggies. ws 318485s—2 035 /DM/ 11 vo. DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2014 DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR OFFICERS OF THE CO-OPERATIVE DEPARTMENT — AUDITING — FIRST PAPER ~ “ (Without Books) a Time — Three hours. ‘ s (Maximum Marks : 100) IN.8.— (1). Answer any five questions only. eee (2) ‘Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either dn English orn Temi or evento answer the paper partyin English and partly in Tamil (8). Marks willbe deducted for bad handwriting. (4) Answers to whale questions in excess of the prescribed ‘umber of quastions. appearing at the end of the answer book will nét be val 3 6 ‘al quostons cary equel ments) |. Define Audit and explain its special features and objectives. |. What are the various types of Co-operative Audit ? |. How do you verify the following assats of Co-operative Society ? (a) Cash at Bank (6) Plant and Machinery. ‘What do you mean — (2) Manufacturing Account (b) Trading Account (c) Profit and Loss Account (d} Schedule of Defects. Explain. briefly the procedure to be followed while conducting stock verification in Co-operative Societies. |. Write short notes on — (e) Administrative Audit (0) Qualties of Auditor and Audit Work (c) Co-operative Education Fund ~ . —- a “+ (@) Audit Fees. ‘What are the advantages and disadvantages of Concurrent Audit ? 318/186—1 {Tum over : ath capeus- 4 L sentlicnaatien euemnedvissemns Bigs set Bela) spose ign Gpréerixeener eSeuh. 1. atOpeub penfidcadir utes, cxmendt une? : Tl. 9G aL Opa stig Ser Sipdscim. onsgidacosr samp srfumitast ? (o) amivdlés soauilggtry 2) Quy Sorivescir unjyyad germ sisesr, (y ctumumés soma, ‘ @) om pLLé semiéey { #) Gapasr Agrety. * : 7 ~ V. aL Gpa) aise onde. DEA. uMergmen GxiGinineniCurgs Singin Casting Vi. Spdccir_ogpeps upg Ap|epiy ewmnes :— (S) Piurag geefleons () perdmounsmiesher grb wiigrd gewfemad‘umf yt or @ xcOpas ada HH ©) pemfsmad acLemt, free VIL. Opn t gouhieautidr peromonér wyigah gemsectr eros? : a a statee—2 036 / DM /.114 Hee 7 . DEPARTMENTAL ‘EXAMINATIONS May 2011 DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR OFFICERS OF THE CO-OPERATIVE DEPARTMENT — AUDITING — SECOND PAPER (Without Books) Time — Three hours (Maximum Marks : 100) IN.B.—(1) Answer Question No. VII is compulsory and choose any four from the rest. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tama (3) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (4) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed ¥ number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued, (5) All. questions carry equal marks.) | Define : Audit and explain its special features. II. _ Distinguish ‘between Capital Expenditure and Revenue Expenditure. M11. Write about standards for audit classification of various Co-operative Institutions. IV. How do audit of Cash Book or Daily Register ? V. What is the importance of Special Report ? VIL Write short notes on — (2) Administrative Audit (0) Preparation of Final Audit Memorandum. VII. The Receipts and Charges Statement of an Primary Agricultural Co-operative Bank for the year ended 31-3-2006"and Balance” Sheet as on 31-3-2005 is given below — >} Prepare the Trading Account, Profit and Loss ‘Account for thé year 2005 - 2006 and the Balance Sheet as on 31-3-2006 3tei87—1 10. 