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Socrates Questions

What are the steps of the Socratic method of thought?
Socrates compared his steps to pottery. You had to first have the
idea and rough concept. You would then mold your idea, shape it
and help it form up with care. Next boar it out, look at all the
illogical and conformism of it and remove it from within the initial
thought with out destroying the thought of its trueness. Finally
shape the idea to be water tight, that the idea itself will not
crack, leak, break, or crumble under the stress of multiple
outside opinions.
Respond to the quote The unexamined life is not worth living.
Life is a gift we receive, free will is something that was given to
use by the will of God. We use this free will to examine life as a
whole, to challenge the majority, the common idea and law, or
explore what is unexplored. If we dont challenge life and leave it
unexamined, untouched; we waste our gift and ignore our free
How effective are focus and research groups?
The effectiveness of any group with a goal, in this case focus and
research, tends to be a toss up. However, groups usually only
focus on majority rule or common knowledge and facts already
accepted wildly by society. The issue is groups dont really
research creditable sources; with the introduction of multimedia,
people can now find creditable sources and share information as
a group without ever-even meeting face to face. Which at first
may be a good thing but can ultimately limit the social
interaction for some groups that need to meet in person rather
then over a webcam.
Is every opinion worth listening to and is the majority opinion always
Opinions are never correct and the populous as whole is never
truly correct either. Opinions are a matter of express idea based
solely on ones bias or ideology. Its when these opinions are
treated like holly gospels that they are incorrect even more then
before. If you apply Socrates logic this is exactly what he means,
If the idea is not one or original idea and widely accepted its
opinion. TO say opinion is correct is like saying the president is
right because he is the president. Its not one sided or defiant,
and should be treated with moderation.

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