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Evans Middle School

Band Handbook
Welcome to the Evans Band page. You are the most important part of one of the
most successful instrumental music programs in our district. This handbook will
outline your band program and it should become a very important resource that
you can turn to when questions arise.
The rules outlined on the following pages are simple and sound. Abiding by these
rules allows you to fulfill an obligation to your school, to your fellow band
members, to your family, and to yourself. Only when every member of the band
puts forth a 100% effort can a band attain its goals in musical achievement and
service to school and community. The more you invest of yourself, the more will
be your reward. Together we can make this the best year ever.
Please take special notice of the sections dealing with attendance at
functions, fees, insurance, grading system, rehearsals, daily procedures,
uniforms, and important dates.
Parents and students are requested to read this entire handbook, discuss it, and
keep it for reference for the school year.
I appreciate all your support and look forward to another exciting school year.
Bob Culbreth, Evans Middle School Band Director

Band Handbook Index

1. Evans Band Course Descriptions

2. Method Books
3. Discipline
4. Daily Rules and Procedures
5. Grading
6. Practice
7. Attendance to Performances and Rehearsals
8. Early Entry by Music Students
9. Band Office
10. Concert Etiquette
11. Band Officers and Section Leaders
12. Forms
13. Solo and Ensemble/Honor Band
14. District 6 Band Performance Evaluation
15. Instruments and Equipment
16. Private Lessons
17. Uniforms
18. Parental Help

Evans Band Course Descriptions
The Evans Band consists of four performing groups. All daily classes
represent either a section of a larger group or a complete performance
group unto itself. At this time there are in excess of 170 members in our
program and those members are divided among the groups listed below.
Symphonic/8th grade Honors Band Prerequisite: Audition - Teacher
Recommendation - This is the advanced band which is made up of 7 th and 8th
grade students who have attained a high degree of proficiency on their
instrument. Members of this organization will perform at all competitions,
contests, and concerts and should be prepared to spend time outside the school
day preparing for these performances. (All Year) There is a uniform fee of $25.00
and a $30.00 maintenance fee for school owned instruments.
Students selection to this class will be greatly influenced by the student's past
record of personal discipline, dedication, sense of commitment and their ability to
function as a member of a team. Elements of music are approached through
exercises of increasing difficulty which present challenging, interesting, and
enriching activities. Solo and group contests are extremely important and provide
competitive opportunities for students to receive constructive criticism from
adjudicators out side the district. This is an all year class. Students are expected

to come once a week to either a before school or after school rehearsal.

Students not complying with the class requirements or not maintaining
performance standards or discipline levels commensurate with an honors class
will be moved down to Concert Band at the earliest opportunity. Students may be
required to sign a contract with a parental endorsement acknowledging that they
understand and will comply with the requirements for this class.
SYMPHONIC/7th GRADE HONORS BAND Prerequisite: Audition - Teacher
Recommendation - This is the advanced band which is made up of students who
have attained a high degree of proficiency on their instrument. Members of this
organization will perform with the advanced 8 th graders at competitions, contests,
and concerts and should be prepared to spend time outside the school day
preparing for these performances. (All Year) There is a uniform fee of $25.00 and
a $30.00 maintenance fee for school owned instruments.
Students selection to this class will be greatly influenced by the student's past
record of personal discipline, dedication, sense of commitment and their ability to
function as a member of a team. Elements of music are approached through
exercises of increasing difficulty which present challenging, interesting, and
enriching activities. Solo and group contests are extremely important and provide
competitive opportunities for students to receive constructive criticism from
adjudicators out side the district. This is an all year class. Students are expected
to come once a week to either a before school or after school rehearsal.
Students not complying with the class requirements or not maintaining
performance standards or discipline levels commensurate with an honors class
will be moved down to Symphonic Band at the earliest opportunity. Students may
be required to sign a contract with a parental endorsement acknowledging that
they understand and will comply with the requirements for this class.
8th GRADE CONCERT BAND Prerequisites for this band include beginning
band, seventh grade band and teacher recommendation-This course is designed
for students who have completed two or more years of study on their band
instrument but who have not yet achieved a level of excellence commensurate
with being placed in an advanced band. Members of this organization may
perform at UIL competitions and concerts and may spend time outside of the
school day preparing for these performances. (All Year) There is a $25.00
uniform maintenance fee and a $30.00 maintenance fee for school owned
Students are expected to be performing at grade level on their instruments. They
should be striving to maintain excellent team oriented discipline. Elements of
music are approached through increasing difficulty which presents challenging,
interesting, and enriching activities. Solo and group contests provide competitive
opportunities for students to receive constructive criticism from adjudicators
outside the district. This is an all year class. Opportunities will exist often, for

