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Transaction costs and institutional change

p. 1

Siting hazardous facilities : searching for effective institutions and processes

p. 13

Fair strategies for siting hazardous waste facilities

p. 66

Mitigation and benefits measures as policy tools for siting potentially hazardous
facilities : determinants of effectiveness and appropriateness

p. 63

Social pressure in siting conflicts : a case study of siting a radioactive waste

repository in Pennsylvania

p. 85

The limits of flexible and adaptive institutions : the Japanese government's role in
nuclear power plant siting over the post war period

p. 109

Implementing structured participation for regional level waste management planning

p. 135

Communication and information : unanticipated consequences in France's underground p. 155

laboratory siting process
Balancing risks to nature and risks to people : the Coode Island/Point Lillias project
in Australia

p. 179

Visions of the future for facility siting

p. 196

Table of Contents provided by Blackwell's Book Services and R.R. Bowker. Used with permission.

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