Lesson Plan Outline For Teaching With Technology (Games)

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Lesson Plan Outline for Teaching with Technology (Games)

Your Name Stacey Reilly

Academic Subject Social Studies

Standards: WHST.6-8.9 Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection
and research. WHST.6-4-1 Applies knowledge from history and social studies.
Subject(s). Social Studies
Prerequisite Knowledge: The Roman Kingdom, Geography of
Ancient Rome and what the people of Ancient Rome learned from
other cultures.

Content Life in Ancient Rome during the Roman Republic. Class structures of the Roman
Republic, specifically government, class structure, daily life and the justice system.

List the objectives for this lesson. Students will understand how the Roman Republic was
divided into classes and the rights of each. They will understand the workings of the government,
including decisions made by different groups. They will understand the daily lives of the people
and how the justice system worked within the Republic of Ancient Rome.
How will you teach the content? Students will be given a class card before arriving in school.
This will be done randomly. The class color will indicate which cards they are allowed to choose.
Each Roman citizen will choose a card that will determine his or her role in the game. Students
will meet in groups to make decisions within their given roles. They will research together to learn
about the Roman Republic and then compete with other citizens to answer questions correctly.
The game will end with the mock trial of Junius Brutuss innocence or guilt in the murder of Julius

Additional materials you will use and how will you use them. Students will use tablets or
computers to research information using links in the game using Class Flow. They will also use
paper, pencils and their devices to record notes and information pertaining to the objectives.

Evaluation Strategies Students will be evaluated through teacher observation, within the game by
answering questions and after creating a Roman Republic foldable to demonstrate their knowledge
of the objectives

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