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Hijrah Calendar 1430 H

Computed by Capt Farhat N Siddiqui


(1) Muharram - 1430 H (2) Safar – 1430 H (3) Rabiul Auwwa -1430 H
28 December 2008 – 26 January - 2009 27 January – 25 February - 2009 26 February – 26 March – 2009

(4) Rabiuth-thani - 1430 H (5) Jamadul Awwal - 1430 H (6) Jamadul Thani - 1430 H
27 March – 25 April - 2009 26 April - 24 May - 2009 25 May - 22 June - 2009

(7) Rajab - 1430 H (8) Shaban - 1430 H (9) Ramadan - 1430 H

23 June – 22 July - 2009 23 July - 20 August - 2009 21 August - 18 September - 2009

(10) Shawwal - 1430 H (11) Dhul Qadah - 1430 H (12) Dhul Hajjah - 1430 H N17
19 September - 17 October - 2009 18 October - 16 November 2009 17 November - 16 December 2009

About Exit
Hijrah Calendar 1430 H
The Hijrah calendar presented below is based on the concept of ‘Conjunction’. Conjunction
occurs when the Moon is between the Sun and the Earth and the centers of the Sun, Moon
and Earth are in one straight line. The Conjunction marks the end of the Hijrah month. The
next Hijrah month commences on the “next DAY” of the “Conjunction DAY”. For example, if
the Conjunction occurred on Thursday, the next month begins on Friday. It is important to
note that, for the commencement of the new month the “time of Conjunction” is not the
criterion and should not be applied. This is important as the calculation of the time of the
day is totally and independently governed by the rotation of the Earth and the consequent
apparent position of the sun in relation to a particular spot on Earth. To simplify, an
observer on Earth divides his day and sets his clock on the basis of the Sun in relation to his
Meridian. Conjunction dates and times (UT) are tabulated in Nautical Almanacs and
websites for the entire year or years in advance.
In the calendar below the “Day of Conjunction” is used for the purpose of termination of
the current Hijrah month. The Universal Time (UT) of Conjunction is used to calculate the
Ground Position (GP) of the moon at the time of Conjunction.

Ground Position (GP) of the Moon: The Ground Position (GP) can be defined as the point
on the surface of the Earth through which a line joining the center of the Earth and the
center of the Moon passes. For every Conjunction, the Ground Position (GP) on the world
map is marked by a green arrow and the exact Ground Position (GP) by Latitude and
Longitude is mentioned in the text below the map in red.
If at the time of Conjunction, an observer is situated at the Ground Position (GP) of the
Moon he is in line with the center of the Earth and the center of the Moon and the center
of the Sun, or in other words the Sun and the Moon are right over his head. In case the
observer looks at the Sun through a coloured shade he may be able to spot the Moon in
the fore front. This is because the Earth is out side the Umbra. At any particular
Conjunction when the Earth is within the Umbra i.e. at the time of Solar Eclipse, the
observer will be at the darkest spot of the Eclipse.

The Map: The purpose of the map is to demonstrate that over the 12 months of the lunar
(Hijrah) year, Conjunction can appear at any spot and is thus, applicable world wide as
there is only one Conjunction in a lunar (Hijrah) month.

Moon Phases : The various phases of the Moon along with the Hijrah month dates are just
for the purpose of demonstrating the waxing and the waning cycle of the moon in a Hijrah
month. It shows a regular pattern which is typical for a 29 day month and also typical for
30 day month at a particular location on the Earth.

Please note, the shape of these phases will not be applicable world wide as each place will
have its own pattern. Brother Ali Manikfan has been making observations for the last 40
years from South India and the Maldives Islands and by looking at the Moon on a particular
day is able not only to advise on the date of that particular Hijrah month but also is able to
indicate if that particular month will be a 29 day month or 30 day month.
It will be interesting to note that this phenomenon and this regular phase pattern is only
possible for a Hijrah Calendar as this is the only lunar calendar which has remained
unchanged since its inception.