students to be moved to 8th Honor Band if their performance and discipline are
on a level justifying advancement.
7th GRADE CONCERT BAND Prerequisites for this band include beginning
band, and teacher recommendation.-This course is designed for students who
have completed one year of study on their band instrument but who have not yet
achieved a level of excellence commensurate with being placed in an advanced
band. Members of this organization may perform at UIL competitions and
concerts and may spend time outside of the school day preparing for these
performances. (All Year) There is a There is a $25.00 uniform maintenance fee
and a $30.00 maintenance fee for school owned instruments.
Students are expected to be performing at grade level on their instruments. They
should be striving to maintain excellent team oriented discipline. Elements of
music are approached through increasing difficulty which presents challenging,
interesting, and enriching activities. Solo and group contests provide competitive
opportunities for students to receive constructive criticism from adjudicators
outside the district. This is an all year class. Opportunities will exist often, for
students to be moved to 7th Honor Band if their performance and discipline are
on a level justifying advancement.
FOOTBALL BAND The football band will perform at all home games and some
pep rallies. This group is open to all 7th and 8th grade band members. We will
meet after school on Tuesdays until 4:30.

BEGINNING BAND (6th GRADE) Instruments will be assigned primarily

according to the abilities of the student and then the needs of the band program.
(See instrument choice letter). This course will cover basic fundamentals of tone
production and note reading. Elements of music are approached through
exercises of increasing difficulty which present challenging and interesting
problems for students to master through individual practice and class rehearsal.
Students and parents will be assisted in all matters pertaining to instrument
procurement and materials for class. This is an all year class. These classes are
combined at various times through the year to prepare for concerts. These
mandatory rehearsals are held after school until 5 p.m. before each concert.
Students who have transportation problems with rehearsals or concerts should
discuss the problem with their parents and band directors early so that a solution
can be found. There are two concerts during the year, one during the holiday
season and a spring concert in May. All concerts start at 6:00 P.M.


Following are a list of method books used at Evans. They all should be
available at your neighborhood music store. You will be given ample notice,
on the order of three or four weeks, to purchase a new book.
All students should have a three ring binder and clear sleeves to place your
music in.

Band Expressions Book one.
Essential Elements Book Two. Symphonic band members will also need
Foundations For A Superior Performance.


Foundations for A Superior Performance.


Band by its very name suggests oneness, teamwork, ensemble, and great
cooperation, with everyone striving for a common goal. This all comes at a time
in a middle school students life when students are striving for individual identity.
A very small number of students find that they can't make this kind of sacrifice
and become disruptive discipline problems in band class. These students will not
be allowed to affect the quality of learning taking place in that class. Continued
problems will result in that student being moved down to another connections
class. Band students are expected to accept responsibility for their actions.
All discipline problems will be handled on an individual basis.

The following is the guideline to a successful rehearsal. These guidelines should
be considered rules. Rule violations incur a penalty and a resultant action that is

negative to the band. The student who violates the rules is responsible for
reducing the amount of time for rehearsal and consequently is hurting the entire
1. Enter the rehearsal hall in a quiet, courteous, and orderly manner.
2. Quickly get your instrument and music and take your seat.
3. A student will be considered tardy if they are not in their seat, ready
to rehearse at the end of the five minute passing period from the
class change.
4. Students will check the whiteboard or Smart board for the agenda
and put their method books and music in the order of the agenda.
5. Concert attention will be observed when the director steps on the
podium and no further talking will be permitted.
6. Students will not play instruments without permission.
7. Students will not play other student's instruments. This includes
percussion and district owned instruments.
8. Band members should have the following for every rehearsal:
o INSTRUMENT with the necessary accessories.
9. All school books, horn cases, and equipment not needed for the
rehearsal should be left in the instrument storage shelf or book
10. Good posture is essential at all times.
11. Music stands are for music.
12. If it becomes necessary to take your instrument to a repair shop,
please remember to bring a note from home, your mouthpiece and
music. There is always a strong possibility that we might provide a
temporary instrument.
13. When class is over, quietly remain in your seat until you are
14. Individual practice is a must! You should practice most days either
during homeroom or at home.
15. Students who do not bring their instruments to school will have
points deducted from their participation grade, lose chair ranking,
and will endanger their band ranking. They will call home and do a
written assignment during class.
16. Students violating these simple rules on a regular basis risk
demotion to the next lower band.


