Lesson Plan

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Year : 1

Time : 1 hour

: World Of Knowledge

Topic : Stay Healthy

Learning Content : 1.1, 1.3, 2.3, 4.3
Learning Standard : 1.1.4, 1.3.1, 2.3.1 3.1.2, 4.3.2
L.O.Come : By the end this lesson pupils will be able to:
1. Say the market experience and vegetables name
2. read the vegetables name
3. match the words to the correct picture

Time/ Activity

Activities Planned


5 Minutes

Step 1
15 minutes

Step 2
15 minutes

Step 3

1. Greetings by teacher and pupils.

2. Teacher Shows a huge poster of
a market.
3. Teacher asks some questions to
the pupils.
4. Teacher list out pupils responds

1. Anyone has been to
the market,
supermarket or night
2. What are the
vegetables have you

1. Teacher shows the picture cards

of vegetables.
2. Asks pupils to guess the names
of vegetables.
3. Teacher shows the word cards of
vegetables and pupils read aloud
the words.
4. Pupils match the words to the
correct picture.
5. Teacher explains about the
benefit of eating vegetables.

Vegetables picture

Making own mask

1. Teacher explains about the
2. Each pupil distributes the
materials to create own mask.
3. Teacher demonstrate how they
can be made into mask.
4. Pupils choose one vegetable and
make mask.

Word cards

Colour, Clean paper,
scissors, gum, manila card

Lets act

10 minutes

1. Pupils are divided into two

2. Teacher explains they are going
to market to buy vegetables.
3. 1 group wears the mask first and
pretend to be a vegetables.
4. The 2nd group are the purchaser.

5. The vegetables must talk and

say please buy me Im very
tasty and Im good for your skin.
10 minutes

5 minutes

1. Teacher provides the work sheets

to pupils.
2. Teacher gives the instructions.
3. Pupils carry out exercise.
4. Teacher guides them
1. Teacher recall the vegetables
2. Teacher asks pupils to say what
will happen if dont follow the
balanced diet.
3. Teacher ends the class with
thank you


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