I would like to offer my sincere gratitude to Brother Ali Manikfan, my teacher for the
inspiration and guidance provided through his website ‘’. The
information, which he has conveyed through his website is unique and eye-opening.

I must convey my sincere thanks to Br. Abdullateef who actually introduced Br. Manikfan
and the Conjunction concept to me. I wish I had met Br. Abdullateef much earlier.

Last but not the least I must thank Br. Khalid Shaukat for his painstaking efforts on the
‘’ site. Besides providing unique crescent visibility diagrams, the site also
contains much more valuable information.

My colleagues Syed Mutaharuddin Haqqani, Hani Al Sangedy and Mohamed Zia Ul Haq
must be congratulated for their sincere efforts and assistance in the production of this

I will be grateful to the readers and viewers for their comments and corrections of
errors/omissions if any.

May Allah be kind to us all.


Capt Farhat N Siddiqui


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CONJUNCTION : - Month of Muharram (1) – 1430H

The conjunction occurs at 0755 Hrs (07:55 A.M.), UT on MONDAY

30th Muharram (1) 1430 H, corresponding to 0755 Hrs (07:55 A.M.),
UT on MONDAY 26h January, 2009.

The Ground Position (GP) of the Moon is Lat 18˚ 38.9΄ S, Long 64˚
23.2΄ E. This is in Indian Ocean. The closest known place being the
Island of Mauritius.

The Local Mean Time (LMT) at this location is 1225 Hrs (12:25
P.M.). The places along the Meridian to the North are Pakistan,
Afghanistan and Kazakhstan.

The month of Safar (2) 1430 H commences the next day all over the
world, the Hijrah date being TUESDAY 1st Safar (2) 1430 H, The
corresponding Gregorian date is TUESDAY 27th January, 2009.

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CONJUNCTION : - Month of Safar (2) – 1430H

The conjunction occurs at 0135 Hrs (01:35 A.M.), UT on

WEDNESDAY 30th Safar (2) 1430 H, corresponding to 0135 Hrs
(01:35 A.M.), UT on WEDNESDAY 25th February, 2009.

The Ground Position (GP) of the Moon is Lat 06˚ 51.3΄ S, Long 158˚
37.5΄ E. This is in the South Pacific ocean in the vicinity of
Solomon Islands.

The Local Mean Time (LMT) at this location is 1205 Hrs (12:05
P.M.). The place along the Meridian to the North is the eastern tip
of Russia and Solomon Islands to south of this location.

The month of Rabiul Auwwal (3) 1430 H commences the next day
all over the world, the Hijrah date being THURSDAY 1st Rabiul
Auwwal (3) 1430 H, The corresponding Gregorian date is
THURSDAY 26th February, 2009.

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CONJUNCTION : - Month of Rabiual Auwwal (3) – 1430H

The conjunction occurs at 1606 Hrs (16:06 P.M.), UT on THURSDAY

29th Rabiual Auwwal (3) 1430 H, corresponding to 1606 Hrs (16:06
P.M.), UT on THURSDAY 26th March, 2009.

The Ground Position (GP) of the Moon is Lat 06˚ 24.7΄ N, Long 061˚
49.7΄ W. This is in Venezuela.

The Local Mean Time (LMT) at this location is 1206 Hrs (12:06
P.M.). The places along the Meridian to the North are U.S. and
Canada. To the South are Manaus, Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina.

The month of Rabiuth-Thani (4) 1430 H commences the next day all
over the world, the Hijrah date being FRIDAY 1st Rabiuth-Thani (4)
1430 H, The corresponding Gregorian date is FRIDAY 27th March,

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CONJUNCTION : - Month of Rabiuth-Thani (4) – 1430H

The conjunction occurs at 0323 Hrs (03:23 A.M.), UT on SATURDAY

30th Rabiuth-Thani (4) 1430 H, corresponding to 0323 Hrs (03:23
A.M.), UT on SATURDAY 25th April, 2009.