Evans band students are tested many times in any nine-week period. The vast
majority of tests will be performance tests. Major tests will be assigned several
days in advance and will usually consist of an exercise, scales, a music passage
from folder music, or an etude from a required method book. Other tests may
occur randomly and may or may not be graded. These tests will be given from
any source in the student's folder. During any nine week period there will be
several chair tests and challenges. All grades should be considered equal for the
purpose of the nine-week average.
Areas that are graded:

Performance tests (discussed above)

Attendance at rehearsals
Concerts, Contests, Solo and Ensemble Contest
District Honor Band
Written Tests
Practice Reports

Band students at Evans should be prepared to devote a minimum of twenty
minutes daily to individual practice. The rewards of playing a musical instrument
increase in direct proportion to the number of hours invested in individual
practice. These rewards include chair placement, grade, and self satisfaction.
There will be many times during any seven day period when more time than
twenty minutes can be devoted to practice. The key is to set aside a certain time
every day for practice. Set up a daily schedule to insure that practice is an
important part of your daily studies. If practice reports are utilized in your class
they will be due each Monday at the beginning of class.

Attendance is required for all rehearsals and public performances of the
various performing groups that make up the Evans Band Program. One

primary purpose of any band program is the preparation for and

participation in public performances and contests.

Most dates for public appearances are announced at the beginning of the school
year or at the very least many weeks or even months in advance. The majority of
our functions are listed in the back of this handbook. A band is a close knit team
that is injured greatly by an individual absence at a contest or concert. The
competitions are a very important and a vital part of being in band and missing a
performance will be dealt with the same as if the quarterback for a football team
missed the State Championship Game. Excused absences from public
appearances will be granted in cases of genuine emergency only, such as
serious illness of the student or death in the family. Please call if such an
emergency arises. Jobs, family trips, etc., do not justify an excused absence.
Students, who feel they have an excused absence, should discuss it with the
director before the performance not after! An unexcused absence from any public
appearance is very serious and will be dealt with as an individual case. No
person may remain in the performing band that is not faithful in attendance. The
student will receive a grade of 0 for an unexcused absence. If the student is
excused, they will be expected to make up this grade as the director sees fit.

BAND REHEARSALS The bulk of our work will be done during regular band
period. Do not ask to be excused from this period except in emergencies. School
policy will prevail in dealing with unexcused absences and tardiness during
regular band period.
If a student has a tutoring/private lesson conflict with a rehearsal, the student
needs a note from the teacher or parent.
SECTION REHEARSALS (early rehearsals) Attendance at section rehearsals
is of utmost importance. This time is spent working on specific problems of the
individual instruments and players. Sectionals will be scheduled both before and
after school. All efforts will be made to work around scheduled conflicts such as
athletics and other school functions. Excused absences will be granted only by
the band director after a note from the parent is received prior to the absence. In
the case of unforeseen absences, a note must be presented to the band director
upon return to class. The directors are aware that there will be some conflicts
with athletic events or practices that cannot be avoided. It is the students
responsibility to inform the director of any problem well in advance. Unexcused
absences from section rehearsals will result in loss of all chair rank and must be
made up to avoid a grade of zero. Section make-up will be one and one half
times the rehearsal. In other words the student will spend 45 minutes for a 30
minute section missed. Being more than ten minutes tardy will count as one-half

absence. Every effort should be made to avoid doctors appointments, etc. on

section days. During the first two weeks of school, students will be asked to write
down their before and after school conflicts, and a sectional schedule will be
prepared around those. If a student fails to report a conflict, that student will be
held responsible for attending sectionals. The band director may need to change
the schedule as the needs of the band changes. Advance notice of 24 to 72
hours will be given. Morning sectionals start at 7:30 a.m. punctual arrival is very
important. After school sectionals start promptly at 3:45 p.m. and will be over at
4:45 p.m. Make arrangements to be picked up ahead of time.

On mornings when there is no early rehearsal, the instrumental music students will be
admitted to the building at 8 a.m. whereupon they should proceed directly to the band
room to deposit their instrument. They will then leave the building and report to home
room. Students who wish to practice during home room (8-8:30) should obtain a band
stamp on their agendas. You first report to home room to be counted present. The
normal entrance for the above action will be the door next to the band room. Students
should not "roam" the halls and those that are caught doing so, will lose morning band
privileges and be subject to a school discipline referral.

Students will not be allowed entrance to the band office without permission from
one of the band directors. Blanket permission will be given to librarians. School
policy applies concerning use of the phone. Students must ask the director's
permission before using the phone. Students who have business in the office
should first knock and ask permission to enter. Never enter the office without
permission when a director is not present. No student will enter the office area if
a director is conducting business with a parent, administrator or another teacher.

Since performance is a major objective of any band, concert etiquette must be
learned and practiced.

