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Ending homelessness in Michigan

Advocacy by Governor Snyder

Governor Snyder signs executive order 2015-2 to end


Creates inter-agency council

Unites multiple agencies at state level

Governor notes more than 100,000 Michiganders are


50% of homeless population consists of families

Disproportionate rates of illness and victimization by


Make-up of interagency council

Interagency council will consist of the following members or

their designees:

Director of Michigan State Housing Development Authority

Director of Department of Human Services

Director of Department of Community Health

Director of Department of Corrections

Director of Department of Education

Director of Department of Military and Veterans Affairs

Director of Department of Technology, Management and Budget

Director of Department of Natural Resources

A representative of the courts

Four representatives of the general public

Tasks of the Council

Serve as a statewide advisory council regarding policy and

planning for homelessness

Develop and adopt a 10-year plan to end homelessness

Expand housing resources

Expand mental health and substance abuse treatment resources

Insure that institutionalized persons have access to services

Improve cross-system policies and procedures

Increase access to state and federal social service resources

Barriers to ending homelessness

Large amounts of returning veterans to a slow economy

Continued victimization of the homeless by criminals

Continued negative image of the homeless held by society

Schools not detecting homeless students

Lack of advocacy for children in schools

System is not user friendly for young children

Lack of assistance programs at job sites

Factors influencing this executive order

86,189 homeless persons in Michigan

More than of these people are children

69% of homeless families are single mothers with children

Average age of a homeless adult is 32.7 years old

Average age of a homeless child is 7.6 years old

Homeless population demographics:

42% African-American

39% White

13% Hispanic

4% Native American

2% Asian

Michigans rank in homelessness

Michigan is ranked 5th in the nation and 1st in the Midwest

for homelessness

California is ranked 1st for homelessness

The average monthly income of a homeless Michigan

family is $730

38% of Michigans homeless families have monthly incomes

under $500

19% of Michigans homeless adults report a disability

Political processes involved in policy


Successful management style of Governor Snyder

2nd term for Governor Snyder

Greater exposure of homelessness in national and local

news media

Voters expressing more motivation for political

cooperation in order to expedite cost-effective policies

Success story: Marcus Cobb, former homeless vet now living in

Piquette Square in Detroit with funds from combined rent
subsidies, health care, and social services. He is now an
advocate for other homeless vets.

HUD Awards

Department of Housing and Urban Development awarded

65 million dollars in new funding for homeless people

1.7 million dollars goes to Michigan

This funding fits in with President Barack Obamas goal of

ending homelessness for veterans by the end of this year

Increasing public awareness

November 12th to the 20th is National Homeless Awareness


Homeless people can seek housing at 1-800-SHELTER (1800-743-5837

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