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RE: "RHS Master Calendar Request Form (Responses)" was edited recently

Denise Anderson-Dieffenbach
Sent:Monday, April 20, 2015 2:36 PM
To: Candida Gonzalez Christol Kjome
Cc: Jennifer Eik Yajaira Guzman Carrero Michael Bradley Cristina Patlan

Yes, I will continue to work with Wendy, the advisor and students of Club Latin@ to participate in Mosaic.
From: Candida Gonzalez
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 2:07 PM
To: Denise AndersonDieffenbach Christol Kjome
Cc: Jennifer Eik Yajaira Guzman Carrero Michael Bradley Cristina Patlan
Subject: RE: "RHS Master Calendar Request Form (Responses)" was edited recently

This is great news.

Just to clarify, its my understanding that Wendy will continue to work with Denise to clarify the vision of her
project and organize all parts of it for Mosaic. When they have a better idea of what they will be doing, they will
connect with me to discuss space and material needs.
Also, a thought I mentioned to Wendy that groups sometimes make their own flyers targeting their specific
audiences (ie. Join
at Art Crawl III: Mosiac!). This is certainly a possibility for Wendys project if you
decide to do so. Otherwise, we are currently working on fliers that will be in both English and Spanish.
Happy to be working this out!
Candida Gonzalez
Int'l Baccalaureate DP Coordinator
Arts Initiatives Specialist
Roosevelt High School
4029 28th Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55406
office phone: 612.668.4830

From: Denise Anderson-Dieffenbach

Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 1:50 PM
To: Christol Kjome
Cc: Jennifer Eik Yajaira Guzman Carrero Michael Bradley Candida Gonzalez Cristina Patlan
Subject: RE: "RHS Master Calendar Request Form (Responses)" was edited recently

Hey Christol,
I spoke with the student this morning and she has decided to participate in Mosaic.
From: Christol Kjome
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 9:55 AM

To: Denise Anderson-Dieffenbach

Cc: Jennifer Eik Yajaira Guzman Carrero Michael Bradley Candida Gonzalez Cristina Patlan
Subject: RE: "RHS Master Calendar Request Form (Responses)" was edited recently

Thanks for the information.

Candida met with the student on Friday and is trying to work something out so this event could merge with
Mosaic. The student wasnt completely receptive and since this event has not yet been publicized perhaps we
could think about this?
My concerns are as follows:

This is EXACTLY what Mosaic has been about so I am unclear as to why this was approved.
Who will be the worker bees for this event? To pull something of this size off effectively, it takes a lot of
staff and energy. Staff and energy that we have already planned for the Mosaic that is 2 weeks later.
The day that was picked is the same day that Mosaic has historically been, that could cause confusion
and could cause problems with numbers at Mosaic, an event that is taking a LOT of planning and
community partners involved. The numbers that he have guesstimated for planning purposes based on
past events.
We say that we want our community to be united but having another event (Latino Health Fair) where it
is a Latino sponsored event is not encouraging the Latino community to get involved with the Roosevelt
one. Shouldnt we instead be looking at ways to bridge that gap? And what a huge loss of that
community at the Mosaic.
We have spent a LOT of time and energy re branding and making our events similar but different. I am
not insinuating that this event wont be quality but when you allow one student and/or group to host
an event in our gym we are putting out the message that it is our event without the control factor.

Christol Kjome

From: Denise Anderson-Dieffenbach

Sent: Friday, April 17, 2015 2:58 PM
To: Christol Kjome
Cc: Jennifer Eik Yajaira Guzman Carrero Michael Bradley
Subject: RE: "RHS Master Calendar Request Form (Responses)" was edited recently

Hi Christol,
This is a student led event that I was asked to support. I have been working with Ms. Guzman and Ms. Eik and
the student leading the initiative met with Mr. Bradley and received his support.
From: Christol Kjome
Sent: Friday, April 17, 2015 10:24 AM

To: Denise Anderson-Dieffenbach

Subject: FW: "RHS Master Calendar Request Form (Responses)" was edited recently

Im confused because this is exactly what Mosaic is. Are you the lead on this or is Jennifer Eik?

Christol Kjome

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