1. Everyone should remain seated during the performance of each

selection. If one must leave during a concert, they should quietly exit
between musical selections.
2. There should be no talking during another groups performance.
Every effort must be made to avoid distractions.
3. At the end of each selection, the audience should applaud. Shouting or
whistling is not acceptable. Hopefully all students will appreciate the
opportunity to hear other groups perform. Should there be a problem with
any student during a concert, that person may be asked to leave and may
not be allowed to perform on the next concert. Remember that you must
set an example of personal discipline. Be polite. Politely applaud
regardless of your impression of the performing group. Do not be

The band teacher will normally hold the band officers or section leaders
responsible for taking care of music and assisting with minor problems
associated with band rehearsals. Seeing that each person has the correct part
shall be the responsibility of the first chair player in the section. Only librarians
are allowed pull music. One person will be selected to represent the following
combined sections: Low reeds, low brass, and percussion. Each position will be
held by virtue of leadership and playing skill. The position is determined by
performance tests, personal discipline, and attitude.
The section leaders duties will include:
1. Helping others in their section.
2. Reminding section members of section rehearsals.
3. Assisting the director during rehearsals.

The students will be making trips to concert and contest sites during the school
year. A permission form, with pertinent information will be sent home several
days before the event. A parent or guardian signature on this form is required for
the student to leave the school grounds. The form is very important; it keeps the

parent informed and gives permission to travel to and from important band

Solo and Ensemble/Honor Band
SOLO AND ENSEMBLE CONTEST This year, I and Mr. Boyd will host a County
Solo and Ensemble Festival. This event is open to all band students. It is my
hope that all Evans band students will participate in this Festival. Students
entering the solo and ensemble contest must pay an entry fee for participation
(usually $5.00 per person per event). Those playing solos must supply music and
piano accompanist. The directors will help students select music for this contest.
The band library contains many excellent examples of solos and ensembles and
the students are encouraged to begin looking early through our collection and
also online on the Smart Music program. This event will be held in early spring.

DISTRICT 6 HONOR BAND District Six sponsors a program to honor the

outstanding middle school band seventh and eighth grade students from
throughout our region. Members of the honor bands are selected based on an
audition of scales, prepared music and sight-reading. (This audition also serves
as the first of two auditions for the Georgia Allstate Middle School Band).Those
students selected for the band will participate in a clinic and concert under the
leadership of a well known conductor. It is an extreme honor to be selected to
this elite group. Evans has always been well represented. All 7 th and 8th grade
band members are encouraged to participate. Extra credit will be given for this
event. Students will be screened to find their level of performance on the required
material. Participation will be denied those who fall short of the district


Coweta County Honor Bands Each year, the outstanding members of the five
middles schools in Coweta County will be selected by their directors to represent
their school. We have a sixth grade band and a combined 7 th and 8th grade band.
All selected students will then audition for chair placement within the honor band.
This event takes place over a weekend culminating in a Saturday afternoon
concert. We hire clinicians who are recognized as leaders in our field. Most are
nationally recognized.

District Six Band Performance Evaluations
The District Band Evaluations is a very important event. This event is our version
of the CRCT evaluations. We will prepare and perform works from a list that has
been established by the Georgia Music Educators Conference. The purpose of
the Evaluations is to compare where our program is in relation to other programs
of the same experience and ability levels. We use the feedback given, to create
new goals and focus. Evans bands have consistently earned the top ratings of
Superior for performance and Sight reading for many years. We hope to continue
this tradition for many more!
There will be several after school rehearsals and a pre-festival concert in
preparation for this event.
We hope for great support from band students and parents during the contest

Each band member will be expected to keep his or her instrument in excellent
condition. Grades will be given on periodic inspections. All cases will have the
students name clearly marked on both sides and ends.

1. Keep instrument free of dust.
2. Check pads weekly for worn or torn skins.
3. Keys should be oiled and wooden instruments should be bore oiled at
least twice a year. Never perform either operation without instructions
from one of the directors.
4. Mouthpieces should be cleaned daily. (things you can't see start growing)
5. Double reed players should have 2 playable reeds at all times. Clarinets
and Saxes should have 6 playable reeds. Playable means no chips or
cracks and looks new. Try #3 Vandoren (blue box), listen to your private

6. Cases should be clean and clearly display name and class, on masking
tape, on the end of the case facing into the band hall from your slot.

1. Instrument should be washed weekly, inside and out. Do not perform this
task without instructions from your director.
2. Mouth pieces should be cleaned daily. (see previous #4)
3. Tuning slides should be greased after the weekly wash.
4. Trombone slides should be lubricated with the slide cream as necessary.
5. Valves should be oiled as necessary.
6. Cases should be kept clean and clearly display name and class, on
masking tape, on the end of the case facing into the band hall from your

1. All players should have two pair of snare sticks.
2. All players are responsible for keeping all equipment clean and in good
working order.