The Ground Position (GP) of the Moon is Lat 17˚ 55.4΄ N, Long 126˚
59.6΄ E. This position is in Pacific Ocean north-east of Philippines.

The Local Mean Time (LMT) at this location is 1153 Hrs (11:53
A.M.).The places along the Meridian to the North are North &
South Korea. Places to the South are East Indonesia and Australia.

The month of Jamadul Awwal (5) 1430 H commences the next day
all over the world, the Hijrah date being SUNDAY 1st Jamadul
Awwal (5) 1430 H, The corresponding Gregorian date is SUNDAY
26th April, 2009.

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CONJUNCTION : - Month of Jamadul Awwal (5) – 1430H

The conjunction occurs at 1211 Hrs (12:11 P.M.), UT on SUNDAY

29th Jamadul Awwal (5) 1430 H, corresponding to 1211 Hrs (12:11
P.M.), UT on SUNDAY 24th May, 2009.

The Ground Position (GP) of the Moon is Lat 25˚ 05.9΄ N, Long 004˚
27.0΄ W. This place is in South-western region of Algeria.

The Local Mean Time (LMT) at this location is 1211 Hrs (12:11
The places along the Meridian to the North are Morocco, Spain and
Ireland. To the South are Mali, Burkina Faso and Abidjan.

The month of Jamadul Thani (6) 1430 H commences the next day all
over the world, the Hijrah date being MONDAY 1st Jamadul Thani
(6) 1430 H, The corresponding Gregorian date is MONDAY 25th
May, 2009.

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CONJUNCTION : - Month of Jamadul Thani (6) – 1430H

The conjunction occurs at 1935 Hrs (19:35 P.M.), UT on MONDAY

29th Jamadul Thani (6) 1430 H, corresponding to 1935 Hrs (19:35
P.M.), UT on MONDAY 22nd June, 2009.

The Ground Position (GP) of the Moon is Lat 25˚ 57.6΄ N, Long 113˚
11.6΄ W. This position is in North Pacific Ocean off the Mexican

The Local Mean Time (LMT) at this location is 1135 Hrs (11:35
A.M.). The places along the Meridian to the North is U.S. and
Canada. In the South is the Pacific Ocean.

The month of Rajab (7) 1430 H commences the next day all over the
world, the Hijrah date being TUESDAY 1st Rajab (7) 1430 H, The
corresponding Gregorian date is TUESDAY 23rd June, 2009.

Main Menu
CONJUNCTION : - Month of Rajab (7) – 1430H

The conjunction occurs at 0235 Hrs (02:35 A.M.), UT on

WEDNESDAY 30th Rajab (7) 1430 H, corresponding to 0235 Hrs
(02:35 A.M.), UT on WEDNESDAY 22nd July, 2009.

The Ground Position (GP) of the Moon is Lat 20˚ 16.0 ΄ N, Long
142˚ 51.8΄ E. This position is in North Pacific Ocean.

The Local Mean Time (LMT) at this location is 1205 Hrs (12:05
P.M.). The places along the Meridian to the North is Japan. Places
to the South are Papua New Guinea and Australia.

The month of Shaban (8) 1430 H commences the next day all over
the world, the Hijrah date being THURSDAY 1st Shaban (8) 1430 H,
The corresponding Gregorian date is THURSDAY 23rd July, 2009.

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CONJUNCTION : - Month of Shaban (8) – 1430H

The conjunction occurs at 1002 Hrs (10:02 A.M.), UT on THURSDAY

29th Shaban (8) 1430 H, corresponding to 1002 Hrs (10:02 A.M.), UT
on THURSDAY 20th August, 2009.

The Ground Position (GP) of the Moon is Lat 10˚ 03.4΄ N, Long 029˚
30.1΄ E. This location is in Sudan .

The Local Mean Time (LMT) at this location is 1202 Hrs (12:02
P.M.). The places along the Meridian to the North are Egypt and
Turkey. Places to the South are Rwanda, Burundi, Zambia,
Zimbabwe and South Africa.

