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Spring Arbor University School of Education

Unit Plan Essential Elements

Title: Firefly by Andy Beck
Subject: Choir
Grade Level: 5th grade

Time Allotted: approx. 2 hours

Materials Required: Sheet music for each student of Firefly [Two-Part] by Andy Beck
and recording for this piece,
Lesson 1- Listen, Find your Part, and Follow
Lesson 2- Section A, Part 1/Part 2 Circles
Lesson 3- Review A, Learn B and C, Continue with circles
Lesson 4- Section A1 and D, then sing through whole piece
Lesson 5- Dynamic markings and Review (break out of circles)
Lesson 6- More with Crescendo/Descrescendo (full conduct by this point)
Lesson 7- Mood
Lesson 8- Combine all elements and review for final in-class performance
Michigan Curriculum Framework: benchmark and/or GLCE/HSCE/EGLCE

ART.M.I.5.1 - Sing with accurate rhythm, pitch, intonation, with appropriate timbre, technique, and tempo.
ART.M.I.5.2 - Sing from memory.
ART.M.I.5.3 - Sing expressively with appropriate dynamics, phrasing, and interpretation.
ART.M.I.5.5 - Demonstrate ensemble techniques by blending timbre, matching dynamic levels, responding
to the cues of the conductor.
ART.M.I.5.7 - Perform rhythmic and melodic patterns when presented aurally.
ART.M.I.5.11 - Recognize the basic expressive markings of music and demonstrate their understanding through

TLW will listen to a recording of the piece they are to learn while looking at their music
TLW will learn his/her part in a portion of the song they will later perform.
TLW follow his or her part in the music and understand measure markings.
TLW be able to identify dynamic markings in his or her music.
TLW understand the mood of the piece.
TLW follow the cues of a conductor.

SOE Faculty, 2/26/10

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