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Non-diegetic music begins

Establishing shot of the church gates

Mid-shot of the Character walking through gate.

Cut to:
Tracking shot of the Character walking through graveyard.
Cut to:
Another tracking shot of the character walking through graveyard but the
other side of the church.
Cut to:
Mid-shot of Character walking behind the tree towards grave.
Cut to:
High angle of Character standing by the side of grave and looking downwards.
Cut to:
Close up of the characters facial expressions
Cut to:
Establishing shot of the church
Non-diegetic music fades out
Voice over starts:



Dear Dave
While youre always here with me I keep you close in my heart.
A place thats secure
I only fully open when Im ready for the flush
Of love and emotion that flows through me
The unanswered questions run behind me
But I know that I am thankful for your life
Loving you always.

Non-diegetic music fades back up to full volume

Close up of Character putting flowers and letter down on grave.
Cut to:
Close up of characters hand touching grave
Speech I Miss You
Cut to:
Mid-shot of Character walking away from grave.
Fade out.

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