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Rights of a citizen

1) The right to join political parties and to express political views Every citizen of a country
has the right to join which ever political party he/she believes can govern them in such a way that
theyll feel protected and when expressing their political views, it should be clearly said without
other persons interfering with their opinion.
2) The right of a parent/guardian to provide a school of his own choice for the education of
his child/ward - Every parent has the right to allow their child to obtain an education from the
school in which they want them to attend. This right shouldnt be taken away from the parents
because by them having this right, they will now think that the school that they want their ward
to obtain an education will eventually mold their child/ children into becoming better individuals
in society.
3) Freedom of religious belief- Every citizen has the right to be a part of which ever religious
belief they think suits them best. Person can seek out to the religion that they believe will guide
and answer questions about life for them.
4) Freedom of thought and expression Everyone expresses themselves in different ways and
they have the right to do so, however it must be done in a correct manner i.e. the laws must be
abided by. No one should tell them otherwise in terms of their thoughts and the way they wish to
voice their opinions.
5) Freedom of movement Persons of a country may feel the need to travel to other countries.
They have to right to do so as this may satisfy their wants and needs

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