11 12, 2 PRIMARY AGRICULTURAL CO-OPERATIVE BANK LIMITED RECEIPTS AND CHARGES FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31ST MARCH 2006. RECEIPTS ‘Amount ~ Rs, ‘Share Capital — 1 (@) Members 4.13,235 (0) Gow 4,36,390 vs Deposits and Borrowings — 2 (@) Members and Non-members 47,97,865 (b) Central Co-op. Bank Loan 94,90,948 Loans colfected — 3 (a) Members Loan 20,21,943 (0) Staff Loan 5,280 Interest Received 4,83,604 4. Miscellaneous Income Received 72,195. Trade Income 568,061 6 Sales 64,72,099 7 Adjustment Hoads — 8 (a) Sundry Debtors (6) Sundry Creditors Investments Withdrawns — 9 (@) Cash withdrawn from $.8. afc 37,965,211 (b) Deposit withdrawn 3,00,000 Stock deficit 395 10 Risk fund 14,390 11 Agricultural Stabiisation Fund 616 Total 4,79,71,087 ‘Opening Balance 354 Grand Total 4,79,84,601 Points to Note— 1. Oaseon Provide Depreciation for the following — (a) Depreciation for furniture @ 10% (b) Depreciation for Godown, @ 5% (c) Depreciation for Libraray Books @ 10% (d) There is a difference between the Balance Sheet and the Ledger Balance outstanding of member loans is Rs. 2,500. The list is short and_remains in reconciled, CHARGES, “Amount Rs, ‘Share Capital — Members 19,880 Deposits and Borrowings — (a) Members and Non-members 42,41,217 (b) Central Co-op. Bank Loan 77,24,920 Loans Issued — Members Loan 41,65.451 Interest Paid 317,447 Establishment and 389,627 Contingencies Paid cee Trade Charges 2,85,460 Purchases 64,73,035 Adjusting Heads — (@) Sundry Debtors 67,390,894 (©) Sundry Creditors 41,31,91,262 Invostments Mado— (9) Cash paid to S.8. ale 40,96,156 (b) Deposits made 3,28,024 Bonus Paid 20,370 Furniture bought 7,850 Total 593 Closing Balance 8 Grand Total 4,79,84,601 Interest payable for the year 2005 -2006 Rs. 8,25,201 Bonus payable for the year 2005-2006 Rs. 23,582. Provision for Gratuity for the year 2005-2006 Rs. 22,050, Establishment and contingencies due for the year 2005-2006 Rs. 4,050. Interest Receivable for the year 2005-2006 Rs. 85,877. 31811872 cat ei i iil 7. Miscellaneous income due Rs. 52,463. 8. Interest Receivable overdue Rs. 6,55,326. 9. Closing stock Rs. 4,45,625. 10. Stock deficit Rs. 1,064. PRIMARY AGRICULTURAL CO-OPERATIVE BANK LIMITED BALANCE SHEET AS ON 31ST MARCH 2005. LIABILITIES Amount ASSETS Amount Rs Rs. 1. Members and Non-members 14,85,543 1. (@) Cash in Hand 13,544 Deposits (®) Cash at Bank 3,38.986, 2. Employees Provident Fund 22,660 2. Other Investment 531,303, 3. Central Bank Loan 70,91,827 3. Share Capital in Co-operatives 2,00,200 4, Government Subsidy 20,084 4. Loan— 5. Share Capital — (@) Member Loan 48,86,062 ~$* Member 624,875 (b). Staff Loan. 5,280 (0) Got, 960,804 5. Interest Receivable 224,439 6. Interest Payable 291,528 6. Overdue Interest 5,87,685 7. Establishment and Contingencies Oue 1,288 7. Miscellaneous Income due 37,958 8. Trade Charges due 980 8. Fumiture-Good 1,30,600 9. Sundry Creditors 187,736 9. Fumiture - Damaged 42,016 10. Statutory Reserves 18,48,659 10. Value of Library Books 1,200 11. Overdue Interest Resewve 587.685 11. Value of Godown 30,500 42. Bonus provisions 22,481 12. Closing Stock 147,433 13. Previous year profit — 18. Value of Stock deficit 484 (3) Dwidend 180 14, Sundry Debtors 478,245 (0) Building Fund ae 40,012 (©) Agh. Credit Stabiisation Fund 2,776 (Risk Fund 70.258 (0) Undisbursed Profit’ ~ 6.069 44, Reserve Fund 13,000 15. Provision for Gratuity 2,00,270 Total 4,34,48,308 Difference between Assets and Liabilities (—) 57,92,371 Grand Total 76,85835 Grand Total 7655935, i Bip anpend ’ Ae. perfismputhit, wsoraSnéesma sig) oissr Spin) sybetieme efeul. AL-Gageré Conn, agduy Goan GPeiucmem CuguOsgie. “lL, UdCa aCOna Poasnisefdr geMisoat Sader smb samp - - ~fitsiriléoiu@Sing? ~~ 7 V. Gréeh ufto® gang Pod vsfCaQ smldos svanp Gio)@esmsroumis ? V. gafi spfldnauter yasdusguud wings? 