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Saati p> EGS Ui ghne gajgilly pitty Gy su de il Ggh Copyright © 2004 by Shelly Herold, M.S., Ed.. All rights reserved. ARABIC language edition published by JARIR BOOKSTORE. Copyright © 2006. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronical or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage retrieval system without permission Seven Secrets of Perfect sere ting Shelly Herold, ms., ea. ewes NW JAB BOOKSTORE coiliguaanl| 1 GRE oko akg Jucald alain!» deo alae cilgaly LIS Saar! pSGtaby tyanie! tana gt Gls! oy e shilugdgl sane 1 tbls wi, gle sab EL 1 Saal oygll SLY vlad! @ ple oe Juatll © Wily t Ib oo Banly dogs le pigs ® obeys Wb StU a ga slags Galea dole Gis OSI oY bey Fly las yal # USShylyl WIG gb NWI pail) po UY LSIgey Elid! or Ue it Yds Joell Oba ub ot Saal! 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RG 9 pe oe LS ae” pS FB pred Gold! Helis) O0 Jae Tiogll en CeRanEaI SS (i> Lye Oil gle Ipo yal HO SS paths AM Sah hdl a Spill JI” Lage” loging ge ciley Leate IS 8 ey pa sae ad. Bt clay sie Tost seu" = besa y gill le Gd Lueen aly aepal} Upilpal ao dilgill oYgleyy olde GL | Le ey Liab ge JS Lngelail Lal Sue 7 ell Taga” opesdcine AD Lil peal go gen JS plas ped S daall Lagan Laelog . Yokes Hisy ~ Lagalyglal gb gh! plain! go ~ Lipo ” cals tally abd” ge yle "clay opal” Go gulel 9G yy pe ayo cle olds cote BB Bylla Gia gly Lobes Masti 9” Lage "aS. lS Lp B GII 5s 8 GES Lele “OLS. Bay FY Legh ple LY SG) So ty + NSA pelea oe aya ala! gle pel Bjtoly Yast Roll“ ISI” y US Labia! cabogig ” coledull " gle” pyle” cad yas PAG yy Sas Nase IS, joy Hes Ub af. Sule abi Gs” Lapiany Lilly pYLG gel! B olayy de ney Lali Ll or yady « Lpilib «poly Sys Flags] s Ue say ow sisi Ls wy oly” Kaige Ghnegll Las” cps LAS Sy call SS @ O-G-0-6—0-2~6 495 Jat! eld Secale gall cal etl paid oul Gel Spi phnall aLlth S42 J! 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Joyal Jal”: cauanly yetlt gle Uli gyaels tbl US. TAU Giyglagsy God! analy or Cgeua Gy LES ied | 6-6-6660 1 ew wala + Oy > Gye ins Lage dla yaad Y cul BU Salis slally poral gel chug gS) Ile Uyiall abla, biz = UB pe an! clea! le Spall pasty pill GA YL Sat (oly, cab Basle J} aly gay 2 e ggpodly GG! ole Logie 5 ob I 7 gl” GU jl od ye Loaie JOR gio” UBUS "y lay 4b Gad SUIS SAI igo! Lplib Ysi" ls ” cay Sah Rall pV AG oF UGla | se pI leg. ole LooLull yi SoU Olas, » Bypteall Lpdnsy ol 0Vy 7 ill Ua jady gli lpi ao Lyilyié J yam parties! long 6 G)My ble YL Lands Spall JI" poi” bage culls plillyy HS Lge gs gle. las Jal Se cl yg Lapa GLI! 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Ala selina gd pd dygeee Gut nd 25 Gl Ge pt pI le Uy pe pally SLs tty 3b, ULI 2909 SIV! pis «aS le Sige Sri | Sess Oatale the g5y 955 om Jalal! pole WS ley aly lS 8 LSA ste LSU ty ad ye gis LUS 15) OSI Bytes olde BUR Wy . boil Go Ra lial si Gay ol aes Js Balad G0 gait ge el ge Sally ens 3 Bantay « Ludblally Aol! Jab otelaio! ao wuallell go IS Higiy te _ UUbG! 938 ay Guy he «Loli ayaloly alge ele ,9 By 2muy 2599 Gadd JS pois 9 ALS th pt Slelinly yelie leg Lebar sdl, ads JS by fo eally S Tly Sol oe SS pad! Loy Jolt LoL YI oh di ato lg deus b> LaSie JS Hle gly. Spats Glo! By laas oi cbLe thts ci gue, Jo sp phy Lala 15) Sas te pad ¢ LaSlibly | Lael LaGiy © 3 5U oP US Lady US sng Laila lnly LiGilel gay Wylglly . LGU Gg _ bys! G5 8 LSlab! bythe WW. As Us, tj O-6-6-6—2—-2-0 55 Jat! tla) Dalamg Ee] ound Fi SALUT od oiled! pol ga LAS) Sse ode $ yypedl cheng) pin Sle Y Lal oy adi alley Gil b gal op So ab pyill oe Sl jlas le Jpaculy . 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Bll Ape Bae QUERY SoU chet © Gy an CBI” Sigh Le gy pLAgH SLE SY LS poe 15]y . LESLIE, aeye soll Fe. ial call: LG Ga Liss IS Yel gb le Gam] Lad. Lob Uso gb Dy Lee gS) 6 atl Gee plaid Bayt slid. WII Uho gb Sosa! Ses lill Layla 6 ily! dw) Leylew . ae! Ye ell 3 dt. GL oll Sloe 3 LS gad VS. gel lg is 2d Le Sia iS ads dete Ui gl. GU! bagi aba Ls gd Uy yl Samy ow ys + bei! Sige bane " cabaglgd! Onifad” boSalas! y! LaSediay ap Gliglaiy clinaily GUAT Sur py po lyr ob oS ids UaSGleialy LeSSLe bso! yond B Gand! Ma jlgll ple LoSiad AS 9 LaSLim gle play Oud I SRG leggy OIL se LE os IS Su «elas SUI gad p 330) 6 53 oo JLB! goal elall gloss Le O-6-6-6-8-4-2 Jn! 5D Ale "at lly engl Oyeila gill JS aq ke eo ilenll ot load GNI Eguenill :( @ ) chaos Lp) ee Lily LS AR. ings yeltna pal BL” ope” cyl Laglab ays aay BUSTY cya” glam” ings OS 6 Spill eli Gandy MLW! Ysinby 9G cols pitas Landing gl Des pats qual OJ Sie SIL” dad coyel J ly Uguli gS Loaie 7 1 Lola AS yao Gly 6 J deals SIFY aol 5d ye . 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LeSpilely LaSilelio! + ELEY sg pully ad yeh ll bee a "Lange Gablas” syaiy Logd . olaglgil 6 Sle slave! J) GLI ging A204) 9h eae eg. Lebel Bw LOY ole 2 Anibal pSBe SE Nels pg BS Lae Lagi gi as I lea gll sus! VylG Se aris le plat Sli aabians by 2pney Barly 3 plS Goa! plem sbi Ste UY JS aba giy LSlib SG Lilt oo ill uo! yg0l dads GLaim! . Gasagl! SLidi J! Sua. ayle Lad FG. oe ate cll dos a O-0-6-6—-9-2-6 15 bei! Kale Ub. gel Y SLOW wot Sila cosas Sab gals Lakery Naa ALG ff re yp tally theres yl 98 olan 6 Lislylly Lineglly Se EL 1d ASI gl ode ULI 6d ogSs Leakey . 55LAMIy peal boat Vela Lead Je laisy Fag gb sole ob GLE go” Lag 5 Sto” Gob ye lene bad A pel gs GAN go ge Hb Wass FM oI di go 25 Js ole! Lyte Del Ged SI yy AW aes Lad. ppl oe Sully Gurel Sabi "oe AU aoe pall 8S Geet SP ound si. EIU cle" ge” ANS pS Je ae 6 GSIy . Lapny Lead GabLA jy Val pall ey hlly SLaSIgam 9 EIT! 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Gully nm LBL ygigh 55> Vad gy) nlaglg St eid yaitg . cibiglgll - | » pobabl od Bgl ART oe ad pall Stila : Daglgl saan! 1 Sale | yas al col pat laniwl «Sly > ya) Ld) yo Las « jonl Sglay Leal, SMesMy BY OIA paid bagel AAS ple ob Syl lib dade gsi Vg dba is oy i 3 sbhgsi « tbally GLY Sle Ig glindly Slab saga @ olga calgsly LO] xo gil gig ALY! de pag Apoluodly plod oy Ae! | ABW yg) po Sole Hy bday isle uiog ZisdHy awl ony LS 5195 Wind SI Les lysly Flo oy Lg OIL clo yly Jab) dy 55 JiSl She ge Gigs GLE oe byt all Gd Gi cay Gag « guelig clam Slibi isud) Lilie gyal doey Sole FBLy foal LEW obi godt: 5 S5) aig bs bbs . Baal 8 yaySJI LY | Alay 9 BLN) o> pane CLE Geo Slesall cil pac gue aS) EY pla Ra) ais bg ary "iad FI ol ow Bpola Je ee LS ea! oo Sole! piabby . Slo) el oe 8g! ogee bgt vf ly mall Cc iio po Dlaall Styne sims D € plang pal yaks sss gle glaels san gh wei Naclind 5 StL gab das ASL! gi Sg! eo Sl! polit ay Rgegal cL! IS. Flay Sopdeilly BAIL peat SD) dagedll 9) 33,9) + gly WS gaill degl JS 8 olanlns Leglib Sho J pYly OY Sy Gy ra C-6-6-6—6-2-0 it! oil! + gly LOS Lagi le Sade 5 oo JSe pVly OY! apis Loae LHS, GLY) Gly fill! at + OLidioly Cais. pL 1 Il white gi dale Gy solan! gy ApeSng lol Lee col wt SPY Ahtslly Qh pag ot bey Lisle dle Wels dual ele eISSN Sl jLgeg Aygill Gt,55 cots + AD Sel pally Laity ull Gell or SV 4S Luaally Upoull wlio apaidy ete eld) SI ple ABW ae BL! StL! Jos

