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Put the essays title here please Bonnie.

Name: Bonnie Wang Bei

Class: A5
Title: CW1 Section 3

Concept of beauty changes by different cultures and times (P 1). But now it has been
changed by globalization for internationalizing the measure of beauty
(, 2008). (P 1). This essay will aim to analysis how
globalization changes notions of beauty.
The forces from western beauty firms, and spread of western ideals of beauty by
American movies and televisions shows, also the people who are outside the western
countries want to promote their living standard by using beauty products, these
leadhave led to Wwestern ideals of beauty becominge internationalized (P 3). Beauty
products have roots in Wwestern Europe and America, then diffused into other areas
(P 5, 6). In America, televisions advertised ideals of beauty, and except it, other
countries set up barriers for American beauty products (P 7,8). Furthermore, beauty
contests make the international ideals of beauty due to standardization (P 9). In
addition, market for beauty ideals is having a common view with international
standards of beauty (P 10).
For both Chinese and Indians, who are affected by western beauty ideals, people are
willing to get success with using beauty products because of the influence of western
advertisements, television shows and films (P 11). Effect for the India is that beauty
contests are using international norm of beauty , even there was remonstrance against
them (P 12). Moreover, in the city, more Chinese women love to get cosmetic surgery
for what they want (P 13).
In conclusion, western ideals of beauty have been accepted by almost the whole world
(P 16).

Reference: (2008) Is Beauty Globalised? [online] New York: Levin
Institute. Available from [Accessed 14/11/2014].

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