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1Lesson Plan Template

ETEC 5303
Your Name:
Greg Norton
Lesson Title:
Cell Phones-Collecting data and interpreting charts and graphs
Introduction: (Short description to introduce the lesson.)
This lesson will require students to complete a survey to gather data for student cell phones
and how they use them. Students will utilize a spreadsheet template to input the data from
the survey results. The data will be used to create pie charts and bar graphs to represent
the results. The students will interpret the data from the spreadsheet and perform a
comparative analysis of that data. This analysis will be used to create a multimedia
presentation to demonstrate their ability to make inferences and formulate conclusions
about cell phones and student usage based on the survey data.
Students will access the survey at:
Students will access the survey results at:
Grade or Age Level of Student(s):
Grades 10-12
Objectives: (What will the student(s) know or be able to do after completing the lesson?)





utilize a survey to collect data.

create a chart using a spreadsheet.
create a graph using a spreadsheet.
present data in a graphical format.

Standards Addressed: (What content area standards will be addressed in this lesson?)
This lesson addresses Standards for Mathematical Practice: High School: Modeling.

Modeling is best interpreted not as a collection of isolated topics but rather in relation to other
standards. Making mathematical models is a Standard for Mathematical Practice, and specific
modeling standards appear throughout the high school standards
Timeline: (How much time will be required to complete the lesson?)
2 90 minute class periods

Materials: (List or describe the materials to be used in the lesson. Attach copies of
handouts or files that will be used to complete the lesson.)
Computers, Internet, Excel, spreadsheet template, survey data, multimedia software,

Grouping Strategies: (If time at a computer is involved, how many computers will you
have available and how will you group your student(s)?)
The lab will contain 20 desktop computers providing a one-to-one ratio for students.
Learning Activities: (Describe the tasks to be completed by the student(s). This should
contain enough detail so the lesson could be taught with a substitute teacher.)

For this lesson students will log on to their computer workstation and access a
survey located at After all students have
completed the survey, the students will access the results at Students will open the Excel
spreadsheet template provided and input the data from the results of the survey into the
appropriate cells of the spreadsheet. This data will populate pie charts for the students to
use to evaluate and interpret for cell phones and their general use among students. This
data will also populate two bar charts for students to access. These bar charts will be the
primary focus of the presentation. The data for the bar graphs by gender and each include
data representing student responses pertaining to smart phone or cell phone, phone use for
games, and phone use for school work. The students will evaluate, interpret, and make
inferences about the influence of gender on what type of phone a student has and how they
primarily use their phone. Based on their interpretation of the data results, students are to
create a 5-7 minute multimedia presentation, using the presentation software of their
choice, to demonstrate their ability to make inferences and form conclusions. The
presentation should include detailed descriptions of the methods used to collect the data,
the methods used to create the charts and graphs, and their predictions and conclusions
based on those results. Their presentation should be uploaded to or other platform they are
familiar with and the link emailed to
Students will post initial analysis and conclusions after the first 90 minute session. They will
create a post on the provided wiki site for peer review. The link for the initial post and peer
response is:
Assessment: (Explain how the learning objectives will be assessed. This should be in line
with foundations and tenets of technology supported instruction. A multiple choice test or
essay are typically not appropriate examples. The assessment does not need to be
attached. Just explain your assessment plan.)
Students will develop a multimedia presentation to illustrate their interpretation and
conclusions of the data. They will include in the presentation an explanation of the results of
the bar graphs and what those results may reveal about the data used to create the bar
graphs. The presentation should be 5-7 minutes in length and include an explanation of the

calculations used in the spreadsheet to generate the charts and graphs. Students will be
required to submit their initial ideas from their comparative analysis of the data after the
first 90 minute class period. Each student will provide detailed feedback that provides
additional considerations for interpretation. Students will provide peer feedback to at least
two classmates.

References: List any references used when developing the lesson. These may be online or
offline references.

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