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March 12, 2015

Dear Educator;

This letter is written to recommend Megan Thompson for your

consideration as an elementary or middle school teacher. Meg is a fifth
year student in the school of education at MSU enrolled in a year-long
internship which will be completed May 1. She is assigned as a 4th grade
teacher at Burton Elementary School in Grand Rapids.

The year-long internship includes several informal and formal

observations. Student performance is assessed across eight teaching
standards. The teacher certification process at MSU is one of the most
rigorous, highly regarded programs in the country.

Miss Thompson is progressing successfully toward completion of all

requirements. She is performing above expected levels in every aspect of
the internship. It is without hesitation that I advance her candidacy for
your serious consideration.

College of
Teacher Education

Meg Thompson is intelligent and articulate. She enjoys positive

relationships with students, staff, and families. Her calm, warm
demeanor, high expectations for student behavior and learning, and
careful attention to planning provide a productive and affirming
environment for her classroom of learners. Her skills in teaching English
language learners have proved a tremendous asset in the mostly ELL
urban setting.

! !
has my highest endorsement to teach at any grade level in which
! Meg
she is certified. She is competent in every area of professional

Michigan State University

620 Farm Lane Room
313 Erickson Hall
East Lansing, MI 48824

responsibilities and will be an asset to the learning community she will


! !

Fax: 517-432-5092

You are welcome to contact me if you have any questions or would like to
speak with me regarding Megs qualifications. I can be reached at or 616-844-8808.


Mary L. Keeton
Field Instructor


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