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Jacqueline K Cotter

8 Mathematical Practices of Proficient Students - Summary and Observations

1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
Students use reasoning and logic in order to understand the context of the
problem instead of performing rote calculations. When problems are complex,
the students are able to create simple cases to explore the problem and
possible trends and relationship. They can break down the problem into
smaller components to completely evaluate the problem and create a
solution. Finally, the students are not afraid to make mistakes and adjust their
problem solving plan.
Note: While my teachers did not use an extreme system of penalties for
incorrect answers, I was certainly taught in classrooms that desired the
correct answer. Many times the correct answer was valued more than the
process (or building understanding of the context). I hope to implement a
system where my students do not fear failure, but instead see failure as a
necessary part of learning mathematics processes and concepts. For
example, I hope to use a system where students correct problems where
they reached incorrect conclusions (or used incorrect reasoning) I would
also like them to explain their new reasoning and justify their new response.
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
Students make sense of quantities and relationships through two
complementary abilities: 1) the ability to decontextualize, or generalizing a
specific instance or example and 2) the ability to contextualize, or examining
the referents in manipulation more closely and creating a coherent
representation of the problem to build understanding.
Note: Especially in my AP courses, I felt like there was a huge amount of
content, so many times, I focused only on the calculations and ignored the
theory and especially the process of decontextualizing. Sometimes my
teachers had to sacrifice our depth of understanding for us to achieve
mastery of the computations and methods. While I certainly understand this
catch 22, I hope to ask questions and scaffold to help the students build
abstract reasoning skills while learning computations.
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
Students understand and use appropriate basic assumptions and definitions,
and they construct plausible arguments using these foundations through
varied methods and manipulatives. Students are able to demonstrate and
communicate justification of their logic to their peers, and they can discuss
and respond to the processes and arguments of others.
4. Model with mathematics.
Students use their knowledge of mathematics to understand and solve real
world problems. They make assumptions and approximations comfortably
and are able to identify important quantities in a problem and discover
relationships and patterns. Using manipulatives such as diagrams, formulas,
and graphs, students are able to interpret important quantities and results in
terms of the problem.
Note: We used some mathematical modeling in high school, but I want to
look for ways to incorporate modeling throughout my curriculum because
many students learn better using models and manipulatives.

Jacqueline K Cotter
5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
Students possess knowledge of mathematical tools, such as concrete models,
calculators, graphs in many forms, and computer software, and they know
when and how to use the tools appropriately to further their understanding of
a problem and its context. The students also recognize the limitations of
mathematical tools and use a holistic approach when problem solving,
incorporating data gathered using tools with logic and their existing
Note: We used graphing calculators often, but we rarely used any other
manipulatives to model with mathematics. I will familiarize myself with online
software and other methods to assist students in using mathematical tools
6. Attend to precision.
When communicating and discussing mathematics, students use concise
reasoning and communicate precisely. They use clear definitions, exact
labeling, and careful calculation methods.
7. Look for and make use of structure.
Students search for patterns and relationships and discern meaning and
implications of these structures. While solving problems, students reflect to
discover and appreciate new relationships and mathematical complexities by
shifting and/or broadening their perspectives.
Note: Some teachers encouraged this characteristic more than others.
Several teachers encouraged me to look for patterns and make connections
among concepts, but other teachers would simply provide formulas,
concepts, and definitions in isolation. I will emulate the former by carefully
planning lessons so that students are prompted to make connections. I will
also use questions that encourage students to search for patterns and make
their own conclusions.
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Students are able to generalize and strategize based on observed patterns
and repetitions. While working problems, students maintain both a focus on
the big picture and the meaning of patterns and repetitions. Students
oversee the reasoning for their process while attending to specific details,
and they constantly evaluate the reasonableness of their work and methods.
Note: Again, in my schooling, there were many instances were my
classmates and I were lectured or given the patterns and relationships rather
than discovering them on our own (and developing context for them). I want
to encourage my students to constantly search for patterns and opportunities
to generalize them.

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