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Describe how you could measure g

Step1. Set up the apparatus as shown in figure

Step 2. Measure the height from the bottom of Ball to the timing gate by meter
Step 3. When the start switch is opened and the timing switch is closed then the
solenoid acts as an electromagnet and attracts the iron ball
Step4. When the start switch is closed and the timing switch is closed then the
solenoid does not act as an electromagnet and leave iron ball. At same time the
timer starts taking time and it stops when the iron ball hits the timing gate. The
time of falling is calculated by the digital electronic meter.
Step5. Repeat the process for different values of heights and measure their
corresponding time of falling.
Step6. Record the reading in the table with column heading, s/m, T/s and T 2/s2.
Step 7. Draw the graph between 's' against 'T 2' and determine its gradient.
Step8. This motion follows equation of motion which is

u=0, so the equation is reduced to

line y= mx +c, with gradient = 2


1 2

s=ut + g t 2


, which is similar to the equation of

g . So the value of 'g' can be measured by g=

1. Dont keep the height very large because the air resistance cannot be
ignored for longer distances.
2. Parallax error in measuring heights.

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