J! i yo bs et EL PSE pe ay Sl endy . LEU Bye peal alll bg cue sly. Sau! asaya os els LS 8 ba will Spell Mpls | AS) ane ielely Lag Lanill Ghlialy © Ligiall pSlib gay 25> IyboY ary oneal ce SIL pp gl CiSee We atoll p Slab gl. Litas 3 pb. Sealy tle! ae | ib go BLU a te RRB LU sagas ola! al caualal sally subyht cllab Dare s 2 PLAll oF puaily © JAY ST oe JS fom wll es ele Gly MeL UI SeySig Sati GL dle 5 ills oe pe ee Li oly! 9 Spell pag Liddle Ba” Syl dy AR ple (asians Uyhie quel "9? ” Gall Lael sb op dco pe Nal ce Sy ph ae SG So Y. bub Mab GIS as Wd 5 yay SND PF Ree SI ele Hel SS lias Lie a phate 96195 oy Ales! yl 27 Wilae pigly ply Lyi)! Uae do gorsh gle dasi yi beryl ody ARS yo FSM y . go gol gl) elie gi ose day Uplib ” 5 jl" 2435 BM rs oF way. obo BGI wed) ye Ma pun! Y dele O gules aS gS). Hilay lib wy of 8 gud g obi ls ¥ (oe Salles eG Laially ABS NN ol SI Neb as cael beaks Lye cleLig Iejan AST S5ie J! sop LB ctlailt oba God! elie alls, Bylo pois peel ated bo Gat abba seated atlas Pan igs By Sy gil Lo 50 ppl ud lib J Ssrtg game! ue Fling Je ol Say LUE oaeabs Lake. cbyle ys doles wlis Yl * Gably Jase cub 95°. Lobe Sue og & thos bole” fe Lisi gw alli 535 pay IS athe leaie . dull AGL Juogil dab saset wg Us sed fa el cle AGG I seal pS Lal redy shel "Naam gh Jo. gat ele gh 8 Say Lay G6-6-6 2-2-6 stl jut ay Spe S Utes Alli Sail Lesis . cady daly ainclang Wb pudliy pag) tes Woe Stl me hy La) 5 ily Gy Lely sl, Junity p05. pla! aGable wisely ygntl DLL spt Ques fel ous. 58 sade 3 gl dhel Sd guy Hab sasan sie, pel os BUSI ay yl pyill segs Jed Smalls Last pads gh Rael iby ala cine SN oy AiG Lay Asclill pie gll sal ate dele auld Sally. oped Ginkedy © 43) Gubisy . 4 olblisd! Jatt lal gi cag) Co IL gop. gli LS) dyanaing dis le ab pad s6 spaly cl) pelts Aioly a yas gle Jay 5509» lab oh JEU Janes gle. Adal! ainay Jolyily Suesglly elidel oo JS gh Rig, Laas gis pghill gle diy civ gh. Raub daly Alli wo plolsi » Aye gf gle DEL ne pall pal le GLB ble> Shy d ot ou! 59S pl 15 gl aby 98 Sazoyh Lally Lub! LAS! JLo fel ae Jay Salad poll fe SHE SI bud! JS oe bey AasLY! SLs! ge SS) ga lb Ogi ASI gs Le J! tied Lagltey pW, GSI gay Le BSalh t BN wi a My + ee pl J! Was Spe qos Li! ails pgilly Uw! os oe eh 8g ht Lott Sl oy ally SY Lense Vpe 1yigs SI palpi Yl SUS gle 5g. Sjline Lay Le Glas Galy Leases tY ale gs Slat he eae Tone 9 nb) ol paled OS ol Gutta GO! golf ohbilhd Outlay BLE Ty wl cuts ol ble J} oglslt psa Lolodly 2 DL eats Jo sabia pl Lamy plasty clays glo Jo ge Say 6 SGM pall le LSS VLadity gilt LSaLS Ge JS hy Spe oly. RAR LS yoke 9 50 gl Gy Noe gle Ly» ailoleialy Jib)! dons YAN gi ay Ilyas lglg! Slo LSste! LH pga OY fae Lo Sad 5 tll Gos gl Bae ly BT Oe Gaal! LUE. gle Lagles oSe LSWiba) shy pie Bgdy . SL de La gill lis! gs Lie She AD sp dgg 6 phe oF carpal Wel oo SSI Byes ogd lowally siglo Sal ge gb Mi gaiy Sql. Sot Jl gle Aicltly Laan Laly IS 21> ol; Sg al lie Ay + tobehild Guta feta bil) (utd yliel gb gas) Ul pg hoy SU ius as elbol ge pogd tte gi lad Speco LY bbs 13 + Lego! gue plgall le ZI oe plabll Slby 1385p. bya! yo Whey Gav) pb QSild Las «A Rey Ahatl Ute plates be gles Labi! dmall Igeintely AT ype Joe Dye ate le Ligls Ole gly spe Julai gogh poly alt Gye on LS bs US by anh piling U45ldy jyaiy wollgaey lead Jibll Bb Lage clade ley. publ! iy » UPSU 4Stja} Leaky pay aolecal 3,601 Jol ye Gide Hged 9995 gl Ugam dig SIS so cl Jota Jl Rye Le Ble pull ate = Legh! Shae spat cyl yi Ly! plate ¢ Baaall le Ler J 6-66-2206 tt pe! cee LIE LS ob hae abi pf ib) Gi gle Ail 2559 L903 2! HE ee eS ates a de abl Yd Gyre bb ley + pe ake Lal eo yy AGL yo al iy Bed Gil e579) ge Gad we. ee WI ASH Jab! Quay oamy OLolio! aut Sable gle Gy aS Sse Gell! Oe niS Gol Yj GlabIL pats . ogegll ode SHU 95 SN) go Re geal Aland) GEO go SIL By gl Dyas Abel we. al twang 6 py JS Lele Baaly Jab oad) W sonal aay as py os Uybais Gand J oySe way 5 clay 5 ad ly 5 Ladd! Gy yb Ge pipe gl! cll yale wee, «play TSANG get 8 aay teal Geel! pele Guios Gye 2 DNS ye! ge Lae ob any pli gle ter god !y Bp Sadly oye Jab! jbel go asia Se ey bye! gol eo aN ole og gi 525! oe AE I le dogs gb Bgl ee Ele [pad bs Spey pgill Go BSI) J! plat. jd whee gl Glad aa. Toapey Ulbe 39 Suey cage, ball + stig gle by I LaSms pL BL oe LW we MN ayaa at yi oe pL ale GLa) Glee deaglly apg le agll Jolo Spats gad - GURY bb punt ol Sol oo cease LyeslSW gull! SUbS! eLbi Legene Wa cred LS. de LS" spell SUDY! Spe ope "gl (SIDS ) 3 LL! Gye b ty cally SylaN go YQ Sua fibll aiad Gmy Soael! Leet! tS, St ts Cynsendy QayS tony guasd LAlt saci Sub wlan pole gb Silgle poy cil paid) Llby plaid 3 cud, Ny 5S) ES 8 ow Lae Jab! LS a pee GD Sill go 3 aby gash dally LL Lalami PRE. Lia LAM ogo ot ford ge 6 GIES ghey gasp Wilh code tt Mie a Bla ya pe Lsgieg Sapte Lyle! lage of an Sal asi wee loo Alb OLS esl Ctl, ceblbsly ys it ally BLM, GNI, Sy! lg poy oe oy Bp all Liss pb sg. ayll Lis HL ye ee JL bY et SLAY! gs «CLS Wide si bins oi ond Y cols gi die ote it si SN St gle bea! Sth oll SP tg fd ee ol » fabs aE le Ly piety SI bole! cle alll Glalll ile op Goll! ghsy lay ill gh patel! AMiby Ayal LoS) aii a ete ple CHa gd Leg lh 5 ty leat Vpn ULE GIL! lallyll foley 2 Olah p> Lr asin o} Sol os GSW eyo Y ty J otis Sue deadly sibel J! Lait Bale gf ands Sa Jab! ae ality Lp banal! Gigs Jats By ele. BLE Ly Coe Fs Le Sl SY ob Sar! velba! 2 Waal! 9 yoy Syl fags loads pp bl ge Spy BLES gag Jes oly ui tes TANI gi gal gyal ne egal Vigil slate ge Le fC 23 Sine * bygill Sabke le Gale yl Las O-0-6-6-2-2- tl bt! Bail Bie 853 po Igo IL> os Joli Gali ays dll” Bag) Cel 2 AMD g . Sopeel olSe 9 ASL YI Silay Bails gd Regglly Gray Leela cold ai! bypty Leese bo SI Ae ly "sy g) "cals Boieg ad "1 fab Jol os glo atl ol” ile ye pS] Lads os ol od LaSlib gi Byars ol Jf Ueby Lai. syatt LSS Gale JI. Gi gi pls By bd Shay oh Say SU lb po si ob US gle Byte LST Litils Lad ppt Selo sh Lawl OLGEL Gold pido 9 Spyl abluiia bin! Slab le Say be age gid UN GB sot 598 allah Sylits ge lay Lars gl + alpeo pe ag a ley ee oi bay odd ne ob a pully Gall le blkal) 6) 5 Stiny SI go Le peel SGlans IL cuban! Lege aya iar OS wie sy Bly SEY! ab gle st laggy ll 9 pial by Lease Sabie 5, 5b Log we lanai eal Vy Pye de US cus. cighty Soy ojlge SS! *Y Uils aie Abad! aH © cota gi | Dyk aS pine Tray arly ple oar gro IS Led Laps Sas ple che I RILy GU ib Joy yp LEY cals 2 BY oe pre pl ple al ase pla gl ots paisi ois Lateey . Aly J gill Ngee Lazy Jabal Lod gle ASL! AW ghans OM gi PMI le ci cuales AS gbe oe Lal AW aL BW oly JOS go Djs ob aU oauilge bare Iy> sae OLRM ty Leg Jey 1a) aU Lab Wo pad 25 pall gins « Ade J glatia oe Nagay shale 8 jy pall Ls AE gs Bl Sto pine chia! bing | 9S ol pie Sas! SU gle BLY Gat8i Uy aes SubY) bjt a9 ll Jlwlly yotl! Lee eh) ge tly SUL! saa phil Lule gpd JUL! gi Lay ypill doll + Aye) cyl Js he 2 Aides SLE do gl Ua Slate He Muay ob lee iS ee yt lal) 2 pte dole olga. Ly gS DY Sarin 6 fill Gao liny «lib | Aa Ig ay SI + Rablilly SLI LS! gi ( Bl Gap. GLa baal oD LU Te nt ly LL Gilly Lee oll, Prk JS] by Ip sill Sleds $I I ysho Logis Syd) SY Ag gh ghd fad i LMI Sy” el pee” «(Die Bale gh diyse gi dle Sip Lay pa SU abe sll gd SPT)" pil” Gols