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A : wanna order something? While we waiting for D.

B : I want juice orange please. I want something fresh. Today is really hot
C : me? Hmm maybe meatball. That must be delicious,, hmm yummy
A : okey.
A : i have ordered it, just wait till the order come.
C : where is D? He/she really like to come late.
B : maybe he/she still in class.
A : haha yes i know it,, Ms dewi asked her/him to cleaned the class. Because of
his/her late .
C : oh really? Haha thats funny. He/sshe always late !!
B : foods coming !! im so hungry
A : lets eat while we waiting fr D.
D : guys, did you hear about randy?
C : what is it?
D : Randy entered a hospital
B : when? Why is it?
A : which hospital?
D : waiiiit.. just ask me one by one. I cant get all your question. Did you know
that randy have kidney disease?
A, B, C : yeeees
D : his parent told that he taken to the hospital the night before.they said that
there were some complication in his gastrointestinal. It was intestines and
stomach. That complication due to his kidney disease. So randy hard to defecate.
It has been 2 days he couldnt defecate and hard to get sweat.
B : God.. how is he?
D : he still in ICU. cairan yang yang ada ditubuhnya ga bisa keluar, baik keringat maupun air seni
karena ginjal yang terganggu. Jadi kulit randy menggembung berisi cairan. Untuk sementara masih
pake infus khusus biar bisa buang air kecil dan berkeringat.
A : emang kamu tau beritanya dari mana?

D : kebetulan randy itu anak temen baik papa ku, jadi tadi pagi papa randy telpon papaku buat titip
kabar randy ke aku.
C : apa yah yang buat randy sampe kayak gini?
D : papaku bilang si dari hasil pemeriksaan, randy sering mengkonsumsi minuman instan. Padahal
tidak baik bagi penderita randy, penumpukan ini berakibat pada ginjal randy.
B : yaudah tunggu apa lagi, kerumah sakit aja sekarang!
D : jangan, mending kita tunggu sampe pulang sekolah, tanggung kan tingga 1 pelajaran lagi
A : bener. Kita kesana mau bawa apa?
C : bawa buah-buahan aja lah, biar praktis
D : boleh juga, jadi kita pulang sekolah langsung aja beli buah dulu baru ke rumah sakit yah.
B : mudah-mudahan randy cepet sembuh yah, biar bisa bully dia lagi haha
A : astaga B masih bisa yah kayak gitu bukannya doain juga
D : udah lah, mending masuk kelas sekarang deh.
C : okeeee

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