3181873 ___-- (2) fiiaras sevlées. (3) BOSS sofdmas |@fliy gumi Aeiigd. VE. 6G Ggrée Commend ope) sunBuieér 31-3-2006 a1 sir YRAMLUd BsinOdenar ava-Aeoqd ucyud upg 31-93-2005 dere gaandwer gigrest ulyud de SMijseLsr anGsaiuLGarsrg. Gass GansinG 31-3-2006 2Ldr QyamLud genOdaren Sues sends, Boru pls sardS whgd 31-3-2008-dener gQiGgrnat uLyurd a dwapenps gunk Gets — Agmée Cusrreirmnd st Gmay ari (u.g1) 31-03-2008 air Yyamiis gemgperen as upg Bema, aad. VE Age sftiy eure — | auraSenisesci Oreo GersraSartivesr Osre0e o G 1. ui qpergends— 1. ubigepmgers — ee (s) equates 419,235 e.peslemiass 13,880 196,390 2. somiused sere — (2) a.pesem igs’ a gion 4201217 47,97,865 sbmntgri soaxlysdr (@) Ussud wcOpe ahs — 77,24,920 (a) ws Gus mi Opa axis —94,90,848 av srssit aster z Badr aed — 3. oer sxpidiugy — (ed rptsSemiesir osirasir 2021943 a.gxaoriasir ot sresir 41,55,451 (ay) uefunenisd aLdradt 5280 4. oy ayridugs 317,407 Ally eng SetutL gs 483,604 5, diius\ onpdamt Gonnyesis 389.627 5. sremrally, aigunania 72195 6. sSlurury Gawnresir 2,85,460 6. eftunumy augioreid 568,061 7. Gandyssd 64,73,035 7, eSijuener 6472099 8. sjermngsg) @ariiedr — 8. gierringg) @arivecr — (9) ous Ceusiogungs 67,39,894 (2) ar Causingwgs 6452180 (a) GanGu. Gausimpugy 43191,262 (ay) GarGur Cosiryugs 135,46,645 9. YsdQasr — sion (2) Goiinyd seerbids Cagyssurgy40.96,156 (2) Coin semrdASg ig Guims 37.95.21 (a) WaT YpeiGact 3,28,024 (2) Bsr weed 3,00,000 10. ifims amrSuid anpristhugy 20,370 10. Geius Gop 385 1. gmamsiesr Ganiwed Geiss 7.850 - W-@yiy rOB PH (Risk Fund) 14,390 12 leerus ats 616 ‘ Hereoiu@sgx BH (ACSF) éy Ose 4,79,71,057 Ope, 4,79,84,593 7 gms Bein TSF — yy Begiu 3 Hany mOsd 470,04,001 — flana nOsd 4,78,84,601 3186/1874 Spaiieasalaaaaa es] Ysdus |Piyscr— Shascn apse ggrs&Gasr CojGansieraxs — 1 (od seramtieepaeren Cpibtamand 10% (ay) ECLA Cpiiurend 5% @ Grea usparvesir Cpinonens 10% @) sgitlent sLerei QurgiCuln’'G Pgymanlnsrss, CuGn.@ gion G. 2500 weopars 2crorgs ely 31-3-2006-< aug Greinyg 5. 825,201. 3, 2005-20068 whos aeguch apis Commyuig ©. 23,562. 4, 2008-20088 ueMéGarn ggbEO ¢. 22,050. 5. AiuO ongdamt Ppa 31-3-2006-d @. 4.050. 6. 31-3-2008-4 ausCasingus cy (6. 95,877. 7. 31-3-2008-6 grenneis augumemd Pgimm @- 52,463. 8. gamer gaa ay omtamirgugs 6. 655,326. 9. 31-3-2008-0 s1d5 BeGiu ust cs. 4.45,625. 10. 31-3-2006-8 o1d6 Bolus Gemma os. 1084, Agriés Cumnaresds aCOma aniA (0.9) 31-03-2005-éerer gi@srenst ucyusd G 1 egitent wie 1. (3) waigiygs Agro agKWarrdenGpsni moxie 148553 (a) amity 2 amfuted orto 99 22860 2. Bsr ypsiGedt 3. wiGu aiid acres 7091827 3, utis, epdDadr 4. ya undid 20,084 4, esiracr — 5. ude Oprms— (3) aptiert sudracr (0) epiitent * 624875 (33) Unfund ass (23) 279 ui Agron 950804 5. axty anGaminguigs 6. axly GanGr Causinggs 291528 6, gama gays ALlly 7, Gtub6) ongdamt Seine, 1288 7. prams axporend Desens 8. umes Bows) Sayre 930 8. geramsiedt=psimes 9. gemngg: AanGu. Caiiryug «487.736 9. geramia—uysmL isa) 0. aL yienim gpdGacr 1948659 10. gros uses wpin 1, prwces gif aly 95dkO 587685 1. ACL ping 12 ls amgias ogiee@ 2211 2 ord Motu wply 1B YbesY gemO orud— B. ora Hows Bmp, usiy (9) uiig Fay Gps 150M. giamaigs an Curiryngy (acy. 98 200% @) Bacrs ocr somiuOpors PH 2776 ©) Gyiy Kose BS 70,258 (2) Sastre Geonad 6068 4. Come 08 wodo 13000 15, umfusrort ueflé@aron. 951640 200270 Ope 1,84,48,306 BHBEEH AnpNdEE eden ae sSgpiinetd (=) 3792371 Papas aOp Papas xOps 31aie7—5 447,433 434 479245 i 037/DM/11 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2011 DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR OFFICERS OF THE CO-OPERATIVE DEPARTMENT BANKING (Without Books) Time — Three hours. (Maximum Marks: 100) [N.B.—(1) Answer any five questions only. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. (3) Marks willbe deducted for bad handwriting. (4) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued. (6) All questions carry equal marks.) 