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__________________1. A government official that disburses government funds beyond approved budget
may be charged with
__________________2.The activities necessary to perform a major purpose for which a government
entity is established.
__________________3. It is a compound of program covering a homogeneous group of activities that
result in the accomplishment of an identifiable output.
__________________4.The services, products or benefits accruing to the public estimated in terms of
performance target.
__________________5.The actual asset of the government agency such as cash, receivables, land and
__________________6. A national budget designed wherein total estimated revenue is more than total
estimated expenditures.
__________________7. This type of budget focuses on the objects of expenditure such as salaries and
wage, traveling expenses, freight, supplies, materials equipment.
__________________8. This is a process in budget preparation that required systematic consideration of
all programs, projects, and activities with the use of defined ranking procedures, and does not accept
the priors year budget as a starting point for analysis.
__________________9.A covering letter in transmitting as agencys accounting report to CoA, DBM and
others agencies.
__________________10. It is the allotment release by Local Government Units ( LGU) or Department of
Budget and Management to barangays.

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