Communication: Messages. But The Three V's Don't Always Line Up. Think About

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Up to 80% of what we communicate is nonverbal, says Joe Navarro,

a former FBI agent turned nonverbal communication expert and
author of What Every Body Is Saying. That means every gesture, look,
mouth twitch, eyebrow raise, even the way we stand sends a message.
No wonder researchers have been studying the science of body
language for decades-and what they've found can help you
communicate more effectively.
We relate to people in three ways: verbally (with words), vocally (tone
of voice), and visually (body language), says Albert Mehrabian, PhD,
emeritus professor of psychology at UCLA and author ofSilent
Messages. But the three V's don't always line up. Think about
someone who tries to put a good face on during a difficult time in her
life. She may tell you she's doing fine, but she frowns a bit when she
says it. That's why body language matters so much: It tells the truth,
even when our words lie, according to Dr. Mehrabian. "If there's an
inconsistency between the verbal, vocal and visual, our words give off
the least information," he says. Our facial expressions play the
greatest role.

Latin word: communis

Meaning: equal or similarity

Any process: sharing information, ideas and feelings

Is an active process and a changing event

Is the key to success

To live is to communicate

To communicate effectively is to enjoy life more fully

Is a two way traffic and not a one way process

1. spoken or written words
2. body language
3. personal mannerism style
4. physical environment

*adds meaning to a message

Is very important in our live

We use it:
1. for persuasion
2. to improve relationship
3. to inform
4. to share
5. to discover and uncover information

Communication: The Elements

1. Who sender
2. To whom the receiver
3. What is said message
4. What channel mode
5. The effect feedback
Communication: The Forms
1. Speech
2. Written
3. Symbols
4. Gestures
Communication: The Types
1. Intrapersonal Communication
2. Interpersonal Communication
3. Communication to Group

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