1. Differentiate between Commercial Bank and the Co-operative Bank. II. Write short notes on the following :-— (a) Discounting of Bill (b) Clearing system (c) Safe custody services (d) Travellers cheque. II, What are the general principles of Sand: lending ? YP TV. Define the term ‘Banker’ and ‘Customer’. Discuss the Bankers Rights of Set-off. Y. Define : Bill of Exchange and Cheque. Distinguish between the two. VI. What is Crossing-of a Cheque ? Explain the different forms of Crossing. VII. Describe the three-tier structure of the Co-operative Banks in providing rural finance. pip span 1 avefis arise eu Opa amAseeG Geortu actor Cayur@asoor eileufl, Tl, Ape ity evsors — (a) airpusosenar siflay Qeiipss ; AS 1 aver -gofigpe Ogmiiuren Gungis Gam_urGasr ures 7 IV. easust dsonesuremfeir ? exinehusfler f siren aa a aaa Qesssond ung ROGaig) Gesnsrgsid V. acinyud upg arGonmaidr Qussemb agg. Gow Arenyped adver ur®ecost cleufl, Vi. anGeranadid Bp @Osd asrpnd acre? Spd QOpeesr cmsair wneos? Vi. Aiud adr ayigaGi aLOpa) aridedhér yepOSe sien, yop GMa! aeuf 318/188 038/DM/11 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2011 . DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR OFFICERS OF THE CO-OPERATIVE DEPARTMENT . CO-OPERATIVE MANAGEMENT AND | ADMINISTRATION — PAPER-I at L 0, yr UL Vv. v. VIL vil. ' Vill. a (Without Books)” + Time = Three hours : (Maximum Marks : 100) LB.—(1) Answer any five questions only. (2) ‘Candidates are allowed the option to, answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. * (3) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (4) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book wil not be valued. (6) All questions cary equal marks.) |. What are the principles of Co-operation ? Explain the distinctive features of Management. . What are the principles of Management ? Explain the need for. Professional Organisations. Management in:Co-operative |. What are the powers, duties and responsibilities of members of a Co-operative Society 7. Why Member participation is.essential in a Co-operative Organisation 7 /. Explain the administrative set-up of the Co-operative Department in Tamil Nadu. What are ‘the powers: exercised ‘by the Regional. Joint Registrar of Co-operative Societies ? Explain the concept of motivation. How’ totvated employees” ‘can make an Organisation’ successful 7 ‘Explain MIS. How communication-is very much important in an Organisation ? What is Management Control ? Briefly explain about Audit in a Co-operative Organisation. - t t Write short notes on’ the following : (a) Managing Director (b) Administrator (6) Special Officer vase Lot (@) Board of Management. fe Gees s1eteo—1 [Tum over mi. Vi. vu. vu. . Write short notes,on the following -— (a) Budget We. () Working Capital (c) General Bodyy. (0) Intemal Audit. - ie sip aupend |. LODE Gensrsoaad wrens? ei Dps, GusrrairenoiSer pin} opoeriecr GHsgi sau, . Cuardnené Conurcyer amgump ung? aCOpa AoumsAe Gpmpayon CueirsienaSer Cpma Gigi Aufl. AL ODYE ome agiienischér gGamnd, sLoow wigid Gunpryssir wens? aLOne Aymersho egiieriasiér umsefiiay qr gag oirg Shier Stout, sipomys a Gpays geopilér Piers solr yong ups afer. a Opes ctemscer ucir_e Qos uBareni AewiiGsgid gSlemmivest steoss steel? saégnlssd Gfig Maf. méoeisoiulL umfurentsd charpy Capferure Ppamsms 2 gand—Sioniac ? Cupra pond yoo ods, sat. gand ufurppd dare 9¢ Poms HS 21s SumaFusorerg? ac OuopeIB xarpnid aren? ous. Gay PymensSid genfisers Ele) sfioafl. Sjagumapphre Apepiy sores :— (2) Cuore Quéepi () Qtsurt gongs. ftae @® sai sigan ) Piiemad wey. ApagamapHe &pepiy ssese:— se) HBfaw syflése (2) Beye qpagend @ Gurges Cupona @ at gefiées. 