gf DULL FSI ele! be gh ISM | BS BS GIS AI GL LY ge sled olgul polis 8 = (ailgll pane Blg> Sy> Lgoladinl Soy eth 5 Ng) ole os AVA Iho 6 Naaey Bp Vly agll gla! + fill) ty Slit Ge Ntyay Whe by Las Ribas palaces DL! ioly lel bly candy ag’ Ley 6-6-8642 tt Sines gop dy Gl gi dis cls 15) ee ole SI) abel = Bale Ugilg> SU) Abd ib iioy | ele BSG al gy SI le Lad" as" Bg bd ogS pag Vy” Gy Chill” 55) ypioy SUEY | Led! Lea shlg ill gh lal ay 3h Oral! oo GY ppnylol aos Syl gayle Lbs pod oeghaill Bjgl Lg 3 EGY gi plas! J! Coal lat ale | Le gl peel I cid patel wolol od ol Soll gad s Soll! | 2 OU cad gh. wg I ow Tag GL gre Go 28 OLY se ower neg Lose * olsls~ SLE jae le. Ogee ghd! wet Sy so pailly 6 LS pol pel ge dogs Ls saeyl | eA Cag gF Dacm oy yoy Alli ws p> poly gain! cual | 1S, RAGS LS pid Ugly pall elosl BU yoalt 5 all lay loaie os Gell pF Lisle Latsall p55 Shiny Soo] gad. Bann 95 5 LITT Lgad gaty alas oo Last ily. waged! ole ps clei 98g DIgST go Ugling pS ALU pat Ayily 22 WI 5 pirall Goolially Lele ces gi Listayy QoL SU YY yy Ld of”: GUUS et > ly " gull Jab gb bly tA Alle go Bo ol ae SG gl pole jae 9) dal! lab Bd gle ol pis Sle! (3x8 bd UY!) Gay Sly Loli gS). USS Ga A lbs Jibs! ge Lig Lay 3 TBE gl gaale Sie” JabU dob " Sisco oF cS OU Laila Lagieaal RLM ope napa clans Still J! ag! Ge Jit SI lanine tno asi OMS ty ip) ole Gly Lats ab gb OBacl dae, ds Gall Shay) gh Lt ld BUY oes Cle SY” ety Soli” J SUball qe VI) ee et GE Nol gay Bill Gye SY we OF gi! bo! gh AL AIA GL sl as Speci) Geeks oh Ul Gebers patel! chee ge Je ST Cas gop OG II SSI ge la goon ll Ja say Gigi my Bigi! shee eee Wo lilo gai v Baksh 1G yd atl et cll ne Gi, 58 adi ssi ya Gigli, olf ents! ORL oe 8 alt aah J3b equal! lo39 we Ulyel aad eb Olli W Wi g8d ale Byghd SES Y os clad gil lS pall poten 98 ented li! 8 pid 9 ait pantie tat alc | pe Go WS GF. Sasel sad0y + chnall Bgl 8 atags le Janis Reels clase Spe gi ae 2 AS ol gb Use Jar aoolably 6 Loli! ei wae ge Cg ole Lay. dLlaby ys pedal wo py Le aeaall pb Ley (SI anany bay be ghey Sl pollo Ugay boyd pb 6 ay Lol yal LS eB y5 clad 2B pty Lae eat 6 oly ad gh gle shah py 1" Laiayg gay. Sood.“ ELI A ghll Lass gabll J! bil Liles Sesall agian I Say ab oe peal glad, GY Guba Ay yall 5 y> yo 6 aS Bay oped ody « Llib xo bolyill Bole Gas Syed Gla Gb YaBy. LY op bald Lay Gnatlly sla sii Baby Laat Ui gules Lae. MaKs 15 ALG! LSI Iygloy 55> A) ny ype Bae el jyley ely) Rybany oumiaitinn Hye VE SIVA po Bb ogee by, dines iy «pe kS! 0-66-6622 pt pei! iP gla Ulli yysies maa Lease 1 SUBY suite jo sll! Ay fe Lobb solity dolar! . cla ol pany Aaile oP yi pols) sais ad pid 9h ( HUIS de gle uy Y Sumy) JUBYY Lels Uaaego SHS igh GL oP SbigSh Say they gl cul patel gi Gui «(Aids ) Lappy leas Ugo had 5 yuo La) dubs) . Slee bagel cana gh 5 ali gl aS be Lady sais aad yb Gyr Le Blige YI By La ihU go LG os 31 Salads Yl pga _ Syasdl Gb Giles od 2 py lab SF) Dl pehlly GIS ally «gigi SLES ot gh Boling 559 gh) SLabSS 9 p50 Glad le S5ill gs ¢ pte gle dalge Ryaddd gleSU dpm gy Rad YI gle Athy Bye Yly golaodly Lele ails J poy yg Ane iy lab gl Sh odd 9 ppt high ay Lease : Vio glly GME! gle dyad plsig GLA gb Aibay le dans » gladly Flav! ubinny all «aad ed BU = al Jag e phd Lie slasly Af ming Uli wae satay bg Ld lab os Bla! ab pine GAEL pel oF 0g tl lay Jab gl 5 ae lll oo OS pl Jie go tall ate dog Fe” yi ahs” p00y wha aye a! W Las psi lous” Lager siy Sab thay gi ule ge 6 Sy i> Lah do i! bel W Bye JS lay Ud GnaSyy 13 Sampo! gle! slay gary + Sol Lad ally etl * Ale” Rad ei) lel pee ols ) TM Aya Lge 8 ( ie < eld le Vly ila dil Gb jytiny Lorind . wgel) ollaidg Amal cl} Smog ola 2 G13 SLES) 9 Nay pacing plod © SU SUALY! ule "oh 5535. AUS ist sh gh ge Lege yh go aah candy be 15), cli, yg ptt thie Ge Ug ¥ cpt ellie aay Nyy iLb Saolglt Syl gd TEL wy syle Sal Sasge SILI ce Sa Coal ends be Lary cll coda ol pelt oe Of LEY ches cles See Bally ce Lelgl lps OS). Sly GL am dais Joi + aly a Yat oaially «Lael Banagl! obisly . bey) eyey chihasy cba 0 JS Las Bye ES OLITy deal! Galo as gl eal! dnegl! aS! ae pel Ls gh LS Ltaglty Ua slite Ul le Lally His Guabs le GBM! gi aall Jord ce pal yo gay 6 Ulpel jay of gle lib ans ye 133 pe dldse plo be Le} 6-6-6288 tt halls pL de eo al I. cll) Jy pole II Sles I! thay cot shyay lps Shi all peri Gps dab os Sly oud Lals aSLoli> jasts gl dolabl SS 2 Ans Gall gh douand gi LS al Sol 8 i bs JS pp IS 9) Bl al ass Jubye poedil Se pass oo IgaSaiy ceige O! jy pe Jamaal Sales gle Glo pads + Or! pols eobaal ella ol) Gated geal oat gat at WS aj = SLi Gaile J} US Lay lee JS gagh gy Lie Jyae nae Las St ge gladly we aall ge Lele ay gi class iS 13) Pht mk spe Bas LSM) bbs pleat all aby oi oC pe el Sl pt clang lees. SUAS Jal ou Guegat Gade sia Les gi pt ytiia Na gb US SS pies Sy nate auslgll Sade! CAM ) SUS) A oo pps ale © ee Piet tenes ete by SHI cee el pee edd 8 yesh pth ll Opeth a Gata) 8 pall Yeni ant Walia Gu" “patch |” il ceili hr! a 10 Gata lt eSpbh aay Bye Cale gglll Gogle pb sae gh Lilly clyy gry cd gash © Bais 5) Aisi Nao edi aby Jia JI La ge il all gua! Lady og . Ons Les dla oo Be! lps pie ET ae Shay sles oe SI gh. GIL le Lies Oliby lag ye” Ga” I” * S30 Saggy al BL tal ely gl 9 We yall WO Stil es JP a ee ey Sly el oe BIH QA le a plan Sei cidy is gly LS (age Se Gey 52nd. Leon pag ad aa! Lea Spd lal! abe pad i Sonat LG pny (ope LS 4) Se ie oh Sy Sal) SS! lll nab ge lel pb lel eliy ciel «pat Ae SAIN gt ad pS! cll gla! a iglins Gguno oigil Gly mii yogi © ald le ABSISS 3! pny wet OS lly BU) 98 Alb Nay ob aay. Legis GUS de game Aull pod @ cs aes 8S 5 le bts. Ql! gi Gal! Gust! Les Aendig” Sel IL” gh lle Lays sim ugh iby code 2 ASG/Vy 50 go Ue 3 alll By, Bld! Joi SU" watall CoG gll ” yds whip geg Aeody « cle cd posdinl afe = Glawlis a as LS ce Le all yan) LI gl! SLI Jost Equal JS god ote DAA 6 S5all 9 ual) Rodd dolallly Byatt! ay yey. By LWt +N pHline Gugled sacdll ais It gS! had 6S pling ley dag) ae coe pkg Loy Ot le! Let lb 5 allah Ble ob pate pal oi Ly pL lage eles LN plane She cud IY LE. ale il Sid oySa placa! Lat C-O-6-6—-2-2 itil jail! iP OAT Ublog seb! ppaglly Melia wise Sy. Jal otbls 3 hla Sige pos Voge AG. GUI yal gi nao gi. gua de gl til gti © hole Dye dol pats of lab Gary Gl cLlaial LS go hak pt stl yh at Lid eat» pica llled pant elie geal! cghanl Seat pata Batak Gud Ld Jah ahd G pal y) alg = Sal alg el Lely Uys Jl © Shab! Gog hy gl gs Llib we et: sie sly spe JI ey Lag ) Garry aise gb 5 Bil ( Sa gs does ci go < ioLaiy! 