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Natasha Huhem

9780 N. Dorchester Dr., Cedar Hills UT 84062

Home: 801-756-5583 Cell: 385-233-1232


Bilingual Speaker (English/Spanish)

Reliable. Good with meeting deadlines
Customer service oriented


Current member of the National Society of High School Scholars NSHSS

Honor Roll Scholar for ten consecutive terms.
Student Government member
GPA 3.9
Recipient of the National Physical Fitness Award awarded by the President of the United


Swimming Teachers Aide, American Fork Fitness center, American Fork, Utah, summer of

Elementary Teacher Assistant Communication skills. Communicate with the teacher about
expectations, assignments and assistance. Communicate with young students. Sophomore
year of high school 2013-2014.

Cross Country and Soccer Team Teamwork skills. Work together with different people,
different ages, and different talents. Encourage and support each other. Sophomore and
Junior years of high school 2013-2015.

Youth Camp Leader Leadership abilities. Make sure that everyone is included and
involved. Have a good attitude and motivate others. Summer of 2014.

Yearbook Staff Creative and Reliable. Work well with deadlines and other people. Work
with computer programs Microsoft Word, Power Point, Excel, In Design, and Lightroom.
Freshman-Junior years of high school.


Junior at American Heritage School American Fork, UT.

Expected Graduation: 2016
References available upon request.

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