3188o—2 039 / DM / 11 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2011 DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR OFFICERS OF THE CO-OPERATIVE DEPARTMENT CO-OPERATIVE MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION SECOND PAPER (Without ‘Books) Time — Three hours (Maximum Marks : 100) IN.B.— (1) Answer any five questions only. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answer the paper either in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Tamil. (3) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (4) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions’ appearing at the end of the answer book will not be. valued. (8) All questions carry equal marks.) |. Explain the organisational structure of Co-operative Department in Tamil Nadu. |. Describe the role of Registrar of Co-operative Societiés. in- supervising and Societies. monitoring the Co-operative |. “The success of a Co-operative Society depends upon the. role of the Members"—Explain. /. How to revive a dormant and weak PACCS 7 /. Briefly explain the important financial, resources of a Co-operative Society. I. Describe the Funds Management in a Co-operative Society. |. Explain the Personnel Management Process in a Central Co-operative Bank. |. Write short notes on — (2) TNSACB () TANFED. Write short notes on — (a) Board of Management (b) General Body. siee0—1 (Tumover IIa etememmmem eee rH 2 Ip aipeni if Siinits geoutener aSeufi. TL, atOpae obatide@mparirsrenfiiugleds a LOpoe stiemesfier ufburenfic mAs WINNS Padre A Fy. UL. “9G KLOnaé okssPer AuphHSGS amremd sigér agivtartacer”- eleéaaia. LV. pilamiis Opn dad ai Gom Commend ar stag Seoer yerreodsib anflyympscr wrenss ? V. 96 HLOpas owas Ser yeSuuner HO sypmmivedr wena? ALOE stash OO Cuoreineos Arius yoy upp faut, VIL ora fds Opa, amsiid uvefurent fliemet upyfl sfleuflseayd. vi. VEL. Aye Giy aos — ) sijerO umfing gennmuds Opa, arid ®) siijer® sLOpa) eAijumar Deed. KX Ape sfiy soy — (o) Blanes Gy (ey) Gunga Gureneu. aT 3181902 040/DM/ 11 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2011 7 DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR OFFICERS OF THE CO-OPERATIVE DEPARTMENT (BOOK-KEEPING) (Without Books) Time — Three hours (Maximum Marks : 100) IN.B—(1) Answer any five questions only. (2) Candidates are allowed the option to answerthe paper either in English orin Tamil or evento answer the paper party in English and partly in Tamil. (3) Marks will be deducted for bad handwntting. ; (4) Answers fo whole questions in excess of the prescribed —s number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued. (6) All|questions carry equal marks.) 1. Explain the meaning of Double Entry System and What are the advantages of Double, Entry System? H. What do you mean by rectification of errors and in what ways may the errors be rectified ? YP" i11.: wnat do you mean by assets? Classify the assets with suitable examples. IV. What are the reasons for providing depreciation ? What are the. causes for depreciation ? State the different methods of providing depreciation \. Prepare a Trial Balance from the following balances :— Rs. Rs. Capital 3,40,000 Purchases 94,000 Creditors 13,000 Sales Returns 3,400 Drawings 4,000 Purchases Retum 2,400 Salaries 38,200 Carriage inwards 1,400 Bills Receivable 5,800 Printing and Stationary 5,000 Bills Payable 7,000' Stock + 29,900 Debtors- 16,000. Machinery 50,000 pad Salem aiseeetiittet 1,44,000 Wages 5,000* Insurance 2,200 Rent =~ - = -4,600-— Land 2,50,000 Interest received 41,700 Commission received 800 -Eleetricity charges 2,400 sterto1—4t 2 VI. Prepare final accounts from the following information -— Particulars: Debit Particulars Credit x Rs. Rs. Opening Stock’ 12,500 Sales 1,89,000 Depreciation 7,000 Commission 2,000 Carriage Inwards Capital 4,71,300 Furniture Creditors 17,500 Carriage