6 py Llib prey Alia ouy cige aay tl) wlll aly shi W Striely Lab ay Lie Abo i nisl, ¢ Lal, «Mab yaad Goll! plally wij Lye Logs dams le soe, W they Bg sd Lal”: ps Bead) 7 be cel pratt byes pial Libs GUIS piaS Gy thal = Cgtiae bay 5h chao oil) Ub poe po 5 ka YW etal cl jo . ogous abn! Lary) deg Al] Saoully pote Si! LabIE ) , oruilly wei ttle pains Jags Gl ~ (a call 2 yaa lib go BLA! Sid ge Hh 5aSi DUS way. ay AE 9 SL Ape lye gle Dude Sue, SA go fie Gs AST Ses GAS 151, plgall le I gamle GUySa chiey alse bes ay Lae gs ay Gelb” ginegl ” ay oly 5!” + poly Shy ad J Sy BILL wy, Sal" gual" GolNI By gee BEL Sal cyl " bae bayee nln“ ale” tag (ols Fyad = Ab) jyatlll Sjle wd aly © Gybdly SII dey ped belie Jab "BU Gye iS ge Fpl plat ol JB. patel! URES aay. See at 8 Bae oly pill Syd Wha. Eyal Us (ed Dh hemi Ga Gand? 9 Sed a eh? tent (ahi abhi tnt ic gaint Getta) yd Getlamad G est gel Gamat yah) petal «gabe ont htt G sid tl (gab be 21g OAS Late els LGU 6 vad ply Lily. dell Sal bee Sly gnely ela bakalt L539 poplly «ough Jt Saal bse) is ca) |e 5 aS oo gy OugSy Lgby Gal yall LI WI Le © gtdly Sl Ly Lagat yall igo) Judas Logis BM Gilg 2 he Je! Mab Gy Gps ! OV Ley gps Ula go0y (ily Vly guna! Gjbary JEU! 5 pol Lan) ode (8 clays Spl. plabl! Quant culy Salis gf Gey uli + tally Gala gb cll aebay assy Ls | O-6-6-6—-0-2-0 it! ail! . ie eS Guat, Lab Sle GLEGST gb Les gly Lead Gils bla. etyeadt . slid. gab! tli platy Gpady « Ragas pb Le yj! gi Las Las bss Heal OUI flog ELIE plata ly oglu reilly Lad) GLASS) BOLE. Jal Ladi cla J) a Ld ily plea) aalbiy tld GULGEY pyrial « pprilly JIS gh. UBM gh LW gS) JS Baya BIG Le) wD wee Oe gue ol dyleg » Gull gi b Sil Ab, Sige” fhe SLi 9 LU Bags i Lge y Lis! . OLN gol! Lies 6 Lad) big! pats "5 pS dy Leal! alia, | Gola Aastha. pall Lk lo Spall ple Lay LS LY gap. all. Gg. pabll . Gosh yl «typo Gary cll shank! e gaaasll goally Ayddball 3H)! yo J) ols! yaaa abd Laldag dans gis - ib poe ga Ag olga Belated! 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ALY JS BLS JS oy SG Lake + pgally” BLOW! Goisd ” olay Ail) chin Jnl ue wos odly slid! Gusta Ow" aailads” 1 Ss MEY, LY oto 5 Abi gi SLY Spa ga oh clings Lp! WI LS Bale i955 ol Ut Lis nays Gye GL tae GLOW! may o ey Hghl cle 535 ALT gab a5 SAS 11 YY layey goat Vi yo 525 O-6-6-6—-4-0-0 ot) Sr eco eso Una On SINT ROL SRV pent a CMe oho reac) el as aol gas pigs dL YI ons pig! ee Lae ol dd” Gal to” cans 3 SaNBy 6 Y ye VOes Rass ty Sani Bp ce aeld Sy” Ly yl oo Uaaesd sol Gg gi. is Sy alll all Lally ay i dl 6 gl” Sipe © BL CLAY ge gh LL Wak” lly” Genes Rat Lidl oh py Jol 1g Sagal! J Rall sal as gage "Nab iy ts SUS ASS yy lla) J a Boa aly. ol J 5ptal Ba Oa Se AML Rah, Sead J gph gal” gle Relally 6 SLM pg all cle wo slid 158 SY 0s ap Ged ot” aye” cub . Say le epi abe UGS). GB ge Lyidy! plo! Said gl aid © Lue ,YI 950 ale 5 Ld SF 5 pial! 8 yah SGI pga) clue iy. Gaally GUL puss Yi Updeles . Jo) Rul oF Jum 58 Lg oo pH cull gly. Lpol 9 AS oatad SIS Bhs” Lye 2 pM pS GB chal! BG oF WLS U1 ale pals 5 Gs (Syl LG Hcp atly Lim fram Hie tt Lal, Jb ol" Sgt ol” Sue” ey ols Ay Leal, oh, ad Ged JUN as ps oles Yy la gall Je asd. oli it! DalB os Bs Si gory] Sly . Hime IO) Lait Lisa, > Ale oI aS oy Bate 2" 6ga8 gb 5 BEG Laie Ob Bases g9Sloy. pall J) dding spay Range” Lig pI” adhe ol. Ligh ele sap os)”: Sya ol pI bis gl LAU jis hk pestis of gd oLyl, Le Saaill cL Qarlinny . hae Sjyaiey Jlaal 27 pabll UGS) isang 5 bid Lily Vet iu | Y Lay ey Lig! iSay fey Jaaionly Lagay LY! Slay ogi 2 yey Oly. Syp oally GUdIST II i ot poy ady Ga Say ol Sy 4S OS Type ab Sage tt Lady. ge ages dogs py! J! Ue 4y piaey eS paos pl Uy lar dee dil SBI, 355 Y LL * Gee SLE Vi pine a LS gl and fatal 535U qigel Nay Halaadd! Jal gue denilanaog yorkols " aasball .£ coiled SGI ayayl Ue 1S! glad LLL ealjally Ub plant gue Gye oF Bead. Gai, SLAG pas Y Sgl gIS G1). 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Upaaly ey abd y YI" pls” cae gl ad,” Beg 6 Lyall B srtly GUY) po pally. all ple GG gs A « HaelyS aay lib de siay Be nV Batol Ry yah ng aaldy Gpateall paid of Lay 9" ete NSS” ald aay al BG Bpy Spatially Bill! . pied « opolall 55 GY” Apple Ugallas sii Laine p yinly . YialSs p sili aul i Jabll Je ver Aw pate wo glad! gh pS! stant YM oe DNS 6 ALAN Lal oo gp St Ssalglt SLailly ” ga sh5" Spey es alll Sgt IS FN pao Mab GUS SA” aryl" SRS! 2B AS) pty pllly GIS. ea gd ol age SyulE Gil IS, Lose Gye + gS) ayleigg 5 fat Sellgd 6 Le yt& Seal) LLY” oer” psi. Saad Daye 4 OTs Lal yo Rael GS 9 ley Gi a ob iis GUI gl J bso! Sally gos (GIy ploriy ol ops» AQIS Gib SID oye) od 13! UY! ads eee eh Te (3 9 aay y eal sk eet een eee see ae teas CA ell 9 lS 's US jag ULey ood Ny Gig 3 SjLans COS Ro ner) : tal a leg: tie ne y Peer ers ees SRR eS sold Ley O-6-9-6-6-2-8 nil! alata) Said Sigil plane mien!) . Ne pS by gd chided gh ciel oo Canal! blitig Syl! lye oe JS ppb 23 cept gt LS Lath oe Bale Ys) Gals Gee Gy) Ugh! JS Ts lash ope is ol ot wey IL Lakailly lly, Gly Waly do QoL! aclig! 4 ogSy Ol 38 JS) yal! ge gS). ol Uglt ode GLasy ol U3 pé, sb. Leb UL cee ey BN pe Gs lab oly Gl Syl cabled W sh de Span © ubll 5by lates Seas PSG Nil any oF Ley sa Llib gh ARISING! py) alec Y lg 6 8 peat Soe pSas 5g gd poll oly gl Ol jail oda Sasas! I bY dust, BLS ple Lay Ryley y! BLA! Go sl! Seek ae GU Bayae lpi abalel . Gall tind blis July I aio mal ye saod SIGH aes wins)! bis 3gill blye Semple ally ib soy |] ago lay YL! «geal ype Way + Sos bjtoally gles¥l pas. ay . gael. bal Eby sega) Bi gle Mag! Tsai 4p eas 5 ly + plailly GEST clay yg pb hale JS qi Aaegall les gb oo! Aiea! dol! = 68 SUSU ely! = Sug pie XS | | dsoglly stg oles |] 5 alsa Jaally Lppylioley AS poly Laid! St ylglly lad! vty etek wba ly Die eee wale hides Bil. Ca gal all 3 ASI. yeuil «vad gly eLisll ot gee i pa 7 it Sao pee Bibby 5 pra goal! Satya ally last! = Sgilly © pal call Gag gua |] shoal sh Gale | aya Ret ly pal. sob St. ghaa oh gill gl oy! ippiall aad yay wes alas ATG) » Soar! Jol! Die feast (eb = a! Lele) gad bly gees Jag 5 Jie! 288 aN age Has al ge gan gis || Sines Salt pplaieiys Raeaty sd ily Abu SLY! 2 tally gi Gully seals: Erp 2 JlabY! Asi a> ) Jas! . ell A ey sty ost || At willy gly Rg ijl ab Leds GAN alyill jabs « lagay hgh lyse DESY KueleieY) orelially fagoy cli Jaaisy ||. ghadely . pcr | glad las p35) Spies pasy | eles Oruilly Sle = Comedia go gb |] clay! pacy 6 ged | SBN go Roly ducleie Yl « deli Y} yeledl = gaily vw C-0-9-6-6-2-0 tw! seat 81G . Gam gG . ISU) detetied . ges (ply Mig fay UY yb) Lull thay. UL cob) Sal Jabs! Jas pally GLUSY) IS le sages al ogo. Lila gh Jui os Sys gd ob Ss! © ehAg 6 GID Lak twat gy Gee ig LL” peal pst pci Lalgiad aah Gyey 6 Ail pele Sal Ot pedis Aygo Jedi dncel € SAM gegSiy Sail gle GyaBy Lyi) cilpany 6 Gla Ge Gebel Rgehagly Ay 58g lets ol dy cial! Jol oo py IS HE Ly os CRU Lats ce zillay 6 catylgayy + play Mab 989 Leys nh yey OD. Ly Sol NI Ba Oy Os Gaey Gemall dale este ps. obi v bibles Lilies Lia lab Lado Blasi JS jae all ag Rai glly Kyalally Lost lly Lagi Shad pope cise, . SUL Joe gleg « Olgaa! Ryaod 3yb5 JWR Se Rally «Bathe pb Mates Bac Gabel iced! [0 geo geal AS hae co pany.” Sud gh gad gh ui ld lash Obl poll pial goad + BUBY! gle OL gaol! poi ais pbsl phe OUI; oul plasl gas anc) caily FAY SIEM 6 (Sigg Sit 6 gd) Ceolenl py beg alg)! gos Lenly wae gaat ob Lay! gh atyl gs galbl «AGL! OV gL clgely . (bghd «lye ) LSS 5A Spat Les geil Ugby 6 ISM) Se Bnd sly. Ball gh. Uhl "SHB, Sgbi i sail Loy © fod Ugh J gall Leg f glass Glial I sill boy f 5G pass VA ean he pened OLS gi OU Igeal ge gusud by IS ge Ub Jl ode pol tel pS OLIgell ype Gab gogd gh ObIped oe Otel Lule Kdnege Siyhui J) AE ay dll ge Sil gut SIL, Egil! opal Jgaio GF Losly . Sady aad 2 all td Y gi SE YE, LAU dea 5g