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Management Plan

Miss Larynn Mitchell

An asser5ve teacher is one who

clearly and rmly communicates
her expecta5ons to her students,
and is prepared to reinforce her
words with appropriate ac5ons.
-Canter and Canter

Table of Contents
First Day of School
Start of Daily Class
Opening Assignment
Taking Attendance
Dismissing the Class
Collecting Notes/Forms
Classroom Tardiness
Absent Folder
Organizing Homework
Paper Headings
Unfinished Assignments
Emergency Preparedness
Getting Students Attention
Classroom Jobs
Classroom Phone
Keeping Desks Orderly
Collecting/Returning Papers
Bathroom Breaks
Keeping Students On Task
Finishing Work Early
Missing Assignments
Closing Message


Guideline Infraction Notice

Class Discussions
Working in Groups
Reading a Textbook
Read any Place Time
Taking a Test
Students Correcting Work
Cultivating Social Skills
Handling Student Anxiety
New Students
Angry Student
Death of a Student/Parent
Substitute Handbook
Teachers Aide
Parent Volunteers
Classroom Visitors
Parent-teacher Conferences
Back to School Night
Home/School Connection
Cell Phones


1. First Day of School

Greet students at the door.
Hand them an opening assignment that
asks them information about themselves.
Briefly introduce self.
Briefly explain classroom procedures
and rules.
Discuss goals and expectations.
Provide course overview and supply list.
Students will read excerpt and have
students write opinion.
Start to build a relationship with the
2. Start of Daily Class Routine

About Me
Goals: short-term
Learning Style:
Favorite assignment(s):

My View of History
Read excerpt from Guns,
Germs, and Steel or Founding
Brothers. Students will write
their opinion of the work,
including strengths and
weaknesses, parts that could
have been left out, and parts
that they think are critical in the
scheme of history.

Leave backpack in student locker.

Take care of personal needs before tardy
Enter classroom quietly with necessary
Place everything unnecessary for opening
activity under the desk.
Sharpen pencils before tardy bell.
Turn in completed homework or fill out
Monday, September 5, 2015
missing assignment sheet.
Students should be seating in their desks Obj: Interpret the ideas and
when the tardy bell rings.
principles expressed in the U.S.
Students will begin opening assignment
after storing materials, not at bell ring.
Now: Write down ideas from
the Cons5tu5on you hear
3. The Agenda
talked about today.
Schedule: Opening Assignment
Will be posted in same place
-Video introduc5on to the
every day.
U.S. Cons5tu5on
Will include lesson objective and
-Class discussion about the
Cons5tu5on and its modern
Students will copy the objective
in their spiral

- Do now and daily schedule

4. Opening Assignment

Is posted on the agenda by the learning objective.

Assignment will vary daily and take approximately three to five minutes for
students to complete.
Assignment will review a previous lesson or introduce the topic for the new
5. Taking attendance

Is taken from the seating chart as students are

working on the opening assignment.
A student in each class will be assigned the
task for a number of weeks, depending on
the size of the class.
The student will:
-Remove an index card from the
attendance folder,
-Write the date and name(s) of absent
students on one for the day, and
-Place the index card in the classroom
mailbox for the teacher.

6. Dismissing the Class

Dismissal ise by the teacher and not the bell.

The bell is a signal for the teacher.
Before students exit the room:
-Gather all belongings,
-Check for desk and area cleanliness,
-Return classroom books to proper place,
-Check for community classroom area
cleanliness, and
-Return to desk to wait for teacher to
dismiss class.


7. Collecting Notes and Forms

Notes from home and permission slips

are placed in the classroom mailbox.
The box has a list of items students can
put in the box for the teacher.
If it is not on the list, students place it
on the corner of their desk to address it
with the teacher before the tardy bell or
later in the class period.

8. Classroom Tardiness

Student enters the room quietly. Place any pass or note in the classroom
mailbox for the teacher.
If the teacher is up teaching, sit in your seat and listen. Take notes as needed.
If classmates are working, go to the teacher to obtain the assignment.
Do not interrupt the class with your arrival.

9. Absent Folder

Make up work is in the folder on the

wall by the door with students name
on it.
Student signs clipboard when work is
picked up.
Student is responsible for setting up a
time to make up a test.
Student turns in work that was due by
writing a circled A in the top right
corner in the same color pen or pencil
the work was completed in and
placing it in the homework tray.

