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Global Studies II

Unit II Russia

Name ______________________________
Date ____________
Russian Democracy Has Disappeared?
Clifford J. Levy,
New York Times

After reading the article mentioned above, answer the questions below. Please
answer in complete sentence format.
1. What is human rights? According t o the author, identify human rights issues the current
political regime in Russia have violated.
Human rights are rights to every person whatever the nationality, where you live, sex,
nationality or any other status. A man who lives in a suburb in Moscow was terribly beaten
outside his home and was left to bleed in the snow. Now hes in a wheel chair with his brain
so damaged that he cant even talk. This shows that human rights in Russia are clearly a
problem. No one should have to be scared like that at their own homes.

2. Identify political corruption issues Mr. Levy identifies in Russia today.

Russias democratic government has not progressed at all. Instead of the government
getting better it has gotten worse. An important component to democracy is following the
rule of law, which the government often meddles with to get done what they need to get

3. How does Mr. Gorbechev, the previous Russian premier, feel about the current leaders? Why
does he feel this way?
orbachev is frustrated in the way that the current leaders are handling Russia. When
Putin removed elections for the governors and mayors, Gorbahcev was in rage, saying that
democracy begins with elections. He knew right away that Russia was not going to improve as
a nation until democracy was fully carried out the correct way.

4. The caption for the picture on page one is titled, Batman and Robin. Explain this caption.
Throughout all of the elections. The two of them constantly chose each other when it
came time for a new Prime Minister and President. One of the leaked diplomatic cables
describes Medvedev as playing Robin to Putins Batman.

5. According to the author [and Mr. Gorbechev, democracy begins with:

Elections, Accountability and Turnover.

6. In addition to the aspects of democracy identified above, which other key ingredient is
necessary for a democracy? According to the author, how does Russia meet this ingredient?
Back up your answer with facts.
A key ingredient is respecting the rule of the law and in Russia this is frequently
manipulated to serve the governments needs.

7. Identify two cases the author identifies where the Russian government has failed the
democratic test.
When Mikhail Khodorkovsky offered support to an opposing party, he spent seven years
in jail and had his company sold off to Putin supporters when he was released. Also, when
Russia was supposed to get Jury Trials to change Russias judicial system, it didnt work
because the jurors were too intimidated by the authorities. Their verdicts were almost
always overturned; and this created an inefficient justice system.

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