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UNIV 401
April 2, 2015

A Decision
During the course of our lifetimes we make many significant and difficult choices that affect us.
These Choices affect our personal and professional lives. Therefore we make these with care.
One of the most difficult and important decisions that I have made was deciding whether to
Pursue my master degree In United States of America or my home country. I had a discussion
with my family members I explained them all my possibilities my father was much more
inclined towards my masters in United States of America even which I taught of my father
gave me full freedom to pursue my masters in United States of America.

Indeed I made a good decision, I came to know this after coming to

United States of America because the kind of exposure we get is very useful for a student
Especially for a student in Engineering background. The kind of practical study classes which I
attend here helps me to get closer to the topic while in our home country we have a lot of theory
to deal with. The Professors here are highly educated and most of them have a doctorate. The
course curriculum is designed very professionally so that each and every topic is being covered.
And I came to knew that masters degree form USA universities have a very good value all
around the world which makes me even more proud for the decision which I have taken. Here I
get to share my ideas with different people from different parts of the world its a multicultural
society we learn a lot when we share each others expriences. I tend to have a chat with my
parents regarding my studies they feel very proud for the decision I have taken.

I feel decisions are life changing so we have to think twice before we

Take a next step in our life. A timely decision in our life can have a good impact
in our life and our family.

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