SCHOOL OWNED INSTRUMENTS There is a new maintenance fee of $30.00

per year for using school instruments. (This does not apply to MHOF
instruments; however you are responsible for any repairs needed due to
negligence). The fee may be paid in $15.00 installments at the beginning of each
semester. See elsewhere in the handbook for the forms related to the previous
fees and insurance. Instruments will be supplied to students to give the band a
well-balanced instrumentation. It is the duty of each student playing a school
instrument to take the best possible care of it. Those persons using school
equipment must fill out an agreement of use form, have it signed by the parent,
and return it to the director.
Students using school instruments are responsible for any damage
brought about through carelessness. It will be the student's responsibility
to have the instrument repaired at an approved music store.

INSTRUMENT INSURANCE You are strongly urged to insure your personal

instrument. Insurance must be purchased if you use a school instrument.
Insurance may be purchased through the school district's insurance company.
You might check with your insurance representative about whether your home
owners policy covers.

Whether or not your instrument is personally owned or school owned, always

make sure that you have a written record at home of the make, model and serial
number. This information will be required if something should happen to the
The value that you should insure the instrument should be the replacement cost.
Check with your director for the value of a district owned instrument.
MUSIC Music and folders will be provided free to students in band. The folder
should last a semester. If a replacement is required before the end of the
semester, a replacement may be purchased for a fifty cent fee. All students are
responsible for all music in their folders. Folders should be kept in the assigned
slot during the day. It will be each students responsibility to make arrangements
to have their music at school if they are going to be absent. This is especially true
for stage band members where each part is so important. Sixth grade students
should keep their method books and sheet music in organizers/three ring
binders, much the same way as in other classes.
It is very important that all music is taken care of and preserved for use in future
years. Music lost or destroyed must be paid for at the rate of fifty cents per part.
Students will be charged replacement costs for school owned method books that
are lost. Music which is not turned in one day after it is taken up is considered
lost and will be paid for.
Folders or music left out after rehearsal will be picked up and the student will
move down one chair and lose 10 points on class participation grade.
Music may be marked in pencil only and music must never be folded. Try to get
in the habit of numbering all measures of music in your folder.
All music, method books, and folders must be clearly marked, in pen, with your
name, instrument, and class.

I will always strive to give as much individual attention to each student, but time
constraints, and with the size of a band program, I do not reach each individual
as often as needed. The success of every outstanding band program depends on
the quality of the players as well as the determination of the band students to
give that extra effort. Top school band programs across the state typically have
large numbers of the students studying privately. Excellent private teachers take

the student to the next level, many times teaching finer points that will never be
covered in a class setting. Contact me for help locating a private teacher.

The seventh and eighth grade symphonic band members will use a formal
uniform. The boys uniform includes tuxedo-style black slacks, white tuxedo shirt,
tuxedo jacket, cummerbund and bow tie. Girls will wear a black formal dress tea
length and black dress shoes. The band department will purchase the uniforms,
and students will pay a one-time fee to help defray the cost of repair and
Each full year, the student will pay a one-time uniform fee of $25.00. Students will
be measured at the beginning of the school year and the fee should be paid at
that time.
Each student must return the uniform to the music department at the end of his
or her year(s) of participation in the music program.
All band members 6th 7th and 8th grade will wear the Evans band golf style shirt,
Khaki pants, and dark dress shoes (no tennis shoes). Please see the forms page
to order a shirt.

There are many times during the year when the band will need the support
and help of parent volunteers. We will have a range of needs in many
different areas. Parental help will be needed as chaperones, office help,
piano accompanists, transportation, etc.


There are many times during the year when the band will need the support and help of
parent volunteers. We will have a range of needs in many different areas. Parental help will
be needed as chaperones, office help, piano accompanists, transportation, etc.
I am interested in helping the band program in the following ways:
___________typing and office work
___________piano accompanist at solo contest
___________programs - printing and designing
___________hospitality-planning receptions, parties, etc.
___________concert equipment and set-up
___________band newsletter (bi-monthly)
___________baked goods (receptions, etc.)
___________computer (help enter data on computer in band office)
___________VCR (help put together recruiting video of school year)
___________fund raising help
___________uniforms (help with repair, issuing, replacement, etc.)

STUDENT NAME__________________________________________
PARENT NAME___________________________________________
HOME PHONE____________________________________________
WORK PHONE____________________________________________

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