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Area and Perimeter on the coordinate plane (6G4)

Plot the following sets of points on coordinate grids. Each problem will need its own grid (mine used 14x14 total so -7 to 7 on each)
Each set of points will create a closed figure so connect the last point to the first)
Write the numbers and formula you are using under each picture then do your math. Clearly number which picture is which and
which math problems go with each.

Find the perimeter and area - A(3,4) B(3,-2) C (-2, -2) D (-2,4)
Find the area A(3,4) B (3, -2) C (-5,2), D(-5,1)
Find the area A (-4, 4) B (-1,0) C (-4,-4) D (5,-4) E (5,4)
Find the area A ( -6,0) B (0,7) C ( 6,0) D (6, -7) E( -6, -7)
Find the area A(-3,5) B (3,2) C (3,-4) D (-3,-4)
How long is a line segment AB? A(2,6) B (2, -6)
Find the perimeter and area A(2,5) B ( -4,5) C (-4,1) D (2,1)
An archeologist laid out a grid over the dig to tell other archeologists where key artifacts were found. Pottery was found at
(5, 4) , a maize stone (used for grinding corn) was found at (5,-5) , a doll was found at (-2,5) and a cup was found at (-2,4)
Plot these points on your grid then answer the following questions.
How far was the cup from the doll?
b) How far was the cup from the pottery?
c) How far was the pottery from the grinding stone?

Area and Perimeter on the coordinate plane (6G4)

Plot the following sets of points on coordinate grids. Each problem will need its own grid (mine used 14x14 total so -7 to 7 on each)
Each set of points will create a closed figure so connect the last point to the first)
Write the numbers and formula you are using under each picture then do your math. Clearly number which picture is which and
which math problems go with each.

Find the perimeter and area - A(3,4) B(3,-2) C (-2, -2) D (-2,4)
Find the area A(3,4) B (3, -2) C (-5,2), D(-5,1)
Find the area A (-4, 4) B (-1,0) C (-4,-4) D (5,-4) E (5,4)
Find the area A ( -6,0) B (0,7) C ( 6,0) D (6, -7) E( -6, -7)
Find the area A(-3,5) B (3,2) C (3,-4) D (-3,-4)
How long is a line segment AB? A(2,6) B (2, -6)
Find the perimeter and area A(2,5) B ( -4,5) C (-4,1) D (2,1)
An archeologist laid out a grid over the dig to tell other archeologists where key artifacts were found. Pottery was found at
(5, 4) , a maize stone (used for grinding corn) was found at (5,-5) , a doll was found at (-2,5) and a cup was found at (-2,4)
Plot these points on your grid then answer the following questions.
How far was the cup from the doll?
e) How far was the cup from the pottery?
How far was the pottery from the grinding stone?

Area and Perimeter on the coordinate plane (6G4)

Plot the following sets of points on coordinate grids. Each problem will need its own grid (mine used 14x14 total so -7 to 7 on each)
Each set of points will create a closed figure so connect the last point to the first)
Write the numbers and formula you are using under each picture then do your math. Clearly number which picture is which and
which math problems go with each.

Find the perimeter and area - A(3,4) B(3,-2) C (-2, -2) D (-2,4)
Find the area A(3,4) B (3, -2) C (-5,2), D(-5,1)
Find the area A (-4, 4) B (-1,0) C (-4,-4) D (5,-4) E (5,4)
Find the area A ( -6,0) B (0,7) C ( 6,0) D (6, -7) E( -6, -7)
Find the area A(-3,5) B (3,2) C (3,-4) D (-3,-4)
How long is a line segment AB? A(2,6) B (2, -6)
Find the perimeter and area A(2,5) B ( -4,5) C (-4,1) D (2,1)
An archeologist laid out a grid over the dig to tell other archeologists where key artifacts were found. Pottery was found at
(5, 4) , a maize stone (used for grinding corn) was found at (5,-5) , a doll was found at (-2,5) and a cup was found at (-2,4)
Plot these points on your grid then answer the following questions.
How far was the cup from the doll?
h) How far was the cup from the pottery?


How far was the pottery from the grinding stone?

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