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| ‘4 I'm not vei boots! © word POWER ciorhes AO Lister COLORS A. ©) Listen and practice. ite L (oop: {ie | (om: emm: |e: B Group work Ask ubout favorite colors. A: What are your favorite colors? BB: My favorite colors ave ed and purple, © Group work Deseribe the clothes in Exercise 1 ‘A: The suitis blue B: The pajamas are red and white. CONVERSATION It's a disaster! ©) Listen and practice. at: Great! Our elothes are dry. Where is my new blouse? Julie: What color is it? Pat: I¢8 white ale: Here’ a light blue blouse Ist yours? Pat: No its not mine... Wait. Tie mine 0% a disaster! Jie: Oh, nol AI our clothes are light blue Pat: Heres the problem. It's these new blue jeans, Whose jeans they? Julie: Uh, they're mine. Sorry. © PRONUNCIATION The letters s and sh A.© Listen and practice, Notice the pronunciation of $ and sh. Lawit, socks sear 2 shirt shorts shoes B Read the sentences, Pay attention o the pronunciation of and sh. 1. This is Sandra's new shirt. 3, Where are my shoes and soeks? 2. Those are Sam's purple shoes! 4. My shorts and T-shirts are hive! {'m not wearing boots!* GRAMMAR Focus a Ptseal | onl 5 me” | pence ee, | wo | Sarees ere ee "| etn her | Terr ehem— erse Pe see band Whose jeans are these? They're Julia's. os, se | erst To Acampo erro wi oe mands in pent ‘Then practice with a partner 4, A: Ss this Sonnier's nat? B: No, its not . fers... ther / hers). Its (my / mine) 2 A Are these ‘our yours) gloves? B: No, they're not (ony / mine) glaves, Let's ask Sally Maybe they've (her /hers) gloves aA (Whose / Yours) Tshires are these? Are they Julie's and Pats? B: No, they're not (their theirs) Pshirts, But these socks are (Chele/ theirs), And these shorts are (your / yours). 4. As Hy! These are not {our ours) clothes? B: You're right. (Our / Ours) are over ther. B Class activity Put one of your things in a box. Thea choose a diferent thing from the box. Go around the class and find the owner ‘A: Young Min is this watch yours? A: Rex, ig this watch yours? BB: No, it's not mine. Maybe it's Rex's. C: No, it not mine. think ity Marta’. ©) USTENING My T-shirt is yellow. A © Listen to these people Adeseribe their clothes, Number the pictures from 1 to 4, B Paic wack Now tall about these people. What. colors are their elothes? A: What eolor i Peter's shine? 1: His Tshirt is yellow, Bob | Elizabeth Dione 1) Peter 2+ Units

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