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Assignment 2: Information Literacy

Sharon Tracey

The keywords I used to find the articles weremobile technology


The database I used was Proquest

I used the Proquest database simply because I was familiar with it from a previous research

Citation for DB article 1 in APA format:

Chapel, E. (2008), Mobile technology: the foundation for an engaged and secure campus community.
Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 20(2). 15-23.
(I know the second line is supposed to be indented, but my program will not allow me to indent just the
second lineIm sorry)

Citation for DB article 2 in APA format:

Kalaiarasi, H; Srividya, V. (2012). A study on wireless banking services the case of mobile banking with
integrated technology acceptance model. Journal of Contemporary Research in Management, 7(3). 3140.
(Again, I know the second and third lines are supposed to be indented, but my program will not allow
me to indent just those linesIm sorry)

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Scholarly journals
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Scholarly Journals (137396)

Mobile technology: the foundation for an engaged and secure campus


Chapel, Edward. Journal of Computing in Higher Education 20.2 (Nov 2008):

...cellular broadband technology to foster a stronger
...potential for new technologies to foster development
...into the future of mobile technology at higher education

Full text - PDF (134 KB)

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Assignment 2: Information Literacy

Sharon Tracey
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Scholarly journals
Source type
Scholarly Journals (137396)

A study on Wireless Banking Services - the case of mobile banking with

integratedTechnology Acceptance Model
Kalaiarasi, H; Srividya, V. Journal of Contemporary Research in Management 7.3 (Jul-Sep 2012): 3140.
...that, Indians mobile banking usage banking technology, its suitability
...M-commerce. Mobile technologies and the associated


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Full text - PDF (439 KB)

An iPhone for People Who Hate Apple

This article introduces the new Samsung Galaxy S6 mobile phone which is almost the exact same phone
as the iPhone 6. It is purposefully designed for people who are not comfortable with Apple products
and is far better than previous Galaxy S phones. The new Galaxy S6 is remarkably faster with high
definition displays, has a 16-megapixel camera, a turbo charger, 32GB of storage, and even has a
fingerprint-sensor home button.
Edges, The Curved Aluminum. "Samsung Galaxy S6: An IPhone for People Who Hate Apple." CNNMoney.
Cable News Network, 03 Mar. 2015. Web. 28 Mar. 2015.

Additional internet article - In Chase of Apple, Smartphone Makers Shift Strategies


The keywords I used to do the search were:


Wood, Molly. "In Chase of Apple, Smartphone Makers Shift Strategies." The New York Times.
The New York Times, 04 Mar. 2015. Web. 28 Mar. 2015.


I ran a search using the keywords mobile technology on both Google and Bing search engines.

Page 2

NY Times and mobile technology

Assignment 2: Information Literacy

Sharon Tracey
Information, news, how to advice
421,000,000 results

Information, news, how to advice
102,000,000 results

I dont necessarily think that one of the search engines was better than the other, however,
Google did offer more results than Bing.


TIME The article in step 2 was written on 03/26/2015 and has not been updated
RELEVANCE it relates directly to my topic of mobile technology
AUTHORITY David Goldman , CNN Technology Editor is the author of this article. I would assume that
CNN would not hire this man if he was not an accurate authority on the topic.
ACCURATE I believe this information to be trustworthy based on the information and comparisons
made by its author. I was also able to find additional articles on this very same topic.
PURPOSE this articles was written to inform the public. I believe the material to be objective.
Internet article 1 was more easily accessible than DB article 1 because of the nature of the
search engine. I feel that it is much easier to use an internet search engine than the CCBC library
website. Its not that its difficult to use the library site, its just much quicker and to the point to use an
internet search engine.
Internet article 1 was able to be obtained in a more timely manner than DB article 1, again,
because of the nature of the search engine. It is quicker to type your key words into the search engine
than to go onto the CCBC website and go through the process of logging into their scholarly journals.
I feel as though Internes article 1 and DB article 1 were both written with equal amount of
authority. I feel as though the technology editor for CNN knows about the information he is reporting
on, just as Edward Chapel, who writes for the Journal of Computing in Higher Education, would know
the facts that he is reporting for his article.

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Assignment 2: Information Literacy

Sharon Tracey

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