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Thursday, May 19, 2005

Ian Anderson
Vice-Chair, Order in Council
Ontario Labour Relations Board
505 University Ave, 2nd Floor
Toronto, ON M5G 2P1
Dear Vice Chair Anderson
Re: OLRB File # 1115-04-U
Please be advised that with respect to the above matter, the Ontario English Catholic Teachers
Association (OECTA) has frustrated my efforts. I have attached the letter sent by Ed Chudak
pertaining to contacts and correspondence.
I agreed to an assessment by a psychiatrist who would be located in the Sault, should one
be available. I have obtained a female psychiatrist who I trust, is of high integrity and who
understands my situation and the stress that it has caused me. Mr. Chudak made no effort to
arrange this for me in the Sault but rather quickly called me the following day of our meeting
indicating that there were no psychiatrists in the Sault available and that he would set up an
assessment for me in Toronto with their psychiatrist, Dr. Hy Bloom. Dr. Blooms assessment of
my situation would be completely biased and would favour OECTAs desire to fraudulently hire
me back to my original fulltime teaching position and put me on disability.
This stressful situation temporarily caused me to be hospitalized for a time this year. I
have not needed medical attention for 10 years prior to that. I am back to my regular nutritional
and healthy lifestyle regime and will not be forced to take psychiatric mood altering medication.
The York Catholic School Boards attempt to destroy my teaching career, my educational
business, my health and my life was the reason I became ill in the first place and decided to
hospitalize myself.
From the start of this labour relations dispute, I flatly refused the option of fraudulent
disability claims and rather demanded a pay out settlement for damages done to my life, 10 and
13 years ago while employed with the York Catholic Board, and to retirement age (since they
have prevented me from teaching in the Sault at both boards as well). Since that disability
situation 10 years ago, I built an education system from ages 218 years old which enabled
students the ability to be independent thinkers and offered them an effective, affordable teaching
system that does not inhibit them from exploring their interests and suppressed information. The
school system controls minds and refuses students to become free thinkers. It is based on much
disinformation, confusion, lies and meaningless memory work.
I tried to present this concern that I had with the curriculum to OECTA and the school board. As
a result, they chose to lie and accused me of quitting my supply-teaching job. Had I been still
teaching fulltime, I knew that the repercussions to my life would be far greater had I tried to
expose this corruption, considering I had suffered a great injustice a decade ago, when I tried to
introduce Organics, healthy eating and my efficient study method in my Biology classes.
BSc., BEd., RNCP
468 Northern Ave E, Sault Ste Marie, Ont. P6B4J1

OFFICE: 416-419-9023, 705-255-2346 toll free 1-877-9-Way To A

Website:; Email:

OECTAs behaviour has clearly proven to me their dishonesty, incompetence and

corruption based on greedy, selfish desires. I fail to see where I am incompetent (as I have been
accused of being, by OECTA). I am guilty of knowing too much for the education system. This
is a tragedy for the students, society and my own well-being. By manipulating education and the
media, people become mind controlled. My desire is to teach the truth.
Initially, there should be proof that I quit my supply job, as OECTA has claimed. This lie
has severely affected my life and finances. OECTA had the power to morally restore integrity in
the education system. Instead, they tried to destroy me and cover up the corruption.
They have issues with my competence?
Competence- 1. Meaning capable, having sufficient ability 2. Sufficient for the purpose;
adequate. 3. Belonging as a right.
The system wants to cover up and refuses to address the corruption that I have undeniable
proof about and a vast understanding of. They have not proven me wrong, just ignored and
labeled me incompetent. When the public discovers the cover-up and corruption (which I will
dedicate my life to exposing) then we shall see who is incompetent.
I agree that I am not capable of working in a system that is corrupt, deceiving,
ineffective, dangerous and based on greed. Their trauma based mind control has destroyed my
life and teaching career.
I dont have anything to hide when it comes to being assessed by Dr. Hy Bloom. I just
fear for my own safely while in the hands of OECTA. If they know of my whereabouts while I
am there, it is nothing for them to eliminate the problem and me. Knowledge of what I know and
try to expose has left many people dead or their health and loved ones threatened. Aside from
that, I dont trust his judgment and prefer to choose my own psychiatrist, preferably in the Sault.
I leave the decision in your hands with respect to how we should proceed.
Dana Horochowski BSc, BEd, RNCP
cc. Ed Chudak, Dr. Wallenius, Dr. Marshall

BSc., BEd., RNCP

468 Northern Ave E, Sault Ste Marie, Ont. P6B4J1

OFFICE: 416-419-9023, 705-255-2346 toll free 1-877-9-Way To A

Website:; Email:

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