Outwards Bills payable 5,000 Plant and Machinery Returns Outwards 13,800 Cash Salaries Debtors Discount Bills receivable Wages j Sales retums Purchase Closing stock — Rs. 45,000, sip argent L Qari usiay epomuer (Double Entry System) sfleréagenguib, pssinemecoorugh eSifleures sruggie. I. Denys AoGseth senpid scorer? Seysmer ccamaseh Seososmd ? I. Gonggiéest sénpr’ cer? ofw oOigcor Ose amsiiGsgs. ~T IV. Csiro G55 Canmpusir Comasir wre? Cgduorsmd sudaupiansn Srvenriusé uneoss? udGag Colimeré semrdSQ cpepasr umenss? V. Héragd AQGiusAiAGig Corsear Pooys ucywd (Trial Balance) gum Geis — G G ose 340.000 Gacrapgsi ‘94,000 avait 19,000 afifumer Segiuid 3,400 srBiuadr 4000 Gsniysd Sgiub 2,400 saugund 98200 ar my flEGee Aeerny 4400 Qupmsierin omigs FL. Gadt 5800 968, ugg GuTesr 5,000 Aopdampetin umpps &Gasr 7000 ondSiginy 28,900 ex emaflscs 16,000 origin 50,000 Sivan 1444000 onal 5,000 amiss 2200 ames 14800 Bead 250,000 Quip acy 4700 Quip sPai 800 airs’ em 2,400 318/912 3 VI. Kdragh Surisdeig, Gus semdescosrs sume -— G Apmés exedecy 12,500 flipusnert gine’ 7,000 aifiay sifsCed Comb 700 ps Sienpeseis 8,000 aLetfiggmi siGsQed Asaa, 500 Oauisshetu wigeALO Cuifiys CunBss Apne sund 2,00,000 Gaus legiuud Grades 6900 nium 7,500 scameflade 19,000 esnesiay +4500 Gupagiefu umppsslO 17,000 wed 16,000 al Biyuenenrgs Sesiid 14,000 arenas 86,000 Bod srsd gig ~ @. 45,000. a18/t91—3 189,000 2,000 471300 17,800 5,000 13,800 9,98,600 041 /DM/ 11 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May, 2011 DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR SUPERVISORS OF INDUSTRIAL CO-OPERATIVES IN THE INDUSTRIES DEPARTMENT... CO-OPERATION — GENERAL — FIRST PAPER (CO-OPERATIVE LAW)’ * (Without Books) Time — Three hours (Maximum mark: 100) IN.B—{1) Answer any elght questions from-+ Part'A’ and ‘any four questions from Part ‘B’.. Each question in Part ‘A’ carries TEN marks and in Part 'B' carries FIVE marks. ft (2) Candidates are allowed the option to aiiswar the paper either “ in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in 7. English and partly in Tamil, ~ (3) Marks will be deducted for bad handviriting. (4) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued.] Part A 4. Briefly explain the following: a. Registrar, b. Federal Society. c. Working Capital ” d. Associate Members, . Cooperative Union. 2. Write short note on the following, quoting relevant Sections of the Tamil Nadu Cooperative Societies Act, 1983. a. Surcharge. b. Inquiry ©. Inspection, d. Appeal. 8. Audit. AY 3, Explain how the net profit of a cooperative society is distributed and under which “section of the TNCS Act 1983 the net profit is distributed. 4. Expiain the powers of the following in one page each: )-Board of Management / Board of Directors of a cooperative society. b) General Body of a cooperative society. sietez—t vo 6, What are the disqualifications prescribed for a person to become a member of a cooperative society? 5, Name the salient features of a by-laws of a registered cooperative society. 7. Explain the procedure to be followed ‘for organization and registration of a : cooperative society. 8. Explain how the by-taws of a registered cooperative society is amended? { 9. Narrate the following in one page each:- a4 (a) Powers exercised by the Official Liquidator. (b) Powers exercised by the Special Officer: 10. (a) Explain the circumstances under which an elected Board is superseded? ‘Also quote the section under TNCS Act, 1983. (©) Explain the circumstances under which the affairs of a cooperative society => ‘are wound up? Also quote the section of the TNCS Act, 1983. PartB 1. Define the following terms: .. Contract. sage = : 2 . Valid Contract. e 2. What is meant by transfer of property? Who Is competefit ‘to transfer? what may be transferred and what not? 3. Hows a contract discharged? 