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Name: Nancy Lamoree

PART A: Student can create and publish a movie, audio file, podcast, or vodcast in order to achieve required learning
standards by researching the topic, understanding
the topicAUTHORING
and what is being asked,
applying their research to the video,
podcast, or vodcast, creating the file, and publishing to the classroom blog.
Grade Level: Second grade
Content Area: Social Studies
Technology Used (check all that apply): Movie Audio Podcast Vodcast Other: (list)
Content Area/Grade/Standards/Topics Addressed: SS2H1 The student will read about and describe the
lives of historical figures in Georgia history.
A. Identify the contributions made by these historic figures: James Oglethorpe, Tomochichi, and Mary Musgrove
(founding of Georgia); Sequoyah (development of a Cherokee alphabet); Jackie Robinson (sports); Martin Luther King,
Jr. (civil rights); Jimmy Carter (leadership and human rights).
B. Describe how everyday life of these historical figures is similar to and different from everyday life in the present (food,
clothing, homes, transportation, communication, recreation, rights, and freedoms).
Brief Description of Learning Experience: Students will be learning about important historical figures. They
will apply their knowledge of reading, comprehending, and understanding. The students will be in charge of discovering
knowledge on their historical figure. The teacher will help the students get started on the material by deciding which
student gets what figure, showing several examples of previous students, demonstrating how to work Moviemaker and
taking students to the library to conduct their research. The project will be introduced at the in the middle and at the end
of the semester. It will be introduced to the students by discussing the importance of the historical figures that we have
learned so far. This project will take a week and half to two weeks to complete. The students will have two days to gather
information, 4 days to work on creating the video, and another day finish and publish the work to the classroom blog. The
audience for the project will be the other classmates and family members. The work will be first assessed by their peers.
The classmates will not know whose video they are reviewing. Students will be look over others work and get a checklist
that identifies if the video has pictures, words, music, and animations. After the students have assessed the work, the
teacher will thoroughly review the video and students work. The teacher and classmates will provide generous feedback
about the work.
Student Engagement/Higher-Order Thinking: This project will be a 5 on the LoTi levels. It is a 5 because
the students are using technology, the students are using a high level of Blooms taxonomy by evaluating and creating, the
students will be in charge of their work while the teacher acts as a guide, the students can put in their own activities and
questions, there is a strong emphasis on real-world application, and the students will publish their work to the classroom
blog. The indicators of Engaged Learning used are content and learning goals, learning tasks, student roles, teacher roles,
and assessments. The content and learning goals are standard-bases and requires challenging engagement. The learning
tasks are a strong role because the work being done by the students involves integrating knowledge and skills from other
disciplines to solve problems and address issues. The students are assuming the role of professionals and the work is
student-direct. The students role in this learning experience requires them to be an explorer of the information, and
teacher by producing the video. The teachers role is to act as a guide and facilitator. The assessment indicator is strong in
this learning experience because the students are being graded over their performance-based work with checklist and
rubrics, and receiving feedback on performance.
Importance of technology: Multimedia authoring tools is critical to this project because the students are creating
a video from a program called Moviemaker on the computer. The technology in this project is essential for progress and
completion. The project would not be the same without the technology. The students would not be challenging themselves
with applying the information from the Moviemaker program and the research done if technology wasnt used. The
Internet is the other type of technology being used because the students need pictures and clips in their video.
Inspiration (optional):

Internet Safety and Student Privacy: Briefly discuss some possible issues surrounding internet
safety and student privacy that could arise while implementing this learning experience and explain
how youd minimize risks to students/yourself, alleviate any fears by parents/administrators, and
follow school districts Internet Safety/Use Policy. In order to minimize the risk to students Internet safety, the
students will be conducting research through books from the library and not information off the Internet. However the
students will be getting pictures, music, and video clips from the Internet, but the teacher will only give the students
certain options to use. The teacher should post links to student safe websites for pictures, music and video clips. The
students should not be wandering around on the Internet alone.
Other comments about your proposed student multimedia authoring activity: This project can
be done by writing a paper, doing a poster board, or having the students dress up, but using the Moviemaker program
allows the students to gain knowledge on how to use the program and apply the skills needed. The project is supposed to
be fun and totally different previous projects.

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