ab) Ay” OSU" yas ae pete Gb ame 5 Ihe ge ay. Uhl Ql ee alge y LS OE L WE cay Gasine ody |g giss yl Laglib oi J) dbo Lb Ws. Jy! gis & had LG pt yy ol sh IT / pill, LAW! eibge J! Glut sa Sly ASS plate FLY weedy of Sale Jib JS Sey. Geld eh lial " Ugige” Lode lols ojhiel ai Gy LB 1) Glass js ieee) Om Agll SBS Lydd! Gana! py Sound tls! Gb wb eos Lyyy Spee" Rhy ne al ple Spangll Gok! eg Lcld ogists 3 J! Theses: "AAG GBI ole ge Sl gl aoly 3 oloU Shay © Onpagll Ge Gye Baal OLY GF Lab guts BW be of RBI lane Ge LUG SL! go ayant pad Sygtae Gd] LES Lay pce JS cual she Sy" 38gll v4 CO-C-6-6 0-22 tl! «BSA gibt Sao ay yal plailly Ua) 5 yi Aba! V7 «Abaca a! SLEGSY Sy ailly AGL LV Bo Le Lgl 5 pill Lo glall plasty. U5, 5,51 V - Sayue OGL RAD) pladat 3 Jal lay boule Baad Ae ny Spill asl das V PLM Jog s potty Sally. ALY 2b ole tall wo al V BSigog Su yd G phy jy . dad! Able ololeial dos 7 ” SHM" elje FAS gall j gall Slas| gle 8 sal V7 HB aed Vv epee 6 pS 6 one SB 6 Soe pS): Sealy I) pall) lagi! V eid. Gull pS SRE aya 9S GY oy ST! SUEY yo Jil oy) agit V SLI y SYGLG! le 09 6 Lebatll gh 5 ghaagll gi Upsall opiill gb dangll elo! V Sal od pgenll dog Hew! cay JB GS ta) V LaSag GT RGN yg Las gad LSI pall Ol jad i go pe gl gle tyead sche all gb Lak sy. Lan gl se ally . Alli) 49 pall bert juts cobs Gi gage gl. sph ell begis gi. tae Lk gi. Lets Gye Sate oS Th pi. ghee gh Use! sill gi. Lek tt OL 8 yl ols gi. pla SSB gy Ls JS. Lally © Lael 0433 ely Ge SYLVIA Ge Ue + Ae Stall oh be plan Sab tas pd LLG pieys city OU gy lam a Gi yg Pe Wyle" ge" Pe cl” LT thd sab oy gedit cul yt paid oe Lr een soled ey Slag GM pie Lai gi Lat daa ta) Gy YG SST ha SLA fas ghey) JgSt olga 9 yeh YL WE il ol 6h opp SI adie aay ope Oe Let! ab > Sarl fang pl” seta) ele! | tle ie op aalne By Ga GSS A AL «gy Jud yall gf offal oS SST ge SS. yh EY” Opel Gls gel Ls * tine” plleey" ceghs See” Mneind Sine” gijes lly” J] Mila yly . Was mall Sam! gb alas ge sled p58 IS. lat ASI; BSI Ye Spall IS3SI yl 2 judy LD ss pp Vail). Lepage Shes Ly lps! aly Laie Uo ae pdgis Le Ley © piel of gi Gait blo YS bei SLI gf uell 48 ping Le Ly glallgh! Olay Shei. Gi3 vny O-6-6-6-2-2-9 st! pall! psi ple ony WY plyel G2WI 1d Lagi iy pay” pal” gol” so JS cd pte BL Gl JS I I pty Loy LS) all 5 pill Ay opps Shae oh” See G8 eh GIS SSI Ling wy sgeKll clugl pgy J} Lagi * ger os Jail Pe ST Sige pee Ld gol It LGW JULY pg Loge jail 5S Rad ae ot te Sp 0 pe a A. ety esd py Wr UG Cis Lats” nl” cd Hoses glallglt old. pins Hy i pa oaths gol: cme phy Sod Sul 8 patel SLI Sy Ls Hh a gl oS PG LAL SS) BUOY olay Sel" Lee Sangli. Bye jl ods cay Li lS aa), pio ly yao. aLadll Lpstgll ” ow ppl Nm Lay ogg Sd Laue Ls). ap al lll lay Sie 6 i 3 gl was 5 BLED Sl pe Sta yg sg gl gle I Spay Ro Uh gle aa, Ld 2 Last LaSel o bid Ni * crate! ai: ALG Syaodt ep pe BBS Las" eae” Gls Lota, pag UL I clog pe Real Last ad yl gd ges Gil tig ge ols. cad ILS Olds Lego gey cre Manag. Lal ope Vi p85 iy all INS ge LIS Gi, abl Ala! ba Jghas ple 3 jay lage leet! JS oo Leley| Vjadind LJ cues U5 ly leis ciel : AGU gill” st” cain! Lgule Saye dage Ibe lv5 DOL” aL!” peal. Lyi Lp a gsiad Koay gly | dd cally.” gas" " abel yo Anaad Bypall se caw, AbY 1 Ss, sesh 6 pall Bde 5 Ulgllg La gl Lbs dale ay yh gol Tage " cyl Binds Label asi” roll suet yoy dy claw GLijy par logy pey| gl gS y Analy ob JY gle pds py ne Lal a Nae 53 Lysl” s WWyis ated Nally ola! vr «iil Gencaial) cat G0 19 t yhadel dha 5 lig ata G elle) i yea Get eb el a Lid SUB cay 6 TA SARS. CSI polis 3,5 JE oe BLM! gle Seas 0 ys Jl Oral mally CASI Ge 306 + GRY ple Lange 5s alas sl 0 « LLeilly «ype! ons tig Sho pede pot ¢ lady > yo way Jd Dib os thy gill 2 yi 29 Small gua! pried © ib party spall sao! 5 jb5! Bypeall dpe Led psy gi pte coe aig SUS ag gd isles Spt « Ay pill dine 2 Aga paSaci Legh cal bel all 3 035 ys @ et gad yf a Cu yb G sate) id Gl Seo tl deeiSSLY sland be gi Uaiisl pd oes tll Lgl! Saal 8) rae 55 Serb oe. Aeublly pgllly play! pans O + yy 5b Geb oss. (GALI Jl ol 8 gl. BW de 8 Al Lahey Clas W ll gi. Gull ope Uke, gl. Mai st gab plably Sik ppl pally Gully Ubi). Gl Spe aes Sass. a Slb vr 6-O-6-6—6—2-0, el! jail! BU ad Ip! padi Los cet ol pdt alas! gle wb «iyo ns Lapis Layee Sf Gli). Up Jl gb any JS! Lae Byes aly Al. LAM 5! ULB 9! ayy pd. Sayre Lab! Gy she oe tet ES oly Gres ho Se gi gl sud belt goals us eye Leyane ple de 0 one + Sel puoi! ue + tlully . igh uestt Gob ely aly SLs) Lbarey . oleges last LS plat pebe S Se” Lees] pues pA Yoke wlth ww Lye! Lily 7 ght. aaty oe Rd the died ReeN Eger ere Fl fender) 2 LeSy Loge lp LS ue Gall Fash 6 sill! dolar! gard O 2 lyn LG Byte "ela Ugh Gal aS." paul lbs clea” Wssi potty. Rpt) Lat Sued sy I Subs 9) Gow by Ld cally. pally + cyeglly bt ae plu! Lady gamed . ollie 98 id » dlaball, Att pasall Md pens. Gyglt ow Bye aby cu glill p20) pabll J} ches ss 0 Fide pLARD Ligne pany ol Cine SS alte gamty Syl gle oaplll le SS Sala cop pall Sy Serle ll ao gate Gab gh. Lays Bubs gi BLAU gga Lp Wall Spd gh. gd Goods opt ple cls wid Taos FS dy ee pned Lally Saye ppl Japtely dlany FSS geal ° Sissi ong, bain sU QV I Quad! Mab dlach earl Lp piel AGlelayly CABaiod Le 15] He wage aii Llib ads 2 UghS Ly Bia) heyy Gand GA 6 Iga shee gle Saal pp IE SS pmaely . GLU Ban! Baio 5 iti oe 2 as polEll le Layee Upnadd US 2S} H)y + plat Dells A ale pty Li spe ple SS oe ee et Wad. lil Gyaio gb densa * Saal pall “og Lalo dyalt Sle. Ye ibe Seer) 2 ly Bio Usk Shas! Lae HI Ste oe gil! thal 2Gks depeee olay © agi) SSL Slay) II Oe Uby Gpale Uist . atte ose Seeecens® . JAE oe oo Molin 6 dolly. gels 6 gu gll coleisl pam O + SL eee. GSS GLU. Uae sigl oe Lage SUG bl 3 fo! » Spe ghey clit Gan Jub) Oli! . st, SLi . Li, ey \re C-6-6-6-4-4-9 et UaSed, pS Dab AB alyy Saeed!) oll aces we soe Oe 3) LT by oi al abe yo Job Jia ySayy Lee Dg SL Qt gh. a Lda 8 daege fim gi Gl Gad oof ali Sys ay ppt Gell ley ee Le eg). JUbSL Col) Sete) Bee? he al + ile le! ley gl. Sab gle gu OT ale poll 5) Wl + GBT gl GeO cuily thal glen puilte Aaelaee 99 spe Sled yaad! oe hy pol lS base wpe Gy ct : DU cieley el go pally wi cud a poll Lge ah SP pill mails Lela leg Lab aa ee ly Oe pol Wy sila gle ad WI jel a NTA JB ae pgall hs ae > sy SHI play 6) fale lly Gobel Jot os Bits alee pail Le Led Jabal 2s meld gins plead 3S Ay. re Byte Als ial ole dung logy gid Le an gey sissy allah ol gay Late bared te olin aS dpb. dios. Be Nis 9 row ol Baoy D sig itt gs Ue pdy Sly! Sly. adie Jail ela! go * daegeall” Vad sli at alll lll gill yt lag ipo coil GF a Gailpll ceils aad endl gb opel a pl gael Say ly SL My 2 Sli le Le jLall piso slagl gens. US che Bye JLEDYY ea pga ole gL itl NAG oS BGLei gf ows Sey Lo Leg. Rigel) Ab dais le pay gf Gls oo Ids STI slagd pele Y saly egies bagel Lagi 5565 pgs ” gb lanl Baad plgel LaasIt oli” Wb" uly eB bases Lal lech, Sig SI gis bo adh Lead dey 6 a II Lo yao = AeA OLAS! pty QiLain! Lol ge 6 pel gos Byiall aS, ul jul pail! Lenglol ig a ol 8 LGM og” IB y dala! pos Lpol allt ae go Yay Sy SEL Sb Lyall 3! Saal Jat st, vty O-O-6-6 62-0 st ball oe LS) 6 Lpal oe ental ili Magis Suls , gol " Yyle ” Lae oda! + pvt gall