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Above is a financial spreadsheet of Warren Road Elementary Schools media center.

Our current funding source is the

Quality Basic Education State Funding. Our allocations are derived using the following formula: total allotment amount from the
school system is divided by total amount of FTE, then multiply by total FTE for each school. At the beginning of the school year, the
school media center was allocated a total of $4,887. Of this allotted amount, $2,687 was to be spent on books, $500 to be spent on
repair and maintenance, $900 was to be spent on supplies, and $800 was to be spent on equipment, with no allotment for new
computers or software. The current expenditures for these allocations does not include equipment. However, money left in accounts
can be compiled if additional purchases are needed. While the schools funding overall is adequate, there is still a deficiency in the
area of technology equipment. Additional funds for items such as computers and ipads are needed in order to meet learning
Two book fairs occur annually that provides an additional source of revenue for the media center. An estimated revenue is
generally $700 to $800. This revenue, set aside, could be used to purchase new computers. Also, another potential fundraiser is a
spring fling dance at the end of the year and a beginning of the year school dance, with all proceeds going to the media centers
technology fund. While these events may not generate enough money for very many computers, it will help defer cost when
purchase is made. A long range goal is to save enough to purchase ipad carts and additional desktops for the computer lab.

Kayla Jackson, Laura Mobley, Sarah West

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