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Process Log Entry: 3/30 4/2

Goals From Last Week

Last week, on Tuesday I was supposed to go to T.H. Rogers with Cecilia, but they said that we
had to reschedule for next Tuesday, because the administration wouldnt allow people on campus
due to STAAR testing. So, we decided that we would go in the Morning on Tuesday, April 7. So,
this week I came up with my lesson plan (described more in the research section). I also needed
to get a binder to put the photos from the project in and I did.


This week I didnt talk to my mentor, because I want to wait until the teaching is over so I can
tell them how it went and then we can have a mentor meeting.


This week I looked up lesson plans for recycling and found a brochure on recycling and landfills.

Goals for Next Week

Next week, on Tuesday Im going to T.H. Rogers with Cecilia so I have to keep in contact with
the teachers and run through the lesson and gather the materials. After that, Ill start forming the
binder of pictures and worksheets from the events. I also have to practice for my final oral
speech on Wednesday.

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