fad Wha GP Sagal! cud yg" Gad No Si AE cu dsd . peal 9 Las pad pAlb Lgl Lal. SLUG pki gill Mass! nance ein SLGlly p gall Lis ny 13a ps AS Lally Gilglly ABU) «Ray Spade gi 6 Mlb By Ups gl Lange go Ala &y ais by queens losis 2 ASEM, GBI, Abe dU; S9GI! Styl oda padi! Say eBid «AG LolaGinly Mla I 508 Sosy. griainly s bol: dbo! O = LS os A ol! le epreglh B cLepiy 6 polio phy pers Ral denoy 5LAIN sige JI” olT ” Qabe dam Bye pag gl gods pry ad pga! Mall yyy Y oer ol oo pi slt ley 2 BSI poy oo GG LS ope gl os ES py LOS. payS canis le le gay Lethe” (lege JI US fami Le: us B98 yo IS py UUFy Sa! Suny! 2 pedi Ste pel i agi pS Se" OH tall Speed) mi J! ple ed es all gi gb LS sl Las JIgLs $i! Gua ye Gad . Ayal 2 yell oleh pe wey Vi Loli! abso! sol Yi dab oes Ys Bld! O La gl fend 13a GIS 13) be att SI pate ao” idl ga” ol Ygl> 2 gps ba ya Las yal Cai pl a Laas Lard 9S yi Bye Laake! gi eal ay OL! gi AGI gle Sol SLE yb L weld SUS ee Yay cee 13! Lal pn GEG cad aid ay at Vag) gles wey Jd Le LS gall gi Ge OLE cui, gl. Shut vrA | get 6 A ee gle a py Le 3) ep SB gold | bl ole yall La LY ppl ley po ghy 6 Sil Laid y 0 peli ph pint claus cogd © gts! 2 AGIjlpo oli) ple wel GI abasl 9 llth 5 le: ds lal O hls ype le cot gl | US ciSai LS cay aill abd Sy Ly cog’ JABSI as Sj LALL gop OLSLie gh Gh yluy Gill Sly at gh. 1251 oP gem. Sal pay Gayl) Lagiall og ptt aby gb Qe gf oe dS SUSUNy bg tll padiy © Blrall cbejlinns gf. Sal! Ul jugs Slay Yay ALG gt Jan gogd gl. SLU STS ay gi. ay Hye! clelge as «lab bs Age g) Silel jog inslany pbitinls . daige Lei Lble ays 31 Wits O50) 9 Sy gum (gi> 6 Ray OLS, dy pgp” age” JS pra! Ailey Jaalys ole ood, ind blidg Uli obitsel gle gi yad . Lagi + lial gb 31299 2 ajo Glo! le olan Gl ay olaialy Ani tel lalS pF ne feabh AS aid. ALES Sy i) Halasil lam 855d cu!” 2 Ahoy Aey ps bo 8 ps! BSI 0d GO py AS Tg! Bed ou Lola! Jari gery gle cols” 6 peels 6 FF ly gh) pyall und caily Hasta curtain! ” pel pd cathy 6 pall BS aad cul 6 (cas cul v8 CO-C-6-6-6 0 th Lt! Y Le ess “cuales ol Lgl yas” ogo 8G Lis cols fi SIAN gh. alps esa Js Lila ol pe ST AlN. alk bs eeerg «Qables gl USS 8) poly uae oad Lb gst gi. Peds oo Lee sgecity Quill 8 pgll Galil! Aha pd eats ll ch yl) tt Alea! Zatl Bee ey gl ALE GL cis ie doy Llib pt ol 4: aol Yi LL i Ly elt pla a es) ae Sle ee Se ail die say) Ae nl SES lgeny iy! 9g) LY pay Salts St Cael! Sol LSI Ge sols pel ce SSO a gg Gad ey a Pe anne aad Ila) Laat I ess ppl las we pals Sytem Syn Ute LS Sly Slee! LAG shy! Whe yp LLL! (Sly GLb Legs LS Lbb SU ULE YL oly Sa aay Spd Lala ay ppt SSN Lay itil SIS Se ayo! git” Ledge Ja ol ogo" She J Ga yo eS 3 By Uy) paw oI” al opts, Y Le opitay © SSL Opliting . opbptte Lagllabl SI lapis San ly UY go oy ely DW ops EL cady pasa poll Had JubS! of 2 LSS! oe Gud LS yp gi. Gad Bs Lang, gb ogy ty Las! plc IS” gi” OW. SEM Sater gly Rail gy pill sande Leal gylig «Egil pl Lad «nee GUL pio Dall 2 oly! Sasol gall: UDI! gl! bye wg yo sd! 2 pal 5S: Gaal GI ISI: sali = Gull: ebay spel” oi OS. Re ge I lge jue Gapiniy Sel, dL! abso ag a. Roba AIS ple oy ay ol TUBS! cub bing aly Gils plo ob yy b3id oo poopll Span lin ale aay oy 0yelinny GLELUSY SIS a0 dally i ay Sela Vy Rael ly Gal 5 ailly paciy © ye! aly Jib dy 1 oaglly MIN. Sel pW) Joo AL AGT! Qo Legit de game cll le od 6! fe + Ppa. ysabll pyle. sad I. bala. gesgll . Abssonl Bl. Lela oll ylly 6 Gaya lab wl. dsl Il oly pail «SSI ye yy LB ye Jol go G1 By gay gle Lila po ol ote "SWI andy « Uli sole wo" Ral” le co yal te ebyiclly igi day wigs dighy Yo dling ry 6-6-6629 et Jot! «emia baal) : pate Ola tetgdeall nls Yorall 1 ai all cid maillg whey La ye Bi ogy. LM Sly F pe yey lads Sil Gall oI «Uist AI Ade yo JS Ol ads. gpdatily 6 Sgt Gad) laslaa Algalall a ean eitihg lila Aantiasl ol saat : sal and 8 hag ell Jeni bed sy Lo Sand Gull Gage i> wile Ugo Dba! oll » se a ginal ae vt J Be eh Maly cay glial DUAN play | Otro Cijlple « unbll yny Cagle gel. ptt ‘ th + Leg Slal) aSigitly ly! ai! ; : + CLAN oliatis pe, det easy op rtay Sith! SS Lisi Lue de poly. lamp SI peed Epaul pele Sha gally ppl LY wily aly 2h a) USS, . easy. Baal owl Ley oy SE pty eA SLA. Lal! Canby. teas) Leg 3 as oot paelEyl pat cate plabll gh sym La ty) ab gi uss fayaly SH! by tl! Geilly to LSE ppd © Larbig . Legs fy Laghs Leabi dd coab . ib! 9! oly! Glu! y5 Laie Leta, I. Lae) td JSS ple gl. tae Sets A Lbs J Lb Leeda Lealins pewereey nae ye yee er pee gee nT Or re pee eee et Ee) een boda Sky by wlll promt i dks 0 ght Jomo I oan! Olas (pla! ol3 ) Slaw Hball 5 gb! pul ga hase alll” pul ol asl elo gell Spill Bay ual shall IU cy Saal ws! (lll) Aaya! SI gil! Raul lg! pos + peel. dy lil! ) (3S ogi «AST Ga opi ol pS! pba ii 5 Lady Gyno Gad) gla, lb WE. ASA lal pln! Jy 9 opal ing Lie aks" pebdly pt hy VA ae oe le lial ally ally Lay aaa! pays welll oped goles gle JL Ty JLab Wail! dnb! uy = plabll slash Labi gos ASI Syl Lal yp tty US seal! LoS Goths pgelned NGL I LAS Lagly aly py IS) ge a LSI wbyilly a5. Up tiy Upiitey Laie Li) cli ay Lake Spies go Saal f} Lala gig cli otal Joi gue. el Gol Gaull Wi) ge Lead! Gleliol + Qalally ee Ugly hae got GLS 13) Ai i Ty Ihe ol ¢ olla! vol ii ) pial! ars! i ae Y Lah ai a) ube gl ees L Bylo ASV gay SLAB! 5 biel TDP be say gS) 5 ogaizg « lla) padtll publ irr 1 by g ye Sy] obigstindll odass cuts O-6-6-0—6-2-0 ost pat Re eet aed Ret ee ere En a hen pepe sicens [Rewer Brennen rere ie Ren rencenc er) rE To bec ier mere OCR ACYROL ARC Re eet] Pee eae ee Renee merece] PS SI Leal se pegll” SIAM pal” So SEL GN alli 24d]! a tye padly hd Sayre + egal) weet ol wiy phabe Ses os op Aw a an foo aay, L)/g\x Hae Sell Gebel Ge aig & SLB ally - Lyell Gules Se peel peat! «Opell. 7 pe 6 qdogll . Solyit + oe es aS vay) Oa Ly Sl) pL gf opel GE, lib whey wba clea. pA od ilps 6 lia pill 6p) 8 6 duel «SPY Spel BEyy 6 sel Leal! oly apes 6 els lL! wollte J} ts Lgsilély Leak) elie cle Lyall Liaw! BLiatt . (a8) Sib SLL! pass it Sacked seb sptiel oat” Loy oy! Seyi oo Sulla gle sel at Sil ow 6 (Cg) cgoligd Lapel Lae dt qaalaailt Nie sgisy coli! lye! ptayy UAL! syanll ve xsl Leah! ges dese! Golo pang! Kolings . obey pp al sylagy te Sab ally «Iu I ese 8 CC - oat Bigs Loti 5 aN) cg Suilily « pbliahlly © SJLUISIIy . Liytilly «1S y al) bibs Rhy (ple JURY) actin 6 net peal Ga aie gee CD - 3) opel ueliaid Fa! poled! yoy gli Sly plbl LS 53,4! ppalSl) Golais pel ss BUSS Gay. opel. hull oe a (DE y= Lay Gye! oo peal ge (ALT) caolgd . Jy ALBYy ally yall dee Sel co Lal ical! eae By peal Galodly «cgay St ae ililly 5a! Bag) 6 lp. Logs Da. dads Saath poh gb silghe + gl ae Gbty SLABS cana J) gas) anal pal Gays 989 + silage! Syl! ( cll) GanbY! ols eA LS Sl ply Slaadty Udall ye Ala Jal yi Saas All ant pot LS 31) beh (Be) olilid o el oe (Be oS ) SLi Leped Lele Slay, el pe Ost! cots USI pall ge clade ISL ol gle lab peat BL us a SIE SLM 1d ly dd Ske J} Spell By pee gheally Light tony 6 glSyyally Colm! 1 Aes by ill ASous Wyld spol adady . BLLGIL pai BL Ggll Sal gle alli sacl. 2 Rall indy GIy SAY oo ayaa! Shel ge re O-O-6-9-6-2-0 ti Jet! LARS! Sheryl SyLG UY Ley oe poliall : Byall [SY olole Opa! Gs Nae RS ole