4, What are the essential elements of a sale? 5. Distinguish between “Sale” and “Agreement”. { 3taie2—2 e 3. 9G &L Oppo, shss Pedr Pag ams, 1989.ayb sain Bj st Opaye ovis LLB Bair op Maier Bip svimsemd Tstusng! rerusog Sleuth. 4 Spdarggs giGandniek oPanrind esbg 96 ube opra8i eaufibangd. 2) HL Opa she Hanes GY BD ALOpas ois Qing oy 5. 66 usa Quip ci Opaié shad gine SPasher ysiw sirmiemens eHIOS 6 9G mL Onn ating SA a given! gauss sePuiirenedr wena? 7% 8G ALOpas oe gpmdés usd uBa; Gatw seesipss Cnssimyw BAL cpropamen aeréescui. 8.86 KL ODAS sing Dar SmcrSSeaars Deep oinsé seo.Shyise Gauriongur BeoLypoopsenst eBleuf. 316/192—3 eee » 9, dipensiruariony 9g uses syrah lashisent 2) omen sipevsufier gSanmbesn DALO Mn ohhags gel sigwverfien syPlemmbec, 10. 9) mips Gpdsafdr Ap 9G aL Onas edas Hen GpitOsOseiulr Pianos Gy smndanGAng vig Ehig Srsge spsdefiu aCOpay U6 Lifes SRLS %) hes Gpdaster 95 %LOpe ciimpfeir Cousin adr smadelupdstipe: séuss ese, MrsES. ShStW eLOpy oid Simms @mtatoph USD i lt 1 iferaugaerarbeap eure Genie, 2) gia a ae etupgo. pe : oon n Cae anligfia ort ein 2) Gedpuyuredonta gts 2. Genggstine uniivh edepris esier? Cenbgsbomet unimid Gos seSuen-unt 4, “sSijumen”, Gancing 54s Cassingu: pad gpborisecr umes? 5 “aljurose” oii “‘gLubp" Grainy fie Go Guage CampurGadh unemes? gs phe 3i8/192-h es 042/DM/ 11 Vi. DEPARTMENTAL ‘EXAMINATIONS <*> May 2014 cs DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR SUPERVISORS’ OF INDUSTRIAL CO-OPERATIVES IN THE INDUSTRIES DEPARTMENT CO-OPERATION — GENERAL— SECOND PAPER ” (CO-OPERATIVE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES) (Without Books) Time — Three hours |” coe (Maximum Marks : 100) Answer any five questions only. Candidates are ellawvad thé aption to answer the paper ethor in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partly in English and partly in Teil. (8) Marks willbe deducted forbad handwriting. (4) Answers to whole questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be,valued. (8) All questions cary-equal marks.) ‘What are the qualifications and disqualifications for becoming a member in a Co-operative Society 7 |. Describe in detail, ‘The Principles of Co-operation’. Write short notes on — (@) General Body Meeting (b) Powers of Managing Director (c) Associate Members (d) Co-option.of Members to Board. /. Describe the objectives and functions of District Central Co-operative Banks /, Explain: Amendment of By-laws. What are the procedures to be followed by the Society and the Registrar for Amendment of By-laws ? Briefly Explain — () Lamp Society (6) Industrial Co-operative Tea Factories {c) Tamil Nadu industrial Co-operative Bank (d) Housing Societies. states [Tum over ee 2 eillp oxpard OG oissP ogdlermagierar geDer wig gEhiéremvesir wneves? TL. pes Ganinaneor oifans sygis. I. Ape piu susors — (2) gsin@ Curenei (2) Guarino Quéepftr seme @ oven a pinent #) Qasigh Griggs Asminesse. TV, wren ws Suds spa; aviilider Cede wp Cewdpenmeenen feu. V. geonr 85 Dose serge née? goon Ss Posed ufo Goiw Causing otis sri Carceryu GomqpepEmenyd, usar} Sensi Caisimyus BEL Ympseanyd Sleuhos, Vi sgéawre anise — (2) umeamy uéadr Qugid uetgrig aL Ones aise (2) Gpillens pnp aL Cpa set @® sAigsrG Agmfd ec Omey ish ©) KO eH ctvsiscr. re 318/193-2 043 / DM /11 tee DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2011 . DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR SUPERVISORS OF INDUSTRIAL CO-OPERATIVES IN THE INDUSTRIES DEPARTMENT CO-OPERATIVE ACCOUNTS AND AUDIT INCLUDING BOOK-KEEPING AND SECRETARIAL PRACTICE (Without Books) Time — Thtee hours (Maxirium Marks : 100) [N.B.