The month of Ramadan (9) 1430 H commences the next day all over
the world, the Hijrah date being FRIDAY 1st Ramadan (9) 1430 H,
The corresponding Gregorian date is FRIDAY 21st August, 2009.

Main Menu
CONJUNCTION : - Month of Ramadan (9) – 1430H

The conjunction occurs at 1844 Hrs (18:44 P.M.), UT on

FRIDAY 29th Ramadan (9) 1430 H, corresponding to 1844 Hrs
(18:44 P.M.), UT on FRIDAY 18th September, 2009.

The Ground Position (GP) of the Moon is Lat 02˚ 20.2΄S, Long
104˚ 12.4΄ W. This location is in the South Pacific Ocean.

The Local Mean Time (LMT) at this location is 1118 Hrs (11:18
A.M.). The places along the Meridian to the North are Mexico,
U.S. and Canada. South is the empty expanse of the Pacific

The month of Shawwal (10) 1430 H commences the next day

all over the world, the Hijrah date being SATURDAY 1st
Shawwal (10) 1430 H, The corresponding Gregorian date is
SATURDAY 19th September, 2009.11

Main Menu
CONJUNCTION : - Month of Shawwal (10) – 1430H

The conjunction occurs at 0533 Hrs (05:33 A.M.), UT on SUNDAY

30th Shawwal (10) 1430 H, corresponding to 0533 Hrs (05:33 A.M.),
UT on SUNDAY 18th October, 2009.

The Ground Position (GP) of the Moon is Lat 14˚ 19.3΄S, Long 91˚
09.5 ΄ E. This location is in South Indian Ocean.

The Local Mean Time (LMT) at this location is 1133 Hrs (11:33
A.M.). The places along the Meridian to the North are Bangladesh,
China and Russia and to the South is the Indian Ocean.

The month of Dhul Qadah (11) 1430 H commences the next day all
over the world, the Hijrah date being MONDAY 1st Dhul Qadah (11)
1430 H, The corresponding Gregorian date is MONDAY 19th
October, 2009.

Main Menu
CONJUNCTION : - Month of Dhul Qadah (11) – 1430H

The conjunction occurs at 1914 Hrs (19:14 P.M.), UT on MONDAY

29th Dhul Qadah (11) 1430 H, corresponding to 1914 Hrs (19:14
P.M.), UT on MONDAY 16th November, 2009.

The Ground Position (GP) of the Moon is Lat 23˚ 05.6΄ S, Long 113˚
25.5΄ W. This position is in the South Pacific Ocean, West of Chile.

The Local Mean Time (LMT) at this location is 1144 Hrs (11:44
A.M.). The places along the Meridian to the North are U.S. and
Canada. The area in the South is the Pacific Ocean.

The month of Dhul Hajjah (12) 1430 H commences the next day all
over the world, the Hijrah date being TUESDAY 1st Dhul Hajja (12)
1430 H, The corresponding Gregorian date is TUESDAY 17th
November, 2009.

Main Menu
CONJUNCTION : - Month of Dhul Hajjah (12) – 1430H

The conjunction occurs at 1202 Hrs (12:02 P.M.), UT on

WEDNESDAY 30th Dhul Hajjah (12) 1430 H, corresponding to 1202
Hrs (12:02 P.M.), UT on WEDNESDAY 16th December, 2009.

The Ground Position (GP) of the Moon is Lat 25˚ 40.2΄ S, Long 001˚
041.0΄ W. This place is in South Atlantic Ocean, West of Namibia
and South of Ivory Coast.

The Local Mean Time (LMT) at this location is 1202 Hrs (12:02
P.M.). The places along the Meridian to the North are Ivory Coast,
Mauritania, Morocco, Spain and U.K. In the South is Atlantic

The month of Muharram (1) for the New Year 1431 H commences
the next day all over the world, the Hijrah date being THURSDAY 1st
Muharram (1) 1431 H. The corresponding Gregorian date is
THURSDAY 17th December, 2009.

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