Spee Sai cosa SIaall plbilly . bI5L Spell Sig Bal Sigil Uf! Bey © SLauay Sy SU Sally Ty 5 lly | GASH Le jles Sg! UB: Ga DLAI! AUS gue” SLAB) see plal p32! os Jp bi a5; Leds. Gol, ni Ppely 5 giLey GELS esl, aks Maly ay Leah Load! Soul lth hae Gye Bgl say” AA” cad Caen satel deol! lye Jylb Yylos yd ol aby «by Lag sity ley Geld aby Ald cians opt GE Lyin Ladi 3 yyally GaP aby QS UG ie. pi! 5 GL ally Al 8 Mle fae det VA VY oy lb oe aegh Say ol) COULEN) pe Y oe od Bale Gy) ( Odea! ld seta! ol jLige gi pabll ore A yaitl Bll SLIT 0 sa ob. oll «slat JLB sel gba 5 cob hee gL 6 pba yhay og Bales oll Spey Spl clei Sat pS + SRI tiny Sal Samy phew ues Ladle « Saal «bolas « Ali [aS ys Bayt de iy C9 bdr y 6 gtety bid neal plu 3) Migs mG ol dle Gall «Alby Jiially Boal! PLATS ple iyselis Dyud ¢ DLAs AUIL glody gy] li cums 13) = AAG AMY Ryall Jol ol satiny 6 GY Slee sue iS Fe Rlall sala gh gata sade gh Ryle gle Monge jh llth cao i Lf bl = giblally citall oped Nps aged pad. Aygb dues OB IMS 6 Oday ol Sal goa gly al eLayi wee Fak! Sly ail 5519 Spe poll plasty! ee SSIplt ode aay» ppzally ae JUY iol > Le pesky SL Ne 5b oaete oe GUY SY loa abu Lee. Gh Lage ) pSIpll ode aol Llib GLA! oy Lois. Labs LL gle 2 QU ALY! Lists Dlist 3 oP (ae GG Labs) 4, yaad! Le yal Laide Leahy ogoyy I Lgl Ja $ Asal al aby £ pple Ste beg Sualall luis) ol @ FMB J! oualall dad go Ly @ & gol yall forall Sy poalt A> pll os alla p26 pe dy Jo o geeks i GlAailg Sele Jog. 44s Lessa! aig jo + @ plBGily Styl J (pastas pp Yule $ Risky Gigis Loh ajar ys Flip 515) Abo sul gi WSU Loge Je plJLibY ddiny Le gle 5595 pe lis Joull WS ae Je + $b yay Bae Bd py ogoaty pil Lay usll joi) ae laid Ope abil g) cutie! 131 295 Lest Sbe «20 pI Spal ole ays) Lag lly Aso a Lee 8 Spec) dl. Suse I gag yl ony ela) Jotially cl i) ots «Lyall plots GG yal JBN _ MagBo fo LNs oe 359 pga Vy hoy oleae yy wel s Dae og BS ple Lala Nhs sel gu. ell ~ Abbi aie! Adal) Sob cca. dnl ad ac cp peel ft clit JD sala gg ij pity ans deb gi ow € » kueb Jl ela J! plenaidl lbs, my Loyal Jdayy civ! sf . 2 SY Legit pall a. Seslatety debay gS aitgall bya IL ws a> pS oly Rail! obs san Vy. ciesy + egal LIS al hadly Asal lab Ol 5 gos Lil iol saul caeny Ling J bo ll gla pols cbibyLecily claliil le ile of BLAU Ais lag - dadtol, Lol) abLelaial ale 22 a7 Y fe YA | \rA Sei. pa) 5S Gt he EA) oI gill J) JUS phe ee ee Viosilh ia ws SY 2a tally | SLI fo ys I LBL 3 51 Last y gd ey od gt YI ia Wy PUY le lal 5) og ashy Vahey je ha LI SIS gly Go. pall 85 Bs J! pL te ply Aas yall UGS FLL! aiSong 6 pS Sains aes Ob J ols Feber LoL JI a Soe. pal Glide ey. Low Lygnd oly gIS US). Laka! Be penile Susy pl. Logit La yall gb pall 8S Gaal oS a! 2ally i ay OLS a3 g3s p98 Lay ly SUSI el oe pel. SLU pal 3s 3 JI ee lng Wats eally Ss pl 5 Si Land Udy ol Spall ale oily. Laoly peal syed Lyte WSF TI peal yas s5big Gell 9d poll aitol le Sb” ay sadly SI. a yg) GU yt ol, ad pte doy GIS OL” bal Bang. istus pal sully gle yl pi. 9yelng Syl Gad bb pg) 9 Gis pels ple Bl pny pach aa gill Lag BL aah LAS Ai Gao. ule Gell «sally go Sjoladl dngy (pill Gata 1G. tt Miah | Sash. tty | pl Li Gated. £ 5 Sy YU cag IS oe cla le Dato jai day SI hae Ge pb Se Ly IN! ait Go oyelinn Laity . 0 ISGiy IT pl int Ssolaeg gulag 59 ds ONSEN Jog. OIL aI aig 6 Aasgll BM ogi » Stil Si! ad. Beall OO aaily Bil LSE) al Gull yas 8 Jab) So ool LG US patsy oS Lge! Lhe! saul oy 6 oye fd oh Las! tage casi. “CRAM! Gel pb dis Lig Se Jot fe” > SLAM Jae Aad pti aio OS y 7 Gg SU yo LOS YI oY plabll LSU oye suas SLSS! GIs Ui le ob) SM pe Li by plas Wag pall pale 53 pl pleat! pale 3 US oi os Jo Jb oi » SUS ply hE JS sal Wolly awl! Ge Ue 3” Sa” Ue bs vra O-6-0-6-6—20 th sai! Leal cing. GU ety gl od gino Jim J dag MI ple oll” J pas” cues 2 gill Le je ple Ged ae Gey Snipe Sed cally Leet yd Byptaall lib Sade y etpie jy05y Sipiill 9) Saygl ol! ued Ja” 2 E5 YE anal eh) aay LG), glad Lagily GaN ole poay cay pall bay ad. gay Gg head Goh pal pol uu 6 el pall Sunil 4b SAS oly Shey >. pgall gah OS). 8G Saab bade ear gg. yb! pty alah pl La” 9K yall «yin Lt gle parts Sly. * dot ly oS RN gonad 139 9 IG ow ates USI ys Jo. BLL Lado SY pS aad! Nia of OS jolg galgy Gund Sum 2 LA gos” J yaa” cabs biped ASglaay sabato 318 3! cabo Salysll dy wd pptly « Leal spells « qc « gilaill Sail pans SEM fog col yw! SaY Slab pes Gosh ye. Agha! Jory lady claw) jolie yl gant a + aay Lpadi 6 jLRIDU AL s 8 aie plpe «Ada opere JS Sal Rally LI A oad ofr ayelte GyLad plgel Laks UU oe Ge Sal 2 pial! Jab yo et Lb WE Ve 8 as ee pet ley ae, Mab dae o) Lal gall b REN ow & Bye ga the Gl patys «Gow Gibed) ai pial ole ENGI ply YI 3 Ly Can 6 at bd a iy pti JEL” Sls pe eA patel fall Ad FD apse gh od ps: Lal Jill Uae! 3 SL say! 2” poe Jaap gaogit cui BS a ie Ly 5H gs pled ag YIN yl ete be” JU 2 Mga SpA Jam oo dgeig Lad Lge pal ob). obi iy Gye § obacl! Nee aexsl| oo Lagu Ite Gy alain USI. LIL Demy piall le yl pay Y 3 + id at Gadd Gall 22 Gated Ataf ignay Cale Uyilty oy Siig « SALI Gar! Jo gle jalan baie ILM Sigg Sly GS abl oe pgs 6 Sle 4S cay pa LU. Lgaladl cim pl yl Sarl le oy pais ce pl lewis PSY y pl! gle coped 6 By BA otal sgely ogists put Lolail oud um » Ugly Ag gudl lags Gaal Gi ad yet ia 1) haa lsh 2S td Sa aad | ta yligy lai WI OSI sty’ Galell F oguclaie! JUbI uelain yl GU spam fae a Bgl. Sant oj we gi Gael i - 3p ob 3 ws tes apt wee opel ehaie lly AS LAL gle cUlib ants dyed pS Beal ae Walia Bylypy alld gain Gye Na ge Si gl yygt Gall ae Vln of le OS) 6 Saal pga ao Rid! 9 eo! JUbY Jel Ys Si PS. ELA Lelia Lae pF (sgl) be SI Lae Nye ol ppisay Latah cui Santa By. pecall Soa aly. aSIy . ginglly © WY Sanine » Sil ee teal iybi Sis, vty O-6-6-2—-9~2-9 th Jai! slat jab 9h gle> 6 idol gi Aa! ae Cualad dhiy J! JUbY) aol Byes we «Clg 6 6 GG pain Shay ye 6 GL) Las lings” Llaie” Vue ole 20d oC All. DU lgodl JS ole ine gill cys go guia _ bolded! lel pall go iS) j nea ox . > my ol etl ok Glia Ng. Leal SNe Seats gett Aba po od Slade nda gill) dy us ad id J ean | alls 1 pad) pate JS Slay be 1 ye JS gb pully” Jabal Jihad” A Lao gam "Bp Spe” Ladd roy ual) Baie dye Sigil © opel” faded agiill sas Uy ley Groby © 6 Jj ely lase abdy ot by Orley SI jbwy clials ul © 2 Sl got” had ol go RAY Se yg GLEAN gal oles bs 1) Bae gg lab ple «pp HLSLinng cy SU plot gle Loge Quand. pie vty ilesy Lind gs oY. peslyl Laiulely Gull Sas 5 gle J els Ls 2" pgall Alpe 8 cual 1c jihad] ange 9 Sets 6a Ta yaall Soll gd Sib JS fol ge Bazar algal Byae G5 oad . Mas LY Joi goy Aa wD ean pl Ly lll pla p39" 2 SUB om syn carga pL” Bally egy ae pT. ke an sol ley pd plat 13s dy. Leal any Bae 551 Silo © elie Gus Neal Lacy sid pd Raa bE. by US ay) Lal Gl pl 0d Go i um 9 Le J WY. Gale OL 59 ole! oui UL) ov 5 9! Ub! SLY = eg lilly As, Ly < Sab ata 1 lial lad ail lial pdb | shad yb (ul el = GBatlY yo) jain ili oll. pall yo jab 1g. Gal pl paligaig gd) Lend geld BLS oy 8 Sle Lal age yy lab Sudi yy, ~ bagl slags Sgloy pil Leetye Ssio gF clio ySang ¢ oe STI Igiong gill go sto! = dad jelly Wigs Cll cpSany 4 GSDU! pS paadanly oubll glad geste OD «Libs tl opSiey ¢ Gurlionll gle ies (J ADLy Lins Mab ying + all