Spanish Imported African Slaves, They Were Water Carriers, Servents, 30-40 Percent Black Lima Was Considered A Black City, Review Questions

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spanish imported african slaves , they were water carriers, servents ,

30-40 percent black lima was considered a black city ,

Describe the hierarchy of social stratification Mexico and Peru? Rank which groups have more
access to prestige, power and wealth than others, from lowest to highest in Mexico then Peru.
slaves were on the bottom, cullture allowe marriage between all ethnic groups which led to
increased mixing.
THe Blacks that were transported into cetral america were considered on the bottom of the
AFro peruvians and Afro mexicans were both on the bottom of the heirachy
What material evidence supports your ranking? Give specific examples of the wealth, power and
prestige involved in each country.
For example, In Peru a dance teacher was choosing students for her dance club and she only
chose the white ones and the indians and black were not chosen (32 min)

What does it mean to "hide the black grandma in the closet?" Does this idea challenge or support
the cultural construction of racial categories? How?
The Blac -- morenos (They hide their black

Why do North Americans find Memn Pingun and Negro Mama "racist" while black Mexicans and
Peruvians take no racial offense?
21 min
Memin penguin just refer to him as a character,
bc the penguin was black.
Do you think the US is more racist than Mexico or Peru or less racist or about the same? Why?
(Give 2 examples from the video to support your answer.)

Black people face discriminatonMexico is racist in way, as described those who
came from a certain town and went to Mexico city were stopped and asked for their
IDs and asked to sing the national anthem, they accuse from coming from CUba.
not included in census

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