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Photoshop 2015

Tyler Stesen

1- Animals with Lightsabers

First I dragged the
lightsaber to the
bear. Then i erased
the handle. Last I
used the dodge tool
to darken it.

2. Cool Lines Car

First I turned the
image to black and
white. Then I erased
the background. Last I
made it colorful.

3. Famous Buildings
First I dragged me to
the famous building.
Then i sized myself.
Last I made me have
big muscles.

4. Exploding Plant
First I cropped dirt.
Then i sherized it.
Last i winded it and
made it colorful.

5. Extra Picture 1
First I cut out the
eyes of the cat. Then
I dragged the image
to the sunglasses.
Last I sized them.

6. SunGlasses Cat
First I cut out the
eyes of the cat. Then
I dragged the image
to the sunglasses.
Last I sized them.

7. Photo In Text
First I made a textbox
that said Bugatti
Veyron. Then I made
the picture cut out
like the words. Last I
gave it a black

8. Face in numbers
First I typed Lebron
across the screen.
Then I made him
colorful. Last I did a
overlay so he is made
of Lebron.

9. Morphed Animals
First I cropped out
the dolphins head.
Then I sized him to
the whale. Last I
merged the layer and
clone stamped them

10. Extra Picture 2

First I made the layer
that is 5x4.8in. Then I
put in a gradient.
After that I liquified
it. Last I made a text
box and typed and
added a effect to it.

11. High Contrast Face

First I made my face
black with no
background. Then I
added a colored back
and save it. Last I
repeated that step
then merged them

12. Sumo Compare/Contrast

Sumo Paint


cant alter photos

have to make your own
has cool easy effects
easyer to use

can alter photos

can make your own
has cool effects that
can be challenging
tougher to use

13. Action Picture

First I selected him. Then I
inverted the selection so
everything but him was
selected. Last i blurred the
outside of him.

14. Artist Quote

First I used the text
tool and typed my
quote. Then I
changed the font of
the words. Last I put
the quote next to
Dr. Dre.

15. Extra Picture 3

First I cut out all the
windows. Then I
erased all the white.
Last I added the fish

16. UFO Attack

First I put the
Congress building
behind dark clouds.
Then I dragged in the
UFO. Last I drew the
beam and liquefied it.

17. Burn Text

First I typed Miami
Dolphins. Then I made
the fire. Last I made
it colorful.

18. Makeovers
I was exempt from

19. Speech Bubble help

First, I added a soft
light effect. Then, I
added the speech
bubbles and made
them white. Last, I
typed in the speech

20. Extra Picture 4

First I made the
background black.
Then I made Obama
darker and more in
the shadows. Last I
typed in the quotes.

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