pulled gaaily Bolan! yyy} goal (J + Mhagy aSay tr C-C-6-6—-2-8-2 jet! e polly LILU! Jf ol gi cola ad alli Syl ye bi eae 15] Lah gh SL LG ps gs gle es gh Sd pe Ny AS gle cg Jrolgae oU wé oh Sl » Riso igh ool 5955 gl duclaie ! BLAU 4 ite suel pene ali 935 gos Bae! Sppbly wt lall pol cual te BLY Gp SU ply Lal! cou fe BL Syste Jos te 2 Sul gl plabll goad. danall ous 131 2 SIU BLA! po ylag 6 Guadl Jl jay LS bd fe vit hig tS Guha Us Leclerc) gee lg ible! Quigg cilcals ad pill G shia! pele). dlc . dll Fuad ple aisslinay , Lily gi UY gu pdoall pbael 65955 gi Sey 01 tly. ool Saal aglnly dnl! 8 adlly. plac ge 4 { qi Aa. lle 9 janiy Ly = pyall A) digas Le: Rast shall Is Ppa olys os BS) gi Lo 9 dina ge Wy oot I Jab Sy { Sj gly Bgl BL parang 5 Aine Oblgay Mlb Ol) pagiis pad © Spee Spd) as ei = plac) iguly Ae gia clam cabal 5 by BOD” AS My 5 ia gl ZINgilly LRU” ole oad © «ib xo pled! aSgse plo jly . Gaby Y Ls Lab Jusss 56 pod I byiall pins © 1 Soball WALA, «by aly 2 ell Gaal) Lime Iped gas Rab sly. basally « H5UGall Spd 599 © NG pats poling ONSEN Jog. La LSI OL Lye Grim oo + iil! sSailly 7 lah) le Jal col oe + GgHy © oy 5 plyoly - pully. Ayelet OWT parler gard © BURBITL, polriy ole LaS> Sate. Guat l puny bes bw © + gill \te lg] SS es ela Ly ged iS Sl Stall lS alt UG py S35 ely Gi LS Sy Le Shee OSS IME Sy Cond UT Dall 9 Sal Ley LL eA Blast yl pole GB yaill 99 aha 4B, SIS) Uf L6lpall OS ol! cle ln pais oe tba) LG pty GA SLE Leyla Gptey cies go AS ee pill te Leh Jy) Sard! tae ls 9S! BB soty shallyy Les; Aettly all ate! das . Cal bisy silently ldads lh, UL Cad: . abd Bay Wt oa) le slide ols ly Ub Js | Gana! etegy heey ges ll a ole Gall aga ge gla Shy ae? tls Lal! aL gle Gad UybSy yoy . Sms Yt = Ay FART Le Cb phe Gb ygel * ging) ~ pba ph. a” RMU Qa spel oe oll pall ety Say VH ety peal $e tee ebay | Sibh gally 6 ot ual lla Joly © ; balls . 9 V4yv O-O-6-6—0-2-8 ts i! 4p Getwetlath Gata yt 51 3H ad "” uc gull” yf eat sll) ptl Leta Al CUM pall)” abygd gM) ayaa " sey oui gS Lovie il Lol Jel gill ola Sig lib dsb os ouidl gi ge Lass FN jaa Le pay OLS polly algo UG si 6 ay sazyeg dead, eating by Uae ele y Lae jhe OLS Las glia ak bay Cpa, GI” Syl” cand pelgall Lace 135" ol pM ode cualesy. eLSuly el pall ody gl pent) 5 gl) gle id Gs i gue i cb yey Wy LoL we le oad yg) tal saad! LAN I gg dll) y baal YL Mbadil lage usindy pyoull pUsG! GLY cialdd . ( ghugll «Rael GI jLely 9 eles wo ( Hiyill) Gb oe I slo lye Lites” 559 SL ll as lela Losing yy + Seal ) Sib wr gales ld” Alla xs Sod! jboss 7 + Cals pL Yly Lining. joudilly . sLiutlly « plaztly » dolyill age si. AS Gb! Gly WI cL) ery ol ey” esa "IS. Janll Jf Lal Jay clue JS eB peal” ise” Syl hay Lay aghll go ll 4s 050 Sys pel OLS Ls goal! oy Na bay ad + Ryall 4: Ms Ip hoe oa! Sandy gi Ll cel as. Bog! Tas ued. LD I clad! J! Bol” saane ” Ly Jaa she So 27 alae Bi pgall lapse Sane Ll Saas, 5 yee Gime SS OLS pel gy pag « Mel Rygilll SL Up yay cuay Jil! ls Lade GS) as clad da 5h 9 ole yy Gil anaes I Quaue oo ake Kh yy Ledadoly . sLSIVy . eal! ool Lyle, ade JI 2 SM ds lay BSS Jol gill go Aigaly L344 | elgilt ge 6 gtag Il pL ay” py eu sol Lows Bib gh” Jeolgill ” le slate I gle" JY elo) JI Jyoatt ol pST gL aa My Albay 6 Sydadg Wl EY y U gual! art git Boladlly Lal! Gundy AGL 95)95 le Bla) . ob 1 SI rads J ay. gles SbLe 3b Ahnaie Lats ca 1b ina Lal o 955 OY PAIS als Lit. Gynt Gp ogi bia) « Lpiy Jb Lat, selgdy Lids, sel te plpel day Bl ts LY Soll JI fool se ge elo Leake 3 Gaens BSS Apaalsill Lpst leay cole! . dagll foal dlami eB aga olga Ue. Lagi yjlgs Suny jabldll Jpunig Nags Baca) Gtk o) LY Ul Letras Letty Lea ay Gases Lpplbd ub iol bo pa Lgl 555g Lgl gialed oly. pmozl! pal = Jan 8 leiage elo cele BLS oly aid 6 (ol tt ) Mya gly Li Bake ig 55 gly. apt ge pid ly 6 gia yl ols pla Le fis gle Blinds I) eens) lab chee oe Magli! gb Glad! JI" Qa” Gulab G85” oly * cols BBL pe lle may Sy yin 6 t poy She 4559 + age IS oy! 235 opbin Y SEEM | os ptt ty Vo dat age oh ole haplll ie Hyaey LS LGM ple penal Mis Ld Op teey opp SS! JLABY! GLS . Lae Los yay hae Seg Lege 9 LAL = ae aS Ve A and” pS aad 9S oyaming - Lid JI de es Y AT” pana Lab Joa Sls Loe 7 babe Ly tam SUSI Gig De” GT” LS Vy" phi Us dhopd hs bie”: WE bbe” Gisse Ube 55 aid JU clad gig. lobe ashe” SIT” eles Asis yea 0-6-6962 lt i) Bol al pl agile) OS Hsing GT LGU Cage ly @ Lal! = Mpa gion gh dal 9 Ga Vig GAS play” aSdi” gly. Lad ge bel gs 3554 oI GLE gy” antl p90" aolSl pally Spall peally hilly CUS! Sl shia ogee oo Ay bog allah AL 5896 SSI ab Ty 6 gel all led os JS «sal Sebel Se phall pot AE gl o> bo pte tll sei at Lily ol Lay ly yal” Jad J! peel pay | JULY) ab 9 8 aad. ts WO AS I ON gos 6 Ul ooLae Aga)” Aa) 5p BS ye BLS oud) oy ST SLAY! JL Lay yylly gill ja pede ol Psa yig ol ploy” Shale” plate + oy silay agtladiey Cpe Noe SUB hay Loa © GAD Spel yo jee JS pli win pad cold ale allay ol gle aa « (5) jal ) Sal gual il Sy? og 5d enol bam se Badd ol aS pe oe Ws ALG I yt gtlze] get Lol glo gual LgilalS cans.” ily say «Aah 54g oe diy * al LI. jadi Gi”: Su Ne pig JN ou es Geotail " anal aad os Up ll Gall La oe US 5B Bee st el) etl | ila. lp). a Li a egal ape tl cba Janke LS eb oly)” Bolenag gaisily paiva! lib wo” nyidll pols be” gle po a! hgh! IS Ll, Bey . Jolt plainly. LY! Jolay . 4s dow a! Seabdand) ud obi). ' ol SS, aN US sae Be Gd Jolt ds ag ee BABI EE 5“ all leis | Ga il dal! Jy9) Jad!) dee 2 Lendge Sole lp sae) ee Le oe A Gey Ugly egal! Gut SIU ay ch ange GAD. 2 geatlly FLAY So IS ce Le gaze | und say alla 5! cee AS J) cies) i! pee Lids GLY) ks ge USI J i LG posh! AG ay Ub Sloe Lindl SLI JI saps 2 Mal SGI! ol ghs! Yao Shade Saw ib Laks OLS). sl. al Abe O "Spall ee ASI “ase Gay pat Upil plei ” a yeltay cll oleLan! wy bball : gla O Le SAW SHINN paolo yo er phe Ge Lty Gayl GERM : Asal ee vol B66 6-2-0 eh bet ahah | il afd G ttl ytd Sida) cat gue! oll Obamas) Y SS. ype AGN ON peal ne Sy Sill Lgl ely dhs” Sl” cols eg ee ode oy ol yond SY oS aS sah Vs LU sass = elaall gd patty on, LEG. Bi ad Besos Ba si Y Sabla Sly SAIL 2 ped clleg © Leal ING laut plo pad PAS rae i a! Ul alll gen y JI 6 BI. SLs alt UG I paatil ” oe LBS LpS ly ase ol LY 9 Ganyl LSte ISU! Casey je al ABS” key be Yi psa yoy Uae pgs ai). Abel go GY jal Sd” ee go” BND pasty Saal abla Iistey . ” dat "AS Led” cal tiSag ay ptiasly op gb crysis gis gle Whe anol,” Goby Mae 5 df clably . Wile tps Sabi gibi gis UY ys Ld. lal RD ge Langa) LBA yak Le ally lela! go Baal lel | pill 8 oboe Aine gle V Slat aubaing Y alli ob 0 pé ll gle eee ete SL J! SB. SUS Hie! Gy i)l ! gael. Lay Lge + GSS ee ols» 6 oa . gal dd PLA! suo Bl oD, peel Sagye gh Dying 5 ely Lass Tly © Ou gi p84 abe oa8 Leo! LU SLs gd pub pl IB! ope J. GLY! . Labs! Bgl oe GaN Np pg I. SLE Ty Syotly Slt S OL pel carol sally Ee ede) 6 ABA ue WA bye "Beh F” gle By pat GY F pov! Ud! 13) J all NT LS yo Ub dow oi gS 6 Ay nl aa) gi yer pi! qcbat cLib sa » Was I LiL + ely jeg po otyig . BIS 2 gS Sa ot aay OLS. Kala go ine sLisstyy by ey pay A OS Sly eel gh LGW gl plabll gle dpe O53 dle Wan bell! Loy, Gag. che alate Ty

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