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Arreaga 1

Jose M Arreaga
Feb 13, 2014
Professor Sansing
English 1001
Research Proposal
The Importance of Tutoring in the 21st Century
The emergence of efficient technology in the 21 st century has increased
communication among people and greatly affected young people. Through this
development the learning process or awareness of topics in all areas are highly
interactive around social media platforms and alternate communication outlets.
Technology has positively contributed efficient communication between individuals;
it has impacted more individuals that are young, tech-savvy, and multitasking. In
the near future, there are plans by Google, the Bill Gates Foundation, and other
successful companies to expand these outlets to third world countries. Through
reliable technology the learning process of young people brings a unique efficient
learning environment. At the same time, tutoring is a vital tool that enhances the
learning process for many students, both those who are advance or behind in class.
Can tutoring in the 21st century be addressed by technology? More
specifically, can tutoring be implemented in social media? Who or what is making
this effort possible?
I strongly agree that technology will address tutoring and create an efficient
virtual learning environment. At the same time, technology needs to be widely
spread to other regions of the world in order for 21 st century tutoring to take place.
In addition, the use of efficient technology in virtual learning attracts the already
tech savvy generation interested in the education process.
Statement of Significance

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In the online world, tutoring can be defined as tutorials, DIY (Do it yourself),
or how to videos. Furthermore, not only online one-on-one sessions but also
information such as posts, shares, and forums indicating tutorials will enhance the
students understanding of a topic. For example, using Facebook for attaining
further clarification on guitar lessons or using YouTube to clarify an algebra problem.
The advantage of these types of tutoring is convenience, accessibility, and public
Already Know
In the 21st century, tutoring can help many students enhance their learning
process. Through physical and online encounters, it is easy to identify how tutoring
has made higher education accessible to many young students. The advantages
that come from this learning environment also come with an early awareness of
technology. Also, the contribution to learning programs in third world countries will
make learning encounters vital to young students who are advanced or behind in
the classroom.
Need to Know
Tutoring is an important tool in a young students education. It can be
described as mentorship, networking, or even workshops. Everything that
contributes to a students education outside of class will greatly affect the way they
learn new material. Facts and knowledge are taught in the classroom but there are
ways to enhance a students learning process. The importance of tutoring is to
obtain an identity between the student and the tutor. Not only background and
personal preference will be customized in a. virtual tutoring session. According to
Gee, No deep learning takes place unless learners make an extended commitment
of self, (Gee 34). As Gee synthesized, players can become committed to the new
learning environment and they will live, learn, and adapt through their commitment
to self. Also, gamers can immerse themselves in the game and incorporate their
skills and talents. To bring out the best and worst in the learning process, students
should make a deep dive into commitment to self. In order to demonstrate what the
students and gamers identity is, they have to take risks to gain experience.

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There are modernize approach to increase tutoring in the 21 st Century by the
use of technology. Technology can help add an efficient line for tutoring between a
student and a tutor. Near in the future, technology will reach more people. There
were be more accessibility for a young person to obtain connection online. With this
in mind, online learning can take place. A good way to use this learning process is
by making tutoring accessible to anyone. Tutoring online can have the same affects
as a face-to-face learning techniques. Disregarding the physical relationship,
tutoring will affect a young person perspective on learning. As indicated in this
passage, Traditionally, we think of students as absorbing the knowledge of the
teachers. We wanted to teach the students to actually create knowledge, to
become producers of knowledge." (Kearney 209) from this passage of More than a
Dream the developing student can learn more through the help of technology.
Another method is by implementing technology through corporations.
Projects such as the LOON by Google want to address internet connectivity with
third world countries. Also the Gates Millennium Project attempts to enhance
education for people all over the world. Organizations and corporations work in
technology to reach all people, it provides a virtual learning environment. At the
same time, tutoring can be a first step for virtual learning environment to take

Arreaga 4

Works Cited
Gee, James Paul. Good Video Games and Good Learning. Phi Kappa Phi Forum 85.2 (2005):
33-37. Print.

Yousafzi, Malala, and Christina Lamb. I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood up for Education and
Was Shot by the Taliban. N.p: n.p., N.d. Priny.

Kearney, G.R. More than a Dream. Chicago: Loyla, 2004. Print.

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