10. Organizing Homework

Student turn in to the homework tray when completed.

Students have a homework folder with an assignments sheet for students to
write down title of assignment and due date.
Students keep homework to complete in one side and homework to turn in
on the other side.
After the homework is graded, it is placed in the Graded section of the
Each six weeks, there will be a day to clean out notebooks and play trash can

11. Paper Headings


Class Period
Due Date

Name and date on the left

side of the paper at the top,
Class period and the due
date of the assignment on the
right side, and
Title in the center on the top

12. Unfinished Class Assignments

Placed in the Homework folder to be completed at home or the next day

depending on the due date under the Take home side.
Each student has a student folder.
13. Emergency Preparedness

District procedures are posted in the room.

Procedures are discussed with the students.
Go Bag is ready with a clipboard, rosters, and administration procedures.
14. Getting Students Attention

Teacher Ring the bell on the desk and say, May I have your attention,
Students eyes on teacher, voices off, ears open.

15. Classroom Jobs

Student name: ______

16. Classroom Phone Ringing

Student name: ______

Students get and remain quiet for teacher to

answer phone.
Students do not answer or use the phone.
If a student needs to use the phone, they
obtain permission to go to the office.

Class Jobs (Week of 09/05)

Student jobs assigned by the teacher and

alternated throughout the class
Jobs will be posted weekly.

Job: _______________

Job: _______________

17. Keeping desks orderly

Everything has a place and should be in that place.

Students will not move desks unless instructed.
Only the class materials needed for the assignment should be on the desk
Desks are not for writing on.
18. Collecting and Returning Papers

Papers turned in individually in the class homework.

As a class, papers pass to the left in every row and up the last column.
Each student places his paper on top before passing it on.
Papers are returned by the teacher during the opening activity or the cleanup time at the end of class.
19. Bathroom Breaks

Each student will be allowed six bathroom

passes per semester.
If the student uses all passes, student can
only go if other students give them their
Unless it is an emergency, students may not
go to the restroom during a lesson or
classroom learning strategy.

20. Keeping Students on Task

Minor disturbances result in a gentle reminder for students to work.

More serious infractions result in speaking with the student(s) causing the
disruption to find out the reason for the disruption.
Classroom guideline infractions are kept in a binder for students to sign and
can result in lower participation grades if repetitive.

21. Finishing work early

The student can then complete
Enrichment activities.
Stations set up to further learning.
Each student will be required to
complete an activity in one station
per six weeks for participation
grades, and
One day will be devoted to station
The classroom library will be
available for those who finish the

22. Pink Slip (missing assignments)

Fill out when assignment has not

been completed by the due date.

23. Class Closing message

Today we learned
Your homework is
It is due
Your next test is
24. Guideline Infraction Notice

Binder is kept for written student documentation of infractions.

If students refuse to initial the line, teacher will write refused and
document the infraction.
3+ in a class period will result in points off student participation grades.
3+ days with 3+ infractions, or a total of ten infractions in a six weeks
will result in a lower participation grade.
Grade information is in syllabus.

25. Class discussions

Raise a hand, unless otherwise directed.

Be quiet if you do not have the talking tool.
Others look at and listen to the speaker.
Respect others.
The classroom is a safe place.
Name and then pass talking tool.

26. Working in Groups

In most cases, groups are teacher-assigned.

Group selects a moderator, recorder, and spokesperson.
The same student should not perform the same job more than once in a row.
Input from each member, and decisions must be agreed upon.
Daily participation grades are based on classroom interaction.
27. Note-Taking

Early in year, notes will be emphasized within the lesson.

Students will become responsible for determining the important facts to
take notes in the lessons as the year continues.
Class notes are stored in their class spiral or in the notes section of their
28. Reading a textbook

All will participate when done in class.

Group or partner reading will consist of reading
and analyzing the material.
Individual reading may require note-taking.
Students are responsible for engaging in discussions and answering
questions concerning reading material.
29. Read any place time

Students may read at their desks or designated places around the room.
Students are allowed to gain permission to go to the school and
classroom libraries during classroom down time.

30. Taking a Test

Student receives extra credit for dressing up (5 points).

Upon entering the room, students get out a cover sheet and pen, while placing
all materials underneath their desk.
Cheating will result in the score of a 0 on the test, and school officials will be
notified. Other school and district-wide policies for cheating will be followed.