—(1) Answer any five questions only (2) Candidates are alowed the option to answer the paper ether in English or in Tamil or even to answer the paper partyin < English and partly in Tamil (3) Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. (4) Answers to whole excess of the prescribed ‘number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valied | I. Explain and distinguish between Double Entry and Single Entry System of Book-Keeping. IL. Differences between Income ahd Expenditure Account and Receipt and You* Payments Account. Ill. What are the Books of Accounts normally maintained in Co-operative Societies 7 IV. “Write about Cash book and Subsidiary records maintained in Co-operative Societies. V. "Prepare Balance Sheet with the following details. Presuming the details given are available in a Society as on 30-09-2009 :— Rs. : (1) Capital fund 1,11,500 ah (2) Stock of Stationary 2,500 @) Premises 52,500 (4) Investments in Securities 45,000 (5) Cash on hand 1,500 (6) Bank Balance 10,000 31/1844 {Tumover vi L 318/i9e—2 2 ‘Marks: Write about any two of the following -— 2x 10=20 (@) Break-even point analysis () PERT (c) Over-head rate (dj Production Cost. © pulp angsuta Sheps uP upped Ym. ule seorde wpeopuld ocirer aes Sumer 20 GHSH Sondgs. augurend wigs Gonssens Sipe, ourey-Boma, sombAlpets ase 2 og Gurew rere? eLOne) chskeod Guigens umsAbaiuGid semiei ysparivedr 20 wirenes ? aLOna series uEASSUD Oméat yssai wjprd gins 20 aPésmaai EPS TYBe. ; ShSargyh Aamismms AsnénO giGgnns semée 30-09-2009 20 Cops Aaa Oo . BD eprgemd 411,500 TUSGuTELad Begin 2,500 ub 52,500 ungyesmiumenr «pps05Q) 45,000 “ soaul ty 4,500 ard Bein 10,000 Spiecinaihe) memigt Bran opie eit aenra:— 2x10 =20 (2) ewes if) usiuminy (BEP Analysis) : (2) N@.ayiip. (PERT) @ =O @enfand () afb Gosia, SSsass 044 / DM / 14" _ DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS May 2014 DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR: SUPERVISORS OF INDUSTRIAL CO-OPERATIVES IN ‘THE INDUSTRIES DEPARTMENT — INDUSTRIAL CO-OPERATION (Without Books) “Time — Three hours = “(Maximum Marks : 100) Answer any five questions only. aa fe Candidates are allowed the option to answer the peper either in English or in Tamilor even to answer the peper partly in English and partly in Tamil. eS (3)_Marks will be deducted for bad handwriting. at (4) Answers to whole. questions in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer - book will not be valued. (8) - All questions carry 6qual marks.| . (a) Define: Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in terms of financial .” investments as defined by the Government of Tamil Nadu at present. (b) Explain the role of Micro and Small Industries in developing rural economy. Tl. As compared to the individual ownership enterprise, Industrial Cooperatives is considered better. Justify with reasons. UL. .Write notes on any four— (a) Artisans Cooperatives (b) Cooperatives for minority deveopent (0) Service Cooperatives * (@) Transport Cooperatives (oe) Labour Contract Cooperatives. IV. Enumerate and explain the trades that could be considered for organizing Industrial Cooperatives for generating employment opportunity. V. Explain briefly the assistance extended by the following in generating employment :— ay (@) Colr Board a () Silk Board VI. Write detailed notes on kinds of financial assistance extended by Tamil Nadu industrial Cooperative Bank to the entrepreneurs and Industrial Cooperative Societies, Serre VI. Narrate with example the success achieved in Tamil Nadu in organizing and the Industrial Cooperatives for larger interest of the farmers and agriculturists. 31a9s—1 ‘[Tumover

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