31. Students Correcting Work

Corrections on work will be required at times and optional at times.

Questions regarding missed answers may be asked in the mornings or during
class-time when the lesson is not being taught.
32. Cultivating social skills

Learning strategies are used to teach and practice student sociability.

Classroom rules direct the way students act toward each other and toward the
33. Handling Student Anxiety

Use the student-teacher relationship to determine

triggers and come up with a solution.
Request an ARD meeting if necessary.
Room will have a calming area for the student to regroup.
There will be stress balls for student use when needed.

34. New Student Orientation

Provide extra forms of classroom documents

to student.
Assign seat partner to help new student with
daily procedures.
Complete new student checklist.

New Student

35. Angry Student

The room has a calming area for student

to be alone.
After a few minutes, speak with the
student calmly.
Respond according to the situation.
37. Death of a parent

36. Death of a student

Be flexible with the curriculum.

Do not make students talk, but do not
discourage their sharing.
Allow time to grieve for yourself and
As time progresses, return to normalcy.

Be flexible and allow a grieving

Be emotionally supportive of
students but return to normal
when possible.

38. Substitute Handbook

Welcome letter dont forget to thank sub.

Sub Packet Class rosters and seating charts:
o Emergency information,
o Information about student schedules (if
different), behavior, and disabilities,
o Daily schedule,
o Lesson plans,
o Handouts and activities for students who
finish early,
o Classroom procedures and rules,
o Student passes,
o Contact information, and
o Blank paper for notes and comments.


39. A teachers aide

Keep a notebook for communication in case

aide comes in during a lesson.
Keep each other informed about in and out of
classroom occurrences.
40. Parent Volunteers

Create a job list.

Survey parents to see if they will volunteer
and where.
Make a schedule and to-do list.
Hold an orientation meeting.
Host an appreciation evening.
41. Classroom Visitors

Introduce and welcome visitor.

Follow the agenda.
Keep extra copies of classroom procedures, rules,
and newsletter on hand for visitors.
Implement the lesson as planned.
42. Parent-teacher conferences

Share course content that has been covered and

what will be covered, upcoming projects and
activities, and which activities went into the
grading period.
Provide agenda, share with parents, and print
Let students know what will be covered in the
Provide a sign-in notecard for parents to sign in.
Provide paper for parents to take notes.
Take notes and set a timer.
Ask for suggestions or comments.
Review the notes and set up a follow-up meeting
if needed or requested by parents.

43. Back to school Night

Dress professionally and be prepared.

Greet parents and have them sign-in.
Provide classroom procedures and rules, course overview, and contact
Have a list of talking points that focus on the students.
Share important information and answer questions.

44. Technology in the Classroom

Is a teaching aid.
Partner students to share technology if
there is not enough.
Is available for use in the mornings and
after school when technology is
Teacher responsibilities:
Help students understand their
Technology is a privilege.
Monitor use of technology.

Online Safety Pledge

I will not use or reveal my full
name, address, telephone number, school,
or private information (passwords)
online. I will not send pictures of my
teacher or classmates without their my
teachers and parents consent. I will not
fill out any forms that ask for my
personal information. I will not use
inappropriate language. I will not
participate in activities that hurt others, is
illegal, or violates school policy.
Student Signature ______________
Parent Signature _______________

Parent Waiver
The parent waiver will
outline technology the students
will be using in the classroom,
such as email, message boards,
chat rooms, blogs, wikis, internet
browsing, Grooveshark. I, Miss
Mitchell, the school, nor the
district will accept responsibility
for harm caused directly or
indirectly to users of the internet.

45. Home and School Connection

Home is connected to the
classroom through:
Classroom newsletter,
Class website,
Weekly reports.
46. Cell Phones

Upon entry and departure of class, please

ensure phones are stored in pockets or
Phones may only be visible for learning
purposes in the classroom.
Phones are to remain on silent in the
On days we use them for learning, they
remain facedown on the upper right side
of the desk when not in use.
Hold yourselves and neighbors
accountable for proper cell phone usage.
Improper cell phone usage will result in
the student placing the phone in the bin
with a sticky note identifying its owner.
o 1st infraction Pick up phone at the
end of class.
o 2nd infraction Pick up phone at the
end of the day.
o 3rd infraction Parent or guardian
will be asked to pick up the phone.

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